<UL><LI>ID, group-ID are documented in <AHREF ="fix.html">fix</A> command
<LI>box/relax = style name of this fix command
<PRE>one or more keyword value pairs may be appended
keyword = <I>iso</I> or <I>aniso</I> or <I>tri</I> or <I>x</I> or <I>y</I> or <I>z</I> or <I>xy</I> or <I>yz</I> or <I>xz</I> or <I>couple</I> or <I>nreset</I> or <I>vmax</I> or <I>dilate</I> or <I>scaleyz</I> or <I>scalexz</I> or <I>scalexy</I> or <I>fixedpoint</I>
<I>iso</I> or <I>aniso</I> or <I>tri</I> value = Ptarget = desired pressure (pressure units)
<I>x</I> or <I>y</I> or <I>z</I> or <I>xy</I> or <I>yz</I> or <I>xz</I> value = Ptarget = desired pressure (pressure units)
<I>couple</I> = <I>none</I> or <I>xyz</I> or <I>xy</I> or <I>yz</I> or <I>xz</I>
<I>nreset</I> value = reset reference cell every this many minimizer iterations
<I>vmax</I> value = fraction = max allowed volume change in one iteration
<I>dilate</I> value = <I>all</I> or <I>partial</I>
<I>scaleyz</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = scale yz with lz
<I>scalexz</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = scale xz with lz
<I>scalexy</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = scale xy with ly
<I>fixedpoint</I> values = x y z
x,y,z = perform relaxation dilation/contraction around this point (distance units)
<PRE>fix 1 all box/relax iso 0.0 vmax 0.001
fix 2 water box/relax aniso 0.0 dilate partial
fix 2 ice box/relax tri 0.0 couple xy nreset 100
<P>Apply an external pressure or stress tensor to the simulation box
during an <AHREF ="minimize.html">energy minimization</A>. This allows the box
size and shape to vary during the iterations of the minimizer so that
the final configuration will be both an energy minimum for the
potential energy of the atoms, and the system pressure tensor will be
close to the specified external tensor. Conceptually, specifying a
positive pressure is like squeezing on the simulation box; a negative
pressure typically allows the box to expand.
<P>The external pressure tensor is specified using one or more of the