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Fri, Oct 18, 19:21
* Copyright (c), Ilya Valuev 2005 All Rights Reserved.
* Author : Ilya Valuev, MIPT, Moscow, Russia
* Project : GridMD, ivutils
* $Log: wpmd.h,v $
* Revision 1.4 2011/06/11 16:53:55 valuev
* sync with LAMMPS
* Revision 1.3 2011/06/11 16:45:23 morozov
* Fixed erf.c for Windows and Unix
* Revision 1.2 2011/06/10 19:25:17 morozov
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.43 2011/06/10 19:20:53 valuev
* fixes
* Revision 1.42 2011/06/09 22:55:08 valuev
* norm matrices
* Revision 1.41 2011/06/07 19:58:42 valuev
* corrected partitions
* Revision 1.40 2011/06/07 17:43:00 valuev
* added Y derivatives
* Revision 1.39 2011/06/03 08:13:33 valuev
* added partitions to account for ghost atoms
* Revision 1.38 2011/06/02 22:11:17 morozov
* Compatibility with LAPACK library
* Revision 1.37 2011/06/01 23:45:35 valuev
* modified for LAMMPS compatibility
* Revision 1.36 2011/05/28 17:16:22 valuev
* fixed template<>, some fixes to UHF
* Revision 1.35 2011/05/25 21:30:48 morozov
* Compatibility with ICC 11.1
* Revision 1.34 2011/05/25 05:23:43 valuev
* fixed variable transformation for norm matrix
* Revision 1.33 2011/05/24 19:54:32 valuev
* fixed sqmatrix::iterator
* Revision 1.32 2011/05/21 23:06:49 valuev
* Norm matrix transform to pysical variables
* Revision 1.31 2011/05/20 21:39:49 valuev
* separated norm calculation
* Revision 1.30 2011/05/14 18:56:19 valuev
* derivative for ee split interactions
* Revision 1.29 2011/05/05 08:56:02 valuev
* working split wp version
* Revision 1.28 2011/05/04 16:48:52 valuev
* fixed syntax
* Revision 1.27 2011/05/04 09:04:48 valuev
* completed wp_split (except for ee forces)
* Revision 1.26 2011/04/29 03:07:20 valuev
* new split wp features
* Revision 1.25 2011/04/22 09:52:49 valuev
* working on split WP
* Revision 1.24 2011/04/20 08:43:09 valuev
* started adding split packet WPMD
* Revision 1.23 2010/09/03 12:17:48 morozov
* The order of parameters in Norm matrix is changed to mimic the order of the single WP parameter storage
* Revision 1.22 2009/08/27 00:01:36 morozov
* First working MPI equilibration
* Revision 1.21 2009/04/14 14:44:10 valuev
* fixed momentum calculation in hartree model, added "fix" constraint and model="hartree"
* to parameters
* Revision 1.20 2009/04/13 17:00:45 morozov
* Fixed norm-matrix ratio in AWPMC algorithm
* Revision 1.19 2009/04/06 17:00:28 morozov
* Fixed Hartree version of WPMC
* Revision 1.18 2009/04/01 10:06:37 valuev
* added Hartee factorization to AWPMD
* Revision 1.17 2009/03/24 16:10:05 morozov
* Fixed errors in Norm-matrix calculation related to PBC
* Revision 1.16 2009/03/17 11:40:04 morozov
* The prefactor of NormMatrix is corrected
* Revision 1.15 2008/07/23 16:42:12 valuev
* Added AWPMD Monte-Carlo
* Revision 1.14 2008/07/23 15:58:32 valuev
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.13 2008/07/21 02:23:22 morozov
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.12 2008/07/18 18:15:31 morozov
* *** empty log message ***
* Revision 1.11 2008/05/29 13:33:05 valuev
* VASP band structure
* Revision 1.10 2008/05/14 17:17:26 morozov
* Passed 2- and 3-electron test. Added Norm matrix.
* Revision 1.9 2008/05/05 17:29:32 morozov
* Fixed errors with Hermitian matrix indeces. Redesigned cVector_3 operations.
* Revision 1.8 2008/04/28 22:16:45 valuev
* restructured coulomb term
* Revision 1.7 2008/04/28 09:54:13 valuev
* corrected summation for Eee part
# ifndef WPMD_H
# define WPMD_H
/** @file wpmd.h
@brief Classes for Wave Packet Molecular Dynamics of two component plasma. */
# endif
# include <complex>
# include <vector>
# include <cmath>
# include "logexc.h"
# include "cvector_3.h"
# include "pairhash.h"
# include "TCP/tcpdefs.h"
# include "wavepacket.h"
# include "erf.h"
# include "cerf.h"
using namespace std;
# include "lapack_inter.h"
typedef hmatrix<cdouble> chmatrix;
const cdouble i_unit = cdouble(0.,1.), i_unit1 = -i_unit;
const double h_plank2 = h_plank * 2.;
//cdouble ccerf(const cdouble &a);
//e calculates cerf(c*z)/z
inline cdouble cerf_div(const cdouble &z, const cdouble &c=i_unit){
return c*two_over_sqr_pi;
return cerf(z*c)/z;
//e calculates erf(c*z)/z
inline double erf_div(const double &z, double c=1){
return c*two_over_sqr_pi;
return erf(z*c)/z;
template<class T1, class T2>
struct _myrefpair{
T1& first;
T2& second;
_myrefpair(T1& a, T2 &b):first(a),second(b){}
_myrefpair operator=(const pair<T1,T2> &other){
return *this;
template< class T1, class T2>
_myrefpair<T1,T2> _mytie(T1& var1, T2 &var2){
return _myrefpair<T1,T2>(var1, var2);
inline pair<double,double> operator*(const pair<double,double> &right, double left){
return make_pair(right.first*left,right.second*left);
// Auxilary class to handle the normalizing term derivatives
class NormDeriv
cdouble l; // lambda = (f over a_re)
double m; // mu = (f over a_im) / i
cVector_3 u; // u = (f over b_re)
Vector_3 v; // v = (f over b_im) / i
NormDeriv() {}
NormDeriv(const WavePacket& wp) { set(wp); }
//e Create NormDeriv object and calculate the derivatived for the given WP
void set(const WavePacket& wp){
Vector_3 br = real(wp.b), bi = imag(wp.b);
double ar = real(wp.a), ai = imag(wp.a);
double i_2ar = 0.5 / ar, ai_ar = ai / ar;
v = (-i_2ar) * br;
m = v.norm2();
u = v * (i_unit1 * ai_ar) - wp.b * i_2ar;
l = (1.5*i_2ar + m) + cdouble(0.,2.) * ( (br*bi)*i_2ar*i_2ar - m*ai_ar );
inline NormDeriv conj(const NormDeriv& src){
NormDeriv dst;
dst.l = conj(src.l);
dst.m = -src.m;
dst.u = conj(src.u);
dst.v = - src.v;
return dst;
///\en Auxilary class to handle derivatives of overlaps
class OverlapDeriv{
WavePacket w1, w2, w12;
NormDeriv d1, d2;
cdouble I0, I2;
cVector_3 I1;
cdouble bb_4a;
sqmatrix<cdouble> IDD;
void set1(const WavePacket& w1_) {
//e Create NormDeriv object and calculate the derivatived for the given WP
void set2(const WavePacket& w2_, const cdouble *I0_=NULL){
I0 = w12.integral();
I1 = w12.b * (I0 / w12.a / 2);
bb_4a = w12.b.norm2() / w12.a / 4;
I2 = I0 * (bb_4a + 1.5) / w12.a;
cdouble da2_re() const {
return (d2.l*I0 - I2);
cdouble da2_im() const {
return i_unit*(d2.m*I0 - I2);
cdouble da1_re() const {
return (d1.l*I0 - I2);
cdouble da1_im() const {
return -i_unit*(d1.m*I0 - I2);
cdouble db2_re(int i) const {
return d2.u[i]*I0 + I1[i];
cdouble db2_im(int i) const {
return i_unit*(d2.v[i]*I0 + I1[i]);
cdouble db1_re(int i) const {
return d1.u[i]*I0 + I1[i];
cdouble db1_im(int i) const {
return -i_unit*(d1.v[i]*I0 + I1[i]);
///\en Calculates derivative overlap matrix IDD
void calc_der_overlap(bool self=false, cdouble cc1=0., cdouble c2=0.);
class AWPMD {
int ne[2], ni;
int nwp[2]; ///<\en number of wavepackets (same as ne for unsplit version)
int nvar[2]; ///<\en full number of dynamic variables for each spin
chmatrix O[2], Y[2], Te[2], Tei[2];
smatrix<unsigned char> Oflg[2]; ///<\en equals 0 for non-overlaping packets
sqmatrix<double> Norm[2]; ///<\en Norm matrix
vector<WavePacket> wp[2]; ///<\en wave packets for electrons (spin up =0 and down =1)
vector<double> qe[2]; ///<\en electron charges
vector<double> qi; ///<\en ion charges
vector<Vector_3> xi; ///<\en ion coordinates
int pbc; ///<\en pbc flag
Vector_3 cell; ///<\en cell coordinates (L1,L2,L3)
double Lextra; ///<\en width PBC, unset if negative
double harm_w0_4;
double w0;
int calc_ii; ///<\en flag indicating whether to calculate ion-ion interaction
int norm_needed; ///<\en flag indicating whether to prepare norm matrix data in interaction function
int norm_matrix_state[2];
// Arrays for temporal data
chmatrix IDD; // Second derivatives of the overlap integral (used in Norm matrix)
vector<cdouble> ID, IDYs; // First derivatives of the overlap integral (used in Norm matrix)
vector<int> ipiv; // The pivot indices array
recmatrix<cdouble> L[2]; ///<\en overlap derivative matrix for each spin
recmatrix<cdouble> M[2]; ///<\en 'normalized' overlap derivative matrix for each spin: M=YL
enum {NONE=0, HARM, FIX, RELAX} constraint;
///\em Sets approximation level for quantum problem: \n
/// HARTREE Hartree product (no antisymmetrization) \n
/// DPRODUCT product of det0*det1 of antisymmetrized functions for spins 0, 1 \n
/// UHF unrestricted Hartree-Fock
///\em Sets overlap matrix element to zero if the overlap norm is less than this value
double ovl_tolerance;
double Ee[2]; ///<\en electron kinetic energy for each spin
double Eei[2]; ///<\en electron-ion energy for each spin
double Eee, Ew; ///<\en electron-electron energy
double Eii; ///<\en ion-ion energy
double Edk; ///<\en sum of diagonal kinetic energy terms
double Edc; ///<\en sum of diagonal Coulomb energy terms
vector<double> Eep[2]; ///<\en per particle electron kinetic energy for each spin
vector<double> Eeip[2]; ///<\en per particle electron-ion energy for each spin
vector<double> Eeep[2]; ///<\en per particle electron-electron energy for each spin
vector<double> Ewp[2]; ///<\en per particle restrain energy for each spin
vector<double> Eiep; ///<\en per particle ion-electron energy
vector<double> Eiip; ///<\en per particle ion-ion energy
///\en \{ Conversion constants that depend on the unit system used (for LAMMPS compatibility).
/// Default is GRIDMD units. Change them according to your unit system.
double me; ///<\en electron mass (LAMMPS: me in the appropriate unit system)
double one_h; ///<\en inverse of Plancks constant (LAMMPS: conversion [(m*v)/h] to [distance] )
double h2_me; ///<\en Plancks constant squared divided by electron mass (LAMMPS: conversion [h^2/(m*r^2)] to [Energy] )
double coul_pref; ///<\en Coulomb prefactor (e2 for GRIDMD) (LAMMPS: conversion [q^2/r] to [Energy] )
/// \}
///\en 0 -- indicates that the inter-partition force should be full, and energy half,\n
/// 1 -- inter-partition force and energy counts one half (LAMMPS compatibility)
int newton_pair;
//int myid; ///<\en id for partitions
///\en Partition arrays storing the tags of particles. The initial tags should be >0.
/// If the tag stored is <0, then the particle is ghost with -tag.
/// partition1[2] is for ions, 0, 1 for each electron spin
vector<int> partition1[3];
//vector<int> partition2[3]; ///<\en 2 for ions
int tag_index(int i, int j){
return i==j ? -1 : (i>j ? (i-2)*(i-1)/2+j : (j-2)*(j-1)/2+i );
///\en 1 -- all my, -1 all other, 2 -- my mixed term, -2 -- other mixed term
int check_ee(int s1,int icj1,int ick2){
//printf(" (%d %d) ",partition1[s1][icj1],partition1[s1][ick2]);
int c1=(int)(partition1[s1][icj1]>0);
int c2=(int)(partition1[s1][ick2]>0);
int res;
if(c1!=c2){ // mixed
int tag1=abs(partition1[s1][icj1]);
int tag2=abs(partition1[s1][ick2]);
int num=tag_index(tag1-1,tag2-1);
if(num<0){ // compare wave packets
int cmp= s1<2 ?
wp[s1][icj1].compare(wp[s1][ick2],1e-15) :
if((cmp>0 && c1) || (cmp<0 && c2))
res= 2; // my mixed term
res= -2; // not my term
else // parity check
res=num%2 ? 2 : -2;
else if(c1)
res=1; // all my
res=-1; // all other
return res;
///\en Returns electron-electron inter-partition multipliers for energy (first) and force (second)
/// for a 4- and 2- electron additive terms (all inter-partition interactions are
/// calculated only once based on particle tags)
/// If force multiplier is zero, then the term may be omitted (energy will also be zero).
pair<double, double> check_part1(int s1,int icj1,int ick2, int s2=-1,int icj3=-1,int ick4=-1){
int res=check_ee(s1,icj1,ick2);
if(res==1){ // my term
//printf(" *\n");
return make_pair(1.,1.); // all at my partition
else if(res==-1){
//printf(" \n");
return make_pair(0.,0.); // all at other partition
else if(res==2){
//printf(" *\n");
return make_pair(1.,1.); // my inter-partition
else if(res==-2){
//printf(" \n");
return make_pair(0., newton_pair ? 0.0 : 1. ); // other inter-partition: must add force if newton comm is off
return make_pair(0.,0.); // nonsense
///\en Returns elctron-ion inter-partition multipliers for energy (first) and force (second)
/// for ion-electron additive terms (all inter-partition interactions are
/// calculated only once based on particle tags)
/// If force multiplier is zero, then the term may be omitted (energy will also be zero).
pair<double,double> check_part1ei(int s1,int icj1,int ick2, int ion){
//printf("%d ",partition1[2][ion]);
int ci=(int)(partition1[2][ion]>0);
if(!newton_pair){ // care about mixed terms
int cee=check_ee(s1,icj1,ick2);
if((cee==2 || cee==-2) || (ci && cee==-1) || (!ci && cee==1)) // all mixed variants
make_pair(0., 1. ); // other inter-partition: must add force if newton comm is off
//printf(" *\n");
return make_pair(1.,1.); // my term
//printf(" \n");
return make_pair(0.,0.); // all at other partition
///\en Returns ion-ion inter-partition multipliers for energy (first) and force (second)
/// for ion-electron additive terms (all inter-partition interactions are
/// calculated only once based on particle tags)
/// If force multiplier is zero, then the term may be omitted (energy will also be zero).
pair<double,double> check_part1ii(int ion1, int ion2){
return check_part1(2,ion1,ion2);
AWPMD():pbc(0),Lextra(-1),constraint(NONE),newton_pair(1) {
norm_matrix_state[0] = norm_matrix_state[1] = NORM_UNDEFINED;
approx = DPRODUCT;
//e translates wp2 to the nearest image postion relative to wp1
//e gets the translation vector
Vector_3 move_to_image(const WavePacket &wp1, WavePacket &wp2) const {
Vector_3 r1=wp1.get_r();
Vector_3 r2=wp2.get_r();
Vector_3 dr=r2-r1;
Vector_3 ndr=dr.rcell(cell,pbc); // [0,L)
ndr=ndr.rcell1(cell,pbc); // [-L/2,L/2)
wp2=wp2.translate(ndr); // wln.b=wln.b+ndr.a
return ndr;
//e gets the overlap packet taking PBC into account
WavePacket pbc_mul(const WavePacket &wp1, const WavePacket &wp2) const {
return wp1*conj(wp2);
Vector_3 r1=wp1.get_r();
Vector_3 r2=wp2.get_r();
Vector_3 dr=r2-r1; // distance
Vector_3 drn=dr.rcell1(cell,pbc); // distance within PBC
Vector_3 rtrans=drn-dr; // new location of wp2 according to PBC (nearest image)
WavePacket wpn=wp2.translate(rtrans);
// reducing the result to elementary cell
return wpn;
///\en resizes all internal arrays according to new electrons added
virtual void resize(int flag);
///\en Prepares to setup a new system of particles using \ref add_ion() and add_electron().
/// There is no need to call this function when using
/// \ref set_electrons() and \ref set_ions() to setup particles.
virtual void reset(){
for(int s=0;s<2;s++){
//e sets Periodic Boundary Conditions
//e using bit flags: 0x1 -- PBC along X
//e 0x2 -- PBC along Y
//e 0x4 -- PBC along Z
//e cell specifies the lengths of the simulation box in all directions
//e if PBCs are used, the corresponding coordinates of electrons and ions
//e in periodic directions must be within the range [0, cell[per_dir])
//e @returns 1 if OK
int set_pbc(const Vector_3P pcell=NULL, int pbc_=0x7);
///\en Setup electrons: forms internal wave packet representations.
/// If PBCs are used the coords must be within a range [0, cell).
/// Default electron mass is AWPMD::me.
/// Default (q=NULL )electron charges are -1.
int set_electrons(int spin, int n, Vector_3P x, Vector_3P v, double* w, double* pw, double mass=-1, double *q=NULL);
//e setup ion charges and coordinates
//e if PBCs are used the coords must be within a range [0, cell)
int set_ions(int n, double* q, Vector_3P x);
///\en Adds an ion with charge q and position x,
/// \return id of the ion starting from 0
/// The tags must be nonzero, >0 for the local particle, <0 for ghost particle.
/// Unique particle id is abs(tag).
/// Default tag (0) means inserting the current particle id as local particle.
int add_ion(double q, const Vector_3 &x, int tag=0){
return ni-1;
//e calculates interaction in the system of ni ions + electrons
//e the electonic subsystem must be previously setup by set_electrons, ionic by set_ions
//e the iterators are describing ionic system only
// 0x1 -- give back ion forces
// 0x2 -- add ion forces to the existing set
// 0x4 -- calculate derivatives for electronic time step (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
//e if PBCs are used the coords must be within a range [0, cell)
virtual int interaction(int flag=0, Vector_3P fi=NULL, Vector_3P fe_x=NULL,
Vector_3P fe_p=NULL, double *fe_w=NULL, double *fe_pw=NULL, Vector_2P fe_c=NULL);
//e same as interaction, but using Hartee factorization (no antisymmetrization)
virtual int interaction_hartree(int flag=0, Vector_3P fi=NULL, Vector_3P fe_x=NULL,
Vector_3P fe_p=NULL, double *fe_w=NULL, double *fe_pw=NULL, Vector_2P fe_c=NULL);
///\en Calculates ion-ion interactions and updates Eii and ion forces if requested. This function
/// is called form intaraction() and interaction_hartree if calc_ii is set.
virtual int interaction_ii(int flag,Vector_3P fi=NULL);
//e Calculates Norm matrix
//e The result is saved in AWPMD::Norm[s]
void norm_matrix(int s);
//e Performs LU-factorization of the Norm matrix
//e AWPMD::Norm[s] is replaced by the LU matrix
void norm_factorize(int s);
//e Invert Norm matrix
//e AWPMD::Norm[s] is replaced by the inverted matrix
void norm_invert(int s);
//e Get the determinant of the norm-matrix for the particles with spin s
double norm_matrix_det(int s);
//e Get the determinant logarithm of the norm-matrix for the particles with spin s
double norm_matrix_detl(int s);
double get_energy();
//e makes timestep of electronic component (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
int step(double dt);
///\en Gets current electronic coordinates.
/// Transforms the momenta to velocity v according to mass setting (-1 means me)
int get_electrons(int spin, Vector_3P x, Vector_3P v, double* w, double* pw, double mass=-1);
void set_harm_constr(double w0) {
constraint = HARM;
harm_w0_4 = h_sq*9./(8.*m_electron)/(w0*w0*w0*w0);
void set_fix_constr(double w0_) {
constraint = FIX;
w0 = w0_;
///\en Prepares force arrays according to \a flag setting for interaction()
virtual void clear_forces(int flagi,Vector_3P fi, Vector_3P fe_x,
Vector_3P fe_p, double *fe_w, double *fe_pw, Vector_2P fe_c=NULL);
///\en Creates wave packet acording to the given physical parameters.
/// The function may change its arguments by applying existing constraints!
/// Default mass (-1) is the electron mass AWPMD::me.
WavePacket create_wp(Vector_3 &x, Vector_3 &v, double &w, double &pw, double mass=-1);
# endif

Event Timeline