Kokkos uses the Doxygen tool for providing three documentation sources:
- man pages
- Latex User Guide
- HTML Online User Guide.
Man Pages
Man pages are available for all files and functions in the directory TRILINOS_HOME/doc/kokkos/man, where TRILINOS_HOME is the location of your copy of Trilinos. To use these pages with the Unix man utility, add the directory to your man path as follows:
setenv MANPATH echo $MANPATH:TRILINOS_HOME/doc/kokkos/man
LaTeX User Guide
A postscript version of this guide is in TRILINOS_HOME/doc/kokkos/latex/ The LaTeX source is in the directory TRILINOS_HOME/doc/kokkos/latex.
HTML Online User Guide
The online guide is initiated by pointing your browser to TRILINOS_HOME/doc/kokkos/html/index.html
Any question, comments or suggestions are welcome. Please send to Mike Heroux at