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/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "Kokkos_Macros.hpp"
#include "pair.h"
#include "neigh_list_kokkos.h"
#include "Kokkos_Vectorization.hpp"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
template<int Table>
struct CoulLongTable {
enum {DoTable = Table};
// Tags for doing coulomb calculations or not
// They facilitate function overloading, since
// partial template specialization of member functions is not allowed
struct CoulTag {};
struct NoCoulTag {};
template<int FLAG>
struct DoCoul {
typedef NoCoulTag type;
struct DoCoul<1> {
typedef CoulTag type;
// Determine memory traits for force array
// Do atomic trait when running HALFTHREAD neighbor list style
template<int NEIGHFLAG>
struct AtomicF {
enum {value = Kokkos::Unmanaged};
struct AtomicF<HALFTHREAD> {
enum {value = Kokkos::Atomic|Kokkos::Unmanaged};
//Specialisation for Neighborlist types Half, HalfThread, Full
template <class PairStyle, int NEIGHFLAG, bool STACKPARAMS, class Specialisation = void>
struct PairComputeFunctor {
typedef typename PairStyle::device_type device_type ;
// Reduction type, contains evdwl, ecoul and virial[6]
typedef EV_FLOAT value_type;
// The copy of the pair style
PairStyle c;
// The force array is atomic for Half/Thread neighbor style
Kokkos::View<F_FLOAT*[3], typename DAT::t_f_array::array_layout,
device_type,Kokkos::MemoryTraits<AtomicF<NEIGHFLAG>::value> > f;
NeighListKokkos<device_type> list;
PairComputeFunctor(PairStyle* c_ptr,
NeighListKokkos<device_type>* list_ptr):
c(*c_ptr),f(c.f),list(*list_ptr) {};
// Call cleanup_copy which sets allocations NULL which are destructed by the PairStyle
~PairComputeFunctor() {c.cleanup_copy();list.clean_copy();};
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int sbmask(const int& j) const {
return j >> SBBITS & 3;
// Loop over neighbors of one atom without coulomb interaction
// This function is called in parallel
template<int EVFLAG, int NEWTON_PAIR>
EV_FLOAT compute_item(const int& ii,
const NeighListKokkos<device_type> &list, const NoCoulTag&) const {
const int i = list.d_ilist[ii];
const X_FLOAT xtmp = c.x(i,0);
const X_FLOAT ytmp = c.x(i,1);
const X_FLOAT ztmp = c.x(i,2);
const int itype = c.type(i);
const AtomNeighborsConst neighbors_i = list.get_neighbors_const(i);
const int jnum = list.d_numneigh[i];
F_FLOAT fxtmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fytmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fztmp = 0.0;
for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
int j = neighbors_i(jj);
const F_FLOAT factor_lj = c.special_lj[sbmask(j)];
const X_FLOAT delx = xtmp - c.x(j,0);
const X_FLOAT dely = ytmp - c.x(j,1);
const X_FLOAT delz = ztmp - c.x(j,2);
const int jtype = c.type(j);
const F_FLOAT rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cutsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cutsq(itype,jtype))) {
const F_FLOAT fpair = factor_lj*c.template compute_fpair<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
fxtmp += delx*fpair;
fytmp += dely*fpair;
fztmp += delz*fpair;
f(j,0) -= delx*fpair;
f(j,1) -= dely*fpair;
f(j,2) -= delz*fpair;
if (EVFLAG) {
if (c.eflag) {
ev.evdwl += (((NEIGHFLAG==HALF || NEIGHFLAG==HALFTHREAD)&&(NEWTON_PAIR||(j<c.nlocal)))?1.0:0.5)*
factor_lj * c.template compute_evdwl<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
if (c.vflag_either) ev_tally(ev,i,j,fpair,delx,dely,delz);
f(i,0) += fxtmp;
f(i,1) += fytmp;
f(i,2) += fztmp;
return ev;
// Loop over neighbors of one atom with coulomb interaction
// This function is called in parallel
template<int EVFLAG, int NEWTON_PAIR>
EV_FLOAT compute_item(const int& ii,
const NeighListKokkos<device_type> &list, const CoulTag& ) const {
const int i = list.d_ilist[ii];
const X_FLOAT xtmp = c.x(i,0);
const X_FLOAT ytmp = c.x(i,1);
const X_FLOAT ztmp = c.x(i,2);
const int itype = c.type(i);
const F_FLOAT qtmp = c.q(i);
const AtomNeighborsConst neighbors_i = list.get_neighbors_const(i);
const int jnum = list.d_numneigh[i];
F_FLOAT fxtmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fytmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fztmp = 0.0;
for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
int j = neighbors_i(jj);
const F_FLOAT factor_lj = c.special_lj[sbmask(j)];
const F_FLOAT factor_coul = c.special_coul[sbmask(j)];
const X_FLOAT delx = xtmp - c.x(j,0);
const X_FLOAT dely = ytmp - c.x(j,1);
const X_FLOAT delz = ztmp - c.x(j,2);
const int jtype = c.type(j);
const F_FLOAT rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cutsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cutsq(itype,jtype))) {
F_FLOAT fpair = F_FLOAT();
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cut_ljsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cut_ljsq(itype,jtype)))
fpair+=factor_lj*c.template compute_fpair<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cut_coulsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cut_coulsq(itype,jtype)))
fpair+=c.template compute_fcoul<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype,factor_coul,qtmp);
fxtmp += delx*fpair;
fytmp += dely*fpair;
fztmp += delz*fpair;
f(j,0) -= delx*fpair;
f(j,1) -= dely*fpair;
f(j,2) -= delz*fpair;
if (EVFLAG) {
if (c.eflag) {
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cut_ljsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cut_ljsq(itype,jtype)))
ev.evdwl += (((NEIGHFLAG==HALF || NEIGHFLAG==HALFTHREAD)&&(NEWTON_PAIR||(j<c.nlocal)))?1.0:0.5)*
factor_lj * c.template compute_evdwl<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cut_coulsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cut_coulsq(itype,jtype)))
ev.ecoul += (((NEIGHFLAG==HALF || NEIGHFLAG==HALFTHREAD)&&(NEWTON_PAIR||(j<c.nlocal)))?1.0:0.5)*
c.template compute_ecoul<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype,factor_coul,qtmp);
if (c.vflag_either) ev_tally(ev,i,j,fpair,delx,dely,delz);
f(i,0) += fxtmp;
f(i,1) += fytmp;
f(i,2) += fztmp;
return ev;
void ev_tally(EV_FLOAT &ev, const int &i, const int &j,
const F_FLOAT &fpair, const F_FLOAT &delx,
const F_FLOAT &dely, const F_FLOAT &delz) const
const int EFLAG = c.eflag;
const int NEWTON_PAIR = c.newton_pair;
const int VFLAG = c.vflag_either;
if (EFLAG) {
if (c.eflag_atom) {
const E_FLOAT epairhalf = 0.5 * (ev.evdwl + ev.ecoul);
if (NEWTON_PAIR || i < c.nlocal) c.eatom[i] += epairhalf;
if (NEWTON_PAIR || j < c.nlocal) c.eatom[j] += epairhalf;
if (VFLAG) {
const E_FLOAT v0 = delx*delx*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v1 = dely*dely*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v2 = delz*delz*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v3 = delx*dely*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v4 = delx*delz*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v5 = dely*delz*fpair;
if (c.vflag_global) {
ev.v[0] += v0;
ev.v[1] += v1;
ev.v[2] += v2;
ev.v[3] += v3;
ev.v[4] += v4;
ev.v[5] += v5;
} else {
if (i < c.nlocal) {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v0;
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v1;
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v2;
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v3;
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v4;
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v5;
if (j < c.nlocal) {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v0;
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v1;
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v2;
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v3;
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v4;
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v5;
} else {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v0;
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v1;
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v2;
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v3;
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v4;
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v5;
if (c.vflag_atom) {
if (NEWTON_PAIR || i < c.nlocal) {
c.d_vatom(i,0) += 0.5*v0;
c.d_vatom(i,1) += 0.5*v1;
c.d_vatom(i,2) += 0.5*v2;
c.d_vatom(i,3) += 0.5*v3;
c.d_vatom(i,4) += 0.5*v4;
c.d_vatom(i,5) += 0.5*v5;
if (NEWTON_PAIR || (NEIGHFLAG && j < c.nlocal)) {
c.d_vatom(j,0) += 0.5*v0;
c.d_vatom(j,1) += 0.5*v1;
c.d_vatom(j,2) += 0.5*v2;
c.d_vatom(j,3) += 0.5*v3;
c.d_vatom(j,4) += 0.5*v4;
c.d_vatom(j,5) += 0.5*v5;
void operator()(const int i) const {
if (c.newton_pair) compute_item<0,1>(i,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
else compute_item<0,0>(i,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
void operator()(const int i, value_type &energy_virial) const {
if (c.newton_pair)
energy_virial += compute_item<1,1>(i,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
energy_virial += compute_item<1,0>(i,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
template <class PairStyle, bool STACKPARAMS, class Specialisation>
struct PairComputeFunctor<PairStyle,FULLCLUSTER,STACKPARAMS,Specialisation> {
typedef typename PairStyle::device_type device_type ;
typedef Kokkos::Vectorization<device_type,NeighClusterSize> vectorization;
typedef EV_FLOAT value_type;
PairStyle c;
NeighListKokkos<device_type> list;
PairComputeFunctor(PairStyle* c_ptr,
NeighListKokkos<device_type>* list_ptr):
c(*c_ptr),list(*list_ptr) {};
~PairComputeFunctor() {c.cleanup_copy();list.clean_copy();};
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int sbmask(const int& j) const {
return j >> SBBITS & 3;
template<int EVFLAG, int NEWTON_PAIR>
EV_FLOAT compute_item(const typename Kokkos::TeamPolicy<device_type>::member_type& dev,
const NeighListKokkos<device_type> &list, const NoCoulTag& ) const {
const int i = vectorization::global_thread_rank(dev);
const X_FLOAT xtmp = c.c_x(i,0);
const X_FLOAT ytmp = c.c_x(i,1);
const X_FLOAT ztmp = c.c_x(i,2);
const int itype = c.type(i);
const AtomNeighborsConst neighbors_i = list.get_neighbors_const(i);
const int jnum = list.d_numneigh[i];
F_FLOAT fxtmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fytmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fztmp = 0.0;
for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
const int jjj = neighbors_i(jj);
for (int k = vectorization::begin(); k<NeighClusterSize; k+=vectorization::increment) {
const F_FLOAT factor_lj = c.special_lj[sbmask(jjj+k)];
const int j = (jjj + k)&NEIGHMASK;
if((j==i)||(j>=c.nall)) continue;
const X_FLOAT delx = xtmp - c.c_x(j,0);
const X_FLOAT dely = ytmp - c.c_x(j,1);
const X_FLOAT delz = ztmp - c.c_x(j,2);
const int jtype = c.type(j);
const F_FLOAT rsq = (delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz);
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cutsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cutsq(itype,jtype))) {
const F_FLOAT fpair = factor_lj*c.template compute_fpair<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
fxtmp += delx*fpair;
fytmp += dely*fpair;
fztmp += delz*fpair;
if (EVFLAG) {
if (c.eflag) {
ev.evdwl += 0.5*
factor_lj * c.template compute_evdwl<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
if (c.vflag_either) ev_tally(ev,i,j,fpair,delx,dely,delz);
const F_FLOAT fx = vectorization::reduce(fxtmp);
const F_FLOAT fy = vectorization::reduce(fytmp);
const F_FLOAT fz = vectorization::reduce(fztmp);
if(vectorization::is_lane_0(dev)) {
c.f(i,0) += fx;
c.f(i,1) += fy;
c.f(i,2) += fz;
return ev;
void ev_tally(EV_FLOAT &ev, const int &i, const int &j,
const F_FLOAT &fpair, const F_FLOAT &delx,
const F_FLOAT &dely, const F_FLOAT &delz) const
const int EFLAG = c.eflag;
const int NEWTON_PAIR = c.newton_pair;
const int VFLAG = c.vflag_either;
if (EFLAG) {
if (c.eflag_atom) {
const E_FLOAT epairhalf = 0.5 * (ev.evdwl + ev.ecoul);
if (NEWTON_PAIR || i < c.nlocal) c.eatom[i] += epairhalf;
if (NEWTON_PAIR || j < c.nlocal) c.eatom[j] += epairhalf;
if (VFLAG) {
const E_FLOAT v0 = delx*delx*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v1 = dely*dely*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v2 = delz*delz*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v3 = delx*dely*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v4 = delx*delz*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v5 = dely*delz*fpair;
if (c.vflag_global) {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v0;
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v1;
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v2;
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v3;
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v4;
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v5;
if (c.vflag_atom) {
if (i < c.nlocal) {
c.d_vatom(i,0) += 0.5*v0;
c.d_vatom(i,1) += 0.5*v1;
c.d_vatom(i,2) += 0.5*v2;
c.d_vatom(i,3) += 0.5*v3;
c.d_vatom(i,4) += 0.5*v4;
c.d_vatom(i,5) += 0.5*v5;
void operator()(const typename Kokkos::TeamPolicy<device_type>::member_type& dev) const {
if (c.newton_pair) compute_item<0,1>(dev,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
else compute_item<0,0>(dev,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
void operator()(const typename Kokkos::TeamPolicy<device_type>::member_type& dev, value_type &energy_virial) const {
if (c.newton_pair)
energy_virial += compute_item<1,1>(dev,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
energy_virial += compute_item<1,0>(dev,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
template <class PairStyle, bool STACKPARAMS, class Specialisation>
struct PairComputeFunctor<PairStyle,N2,STACKPARAMS,Specialisation> {
typedef typename PairStyle::device_type device_type ;
typedef EV_FLOAT value_type;
PairStyle c;
NeighListKokkos<device_type> list;
PairComputeFunctor(PairStyle* c_ptr,
NeighListKokkos<device_type>* list_ptr):
c(*c_ptr),list(*list_ptr) {};
~PairComputeFunctor() {c.cleanup_copy();list.clean_copy();};
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int sbmask(const int& j) const {
return j >> SBBITS & 3;
template<int EVFLAG, int NEWTON_PAIR>
EV_FLOAT compute_item(const int& ii,
const NeighListKokkos<device_type> &list, const NoCoulTag&) const {
(void) list;
const int i = ii;//list.d_ilist[ii];
const X_FLOAT xtmp = c.x(i,0);
const X_FLOAT ytmp = c.x(i,1);
const X_FLOAT ztmp = c.x(i,2);
const int itype = c.type(i);
//const AtomNeighborsConst neighbors_i = list.get_neighbors_const(i);
const int jnum = c.nall;
F_FLOAT fxtmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fytmp = 0.0;
F_FLOAT fztmp = 0.0;
for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
int j = jj;//neighbors_i(jj);
if(i==j) continue;
const F_FLOAT factor_lj = c.special_lj[sbmask(j)];
const X_FLOAT delx = xtmp - c.x(j,0);
const X_FLOAT dely = ytmp - c.x(j,1);
const X_FLOAT delz = ztmp - c.x(j,2);
const int jtype = c.type(j);
const F_FLOAT rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if(rsq < (STACKPARAMS?c.m_cutsq[itype][jtype]:c.d_cutsq(itype,jtype))) {
const F_FLOAT fpair = factor_lj*c.template compute_fpair<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
fxtmp += delx*fpair;
fytmp += dely*fpair;
fztmp += delz*fpair;
if (EVFLAG) {
if (c.eflag) {
ev.evdwl += 0.5*
factor_lj * c.template compute_evdwl<STACKPARAMS,Specialisation>(rsq,i,j,itype,jtype);
if (c.vflag_either) ev_tally(ev,i,j,fpair,delx,dely,delz);
c.f(i,0) += fxtmp;
c.f(i,1) += fytmp;
c.f(i,2) += fztmp;
return ev;
void ev_tally(EV_FLOAT &ev, const int &i, const int &j,
const F_FLOAT &fpair, const F_FLOAT &delx,
const F_FLOAT &dely, const F_FLOAT &delz) const
const int EFLAG = c.eflag;
const int VFLAG = c.vflag_either;
if (EFLAG) {
if (c.eflag_atom) {
const E_FLOAT epairhalf = 0.5 * (ev.evdwl + ev.ecoul);
if (i < c.nlocal) c.eatom[i] += epairhalf;
if (j < c.nlocal) c.eatom[j] += epairhalf;
if (VFLAG) {
const E_FLOAT v0 = delx*delx*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v1 = dely*dely*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v2 = delz*delz*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v3 = delx*dely*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v4 = delx*delz*fpair;
const E_FLOAT v5 = dely*delz*fpair;
if (c.vflag_global) {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v0;
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v1;
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v2;
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v3;
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v4;
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v5;
if (c.vflag_atom) {
if (i < c.nlocal) {
c.d_vatom(i,0) += 0.5*v0;
c.d_vatom(i,1) += 0.5*v1;
c.d_vatom(i,2) += 0.5*v2;
c.d_vatom(i,3) += 0.5*v3;
c.d_vatom(i,4) += 0.5*v4;
c.d_vatom(i,5) += 0.5*v5;
void operator()(const int i) const {
compute_item<0,0>(i,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
void operator()(const int i, value_type &energy_virial) const {
energy_virial += compute_item<1,0>(i,list,typename DoCoul<PairStyle::COUL_FLAG>::type());
// Filter out Neighflags which are not supported for PairStyle
// The enable_if clause will invalidate the last parameter of the function, so that
// a match is only achieved, if PairStyle supports the specific neighborlist variant.
// This uses the fact that failure to match template parameters is not an error.
// By having the enable_if with a ! and without it, exactly one of the two versions of the functions
// pair_compute_neighlist and pair_compute_fullcluster will match - either the dummy version
// or the real one further below.
template<class PairStyle, unsigned NEIGHFLAG, class Specialisation>
EV_FLOAT pair_compute_neighlist (PairStyle* fpair, typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if<!(NEIGHFLAG&PairStyle::EnabledNeighFlags), NeighListKokkos<typename PairStyle::device_type>*>::type list) {
(void) fpair;
(void) list;
printf("ERROR: calling pair_compute with invalid neighbor list style: requested %i available %i",NEIGHFLAG,PairStyle::EnabledNeighFlags);
return ev;
template<class PairStyle, class Specialisation>
EV_FLOAT pair_compute_fullcluster (PairStyle* fpair, typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if<!(FULLCLUSTER&PairStyle::EnabledNeighFlags), NeighListKokkos<typename PairStyle::device_type>*>::type list) {
(void) fpair;
(void) list;
printf("ERROR: calling pair_compute with invalid neighbor list style: requested %i available %i",FULLCLUSTER,PairStyle::EnabledNeighFlags);
return ev;
template<class PairStyle, unsigned NEIGHFLAG, class Specialisation>
EV_FLOAT pair_compute_neighlist (PairStyle* fpair, typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if<NEIGHFLAG&PairStyle::EnabledNeighFlags, NeighListKokkos<typename PairStyle::device_type>*>::type list) {
if(fpair->atom->ntypes > MAX_TYPES_STACKPARAMS) {
PairComputeFunctor<PairStyle,NEIGHFLAG,false,Specialisation > ff(fpair,list);
if (fpair->eflag || fpair->vflag) Kokkos::parallel_reduce(list->inum,ff,ev);
else Kokkos::parallel_for(list->inum,ff);
} else {
PairComputeFunctor<PairStyle,NEIGHFLAG,true,Specialisation > ff(fpair,list);
if (fpair->eflag || fpair->vflag) Kokkos::parallel_reduce(list->inum,ff,ev);
else Kokkos::parallel_for(list->inum,ff);
return ev;
// Submit ParallelFor for NEIGHFLAG=FULLCLUSTER
template<class PairStyle, class Specialisation>
EV_FLOAT pair_compute_fullcluster (PairStyle* fpair, typename Kokkos::Impl::enable_if<FULLCLUSTER&PairStyle::EnabledNeighFlags, NeighListKokkos<typename PairStyle::device_type>*>::type list) {
if(fpair->atom->ntypes > MAX_TYPES_STACKPARAMS) {
typedef PairComputeFunctor<PairStyle,FULLCLUSTER,false,Specialisation >
f_type ff(fpair, list);
const int teamsize = Kokkos::Impl::is_same<typename f_type::device_type, Kokkos::Cuda>::value ? 256 : 1;
const int teamsize = 1;
const int nteams = (list->inum*f_type::vectorization::increment+teamsize-1)/teamsize;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<typename f_type::device_type> config(nteams,teamsize);
if (fpair->eflag || fpair->vflag) Kokkos::parallel_reduce(config,ff,ev);
else Kokkos::parallel_for(config,ff);
} else {
typedef PairComputeFunctor<PairStyle,FULLCLUSTER,true,Specialisation >
f_type ff(fpair, list);
const int teamsize = Kokkos::Impl::is_same<typename f_type::device_type, Kokkos::Cuda>::value ? 256 : 1;
const int teamsize = 1;
const int nteams = (list->inum*f_type::vectorization::increment+teamsize-1)/teamsize;
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<typename f_type::device_type> config(nteams,teamsize);
if (fpair->eflag || fpair->vflag) Kokkos::parallel_reduce(config,ff,ev);
else Kokkos::parallel_for(config,ff);
return ev;
template<class PairStyle, class Specialisation>
EV_FLOAT pair_compute (PairStyle* fpair, NeighListKokkos<typename PairStyle::device_type>* list) {
if (fpair->neighflag == FULL) {
ev = pair_compute_neighlist<PairStyle,FULL,Specialisation> (fpair,list);
} else if (fpair->neighflag == HALFTHREAD) {
ev = pair_compute_neighlist<PairStyle,HALFTHREAD,Specialisation> (fpair,list);
} else if (fpair->neighflag == HALF) {
ev = pair_compute_neighlist<PairStyle,HALF,Specialisation> (fpair,list);
} else if (fpair->neighflag == N2) {
ev = pair_compute_neighlist<PairStyle,N2,Specialisation> (fpair,list);
} else if (fpair->neighflag == FULLCLUSTER) {
ev = pair_compute_fullcluster<PairStyle,Specialisation> (fpair,list);
return ev;
template<class DeviceType>
struct PairVirialFDotRCompute {
typedef ArrayTypes<DeviceType> AT;
typedef EV_FLOAT value_type;
typename AT::t_x_array_const x;
typename AT::t_f_array_const f;
const int offset;
PairVirialFDotRCompute( typename AT::t_x_array_const x_,
typename AT::t_f_array_const f_,
const int offset_):x(x_),f(f_),offset(offset_) {}
void operator()(const int j, value_type &energy_virial) const {
const int i = j + offset;
energy_virial.v[0] += f(i,0)*x(i,0);
energy_virial.v[1] += f(i,1)*x(i,1);
energy_virial.v[2] += f(i,2)*x(i,2);
energy_virial.v[3] += f(i,1)*x(i,0);
energy_virial.v[4] += f(i,2)*x(i,0);
energy_virial.v[5] += f(i,2)*x(i,1);
template<class PairStyle>
void pair_virial_fdotr_compute(PairStyle* fpair) {
EV_FLOAT virial;
if (fpair->neighbor->includegroup == 0) {
int nall = fpair->atom->nlocal + fpair->atom->nghost;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(nall,PairVirialFDotRCompute<typename PairStyle::device_type>(fpair->x,fpair->f,0),virial);
} else {
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(fpair->atom->nfirst,PairVirialFDotRCompute<typename PairStyle::device_type>(fpair->x,fpair->f,0),virial);
EV_FLOAT virial_ghost;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(fpair->atom->nghost,PairVirialFDotRCompute<typename PairStyle::device_type>(fpair->x,fpair->f,fpair->atom->nlocal),virial_ghost);
fpair->vflag_fdotr = 0;
fpair->virial[0] = virial.v[0];
fpair->virial[1] = virial.v[1];
fpair->virial[2] = virial.v[2];
fpair->virial[3] = virial.v[3];
fpair->virial[4] = virial.v[4];
fpair->virial[5] = virial.v[5];
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:

Event Timeline