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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "mpi.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "lattice.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
#define RegionInclude
#include "style.h"
#undef RegionInclude
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
#define BIG 1.0e20
#define SMALL 1.0e-4
#define DELTA 1
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
default is periodic
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Domain::Domain(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pointers(lmp)
box_exist = 0;
nonperiodic = 0;
xperiodic = yperiodic = zperiodic = 1;
periodicity[0] = xperiodic;
periodicity[1] = yperiodic;
periodicity[2] = zperiodic;
boundary[0][0] = boundary[0][1] = 0;
boundary[1][0] = boundary[1][1] = 0;
boundary[2][0] = boundary[2][1] = 0;
boxxlo = boxylo = boxzlo = -0.5;
boxxhi = boxyhi = boxzhi = 0.5;
lattice = NULL;
nregion = maxregion = 0;
regions = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete lattice;
for (int i = 0; i < nregion; i++) delete regions[i];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::init()
// set box_change if box dimensions ever change
// due to shrink-wrapping, fix nph, npt, volume/rescale, uniaxial
box_change = 0;
if (nonperiodic == 2) box_change = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < modify->nfix; i++) {
if (strcmp(modify->fix[i]->style,"nph") == 0) box_change = 1;
if (strcmp(modify->fix[i]->style,"npt") == 0) box_change = 1;
if (strcmp(modify->fix[i]->style,"volume/rescale") == 0) box_change = 1;
if (strcmp(modify->fix[i]->style,"uniaxial") == 0) box_change = 1;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set initial global box from boxlo/hi (already set by caller)
adjust for shrink-wrapped dims
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::set_initial_box()
if (boundary[0][0] == 2) boxxlo -= SMALL;
else if (boundary[0][0] == 3) minxlo = boxxlo;
if (boundary[0][1] == 2) boxxhi += SMALL;
else if (boundary[0][1] == 3) minxhi = boxxhi;
if (boundary[1][0] == 2) boxylo -= SMALL;
else if (boundary[1][0] == 3) minylo = boxylo;
if (boundary[1][1] == 2) boxyhi += SMALL;
else if (boundary[1][1] == 3) minyhi = boxyhi;
if (boundary[2][0] == 2) boxzlo -= SMALL;
else if (boundary[2][0] == 3) minzlo = boxzlo;
if (boundary[2][1] == 2) boxzhi += SMALL;
else if (boundary[2][1] == 3) minzhi = boxzhi;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set global prd, prd_half, prd[], boxlo/hi[] from boxlo/hi
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::set_global_box()
xprd = boxxhi - boxxlo;
yprd = boxyhi - boxylo;
zprd = boxzhi - boxzlo;
xprd_half = 0.5*xprd;
yprd_half = 0.5*yprd;
zprd_half = 0.5*zprd;
prd[0] = xprd; prd[1] = yprd; prd[2] = zprd;
boxlo[0] = boxxlo; boxlo[1] = boxylo; boxlo[2] = boxzlo;
boxhi[0] = boxxhi; boxhi[1] = boxyhi; boxhi[2] = boxzhi;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set local subxlo-subzhi, sublo/hi[] from global boxxlo-boxzhi and proc grid
for uppermost proc, insure subhi = boxhi (in case round-off occurs)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::set_local_box()
subxlo = boxxlo + comm->myloc[0] * xprd / comm->procgrid[0];
if (comm->myloc[0] < comm->procgrid[0]-1)
subxhi = boxxlo + (comm->myloc[0]+1) * xprd / comm->procgrid[0];
else subxhi = boxxhi;
subylo = boxylo + comm->myloc[1] * yprd / comm->procgrid[1];
if (comm->myloc[1] < comm->procgrid[1]-1)
subyhi = boxylo + (comm->myloc[1]+1) * yprd / comm->procgrid[1];
else subyhi = boxyhi;
subzlo = boxzlo + comm->myloc[2] * zprd / comm->procgrid[2];
if (comm->myloc[2] < comm->procgrid[2]-1)
subzhi = boxzlo + (comm->myloc[2]+1) * zprd / comm->procgrid[2];
else subzhi = boxzhi;
sublo[0] = subxlo; sublo[1] = subylo; sublo[2] = subzlo;
subhi[0] = subxhi; subhi[1] = subyhi; subhi[2] = subzhi;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reset global & local boxes due to global box boundary changes
if shrink-wrapped, determine atom extent and reset boxlo/hi
set global & local boxes from new boxlo/hi values
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::reset_box()
if (nonperiodic == 2) {
// compute extent of atoms on this proc
double extent[3][2],all[3][2];
extent[2][0] = extent[1][0] = extent[0][0] = BIG;
extent[2][1] = extent[1][1] = extent[0][1] = -BIG;
double **x = atom->x;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
extent[0][0] = MIN(extent[0][0],x[i][0]);
extent[0][1] = MAX(extent[0][1],x[i][0]);
extent[1][0] = MIN(extent[1][0],x[i][1]);
extent[1][1] = MAX(extent[1][1],x[i][1]);
extent[2][0] = MIN(extent[2][0],x[i][2]);
extent[2][1] = MAX(extent[2][1],x[i][2]);
// compute extent across all procs
// flip sign of MIN to do it in one Allreduce MAX
extent[0][0] = -extent[0][0];
extent[1][0] = -extent[1][0];
extent[2][0] = -extent[2][0];
// in shrink-wrapped dims, set box by atom extent
if (xperiodic == 0) {
if (boundary[0][0] == 2) boxxlo = -all[0][0] - SMALL;
else if (boundary[0][0] == 3) boxxlo = MIN(-all[0][0]-SMALL,minxlo);
if (boundary[0][1] == 2) boxxhi = all[0][1] + SMALL;
else if (boundary[0][1] == 3) boxxhi = MAX(all[0][1]+SMALL,minxhi);
if (boxxlo > boxxhi) error->all("Illegal simulation box");
if (yperiodic == 0) {
if (boundary[1][0] == 2) boxylo = -all[1][0] - SMALL;
else if (boundary[1][0] == 3) boxylo = MIN(-all[1][0]-SMALL,minylo);
if (boundary[1][1] == 2) boxyhi = all[1][1] + SMALL;
else if (boundary[1][1] == 3) boxyhi = MAX(all[1][1]+SMALL,minyhi);
if (boxylo > boxyhi) error->all("Illegal simulation box");
if (zperiodic == 0) {
if (boundary[2][0] == 2) boxzlo = -all[2][0] - SMALL;
else if (boundary[2][0] == 3) boxzlo = MIN(-all[2][0]-SMALL,minzlo);
if (boundary[2][1] == 2) boxzhi = all[2][1] + SMALL;
else if (boundary[2][1] == 3) boxzhi = MAX(all[2][1]+SMALL,minzhi);
if (boxzlo > boxzhi) error->all("Illegal simulation box");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
enforce PBC and modify box image flags for each atom
called every reneighboring
resulting coord must satisfy lo <= coord < hi
MAX is important since coord - prd < lo can happen when coord = hi
image = 10 bits for each dimension
increment/decrement in wrap-around fashion
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::pbc()
int i,idim,otherdims;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double **x = atom->x;
int *image = atom->image;
if (xperiodic) {
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (x[i][0] < boxxlo) {
x[i][0] += xprd;
idim = image[i] & 1023;
otherdims = image[i] ^ idim;
idim &= 1023;
image[i] = otherdims | idim;
if (x[i][0] >= boxxhi) {
x[i][0] -= xprd;
x[i][0] = MAX(x[i][0],boxxlo);
idim = image[i] & 1023;
otherdims = image[i] ^ idim;
idim &= 1023;
image[i] = otherdims | idim;
if (yperiodic) {
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (x[i][1] < boxylo) {
x[i][1] += yprd;
idim = (image[i] >> 10) & 1023;
otherdims = image[i] ^ (idim << 10);
idim &= 1023;
image[i] = otherdims | (idim << 10);
if (x[i][1] >= boxyhi) {
x[i][1] -= yprd;
x[i][1] = MAX(x[i][1],boxylo);
idim = (image[i] >> 10) & 1023;
otherdims = image[i] ^ (idim << 10);
idim &= 1023;
image[i] = otherdims | (idim << 10);
if (zperiodic) {
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (x[i][2] < boxzlo) {
x[i][2] += zprd;
idim = image[i] >> 20;
otherdims = image[i] ^ (idim << 20);
idim &= 1023;
image[i] = otherdims | (idim << 20);
if (x[i][2] >= boxzhi) {
x[i][2] -= zprd;
x[i][2] = MAX(x[i][2],boxzlo);
idim = image[i] >> 20;
otherdims = image[i] ^ (idim << 20);
idim &= 1023;
image[i] = otherdims | (idim << 20);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
minimum image convention
use 1/2 of box size as test
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::minimum_image(double *dx, double *dy, double *dz)
if (xperiodic) {
if (fabs(*dx) > xprd_half) {
if (*dx < 0.0) *dx += xprd;
else *dx -= xprd;
if (yperiodic) {
if (fabs(*dy) > yprd_half) {
if (*dy < 0.0) *dy += yprd;
else *dy -= yprd;
if (zperiodic) {
if (fabs(*dz) > zprd_half) {
if (*dz < 0.0) *dz += zprd;
else *dz -= zprd;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
minimum image convention
use 1/2 of box size as test
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::minimum_image(double *x)
if (xperiodic) {
if (fabs(x[0]) > xprd_half) {
if (x[0] < 0.0) x[0] += xprd;
else x[0] -= xprd;
if (yperiodic) {
if (fabs(x[1]) > yprd_half) {
if (x[1] < 0.0) x[1] += yprd;
else x[1] -= yprd;
if (zperiodic) {
if (fabs(x[2]) > zprd_half) {
if (x[2] < 0.0) x[2] += zprd;
else x[2] -= zprd;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
remap the point into the periodic box no matter how far away
adjust image accordingly
resulting coord must satisfy lo <= coord < hi
MAX is important since coord - prd < lo can happen when coord = hi
image = 10 bits for each dimension
increment/decrement in wrap-around fashion
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::remap(double &x, double &y, double &z, int &image)
if (xperiodic) {
while (x < boxxlo) {
x += xprd;
int idim = image & 1023;
int otherdims = image ^ idim;
idim &= 1023;
image = otherdims | idim;
while (x >= boxxhi) {
x -= xprd;
int idim = image & 1023;
int otherdims = image ^ idim;
idim &= 1023;
image = otherdims | idim;
x = MAX(x,boxxlo);
if (yperiodic) {
while (y < boxylo) {
y += yprd;
int idim = (image >> 10) & 1023;
int otherdims = image ^ (idim << 10);
idim &= 1023;
image = otherdims | (idim << 10);
while (y >= boxyhi) {
y -= yprd;
int idim = (image >> 10) & 1023;
int otherdims = image ^ (idim << 10);
idim &= 1023;
image = otherdims | (idim << 10);
y = MAX(y,boxylo);
if (zperiodic) {
while (z < boxzlo) {
z += zprd;
int idim = image >> 20;
int otherdims = image ^ (idim << 20);
idim &= 1023;
image = otherdims | (idim << 20);
while (z >= boxzhi) {
z -= zprd;
int idim = image >> 20;
int otherdims = image ^ (idim << 20);
idim &= 1023;
image = otherdims | (idim << 20);
z = MAX(z,boxzlo);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
unmap the point via image flags
don't reset image flag
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::unmap(double &x, double &y, double &z, int image)
int xbox = (image & 1023) - 512;
int ybox = (image >> 10 & 1023) - 512;
int zbox = (image >> 20) - 512;
x = x + xbox*xprd;
y = y + ybox*yprd;
z = z + zbox*zprd;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create a lattice
delete it if style = none
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::set_lattice(int narg, char **arg)
delete lattice;
lattice = new Lattice(lmp,narg,arg);
if (lattice->style == 0) {
delete lattice;
lattice = NULL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create a new region
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::add_region(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg < 2) error->all("Illegal region command");
// error checks
for (int iregion = 0; iregion < nregion; iregion++)
if (strcmp(arg[0],regions[iregion]->id) == 0)
error->all("Reuse of region ID");
// extend Region list if necessary
if (nregion == maxregion) {
maxregion += DELTA;
regions = (Region **)
memory->srealloc(regions,maxregion*sizeof(Region *),"domain:regions");
// create the Region
if (strcmp(arg[1],"none") == 0) error->all("Invalid region style");
#define RegionClass
#define RegionStyle(key,Class) \
else if (strcmp(arg[1],#key) == 0) \
regions[nregion] = new Class(lmp,narg,arg);
#include "style.h"
#undef RegionClass
else error->all("Invalid region style");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
boundary settings from the input script
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Domain::set_boundary(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg != 3) error->all("Illegal boundary command");
char c;
for (int idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++)
for (int iside = 0; iside < 2; iside++) {
if (iside == 0) c = arg[idim][0];
else if (iside == 1 && strlen(arg[idim]) == 1) c = arg[idim][0];
else c = arg[idim][1];
if (c == 'p') boundary[idim][iside] = 0;
else if (c == 'f') boundary[idim][iside] = 1;
else if (c == 's') boundary[idim][iside] = 2;
else if (c == 'm') boundary[idim][iside] = 3;
else error->all("Illegal boundary command");
for (int idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++)
if ((boundary[idim][0] == 0 && boundary[idim][1]) ||
(boundary[idim][0] && boundary[idim][1] == 0))
error->all("Both sides of boundary must be periodic");
if (boundary[0][0] == 0) xperiodic = 1;
else xperiodic = 0;
if (boundary[1][0] == 0) yperiodic = 1;
else yperiodic = 0;
if (boundary[2][0] == 0) zperiodic = 1;
else zperiodic = 0;
periodicity[0] = xperiodic;
periodicity[1] = yperiodic;
periodicity[2] = zperiodic;
nonperiodic = 0;
if (xperiodic == 0 || yperiodic == 0 || zperiodic == 0) {
nonperiodic = 1;
if (boundary[0][0] >= 2 || boundary[0][1] >= 2 ||
boundary[1][0] >= 2 || boundary[1][1] >= 2 ||
boundary[2][0] >= 2 || boundary[2][1] >= 2) nonperiodic = 2;

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