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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LIGGGHTS - LAMMPS Improved for General Granular and Granular Heat
Transfer Simulations |
Christoph Kloss,
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lbalance_simple.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/*NL*/ #define LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE_RESULTS false //(idim==2)//(update->ntimestep>7000)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
LbalanceSimple::LbalanceSimple(class LAMMPS *lmp,int narg, char **arg): Lbalance(lmp,narg,arg)
//NP do not parse here for derived classes such as hybrid
if(strncmp(style,"nlocal/",6)) return;
if(narg < iarg+2) error->all(FLERR,"Loadbalance simple: Not enough arguments");
if(strcmp(arg[iarg++],"ntry")) error->all(FLERR,"Loadbalance nlocal/simple: Expecting 'ntry'");
ntry_simple = atoi(arg[iarg++]);
if(ntry_simple < 1) error->all(FLERR,"Loadbalance max: ntry too small");
if(ntry_simple > 10) error->warning(FLERR,"Loadbalance max: ntry >10 might result in high comm cost");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
LbalanceSimple::~LbalanceSimple() {}
/*NP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reset_box() has been called before, global box is set
this function sets the local boxes and should yield an equal number of
particles in each domain for low # of processes
function is called each reneighboring if lbalance == 1
for each dim, borders are calculated so atom distribution is equal
possible problem: if atoms jump from proc i to i+2 in a dim
b/c communication works on a stencil (domain->procneigh)
atoms could jump if half skin is larger than smallest subhi-sublo
or if neigh list build is off for a while
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void LbalanceSimple::loadbalance_local_boxes()
// do not do anything if there is no reasonable # of particles in the system
if(atom->natoms < 10 * comm->nprocs) return;
if(domain->triclinic) error->all(FLERR,"Load balancing not implemented for triclinic boxes");
/*NL*/ //if(comm->me == 0) fprintf(screen,"Loadbalancing: %f particles\n",atom->natoms);
procgrid = comm->procgrid;
myloc = comm->myloc;
lodim[0] = lodim[1] = lodim[2] = 0;
hidim[0] = procgrid[0]-1;
hidim[1] = procgrid[1]-1;
hidim[2] = procgrid[2]-1;
void LbalanceSimple::loadbalance_local_boxes_simple()
// new borders for load-balanced system
double bal_sublo[3],bal_subhi[3];
double border[3];
int idim,idim_proc,ncount[3],ncount_ideal,nproc_grid;
subhi = domain->subhi;
sublo = domain->sublo;
boxlo = domain->boxlo;
boxhi = domain->boxhi;
//NP minimum box extent equivalent to max cutoff
minextent = 1.05 * cutneighmax();
//NP count total particles in proc box to handle
//NP equal to total particle number if proc stencil extends whole box
int natoms = count_particles(0,boxhi[0]);
//NP error if domain is too small to be loadbalanced
//NP should not occur since minextent is accounted for in apply_border()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if ( (procgrid[i] > 1) && (boxhi[i] - boxlo[i] < procgrid[i] * minextent) )
error->all(FLERR,"Domain too small for this processor grid and this cutoff size:\n"
" Enlarge domain, reduce # of processors, or choose smaller cutoff");
/*NL*/ if (LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE,"minextent %f\n",minextent);
for (idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++) {
if (procgrid[idim] < 2) continue;
nproc_grid = hidim[idim] - lodim[idim] + 1;
/*NL*/ //if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE && idim == 2) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE,"Processor %d:, nlocal
//NP loop proc stencil
for(idim_proc = lodim[idim]; idim_proc <= hidim[idim]; idim_proc++)
//NP first calculate the maximum allowable border shift
//NP this ensures that no proc is skipped - i.e. particles are always communicated to a neigh proc
calc_max_shift(idim, idim_proc);
//step 1- calculate lo bound
//NP for the first proc - take boxlo
if(idim_proc == 0) bal_sublo[idim] = boxlo[idim];
//otherwise last hi limit as lo limit
else bal_sublo[idim] = bal_subhi[idim];
//step2 - calculate hi bound
//NP for the last proc - take boxhi
if(idim_proc == procgrid[idim]-1) bal_subhi[idim] = boxhi[idim];
//NP ideal particle count for the slice
ncount_ideal = (idim_proc - lodim[idim] + 1) * static_cast<int>(natoms / nproc_grid);
/*NL*/ //if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE,"ncount_ideal %d\n",ncount_ideal);
//NP init and perform recursive search
border[0] = boxlo[idim];
border[2] = boxhi[idim];
ncount[0] = 0;
ncount[2] = natoms;
bal_subhi[idim] = calc_border(ntry_simple,idim,ncount_ideal,border,ncount);
//step3 - apply bounds
// this may change the value for bal_subhi if necesary
//NP error->all(FLERR,"loadbalance finished");
/*NP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
recursive function to calc optimal domain decomposition
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double LbalanceSimple::calc_border(int ntry,int dim,int ncount_ideal,double *border,int *ncount)
double btemp;
int ntemp;
border[1] = 0.5 * (border[0] + border[2]);
ncount[1] = count_particles(dim,border[1]);
/*NL*/ //if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE, "proc %d, iteration %d, border %f\n",comm->me,ntry,border[1]);
//NP recursive binary search
if(ntry > 0)
if(ncount[0] > ncount_ideal || ncount[2] < ncount_ideal) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal situation in LbalanceSimple::calc_border");
if(ncount[1] == ncount_ideal) return border[1];
//NP adjust hi and lo border accordingly
else if(ncount[1] < ncount_ideal)
border[0] = border[1];
ncount[0] = ncount[1];
else if(ncount[1] > ncount_ideal)
border[2] = border[1];
ncount[2] = ncount[1];
return calc_border(ntry-1,dim,ncount_ideal,border,ncount);
//NP calc relative deviation for the three results
double rel_dev[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
rel_dev[i] = fabs(static_cast<double>(ncount[i]-ncount_ideal) / static_cast<double>(ncount_ideal)) ;
//NP return the border with minimum deviation
if(rel_dev[0] < rel_dev[1] && rel_dev[0] < rel_dev[2]) return border[0];
else if(rel_dev[1] < rel_dev[2]) return border[1];
else return border[2];
/*NP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function that counts number of particles
only count particles in the proc stencil
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline int LbalanceSimple::count_particles(int dim,double border)
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double **x = atom->x;
int count = 0, count_all;
//NP only take the right processors
if( myloc[dim] < lodim[dim] || myloc[dim] > hidim[dim])
count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if(x[i][dim] < border) count++;
/*NL*/ //if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE," proc %d counted %d particles for this border \n",comm->me,count_all);
return count_all;
/*NP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
calculate the maximum allowable shift
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void LbalanceSimple::calc_max_shift(int idim,int idim_proc)
//NP get max shift distance for negative and positive direction = subbox extent in this dim for
//NP this ensures that no proc is skipped - i.e. particles are always communicated to a neigh proc
double max_shift_all[2];
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (myloc[idim] == idim_proc+i) max_shift[i] = subhi[idim] - sublo[idim];
else max_shift[i] = BIG;
max_shift[i] = 0.90*max_shift_all[i];
//NP handle special cases - may not shift last border
if(idim_proc == comm->procgrid[idim]-1) max_shift[1] = 0.;
/*NP ----------------------------------------------------------------------
apply that has been calculated border
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void LbalanceSimple::apply_border(double *bal_sublo, double *bal_subhi,int idim,int idim_proc)
double subhi_final,subhi_final_all, boxhi_stencil,boxhi_stencil_all,bal_subhi_max;
//NP get boxhi for the stencil
boxhi_stencil = - BIG;
if(myloc[idim] <= hidim[idim]) boxhi_stencil = subhi[idim];
boxhi_stencil = boxhi_stencil_all;
//NP prevent the case that choosing a border does not leave enough place
//NP for the other procs to fulfil the minimum extent
bal_subhi_max = boxhi_stencil - (hidim[idim] - idim_proc) * minextent;
if(bal_subhi[idim] > bal_subhi_max) bal_subhi[idim] = bal_subhi_max;
//NP only take the calculated subbox size if relevant for me
subhi_final = BIG;
if(myloc[idim] == idim_proc)
//NP can take sublo directly
sublo[idim] = bal_sublo[idim];
/*NL*/ if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE,"original border for proc %d of dimension %d: %f, new border %f, maxshift: %f %f\n",idim_proc,idim,subhi[idim],bal_subhi[idim],-max_shift[0],max_shift[1]);
//NP make sure the minumim extent is obeyed
if(bal_subhi[idim] - bal_sublo[idim] < minextent) bal_subhi[idim] = bal_sublo[idim] + minextent;
/*NL*/ if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE," border result after min extent: %f\n",bal_subhi[idim]);
//NP make sure border is not shifted more than allowed
double diff = bal_subhi[idim] - subhi[idim];
//if(idim == 2) fprintf(screen,"Processor %d: boundaries initally calculated for dim %d: %f / %f\n",comm->me,idim,bal_sublo[idim],bal_subhi[idim]);
if (diff < 0 && diff < -max_shift[0])
subhi[idim] = subhi[idim] - max_shift[0];
else if(diff > 0 && diff > max_shift[1])
subhi[idim] = subhi[idim] + max_shift[1];
else subhi[idim] = bal_subhi[idim];
subhi_final = subhi[idim];
/*NL*/ if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE," border result after max shift extent: %f\n",subhi[idim]);
//NP warn if maximum shift distance did override
if(subhi[idim] - sublo[idim] < minextent ) error->warning(FLERR,"Minimum sub-domain extent could not be obeyed because particles would have been lost (did you insert large particles?). Inaccuracies may result.");
//if(idim ==2) fprintf(screen,"Processor %d: boundaries finally calculated for dim %d: %f / %f\n",comm->me,idim,sublo[idim],subhi[idim]);
//NP comunicate subhi that came out of the calculation to all procs
bal_subhi[idim] = subhi_final_all;
/*NL*/ if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE && comm->me == 0) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE,"FINAL result for proc %d of dimension %d: %f\n",idim_proc,idim,bal_subhi[idim]);
/*NL*/ if(LMP_DEBUGMODE_LBALANCE_SIMPLE_RESULTS && comm->me == 0) fprintf(LMP_DEBUG_OUT_LBALANCE_SIMPLE,"FINAL result for proc %d of dimension %d: %f\n",idim_proc,idim,bal_subhi[idim]);

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