and <ahref=""target="_blank">Nvidia</a>.
The GPU package has been compiled for mixed precision computation and
is currently somewhat tuned for Nvidia (Fermi generation) GPUs.
It <u>does not yet</u> work with OpenCL drivers for CPUs (like those included
in the Intel and AMD OpenCL SDKs).
In the case of having multiple Vendor provided OpenCL runtimes installed, you may run into the situation of the "wrong" runtime being set as the default and used by LAMMPS. In this case, you may need to remove unwanted vendors from the windows registry database. Look for the key: <code>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenCL\Vendors</code>, and remove vendors such as Intel.
When reporting problems, please always include the exact
<u>version of the installer</u> and the output of the