<UL><LI>style = <I>angle</I> or <I>atomic</I> or <I>body</I> or <I>bond</I> or <I>charge</I> or <I>dipole</I> or <I>electron</I> or <I>ellipsoid</I> or <I>full</I> or <I>line</I> or <I>meso</I> or <I>molecular</I> or <I>peri</I> or <I>sphere</I> or <I>tri</I> or <I>hybrid</I>
<PRE> args = none for any style except <I>body</I> and <I>hybrid</I>
<I>body</I> args = bstyle bstyle-args
bstyle = style of body particles
bstyle-args = additional arguments specific to the bstyle
see the <A HREF = "body.html">body</A> doc page for details
<I>hybrid</I> args = list of one or more sub-styles, each with their args
<PRE>atom_style atomic
atom_style bond
atom_style full
atom_style body nparticle 2 10
atom_style hybrid charge bond
atom_style hybrid charge body nparticle 2 5
<P>Define what style of atoms to use in a simulation. This determines
what attributes are associated with the atoms. This command must be
used before a simulation is setup via a <A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A>,
<A HREF = "read_restart.html">read_restart</A>, or <A HREF = "create_box.html">create_box</A>
<P>Once a style is assigned, it cannot be changed, so use a style general
enough to encompass all attributes. E.g. with style <I>bond</I>, angular
terms cannot be used or added later to the model. It is OK to use a
style more general than needed, though it may be slightly inefficient.
<P>The choice of style affects what quantities are stored by each atom,
what quantities are communicated between processors to enable forces
to be computed, and what quantities are listed in the data file read
by the <A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A> command.
<P>These are the additional attributes of each style and the typical
kinds of physical systems they are used to model. All styles store
coordinates, velocities, atom IDs and types. See the
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A>, <A HREF = "create_atoms.html">create_atoms</A>, and
<A HREF = "set.html">set</A> commands for info on how to set these various
<TR><TD ><I>angle</I> </TD><TD > bonds and angles </TD><TD > bead-spring polymers with stiffness </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>atomic</I> </TD><TD > only the default values </TD><TD > coarse-grain liquids, solids, metals </TD></TR>