<LI>style = <I>delete</I> or <I>index</I> or <I>loop</I> or <I>world</I> or <I>universe</I> or
<I>uloop</I> or <I>string</I> or <I>format</I> or <I>getenv</I> or <I>file</I> or <I>atomfile</I> or <I>python</I> or <I>equal</I> or <I>atom</I>
<PRE><I>delete</I> = no args
<I>index</I> args = one or more strings
<I>loop</I> args = N
N = integer size of loop, loop from 1 to N inclusive
<I>loop</I> args = N pad
N = integer size of loop, loop from 1 to N inclusive
pad = all values will be same length, e.g. 001, 002, ..., 100
<I>loop</I> args = N1 N2
N1,N2 = loop from N1 to N2 inclusive
<I>loop</I> args = N1 N2 pad
N1,N2 = loop from N1 to N2 inclusive
pad = all values will be same length, e.g. 050, 051, ..., 100
<I>world</I> args = one string for each partition of processors
<I>universe</I> args = one or more strings
<I>uloop</I> args = N
N = integer size of loop
<I>uloop</I> args = N pad
N = integer size of loop
pad = all values will be same length, e.g. 001, 002, ..., 100
<I>string</I> arg = one string
<I>format</I> args = vname fstr
vname = name of equal-style variable to evaluate
fstr = C-style format string
<I>getenv</I> arg = one string
<I>file</I> arg = filename
<I>atomfile</I> arg = filename
<I>python</I> arg = function
<I>equal</I> or <I>atom</I> args = one formula containing numbers, thermo keywords, math operations, group functions, atom values and vectors, compute/fix/variable references
numbers = 0.0, 100, -5.4, 2.8e-4, etc
constants = PI, version
thermo keywords = vol, ke, press, etc from <AHREF ="thermo_style.html">thermo_style</A>
<TR><TD>Math operators</TD><TD> (), -x, x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y, x^y, x%y, x == y, x != y, x < y, x <= y, x > y, x >= y, x && y, x || y, !x</TD></TR>