<UL><LI>ID, group-ID are documented in <AHREF ="fix.html">fix</A> command
<LI>style_name = <I>nvt</I> or <I>npt</I> or <I>nph</I>
<PRE>one or more keyword value pairs may be appended
keyword = <I>temp</I> or <I>iso</I> or <I>aniso</I> or <I>tri</I> or <I>x</I> or <I>y</I> or <I>z</I> or <I>xy</I> or <I>yz</I> or <I>xz</I> or <I>couple</I> or <I>tchain</I> or <I>pchain</I> or <I>mtk</I> or <I>tloop</I> or <I>ploop</I> or <I>nreset</I> or <I>drag</I> or <I>dilate</I>
<I>temp</I> values = Tstart Tstop Tdamp
Tstart,Tstop = external temperature at start/end of run
Tdamp = temperature damping parameter (time units)
<I>iso</I> or <I>aniso</I> or <I>tri</I> values = Pstart Pstop Pdamp
Pstart,Pstop = scalar external pressure at start/end of run (pressure units)
Pdamp = pressure damping parameter (time units)
<I>x</I> or <I>y</I> or <I>z</I> or <I>xy</I> or <I>yz</I> or <I>xz</I> values = Pstart Pstop Pdamp
Pstart,Pstop = external stress tensor component at start/end of run (pressure units)
Pdamp = stress damping parameter (time units)
<I>couple</I> = <I>none</I> or <I>xyz</I> or <I>xy</I> or <I>yz</I> or <I>xz</I>
<I>tchain</I> value = length of thermostat chain (1 = single thermostat)
<I>pchain</I> values = length of thermostat chain on barostat (0 = no thermostat)
<I>mtk</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = add in MTK adjustment term or not
<I>tloop</I> value = number of sub-cycles to perform on thermostat
<I>ploop</I> value = number of sub-cycles to perform on barostat thermostat
<I>nreset</I> value = reset reference cell every this many timesteps
<I>drag</I> value = drag factor added to barostat/thermostat (0.0 = no drag)
<I>dilate</I> value = <I>all</I> or <I>partial</I>
<I>scaleyz</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = scale yz with lz
<I>scalexz</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = scale xz with lz
<I>scalexy</I> value = <I>yes</I> or <I>no</I> = scale xy with ly
<PRE>fix 1 all nvt temp 300.0 300.0 100.0
fix 1 water npt temp 300.0 300.0 100.0 iso 0.0 0.0 1000.0