<li>group-ID = ID of the group of atoms to be imaged</li>
<li>h5md = style of dump command (other styles <em>atom</em> or <em>cfg</em> or <em>dcd</em> or <em>xtc</em> or <em>xyz</em> or <em>local</em> or <em>custom</em> are discussed on the <a class="reference internal" href="dump.html"><span class="doc">dump</span></a> doc page)</li>
<li>N = dump every this many timesteps</li>
<li>file.h5 = name of file to write to</li>
<li>args = list of data elements to dump, with their dump “subintervals”.
At least one element must be given and image may only be present if
position is specified first.</li>
<pre class="literal-block">
position options
velocity options
force options
species options
file_from ID: do not open a new file, re-use the already opened file from dump ID
box value = <em>yes</em> or <em>no</em>
create_group value = <em>yes</em> or <em>no</em>
author value = quoted string
<p>For the elements <em>position</em>, <em>velocity</em>, <em>force</em> and <em>species</em>, one
may specify a sub-interval to write the data only every N_element
iterations of the dump (i.e. every N*N_element time steps). This is
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