<p>The <em>smd/tlsph</em> style computes particle interactions according to continuum mechanics constitutive laws and a Total-Lagrangian Smooth-Particle Hydrodynamics algorithm.</p>
<p>This pair style is invoked with the following command:</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
pair_style smd/tlsph
pair_coeff i j *COMMON rho0 E nu Q1 Q2 hg Cp &
<p>Here, <em>i</em> and <em>j</em> denote the <em>LAMMPS</em> particle types for which this pair style is
defined. Note that <em>i</em> and <em>j</em> must be equal, i.e., no <em>tlsph</em> cross interactions
between different particle types are allowed.
In contrast to the usual <em>LAMMPS</em> <em>pair coeff</em> definitions, which are given solely a
number of floats and integers, the <em>tlsph</em> <em>pair coeff</em> definition is organised using
keywords. These keywords mark the beginning of different sets of parameters for particle properties,
material constitutive models, and damage models. The <em>pair coeff</em> line must be terminated with
the <em>*END</em> keyword. The use the line continuation operator <em>&</em> is recommended. A typical
invocation of the <em>tlsph</em> for a solid body would consist of an equation of state for computing
the pressure (the diagonal components of the stress tensor), and a material model to compute shear
stresses (the off-diagonal components of the stress tensor). Damage and failure models can also be added.</p>
<p>Please see the <a class="reference external" href="USER/smd/SMD_LAMMPS_userguide.pdf">SMD user guide</a> for a complete listing of the possible keywords and material models.</p>
Currently, no part of USER-SMD supports restarting nor minimization.
rRESPA does not apply to this pair style.</p>
<hr class="docutils" />
<div class="section" id="restrictions">
<p>This fix is part of the USER-SMD package. It is only enabled if
LAMMPS was built with that package. See the <a class="reference internal" href="Section_start.html#start-3"><span class="std std-ref">Making LAMMPS</span></a>
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