"LAMMPS WWW Site"_lws - "LAMMPS Documentation"_ld - "LAMMPS Commands"_lc :c :link(lws,http://lammps.sandia.gov) :link(ld,Manual.html) :link(lc,Section_commands.html#comm) :line angle_style sdk command :h3 [Syntax:] angle_style sdk :pre angle_style sdk/omp :pre [Examples:] angle_style sdk angle_coeff 1 300.0 107.0 :pre [Description:] The {sdk} angle style is a combination of the harmonic angle potential, :c,image(Eqs/angle_harmonic.jpg) where theta0 is the equilibrium value of the angle and K a prefactor, with the {repulsive} part of the non-bonded {lj/sdk} pair style between the atoms 1 and 3. This angle potential is intended for coarse grained MD simulations with the CMM parametrization using the "pair_style lj/sdk"_pair_sdk.html. Relative to the pair_style {lj/sdk}, however, the energy is shifted by {epsilon}, to avoid sudden jumps. Note that the usual 1/2 factor is included in K. The following coefficients must be defined for each angle type via the "angle_coeff"_angle_coeff.html command as in the example above: K (energy/radian^2) theta0 (degrees) :ul Theta0 is specified in degrees, but LAMMPS converts it to radians internally; hence the units of K are in energy/radian^2. The also required {lj/sdk} parameters will be extracted automatically from the pair_style. [Restrictions:] This angle style can only be used if LAMMPS was built with the USER-CGSDK package. See the "Making LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#start_3 section for more info on packages. [Related commands:] "angle_coeff"_angle_coeff.html, "angle_style harmonic"_angle_harmonic.html, "pair_style lj/sdk"_pair_sdk.html, "pair_style lj/sdk/coul/long"_pair_sdk.html [Default:] none