units lj atom_style full boundary p p p special_bonds lj/coul 1 1 1 newton on on # save an extra atom type for bond particles read_data data.chain neighbor 2.0 bin neigh_modify every 10 check yes bond_style harmonic bond_coeff * 225.0 0.85 comm_modify vel yes comm_modify cutoff 3.6 # must use pair hybrid, since srp bond particles # do not interact with other atoms types pair_style hybrid dpd 1.0 1.0 373692 srp 0.8 1 mid pair_coeff 1 1 dpd 60.0 4.5 1.0 pair_coeff 1 2 none pair_coeff 2 2 srp 100.0 # auto normalization of thermo quantities is turned off by pair srp # just divide by natoms variable natoms equal count(all) variable nPotEng equal c_thermo_pe/v_natoms thermo 50 thermo_style custom step temp pe v_nPotEng press atoms v_natoms lx ly lz fix 1 all nve timestep 0.01 restart 500 mid-run-*.restart run 1000 write_restart end-run.restart