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// ************************************************************************
// Kokkos v. 2.0
// Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Questions? Contact H. Carter Edwards (
// ************************************************************************
/// \file Kokkos_DynRankView.hpp
/// \brief Declaration and definition of Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView.
/// This header file declares and defines Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView and its
/// related nonmember functions.
* Changes from View
* 1. The rank of the DynRankView is returned by the method rank()
* 2. Max rank of a DynRankView is 7
* 3. subview name is subdynrankview
* 4. Every subdynrankview is returned with LayoutStride
* NEW: Redesigned DynRankView
* 5. subview function name now available
* 6. Copy and Copy-Assign View to DynRankView
* 7. deep_copy between Views and DynRankViews
* 8. rank( view ); returns the rank of View or DynRankView
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_Error.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
template< typename DataType , class ... Properties >
class DynRankView; //forward declare
namespace Impl {
template <typename Specialize>
struct DynRankDimTraits {
enum : size_t{unspecified = ~size_t(0)};
// Compute the rank of the view from the nonzero dimension arguments.
static size_t computeRank( const size_t N0
, const size_t N1
, const size_t N2
, const size_t N3
, const size_t N4
, const size_t N5
, const size_t N6
, const size_t N7 )
( (N6 == unspecified && N5 == unspecified && N4 == unspecified && N3 == unspecified && N2 == unspecified && N1 == unspecified && N0 == unspecified) ? 0
: ( (N6 == unspecified && N5 == unspecified && N4 == unspecified && N3 == unspecified && N2 == unspecified && N1 == unspecified) ? 1
: ( (N6 == unspecified && N5 == unspecified && N4 == unspecified && N3 == unspecified && N2 == unspecified) ? 2
: ( (N6 == unspecified && N5 == unspecified && N4 == unspecified && N3 == unspecified) ? 3
: ( (N6 == unspecified && N5 == unspecified && N4 == unspecified) ? 4
: ( (N6 == unspecified && N5 == unspecified) ? 5
: ( (N6 == unspecified) ? 6
: 7 ) ) ) ) ) ) );
// Compute the rank of the view from the nonzero layout arguments.
template <typename Layout>
static size_t computeRank( const Layout& layout )
return computeRank( layout.dimension[0]
, layout.dimension[1]
, layout.dimension[2]
, layout.dimension[3]
, layout.dimension[4]
, layout.dimension[5]
, layout.dimension[6]
, layout.dimension[7] );
// Create the layout for the rank-7 view.
// Non-strided Layout
template <typename Layout>
static typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<Layout , Kokkos::LayoutRight>::value || std::is_same<Layout , Kokkos::LayoutLeft>::value) , Layout >::type createLayout( const Layout& layout )
return Layout( layout.dimension[0] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[0] : 1
, layout.dimension[1] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[1] : 1
, layout.dimension[2] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[2] : 1
, layout.dimension[3] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[3] : 1
, layout.dimension[4] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[4] : 1
, layout.dimension[5] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[5] : 1
, layout.dimension[6] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[6] : 1
, layout.dimension[7] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[7] : 1
// LayoutStride
template <typename Layout>
static typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<Layout , Kokkos::LayoutStride>::value) , Layout>::type createLayout( const Layout& layout )
return Layout( layout.dimension[0] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[0] : 1
, layout.stride[0]
, layout.dimension[1] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[1] : 1
, layout.stride[1]
, layout.dimension[2] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[2] : 1
, layout.stride[2]
, layout.dimension[3] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[3] : 1
, layout.stride[3]
, layout.dimension[4] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[4] : 1
, layout.stride[4]
, layout.dimension[5] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[5] : 1
, layout.stride[5]
, layout.dimension[6] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[6] : 1
, layout.stride[6]
, layout.dimension[7] != unspecified ? layout.dimension[7] : 1
, layout.stride[7]
// Create a view from the given dimension arguments.
// This is only necessary because the shmem constructor doesn't take a layout.
template <typename ViewType, typename ViewArg>
static ViewType createView( const ViewArg& arg
, const size_t N0
, const size_t N1
, const size_t N2
, const size_t N3
, const size_t N4
, const size_t N5
, const size_t N6
, const size_t N7 )
return ViewType( arg
, N0 != unspecified ? N0 : 1
, N1 != unspecified ? N1 : 1
, N2 != unspecified ? N2 : 1
, N3 != unspecified ? N3 : 1
, N4 != unspecified ? N4 : 1
, N5 != unspecified ? N5 : 1
, N6 != unspecified ? N6 : 1
, N7 != unspecified ? N7 : 1 );
// Non-strided Layout
template <typename Layout , typename iType>
static typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<Layout , Kokkos::LayoutRight>::value || std::is_same<Layout , Kokkos::LayoutLeft>::value) && std::is_integral<iType>::value , Layout >::type reconstructLayout( const Layout& layout , iType dynrank )
return Layout( dynrank > 0 ? layout.dimension[0] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 1 ? layout.dimension[1] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 2 ? layout.dimension[2] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 3 ? layout.dimension[3] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 4 ? layout.dimension[4] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 5 ? layout.dimension[5] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 6 ? layout.dimension[6] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 7 ? layout.dimension[7] : ~size_t(0)
// LayoutStride
template <typename Layout , typename iType>
static typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<Layout , Kokkos::LayoutStride>::value) && std::is_integral<iType>::value , Layout >::type reconstructLayout( const Layout& layout , iType dynrank )
return Layout( dynrank > 0 ? layout.dimension[0] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 0 ? layout.stride[0] : (0)
, dynrank > 1 ? layout.dimension[1] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 1 ? layout.stride[1] : (0)
, dynrank > 2 ? layout.dimension[2] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 2 ? layout.stride[2] : (0)
, dynrank > 3 ? layout.dimension[3] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 3 ? layout.stride[3] : (0)
, dynrank > 4 ? layout.dimension[4] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 4 ? layout.stride[4] : (0)
, dynrank > 5 ? layout.dimension[5] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 5 ? layout.stride[5] : (0)
, dynrank > 6 ? layout.dimension[6] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 6 ? layout.stride[6] : (0)
, dynrank > 7 ? layout.dimension[7] : ~size_t(0)
, dynrank > 7 ? layout.stride[7] : (0)
/** \brief Debug bounds-checking routines */
// Enhanced debug checking - most infrastructure matches that of functions in
// Kokkos_ViewMapping; additional checks for extra arguments beyond rank are 0
template< unsigned , typename iType0 , class MapType >
bool dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds( const iType0 & , const MapType & )
{ return true ; }
template< unsigned R , typename iType0 , class MapType , typename iType1 , class ... Args >
bool dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds
( const iType0 & rank
, const MapType & map
, const iType1 & i
, Args ... args
if ( static_cast<iType0>(R) < rank ) {
return ( size_t(i) < map.extent(R) )
&& dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds<R+1>( rank , map , args ... );
else if ( i != 0 ) {
printf("DynRankView Debug Bounds Checking Error: at rank %u\n Extra arguments beyond the rank must be zero \n",R);
return ( false )
&& dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds<R+1>( rank , map , args ... );
else {
return ( true )
&& dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds<R+1>( rank , map , args ... );
template< unsigned , class MapType >
void dyn_rank_view_error_operator_bounds( char * , int , const MapType & )
template< unsigned R , class MapType , class iType , class ... Args >
void dyn_rank_view_error_operator_bounds
( char * buf
, int len
, const MapType & map
, const iType & i
, Args ... args
const int n =
snprintf(buf,len," %ld < %ld %c"
, static_cast<unsigned long>(i)
, static_cast<unsigned long>( map.extent(R) )
, ( sizeof...(Args) ? ',' : ')' )
// op_rank = rank of the operator version that was called
template< typename MemorySpace
, typename iType0 , typename iType1 , class MapType , class ... Args >
void dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds
( const iType0 & op_rank , const iType1 & rank
, const Kokkos::Impl::SharedAllocationTracker & tracker
, const MapType & map , Args ... args )
if ( static_cast<iType0>(rank) > op_rank ) {
Kokkos::abort( "DynRankView Bounds Checking Error: Need at least rank arguments to the operator()" );
if ( ! dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds<0>( rank , map , args ... ) ) {
enum { LEN = 1024 };
char buffer[ LEN ];
const std::string label = tracker.template get_label<MemorySpace>();
int n = snprintf(buffer,LEN,"DynRankView bounds error of view %s (", label.c_str());
dyn_rank_view_error_operator_bounds<0>( buffer + n , LEN - n , map , args ... );
Kokkos::abort("DynRankView bounds error");
/** \brief Assign compatible default mappings */
struct ViewToDynRankViewTag {};
template< class DstTraits , class SrcTraits >
class ViewMapping< DstTraits , SrcTraits ,
typename std::enable_if<(
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::memory_space , typename SrcTraits::memory_space >::value
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::specialize , void >::value
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize , void >::value
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::array_layout , typename SrcTraits::array_layout >::value
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::array_layout , Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value ||
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::array_layout , Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value ||
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::array_layout , Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::array_layout , Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value ||
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::array_layout , Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value ||
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::array_layout , Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value
) , ViewToDynRankViewTag >::type >
enum { is_assignable_value_type =
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::value_type
, typename SrcTraits::value_type >::value ||
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::value_type
, typename SrcTraits::const_value_type >::value };
enum { is_assignable_layout =
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::array_layout
, typename SrcTraits::array_layout >::value ||
std::is_same< typename DstTraits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value
enum { is_assignable = is_assignable_value_type &&
is_assignable_layout };
typedef ViewMapping< DstTraits , void > DstType ;
typedef ViewMapping< SrcTraits , void > SrcType ;
template < typename DT , typename ... DP , typename ST , typename ... SP >
static void assign( Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView< DT , DP...> & dst , const Kokkos::View< ST , SP... > & src )
static_assert( is_assignable_value_type
, "View assignment must have same value type or const = non-const" );
static_assert( is_assignable_layout
, "View assignment must have compatible layout or have rank <= 1" );
// Removed dimension checks...
typedef typename DstType::offset_type dst_offset_type ;
dst.m_map.m_offset = dst_offset_type(std::integral_constant<unsigned,0>() , src.layout() ); //Check this for integer input1 for padding, etc
dst.m_map.m_handle = Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewDataHandle< DstTraits >::assign( src.m_map.m_handle , src.m_track );
dst.m_track.assign( src.m_track , DstTraits::is_managed );
dst.m_rank = src.Rank ;
} //end Impl
/* \class DynRankView
* \brief Container that creates a Kokkos view with rank determined at runtime.
* Essentially this is a rank 7 view that wraps the access operators
* to yield the functionality of a view
* Changes from View
* 1. The rank of the DynRankView is returned by the method rank()
* 2. Max rank of a DynRankView is 7
* 3. subview name is subdynrankview
* 4. Every subdynrankview is returned with LayoutStride
* NEW: Redesigned DynRankView
* 5. subview function name now available
* 6. Copy and Copy-Assign View to DynRankView
* 7. deep_copy between Views and DynRankViews
* 8. rank( view ); returns the rank of View or DynRankView
template< class > struct is_dyn_rank_view : public std::false_type {};
template< class D, class ... P >
struct is_dyn_rank_view< Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<D,P...> > : public std::true_type {};
template< typename DataType , class ... Properties >
class DynRankView : public ViewTraits< DataType , Properties ... >
static_assert( !std::is_array<DataType>::value && !std::is_pointer<DataType>::value , "Cannot template DynRankView with array or pointer datatype - must be pod" );
template < class , class ... > friend class DynRankView ;
template < class , class ... > friend class Impl::ViewMapping ;
typedef ViewTraits< DataType , Properties ... > drvtraits ;
typedef View< DataType******* , Properties...> view_type ;
typedef ViewTraits< DataType******* , Properties ... > traits ;
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< traits , void > map_type ;
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SharedAllocationTracker track_type ;
track_type m_track ;
map_type m_map ;
unsigned m_rank;
view_type & DownCast() const { return ( view_type & ) (*this); }
const view_type & ConstDownCast() const { return (const view_type & ) (*this); }
//Types below - at least the HostMirror requires the value_type, NOT the rank 7 data_type of the traits
/** \brief Compatible view of array of scalar types */
typedef DynRankView< typename drvtraits::scalar_array_type ,
typename drvtraits::array_layout ,
typename drvtraits::device_type ,
typename drvtraits::memory_traits >
array_type ;
/** \brief Compatible view of const data type */
typedef DynRankView< typename drvtraits::const_data_type ,
typename drvtraits::array_layout ,
typename drvtraits::device_type ,
typename drvtraits::memory_traits >
const_type ;
/** \brief Compatible view of non-const data type */
typedef DynRankView< typename drvtraits::non_const_data_type ,
typename drvtraits::array_layout ,
typename drvtraits::device_type ,
typename drvtraits::memory_traits >
non_const_type ;
/** \brief Compatible HostMirror view */
typedef DynRankView< typename drvtraits::non_const_data_type ,
typename drvtraits::array_layout ,
typename drvtraits::host_mirror_space >
HostMirror ;
// Domain rank and extents
// enum { Rank = map_type::Rank }; //Will be dyn rank of 7 always, keep the enum?
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral<iType>::value , size_t >::type
extent( const iType & r ) const
{ return m_map.extent(r); }
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral<iType>::value , int >::type
extent_int( const iType & r ) const
{ return static_cast<int>(m_map.extent(r)); }
typename traits::array_layout layout() const
{ return m_map.layout(); }
/* Deprecate all 'dimension' functions in favor of
* ISO/C++ vocabulary 'extent'.
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral<iType>::value , size_t >::type
dimension( const iType & r ) const { return extent( r ); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_0() const { return m_map.dimension_0(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_1() const { return m_map.dimension_1(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_2() const { return m_map.dimension_2(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_3() const { return m_map.dimension_3(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_4() const { return m_map.dimension_4(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_5() const { return m_map.dimension_5(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_6() const { return m_map.dimension_6(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t dimension_7() const { return m_map.dimension_7(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t size() const { return m_map.dimension_0() *
m_map.dimension_1() *
m_map.dimension_2() *
m_map.dimension_3() *
m_map.dimension_4() *
m_map.dimension_5() *
m_map.dimension_6() *
m_map.dimension_7(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_0() const { return m_map.stride_0(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_1() const { return m_map.stride_1(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_2() const { return m_map.stride_2(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_3() const { return m_map.stride_3(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_4() const { return m_map.stride_4(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_5() const { return m_map.stride_5(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_6() const { return m_map.stride_6(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t stride_7() const { return m_map.stride_7(); }
template< typename iType >
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void stride( iType * const s ) const { m_map.stride(s); }
// Range span is the span which contains all members.
typedef typename map_type::reference_type reference_type ;
typedef typename map_type::pointer_type pointer_type ;
enum { reference_type_is_lvalue_reference = std::is_lvalue_reference< reference_type >::value };
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t span() const { return m_map.span(); }
// Deprecated, use 'span()' instead
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr size_t capacity() const { return m_map.span(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool span_is_contiguous() const { return m_map.span_is_contiguous(); }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr pointer_type data() const { return; }
// Deprecated, use 'span_is_contigous()' instead
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool is_contiguous() const { return m_map.span_is_contiguous(); }
// Deprecated, use 'data()' instead
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr pointer_type ptr_on_device() const { return; }
// Allow specializations to query their specialized map
const Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< traits , void > &
implementation_map() const { return m_map ; }
enum {
is_layout_left = std::is_same< typename traits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value ,
is_layout_right = std::is_same< typename traits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value ,
is_layout_stride = std::is_same< typename traits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value ,
is_default_map =
std::is_same< typename traits::specialize , void >::value &&
( is_layout_left || is_layout_right || is_layout_stride )
template< class Space , bool = Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< Space , typename traits::memory_space >::accessible > struct verify_space
{ KOKKOS_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION static void check() {} };
template< class Space > struct verify_space<Space,false>
{ Kokkos::abort("Kokkos::DynRankView ERROR: attempt to access inaccessible memory space"); };
// Bounds checking macros
// rank of the calling operator - included as first argument in ARG
DynRankView::template verify_space< Kokkos::Impl::ActiveExecutionMemorySpace >::check(); \
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::dyn_rank_view_verify_operator_bounds< typename traits::memory_space > ARG ;
DynRankView::template verify_space< Kokkos::Impl::ActiveExecutionMemorySpace >::check();
constexpr unsigned rank() const { return m_rank; }
//operators ()
// Rank 0
reference_type operator()() const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (0 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map) )
return implementation_map().reference();
//return m_map.reference(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
// Rank 1
// This assumes a contiguous underlying memory (i.e. no padding, no striding...)
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< std::is_same<typename drvtraits::value_type, typename drvtraits::scalar_array_type>::value && std::is_integral<iType>::value, reference_type>::type
operator[](const iType & i0) const
//Phalanx is violating this, since they use the operator to access ALL elements in the allocation
//KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (1 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map) )
return data()[i0];
// This assumes a contiguous underlying memory (i.e. no padding, no striding...
// AND a Trilinos/Sacado scalar type )
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same<typename drvtraits::value_type, typename drvtraits::scalar_array_type>::value && std::is_integral<iType>::value, reference_type>::type
operator[](const iType & i0) const
// auto map = implementation_map();
const size_t dim_scalar = m_map.dimension_scalar();
const size_t bytes = this->span() / dim_scalar;
typedef Kokkos::View<DataType*, typename traits::array_layout, typename traits::device_type, Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged | traits::memory_traits::RandomAccess | traits::memory_traits::Atomic> > tmp_view_type;
tmp_view_type rankone_view(this->data(), bytes, dim_scalar);
return rankone_view(i0);
// Rank 1 parenthesis
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType & i0 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (1 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0) )
return m_map.reference(i0);
template< typename iType >
typename std::enable_if< !(std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType & i0 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (1 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0) )
return m_map.reference(i0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
// Rank 2
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value && std::is_integral<iType1>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (2 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1);
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 >
typename std::enable_if< !(std::is_same<typename drvtraits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (2 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,0,0,0,0,0);
// Rank 3
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value && std::is_integral<iType1>::value && std::is_integral<iType2>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (3 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2);
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 >
typename std::enable_if< !(std::is_same<typename drvtraits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (3 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,0,0,0,0);
// Rank 4
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value && std::is_integral<iType1>::value && std::is_integral<iType2>::value && std::is_integral<iType3>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (4 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3);
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 >
typename std::enable_if< !(std::is_same<typename drvtraits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (4 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3,0,0,0);
// Rank 5
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3, typename iType4 >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value && std::is_integral<iType1>::value && std::is_integral<iType2>::value && std::is_integral<iType3>::value && std::is_integral<iType4>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 , const iType4 & i4 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (5 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4);
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3, typename iType4 >
typename std::enable_if< !(std::is_same<typename drvtraits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 , const iType4 & i4 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (5 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,0,0);
// Rank 6
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3, typename iType4 , typename iType5 >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value && std::is_integral<iType1>::value && std::is_integral<iType2>::value && std::is_integral<iType3>::value && std::is_integral<iType4>::value && std::is_integral<iType5>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 , const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (6 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5);
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3, typename iType4 , typename iType5 >
typename std::enable_if< !(std::is_same<typename drvtraits::specialize , void>::value && std::is_integral<iType0>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 , const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (6 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,0);
// Rank 7
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3, typename iType4 , typename iType5 , typename iType6 >
typename std::enable_if< (std::is_integral<iType0>::value && std::is_integral<iType1>::value && std::is_integral<iType2>::value && std::is_integral<iType3>::value && std::is_integral<iType4>::value && std::is_integral<iType5>::value && std::is_integral<iType6>::value), reference_type>::type
operator()(const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 , const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 , const iType6 & i6 ) const
KOKKOS_IMPL_VIEW_OPERATOR_VERIFY( (7 , this->rank(), m_track, m_map, i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6) )
return m_map.reference(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6);
// Standard constructor, destructor, and assignment operators...
~DynRankView() {}
DynRankView() : m_track(), m_map(), m_rank() {} //Default ctor
DynRankView( const DynRankView & rhs ) : m_track( rhs.m_track ), m_map( rhs.m_map ), m_rank(rhs.m_rank) {}
DynRankView( DynRankView && rhs ) : m_track( rhs.m_track ), m_map( rhs.m_map ), m_rank(rhs.m_rank) {}
DynRankView & operator = ( const DynRankView & rhs ) { m_track = rhs.m_track; m_map = rhs.m_map; m_rank = rhs.m_rank; return *this; }
DynRankView & operator = ( DynRankView && rhs ) { m_track = rhs.m_track; m_map = rhs.m_map; m_rank = rhs.m_rank; return *this; }
// Compatible view copy constructor and assignment
// may assign unmanaged from managed.
template< class RT , class ... RP >
DynRankView( const DynRankView<RT,RP...> & rhs )
: m_track( rhs.m_track , traits::is_managed )
, m_map()
, m_rank(rhs.m_rank)
typedef typename DynRankView<RT,RP...> ::traits SrcTraits ;
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< traits , SrcTraits , void > Mapping ;
static_assert( Mapping::is_assignable , "Incompatible DynRankView copy construction" );
Mapping::assign( m_map , rhs.m_map , rhs.m_track );
template< class RT , class ... RP >
DynRankView & operator = (const DynRankView<RT,RP...> & rhs )
typedef typename DynRankView<RT,RP...> ::traits SrcTraits ;
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< traits , SrcTraits , void > Mapping ;
static_assert( Mapping::is_assignable , "Incompatible DynRankView copy construction" );
Mapping::assign( m_map , rhs.m_map , rhs.m_track );
m_track.assign( rhs.m_track , traits::is_managed );
m_rank = rhs.rank();
return *this;
// Experimental
// Copy/Assign View to DynRankView
template< class RT , class ... RP >
DynRankView( const View<RT,RP...> & rhs )
: m_track()
, m_map()
, m_rank( rhs.Rank )
typedef typename View<RT,RP...>::traits SrcTraits ;
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< traits , SrcTraits , Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewToDynRankViewTag > Mapping ;
static_assert( Mapping::is_assignable , "Incompatible DynRankView copy construction" );
Mapping::assign( *this , rhs );
template< class RT , class ... RP >
DynRankView & operator = ( const View<RT,RP...> & rhs )
typedef typename View<RT,RP...>::traits SrcTraits ;
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< traits , SrcTraits , Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewToDynRankViewTag > Mapping ;
static_assert( Mapping::is_assignable , "Incompatible View to DynRankView copy assignment" );
Mapping::assign( *this , rhs );
return *this ;
// Allocation tracking properties
int use_count() const
{ return m_track.use_count(); }
const std::string label() const
{ return m_track.template get_label< typename traits::memory_space >(); }
// Allocation according to allocation properties and array layout
// unused arg_layout dimensions must be set to ~size_t(0) so that rank deduction can properly take place
template< class ... P >
explicit inline
DynRankView( const Impl::ViewCtorProp< P ... > & arg_prop
, typename std::enable_if< ! Impl::ViewCtorProp< P... >::has_pointer
, typename traits::array_layout
>::type const & arg_layout
: m_track()
, m_map()
, m_rank( Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::computeRank(arg_layout) )
// Append layout and spaces if not input
typedef Impl::ViewCtorProp< P ... > alloc_prop_input ;
// use 'std::integral_constant<unsigned,I>' for non-types
// to avoid duplicate class error.
typedef Impl::ViewCtorProp
< P ...
, typename std::conditional
< alloc_prop_input::has_label
, std::integral_constant<unsigned,0>
, typename std::string
, typename std::conditional
< alloc_prop_input::has_memory_space
, std::integral_constant<unsigned,1>
, typename traits::device_type::memory_space
, typename std::conditional
< alloc_prop_input::has_execution_space
, std::integral_constant<unsigned,2>
, typename traits::device_type::execution_space
> alloc_prop ;
static_assert( traits::is_managed
, "View allocation constructor requires managed memory" );
if ( alloc_prop::initialize &&
! alloc_prop::execution_space::is_initialized() ) {
// If initializing view data then
// the execution space must be initialized.
Kokkos::Impl::throw_runtime_exception("Constructing DynRankView and initializing data with uninitialized execution space");
// Copy the input allocation properties with possibly defaulted properties
alloc_prop prop( arg_prop );
#if defined( KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA )
// If allocating in CudaUVMSpace must fence before and after
// the allocation to protect against possible concurrent access
// on the CPU and the GPU.
// Fence using the trait's executon space (which will be Kokkos::Cuda)
// to avoid incomplete type errors from usng Kokkos::Cuda directly.
if ( std::is_same< Kokkos::CudaUVMSpace , typename traits::device_type::memory_space >::value ) {
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SharedAllocationRecord<> *
record = m_map.allocate_shared( prop , Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::createLayout(arg_layout) );
#if defined( KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA )
if ( std::is_same< Kokkos::CudaUVMSpace , typename traits::device_type::memory_space >::value ) {
// Setup and initialization complete, start tracking
m_track.assign_allocated_record_to_uninitialized( record );
// Wrappers
template< class ... P >
DynRankView( const Impl::ViewCtorProp< P ... > & arg_prop
, typename std::enable_if< Impl::ViewCtorProp< P... >::has_pointer
, typename traits::array_layout
>::type const & arg_layout
: m_track() // No memory tracking
, m_map( arg_prop , Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::createLayout(arg_layout) )
, m_rank( Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::computeRank(arg_layout) )
std::is_same< pointer_type
, typename Impl::ViewCtorProp< P... >::pointer_type
>::value ,
"Constructing DynRankView to wrap user memory must supply matching pointer type" );
// Simple dimension-only layout
template< class ... P >
explicit inline
DynRankView( const Impl::ViewCtorProp< P ... > & arg_prop
, typename std::enable_if< ! Impl::ViewCtorProp< P... >::has_pointer
, size_t
>::type const arg_N0 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0)
: DynRankView( arg_prop
, typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3 , arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 )
template< class ... P >
DynRankView( const Impl::ViewCtorProp< P ... > & arg_prop
, typename std::enable_if< Impl::ViewCtorProp< P... >::has_pointer
, size_t
>::type const arg_N0 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0)
: DynRankView( arg_prop
, typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3 , arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 )
// Allocate with label and layout
template< typename Label >
explicit inline
DynRankView( const Label & arg_label
, typename std::enable_if<
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::is_view_label<Label>::value ,
typename traits::array_layout >::type const & arg_layout
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp< std::string >( arg_label ) , arg_layout )
// Allocate label and layout, must disambiguate from subview constructor
template< typename Label >
explicit inline
DynRankView( const Label & arg_label
, typename std::enable_if<
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::is_view_label<Label>::value ,
const size_t >::type arg_N0 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0)
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp< std::string >( arg_label )
, typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3 , arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 )
// For backward compatibility
explicit inline
DynRankView( const ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing & arg_prop
, const typename traits::array_layout & arg_layout
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp< std::string , Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::WithoutInitializing_t >( arg_prop.label , Kokkos::Experimental::WithoutInitializing )
, Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::createLayout(arg_layout)
explicit inline
DynRankView( const ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing & arg_prop
, const size_t arg_N0 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0)
: DynRankView(Impl::ViewCtorProp< std::string , Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::WithoutInitializing_t >( arg_prop.label , Kokkos::Experimental::WithoutInitializing ), arg_N0, arg_N1, arg_N2, arg_N3, arg_N4, arg_N5, arg_N6, arg_N7 )
// Memory span required to wrap these dimensions.
static constexpr size_t required_allocation_size(
const size_t arg_N0 = 0
, const size_t arg_N1 = 0
, const size_t arg_N2 = 0
, const size_t arg_N3 = 0
, const size_t arg_N4 = 0
, const size_t arg_N5 = 0
, const size_t arg_N6 = 0
, const size_t arg_N7 = 0
return map_type::memory_span(
typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3
, arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 ) );
DynRankView( pointer_type arg_ptr
, const size_t arg_N0 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0)
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp<pointer_type>(arg_ptr) , arg_N0, arg_N1, arg_N2, arg_N3, arg_N4, arg_N5, arg_N6, arg_N7 )
DynRankView( pointer_type arg_ptr
, typename traits::array_layout & arg_layout
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp<pointer_type>(arg_ptr) , arg_layout )
// Shared scratch memory constructor
static inline
size_t shmem_size( const size_t arg_N0 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0) )
const size_t num_passed_args =
( arg_N0 != ~size_t(0) ) + ( arg_N1 != ~size_t(0) ) + ( arg_N2 != ~size_t(0) ) +
( arg_N3 != ~size_t(0) ) + ( arg_N4 != ~size_t(0) ) + ( arg_N5 != ~size_t(0) ) +
( arg_N6 != ~size_t(0) ) + ( arg_N7 != ~size_t(0) );
if ( std::is_same<typename traits::specialize , void>::value && num_passed_args != traits::rank_dynamic ) {
Kokkos::abort( "Kokkos::View::shmem_size() rank_dynamic != number of arguments.\n" );
return map_type::memory_span(
typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3
, arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 ) );
DynRankView( const typename traits::execution_space::scratch_memory_space & arg_space
, const typename traits::array_layout & arg_layout )
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp<pointer_type>(
arg_space.get_shmem( map_type::memory_span(
Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::createLayout( arg_layout ) //is this correct?
) ) ) )
, arg_layout )
DynRankView( const typename traits::execution_space::scratch_memory_space & arg_space
, const size_t arg_N0 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N1 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N2 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N3 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N4 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N5 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N6 = ~size_t(0)
, const size_t arg_N7 = ~size_t(0) )
: DynRankView( Impl::ViewCtorProp<pointer_type>(
Impl::DynRankDimTraits<typename traits::specialize>::createLayout(
typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3
, arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 ) ) ) ) )
, typename traits::array_layout
( arg_N0 , arg_N1 , arg_N2 , arg_N3
, arg_N4 , arg_N5 , arg_N6 , arg_N7 )
template < typename D , class ... P >
constexpr unsigned rank( const DynRankView<D , P...> & DRV ) { return DRV.rank(); } //needed for transition to common constexpr method in view and dynrankview to return rank
// Subview mapping.
// Deduce destination view type from source view traits and subview arguments
namespace Impl {
struct DynRankSubviewTag {};
template< class SrcTraits , class ... Args >
struct ViewMapping
< typename std::enable_if<(
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::specialize , void >::value
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value ||
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value ||
std::is_same< typename SrcTraits::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value
), DynRankSubviewTag >::type
, SrcTraits
, Args ... >
{ RZ = false
, R0 = bool(is_integral_extent<0,Args...>::value)
, R1 = bool(is_integral_extent<1,Args...>::value)
, R2 = bool(is_integral_extent<2,Args...>::value)
, R3 = bool(is_integral_extent<3,Args...>::value)
, R4 = bool(is_integral_extent<4,Args...>::value)
, R5 = bool(is_integral_extent<5,Args...>::value)
, R6 = bool(is_integral_extent<6,Args...>::value)
enum { rank = unsigned(R0) + unsigned(R1) + unsigned(R2) + unsigned(R3)
+ unsigned(R4) + unsigned(R5) + unsigned(R6) };
typedef Kokkos::LayoutStride array_layout ;
typedef typename SrcTraits::value_type value_type ;
typedef value_type******* data_type ;
typedef Kokkos::ViewTraits
< data_type
, array_layout
, typename SrcTraits::device_type
, typename SrcTraits::memory_traits > traits_type ;
typedef Kokkos::View
< data_type
, array_layout
, typename SrcTraits::device_type
, typename SrcTraits::memory_traits > type ;
template< class MemoryTraits >
struct apply {
static_assert( Kokkos::Impl::is_memory_traits< MemoryTraits >::value , "" );
typedef Kokkos::ViewTraits
< data_type
, array_layout
, typename SrcTraits::device_type
, MemoryTraits > traits_type ;
typedef Kokkos::View
< data_type
, array_layout
, typename SrcTraits::device_type
, MemoryTraits > type ;
typedef typename SrcTraits::dimension dimension ;
template < class Arg0 = int, class Arg1 = int, class Arg2 = int, class Arg3 = int, class Arg4 = int, class Arg5 = int, class Arg6 = int >
struct ExtentGenerator {
static SubviewExtents< 7 , rank > generator ( const dimension & dim , Arg0 arg0 = Arg0(), Arg1 arg1 = Arg1(), Arg2 arg2 = Arg2(), Arg3 arg3 = Arg3(), Arg4 arg4 = Arg4(), Arg5 arg5 = Arg5(), Arg6 arg6 = Arg6() )
return SubviewExtents< 7 , rank>( dim , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 , arg4 , arg5 , arg6 );
typedef DynRankView< value_type , array_layout , typename SrcTraits::device_type , typename SrcTraits::memory_traits > ret_type;
template < typename T , class ... P >
static ret_type subview( const unsigned src_rank , Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView< T , P...> const & src
, Args ... args )
typedef ViewMapping< traits_type, void > DstType ;
typedef typename std::conditional< (rank==0) , ViewDimension<>
, typename std::conditional< (rank==1) , ViewDimension<0>
, typename std::conditional< (rank==2) , ViewDimension<0,0>
, typename std::conditional< (rank==3) , ViewDimension<0,0,0>
, typename std::conditional< (rank==4) , ViewDimension<0,0,0,0>
, typename std::conditional< (rank==5) , ViewDimension<0,0,0,0,0>
, typename std::conditional< (rank==6) , ViewDimension<0,0,0,0,0,0>
, ViewDimension<0,0,0,0,0,0,0>
>::type >::type >::type >::type >::type >::type >::type DstDimType ;
typedef ViewOffset< DstDimType , Kokkos::LayoutStride > dst_offset_type ;
typedef typename DstType::handle_type dst_handle_type ;
ret_type dst ;
const SubviewExtents< 7 , rank > extents =
ExtentGenerator< Args ... >::generator( src.m_map.m_offset.m_dim , args... ) ;
dst_offset_type tempdst( src.m_map.m_offset , extents ) ;
dst.m_track = src.m_track ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N0 = tempdst.m_dim.N0 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N1 = tempdst.m_dim.N1 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N2 = tempdst.m_dim.N2 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N3 = tempdst.m_dim.N3 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N4 = tempdst.m_dim.N4 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N5 = tempdst.m_dim.N5 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_dim.N6 = tempdst.m_dim.N6 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S0 = tempdst.m_stride.S0 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S1 = tempdst.m_stride.S1 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S2 = tempdst.m_stride.S2 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S3 = tempdst.m_stride.S3 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S4 = tempdst.m_stride.S4 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S5 = tempdst.m_stride.S5 ;
dst.m_map.m_offset.m_stride.S6 = tempdst.m_stride.S6 ;
dst.m_map.m_handle = dst_handle_type( src.m_map.m_handle +
src.m_map.m_offset( extents.domain_offset(0)
, extents.domain_offset(1)
, extents.domain_offset(2)
, extents.domain_offset(3)
, extents.domain_offset(4)
, extents.domain_offset(5)
, extents.domain_offset(6)
) );
dst.m_rank = ( src_rank > 0 ? unsigned(R0) : 0 )
+ ( src_rank > 1 ? unsigned(R1) : 0 )
+ ( src_rank > 2 ? unsigned(R2) : 0 )
+ ( src_rank > 3 ? unsigned(R3) : 0 )
+ ( src_rank > 4 ? unsigned(R4) : 0 )
+ ( src_rank > 5 ? unsigned(R5) : 0 )
+ ( src_rank > 6 ? unsigned(R6) : 0 ) ;
return dst ;
} // end Impl
template< class V , class ... Args >
using Subdynrankview = typename Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::DynRankSubviewTag , V , Args... >::ret_type ;
template< class D , class ... P , class ...Args >
Subdynrankview< ViewTraits<D******* , P...> , Args... >
subdynrankview( const Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView< D , P... > &src , Args...args)
if ( src.rank() > sizeof...(Args) ) //allow sizeof...(Args) >= src.rank(), ignore the remaining args
{ Kokkos::abort("subdynrankview: num of args must be >= rank of the source DynRankView"); }
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::ViewMapping< Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::DynRankSubviewTag , Kokkos::ViewTraits< D*******, P... > , Args... > metafcn ;
return metafcn::subview( src.rank() , src , args... );
//Wrapper to allow subview function name
template< class D , class ... P , class ...Args >
Subdynrankview< ViewTraits<D******* , P...> , Args... >
subview( const Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView< D , P... > &src , Args...args)
return subdynrankview( src , args... );
} // namespace Experimental
} // namespace Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
// overload == and !=
template< class LT , class ... LP , class RT , class ... RP >
bool operator == ( const DynRankView<LT,LP...> & lhs ,
const DynRankView<RT,RP...> & rhs )
// Same data, layout, dimensions
typedef ViewTraits<LT,LP...> lhs_traits ;
typedef ViewTraits<RT,RP...> rhs_traits ;
std::is_same< typename lhs_traits::const_value_type ,
typename rhs_traits::const_value_type >::value &&
std::is_same< typename lhs_traits::array_layout ,
typename rhs_traits::array_layout >::value &&
std::is_same< typename lhs_traits::memory_space ,
typename rhs_traits::memory_space >::value &&
lhs.rank() == rhs.rank() && == &&
lhs.span() == rhs.span() &&
lhs.dimension(0) == rhs.dimension(0) &&
lhs.dimension(1) == rhs.dimension(1) &&
lhs.dimension(2) == rhs.dimension(2) &&
lhs.dimension(3) == rhs.dimension(3) &&
lhs.dimension(4) == rhs.dimension(4) &&
lhs.dimension(5) == rhs.dimension(5) &&
lhs.dimension(6) == rhs.dimension(6) &&
lhs.dimension(7) == rhs.dimension(7);
template< class LT , class ... LP , class RT , class ... RP >
bool operator != ( const DynRankView<LT,LP...> & lhs ,
const DynRankView<RT,RP...> & rhs )
return ! ( operator==(lhs,rhs) );
} //end Experimental
} //end Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
namespace Impl {
template< class OutputView , typename Enable = void >
struct DynRankViewFill {
typedef typename OutputView::traits::const_value_type const_value_type ;
const OutputView output ;
const_value_type input ;
void operator()( const size_t i0 ) const
const size_t n1 = output.dimension_1();
const size_t n2 = output.dimension_2();
const size_t n3 = output.dimension_3();
const size_t n4 = output.dimension_4();
const size_t n5 = output.dimension_5();
const size_t n6 = output.dimension_6();
for ( size_t i1 = 0 ; i1 < n1 ; ++i1 ) {
for ( size_t i2 = 0 ; i2 < n2 ; ++i2 ) {
for ( size_t i3 = 0 ; i3 < n3 ; ++i3 ) {
for ( size_t i4 = 0 ; i4 < n4 ; ++i4 ) {
for ( size_t i5 = 0 ; i5 < n5 ; ++i5 ) {
for ( size_t i6 = 0 ; i6 < n6 ; ++i6 ) {
output(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6) = input ;
DynRankViewFill( const OutputView & arg_out , const_value_type & arg_in )
: output( arg_out ), input( arg_in )
typedef typename OutputView::execution_space execution_space ;
typedef Kokkos::RangePolicy< execution_space > Policy ;
const Kokkos::Impl::ParallelFor< DynRankViewFill , Policy > closure( *this , Policy( 0 , output.dimension_0() ) );
template< class OutputView >
struct DynRankViewFill< OutputView , typename std::enable_if< OutputView::Rank == 0 >::type > {
DynRankViewFill( const OutputView & dst , const typename OutputView::const_value_type & src )
Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< typename OutputView::memory_space , Kokkos::HostSpace >
( , & src , sizeof(typename OutputView::const_value_type) );
template< class OutputView , class InputView , class ExecSpace = typename OutputView::execution_space >
struct DynRankViewRemap {
const OutputView output ;
const InputView input ;
const size_t n0 ;
const size_t n1 ;
const size_t n2 ;
const size_t n3 ;
const size_t n4 ;
const size_t n5 ;
const size_t n6 ;
const size_t n7 ;
DynRankViewRemap( const OutputView & arg_out , const InputView & arg_in )
: output( arg_out ), input( arg_in )
, n0( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_0() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_0() ) )
, n1( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_1() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_1() ) )
, n2( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_2() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_2() ) )
, n3( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_3() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_3() ) )
, n4( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_4() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_4() ) )
, n5( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_5() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_5() ) )
, n6( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_6() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_6() ) )
, n7( std::min( (size_t)arg_out.dimension_7() , (size_t)arg_in.dimension_7() ) )
typedef Kokkos::RangePolicy< ExecSpace > Policy ;
const Kokkos::Impl::ParallelFor< DynRankViewRemap , Policy > closure( *this , Policy( 0 , n0 ) );
void operator()( const size_t i0 ) const
for ( size_t i1 = 0 ; i1 < n1 ; ++i1 ) {
for ( size_t i2 = 0 ; i2 < n2 ; ++i2 ) {
for ( size_t i3 = 0 ; i3 < n3 ; ++i3 ) {
for ( size_t i4 = 0 ; i4 < n4 ; ++i4 ) {
for ( size_t i5 = 0 ; i5 < n5 ; ++i5 ) {
for ( size_t i6 = 0 ; i6 < n6 ; ++i6 ) {
output(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6) = input(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6);
} /* namespace Impl */
} /* namespace Experimental */
} /* namespace Kokkos */
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
/** \brief Deep copy a value from Host memory into a view. */
template< class DT , class ... DP >
void deep_copy
( const DynRankView<DT,DP...> & dst
, typename ViewTraits<DT,DP...>::const_value_type & value
, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same< typename ViewTraits<DT,DP...>::specialize , void >::value
>::type * = 0 )
std::is_same< typename ViewTraits<DT,DP...>::non_const_value_type ,
typename ViewTraits<DT,DP...>::value_type >::value
, "deep_copy requires non-const type" );
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::DynRankViewFill< DynRankView<DT,DP...> >( dst , value );
/** \brief Deep copy into a value in Host memory from a view. */
template< class ST , class ... SP >
void deep_copy
( typename ViewTraits<ST,SP...>::non_const_value_type & dst
, const DynRankView<ST,SP...> & src
, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same< typename ViewTraits<ST,SP...>::specialize , void >::value
>::type * = 0 )
if ( src.rank() != 0 )
typedef ViewTraits<ST,SP...> src_traits ;
typedef typename src_traits::memory_space src_memory_space ;
Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< HostSpace , src_memory_space >( & dst , , sizeof(ST) );
/** \brief A deep copy between views of the default specialization, compatible type,
* same rank, same contiguous layout.
template< class DstType , class SrcType >
void deep_copy
( const DstType & dst
, const SrcType & src
, typename std::enable_if<(
std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::specialize , void >::value &&
std::is_same< typename SrcType::traits::specialize , void >::value
( Kokkos::Experimental::is_dyn_rank_view<DstType>::value || Kokkos::Experimental::is_dyn_rank_view<SrcType>::value)
)>::type * = 0 )
std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::value_type ,
typename DstType::traits::non_const_value_type >::value
, "deep_copy requires non-const destination type" );
typedef DstType dst_type ;
typedef SrcType src_type ;
typedef typename dst_type::execution_space dst_execution_space ;
typedef typename src_type::execution_space src_execution_space ;
typedef typename dst_type::memory_space dst_memory_space ;
typedef typename src_type::memory_space src_memory_space ;
enum { DstExecCanAccessSrc =
Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< dst_execution_space , src_memory_space >::accessible };
enum { SrcExecCanAccessDst =
Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< src_execution_space , dst_memory_space >::accessible };
if ( (void *) != (void*) ) {
// Concern: If overlapping views then a parallel copy will be erroneous.
// ...
// If same type, equal layout, equal dimensions, equal span, and contiguous memory then can byte-wise copy
if ( rank(src) == 0 && rank(dst) == 0 )
typedef typename dst_type::value_type value_type ;
Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< dst_memory_space , src_memory_space >( , , sizeof(value_type) );
else if ( std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::value_type ,
typename SrcType::traits::non_const_value_type >::value &&
( std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::array_layout ,
typename SrcType::traits::array_layout >::value
( std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::array_layout ,
typename Kokkos::LayoutLeft>::value
std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::array_layout ,
typename Kokkos::LayoutRight>::value
rank(dst) == 1
rank(src) == 1
) &&
dst.span_is_contiguous() &&
src.span_is_contiguous() &&
dst.span() == src.span() &&
dst.dimension_0() == src.dimension_0() &&
dst.dimension_1() == src.dimension_1() &&
dst.dimension_2() == src.dimension_2() &&
dst.dimension_3() == src.dimension_3() &&
dst.dimension_4() == src.dimension_4() &&
dst.dimension_5() == src.dimension_5() &&
dst.dimension_6() == src.dimension_6() &&
dst.dimension_7() == src.dimension_7() ) {
const size_t nbytes = sizeof(typename dst_type::value_type) * dst.span();
Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< dst_memory_space , src_memory_space >( , , nbytes );
else if ( std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::value_type ,
typename SrcType::traits::non_const_value_type >::value &&
( std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::array_layout ,
typename SrcType::traits::array_layout >::value
std::is_same< typename DstType::traits::array_layout ,
typename Kokkos::LayoutStride>::value
rank(dst) == 1
rank(src) == 1
) &&
dst.span_is_contiguous() &&
src.span_is_contiguous() &&
dst.span() == src.span() &&
dst.dimension_0() == src.dimension_0() &&
dst.dimension_1() == src.dimension_1() &&
dst.dimension_2() == src.dimension_2() &&
dst.dimension_3() == src.dimension_3() &&
dst.dimension_4() == src.dimension_4() &&
dst.dimension_5() == src.dimension_5() &&
dst.dimension_6() == src.dimension_6() &&
dst.dimension_7() == src.dimension_7() &&
dst.stride_0() == src.stride_0() &&
dst.stride_1() == src.stride_1() &&
dst.stride_2() == src.stride_2() &&
dst.stride_3() == src.stride_3() &&
dst.stride_4() == src.stride_4() &&
dst.stride_5() == src.stride_5() &&
dst.stride_6() == src.stride_6() &&
dst.stride_7() == src.stride_7()
) {
const size_t nbytes = sizeof(typename dst_type::value_type) * dst.span();
Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< dst_memory_space , src_memory_space >( , , nbytes );
else if ( DstExecCanAccessSrc ) {
// Copying data between views in accessible memory spaces and either non-contiguous or incompatible shape.
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::DynRankViewRemap< dst_type , src_type >( dst , src );
else if ( SrcExecCanAccessDst ) {
// Copying data between views in accessible memory spaces and either non-contiguous or incompatible shape.
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::DynRankViewRemap< dst_type , src_type , src_execution_space >( dst , src );
else {
Kokkos::Impl::throw_runtime_exception("deep_copy given views that would require a temporary allocation");
} //end Experimental
} //end Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
namespace Impl {
// Deduce Mirror Types
template<class Space, class T, class ... P>
struct MirrorDRViewType {
// The incoming view_type
typedef typename Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<T,P...> src_view_type;
// The memory space for the mirror view
typedef typename Space::memory_space memory_space;
// Check whether it is the same memory space
enum { is_same_memspace = std::is_same<memory_space,typename src_view_type::memory_space>::value };
// The array_layout
typedef typename src_view_type::array_layout array_layout;
// The data type (we probably want it non-const since otherwise we can't even deep_copy to it.
typedef typename src_view_type::non_const_data_type data_type;
// The destination view type if it is not the same memory space
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<data_type,array_layout,Space> dest_view_type;
// If it is the same memory_space return the existsing view_type
// This will also keep the unmanaged trait if necessary
typedef typename std::conditional<is_same_memspace,src_view_type,dest_view_type>::type view_type;
template<class Space, class T, class ... P>
struct MirrorDRVType {
// The incoming view_type
typedef typename Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<T,P...> src_view_type;
// The memory space for the mirror view
typedef typename Space::memory_space memory_space;
// Check whether it is the same memory space
enum { is_same_memspace = std::is_same<memory_space,typename src_view_type::memory_space>::value };
// The array_layout
typedef typename src_view_type::array_layout array_layout;
// The data type (we probably want it non-const since otherwise we can't even deep_copy to it.
typedef typename src_view_type::non_const_data_type data_type;
// The destination view type if it is not the same memory space
typedef Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<data_type,array_layout,Space> view_type;
template< class T , class ... P >
typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror
create_mirror( const DynRankView<T,P...> & src
, typename std::enable_if<
! std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits<T,P...>::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value
>::type * = 0
typedef DynRankView<T,P...> src_type ;
typedef typename src_type::HostMirror dst_type ;
return dst_type( std::string( src.label() ).append("_mirror")
, Impl::reconstructLayout(src.layout(), src.rank()) );
template< class T , class ... P >
typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror
create_mirror( const DynRankView<T,P...> & src
, typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same< typename Kokkos::ViewTraits<T,P...>::array_layout
, Kokkos::LayoutStride >::value
>::type * = 0
typedef DynRankView<T,P...> src_type ;
typedef typename src_type::HostMirror dst_type ;
return dst_type( std::string( src.label() ).append("_mirror")
, Impl::reconstructLayout(src.layout(), src.rank()) );
// Create a mirror in a new space (specialization for different space)
template<class Space, class T, class ... P>
typename Impl::MirrorDRVType<Space,T,P ...>::view_type create_mirror(const Space& , const Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<T,P...> & src) {
return typename Impl::MirrorDRVType<Space,T,P ...>::view_type(src.label(), Impl::reconstructLayout(src.layout(), src.rank()) );
template< class T , class ... P >
typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror
create_mirror_view( const DynRankView<T,P...> & src
, typename std::enable_if<(
std::is_same< typename DynRankView<T,P...>::memory_space
, typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror::memory_space
std::is_same< typename DynRankView<T,P...>::data_type
, typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror::data_type
)>::type * = 0
return src ;
template< class T , class ... P >
typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror
create_mirror_view( const DynRankView<T,P...> & src
, typename std::enable_if< ! (
std::is_same< typename DynRankView<T,P...>::memory_space
, typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror::memory_space
std::is_same< typename DynRankView<T,P...>::data_type
, typename DynRankView<T,P...>::HostMirror::data_type
)>::type * = 0
return Kokkos::Experimental::create_mirror( src );
// Create a mirror view in a new space (specialization for same space)
template<class Space, class T, class ... P>
typename Impl::MirrorDRViewType<Space,T,P ...>::view_type
create_mirror_view(const Space& , const Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<T,P...> & src
, typename std::enable_if<Impl::MirrorDRViewType<Space,T,P ...>::is_same_memspace>::type* = 0 ) {
return src;
// Create a mirror view in a new space (specialization for different space)
template<class Space, class T, class ... P>
typename Impl::MirrorDRViewType<Space,T,P ...>::view_type
create_mirror_view(const Space& , const Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView<T,P...> & src
, typename std::enable_if<!Impl::MirrorDRViewType<Space,T,P ...>::is_same_memspace>::type* = 0 ) {
return typename Impl::MirrorDRViewType<Space,T,P ...>::view_type(src.label(), Impl::reconstructLayout(src.layout(), src.rank()) );
} //end Experimental
} //end Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
/** \brief Resize a view with copying old data to new data at the corresponding indices. */
template< class T , class ... P >
void resize( DynRankView<T,P...> & v ,
const size_t n0 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n1 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n2 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n3 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n4 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n5 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n6 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n7 = ~size_t(0) )
typedef DynRankView<T,P...> drview_type ;
static_assert( Kokkos::ViewTraits<T,P...>::is_managed , "Can only resize managed views" );
drview_type v_resized( v.label(), n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 );
Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::DynRankViewRemap< drview_type , drview_type >( v_resized, v );
v = v_resized ;
/** \brief Resize a view with copying old data to new data at the corresponding indices. */
template< class T , class ... P >
void realloc( DynRankView<T,P...> & v ,
const size_t n0 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n1 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n2 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n3 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n4 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n5 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n6 = ~size_t(0) ,
const size_t n7 = ~size_t(0) )
typedef DynRankView<T,P...> drview_type ;
static_assert( Kokkos::ViewTraits<T,P...>::is_managed , "Can only realloc managed views" );
const std::string label = v.label();
v = drview_type(); // Deallocate first, if the only view to allocation
v = drview_type( label, n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 );
} //end Experimental
} //end Kokkos
using Kokkos::Experimental::is_dyn_rank_view ;
namespace Kokkos {
template< typename D , class ... P >
using DynRankView = Kokkos::Experimental::DynRankView< D , P... > ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::deep_copy ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::create_mirror ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::create_mirror_view ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::subdynrankview ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::subview ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::resize ;
using Kokkos::Experimental::realloc ;
} //end Kokkos

Event Timeline