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// ************************************************************************
// Kokkos v. 2.0
// Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Questions? Contact H. Carter Edwards (
// ************************************************************************
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
namespace TestViewSubview {
template< class Layout, class Space >
struct getView {
Kokkos::View< double**, Layout, Space > get( int n, int m ) {
return Kokkos::View< double**, Layout, Space >( "G", n, m );
template< class Space >
struct getView< Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > {
Kokkos::View< double**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > get( int n, int m ) {
const int rank = 2;
const int order[] = { 0, 1 };
const unsigned dim[] = { unsigned( n ), unsigned( m ) };
Kokkos::LayoutStride stride = Kokkos::LayoutStride::order_dimensions( rank, order, dim );
return Kokkos::View< double**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space >( "G", stride );
template< class ViewType, class Space >
struct fill_1D {
typedef typename Space::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename ViewType::size_type size_type;
ViewType a;
double val;
fill_1D( ViewType a_, double val_ ) : a( a_ ), val( val_ ) {}
void operator()( const int i ) const { a( i ) = val; }
template< class ViewType, class Space >
struct fill_2D {
typedef typename Space::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename ViewType::size_type size_type;
ViewType a;
double val;
fill_2D( ViewType a_, double val_ ) : a( a_ ), val( val_ ) {}
void operator()( const int i ) const
for ( int j = 0; j < static_cast< int >( a.dimension_1() ); j++ ) {
a( i, j ) = val;
template< class Layout, class Space >
void test_auto_1d ()
typedef Kokkos::View< double**, Layout, Space > mv_type;
typedef typename mv_type::size_type size_type;
const double ZERO = 0.0;
const double ONE = 1.0;
const double TWO = 2.0;
const size_type numRows = 10;
const size_type numCols = 3;
mv_type X = getView< Layout, Space >::get( numRows, numCols );
typename mv_type::HostMirror X_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view( X );
fill_2D< mv_type, Space > f1( X, ONE );
Kokkos::parallel_for( X.dimension_0(), f1 );
Kokkos::deep_copy( X_h, X );
for ( size_type j = 0; j < numCols; ++j ) {
for ( size_type i = 0; i < numRows; ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( X_h( i, j ) == ONE );
fill_2D< mv_type, Space > f2( X, 0.0 );
Kokkos::parallel_for( X.dimension_0(), f2 );
Kokkos::deep_copy( X_h, X );
for ( size_type j = 0; j < numCols; ++j ) {
for ( size_type i = 0; i < numRows; ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( X_h( i, j ) == ZERO );
fill_2D< mv_type, Space > f3( X, TWO );
Kokkos::parallel_for( X.dimension_0(), f3 );
Kokkos::deep_copy( X_h, X );
for ( size_type j = 0; j < numCols; ++j ) {
for ( size_type i = 0; i < numRows; ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( X_h( i, j ) == TWO );
for ( size_type j = 0; j < numCols; ++j ) {
auto X_j = Kokkos::subview( X, Kokkos::ALL, j );
fill_1D< decltype( X_j ), Space > f4( X_j, ZERO );
Kokkos::parallel_for( X_j.dimension_0(), f4 );
Kokkos::deep_copy( X_h, X );
for ( size_type i = 0; i < numRows; ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( X_h( i, j ) == ZERO );
for ( size_type jj = 0; jj < numCols; ++jj ) {
auto X_jj = Kokkos::subview ( X, Kokkos::ALL, jj );
fill_1D< decltype( X_jj ), Space > f5( X_jj, ONE );
Kokkos::parallel_for( X_jj.dimension_0(), f5 );
Kokkos::deep_copy( X_h, X );
for ( size_type i = 0; i < numRows; ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( X_h( i, jj ) == ONE );
template< class LD, class LS, class Space >
void test_1d_strided_assignment_impl( bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, int n, int m ) {
Kokkos::View< double**, LS, Space > l2d( "l2d", n, m );
int col = n > 2 ? 2 : 0;
int row = m > 2 ? 2 : 0;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space >::accessible ) {
if ( a ) {
Kokkos::View< double*, LD, Space > l1da = Kokkos::subview( l2d, Kokkos::ALL, row );
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1da( 0 ) == & l2d( 0, row ) );
if ( n > 1 ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1da( 1 ) == & l2d( 1, row ) );
if ( b && n > 13 ) {
Kokkos::View< double*, LD, Space > l1db = Kokkos::subview( l2d, std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >( 2, 13 ), row );
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1db( 0 ) == & l2d( 2, row ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1db( 1 ) == & l2d( 3, row ) );
if ( c ) {
Kokkos::View< double*, LD, Space > l1dc = Kokkos::subview( l2d, col, Kokkos::ALL );
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1dc( 0 ) == & l2d( col, 0 ) );
if( m > 1 ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1dc( 1 ) == & l2d( col, 1 ) );
if ( d && m > 13 ) {
Kokkos::View< double*, LD, Space > l1dd = Kokkos::subview( l2d, col, std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >( 2, 13 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1dd( 0 ) == & l2d( col, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & l1dd( 1 ) == & l2d( col, 3 ) );
template< class Space >
void test_1d_strided_assignment() {
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, true, true, 17, 3 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( true, true, true, true, 17, 3 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, false, false, 17, 3 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, false, false, 17, 3 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( false, false, true, true, 17, 3 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( false, false, true, true, 17, 3 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, false, false, 17, 1 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, true, true, 1, 17 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, true, true, 1, 17 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space >( true, true, false, false, 17, 1 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( true, true, true, true, 17, 1 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( false, false, true, true, 1, 17 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( false, false, true, true, 1, 17 );
test_1d_strided_assignment_impl< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space >( true, true, true, true, 17, 1 );
template< class Space >
void test_left_0()
typedef Kokkos::View< int [2][3][4][5][2][3][4][5], Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > view_static_8_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space >::accessible ) {
view_static_8_type x_static_8( "x_static_left_8" );
ASSERT_TRUE( x_static_8.is_contiguous() );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x0.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & x_static_8( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x1 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x1.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 0 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 1 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! x2.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
// Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > error_2 =
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx2 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 2, 3
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! sx2.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx4 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 0, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) /* of [5] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) /* of [5] */
ASSERT_TRUE( ! sx4.is_contiguous() );
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < (int) sx4.dimension_0(); ++i0 )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < (int) sx4.dimension_1(); ++i1 )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < (int) sx4.dimension_2(); ++i2 )
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < (int) sx4.dimension_3(); ++i3 )
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx4( i0, i1, i2, i3 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 0 + i0, 1, 1 + i1, 1, 0 + i2, 2, 2 + i3 ) );
template< class Space >
void test_left_1()
typedef Kokkos::View< int ****[2][3][4][5], Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > view_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space >::accessible ) {
view_type x8( "x_left_8", 2, 3, 4, 5 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x8.is_contiguous() );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( x8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x0.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & x8( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x1 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x1.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 0 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 1 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! x2.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 0 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 0 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 1 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 1 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
// Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > error_2 =
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx2 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 2, 3
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! sx2.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 0 ) == & x8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 0 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 1 ) == & x8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 1 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx4 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, 0, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) /* of [5] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) /* of [5] */
ASSERT_TRUE( ! sx4.is_contiguous() );
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < (int) sx4.dimension_0(); ++i0 )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < (int) sx4.dimension_1(); ++i1 )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < (int) sx4.dimension_2(); ++i2 )
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < (int) sx4.dimension_3(); ++i3 )
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx4( i0, i1, i2, i3 ) == & x8( 0, 0 + i0, 1, 1 + i1, 1, 0 + i2, 2, 2 + i3 ) );
template< class Space >
void test_left_2()
typedef Kokkos::View< int ****, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > view_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility<Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space>::accessible ) {
view_type x4( "x4", 2, 3, 4, 5 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x4.is_contiguous() );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( x4, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x0.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & x4( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x1 =
Kokkos::subview( x4, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x1.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 0 ) == & x4( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 1 ) == & x4( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( x4, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ), 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! x2.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 0 ) == & x4( 0, 1, 1, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 0 ) == & x4( 1, 1, 1, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 1 ) == & x4( 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 1 ) == & x4( 1, 1, 2, 2 ) );
// Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > error_2 =
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx2 =
Kokkos::subview( x4, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 )
, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 4 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! sx2.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 0 ) == & x4( 1, 0, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 0 ) == & x4( 1, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 1 ) == & x4( 1, 0, 2, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 1 ) == & x4( 1, 1, 2, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 2 ) == & x4( 1, 0, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 2 ) == & x4( 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx4 =
Kokkos::subview( x4, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 2 ) /* of [2] */
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) /* of [3] */
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 4 ) /* of [4] */
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) /* of [5] */
ASSERT_TRUE( ! sx4.is_contiguous() );
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < (int) sx4.dimension_0(); ++i0 )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < (int) sx4.dimension_1(); ++i1 )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < (int) sx4.dimension_2(); ++i2 )
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < (int) sx4.dimension_3(); ++i3 )
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx4( i0, i1, i2, i3 ) == & x4( 1 + i0, 1 + i1, 0 + i2, 2 + i3 ) );
template< class Space >
void test_left_3()
typedef Kokkos::View< int **, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > view_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space >::accessible ) {
view_type xm( "x4", 10, 5 );
ASSERT_TRUE( xm.is_contiguous() );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( xm, 5, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x0.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & xm( 5, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x1 = Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::ALL, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x1.is_contiguous() );
for ( int i = 0; i < int( xm.dimension_0() ); ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( i ) == & xm( i, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 9 ), Kokkos::ALL );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! x2.is_contiguous() );
for ( int j = 0; j < int( x2.dimension_1() ); ++j )
for ( int i = 0; i < int( x2.dimension_0() ); ++i )
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( i, j ) == & xm( 1 + i, j ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2c =
Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::ALL, std::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2c.is_contiguous() );
for ( int j = 0; j < int( x2c.dimension_1() ); ++j )
for ( int i = 0; i < int( x2c.dimension_0() ); ++i )
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2c( i, j ) == & xm( i, 2 + j ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2_n1 =
Kokkos::subview( xm, std::pair< int, int >( 1, 1 ), Kokkos::ALL );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n1.dimension_0() == 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n1.dimension_1() == xm.dimension_1() );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > x2_n2 =
Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::ALL, std::pair< int, int >( 1, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n2.dimension_0() == xm.dimension_0() );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n2.dimension_1() == 0 );
template< class Space >
void test_right_0()
typedef Kokkos::View< int [2][3][4][5][2][3][4][5], Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > view_static_8_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility<Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space>::accessible ) {
view_static_8_type x_static_8( "x_static_right_8" );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & x_static_8( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x1 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( x1.dimension_0() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 0 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 1 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 0, 1, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 )
, 0, 1, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2.dimension_0() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2.dimension_1() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
// Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > error_2 =
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx2 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 2, 3
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( sx2.dimension_0() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( sx2.dimension_1() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 0 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 1 ) == & x_static_8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx4 =
Kokkos::subview( x_static_8, 0, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) /* of [5] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) /* of [5] */
ASSERT_TRUE( sx4.dimension_0() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( sx4.dimension_1() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( sx4.dimension_2() == 2 );
ASSERT_TRUE( sx4.dimension_3() == 2 );
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < (int) sx4.dimension_0(); ++i0 )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < (int) sx4.dimension_1(); ++i1 )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < (int) sx4.dimension_2(); ++i2 )
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < (int) sx4.dimension_3(); ++i3 )
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx4( i0, i1, i2, i3 ) == & x_static_8( 0, 0 + i0, 1, 1 + i1, 1, 0 + i2, 2, 2 + i3 ) );
template< class Space >
void test_right_1()
typedef Kokkos::View< int ****[2][3][4][5], Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > view_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility<Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space>::accessible ) {
view_type x8( "x_right_8", 2, 3, 4, 5 );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( x8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & x8( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x1 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 0 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( 1 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, 0, 1, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 )
, 0, 1, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 0 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 0 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 0, 1 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( 1, 1 ) == & x8( 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2 ) );
// Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > error_2 =
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx2 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 2, 3
, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ), 1, 2, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 0 ) == & x8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 0 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 0, 1 ) == & x8( 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx2( 1, 1 ) == & x8( 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Space > sx4 =
Kokkos::subview( x8, 0, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) /* of [5] */
, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 0, 2 ) /* of [3] */
, 2, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) /* of [5] */
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < (int) sx4.dimension_0(); ++i0 )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < (int) sx4.dimension_1(); ++i1 )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < (int) sx4.dimension_2(); ++i2 )
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < (int) sx4.dimension_3(); ++i3 )
ASSERT_TRUE( & sx4( i0, i1, i2, i3 ) == & x8( 0, 0 + i0, 1, 1 + i1, 1, 0 + i2, 2, 2 + i3 ) );
template< class Space >
void test_right_3()
typedef Kokkos::View< int **, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > view_type;
if ( Kokkos::Impl::SpaceAccessibility< Kokkos::HostSpace, typename Space::memory_space >::accessible ) {
view_type xm( "x4", 10, 5 );
ASSERT_TRUE( xm.is_contiguous() );
Kokkos::View< int, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x0 = Kokkos::subview( xm, 5, 3 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x0.is_contiguous() );
ASSERT_TRUE( & x0() == & xm( 5, 3 ) );
Kokkos::View< int*, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x1 = Kokkos::subview( xm, 3, Kokkos::ALL );
ASSERT_TRUE( x1.is_contiguous() );
for ( int i = 0; i < int( xm.dimension_1() ); ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( & x1( i ) == & xm( 3, i ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x2c =
Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 9 ), Kokkos::ALL );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2c.is_contiguous() );
for ( int j = 0; j < int( x2c.dimension_1() ); ++j )
for ( int i = 0; i < int( x2c.dimension_0() ); ++i ) {
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2c( i, j ) == & xm( 1 + i, j ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x2 =
Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::ALL, std::pair< int, int >( 2, 4 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( ! x2.is_contiguous() );
for ( int j = 0; j < int( x2.dimension_1() ); ++j )
for ( int i = 0; i < int( x2.dimension_0() ); ++i )
ASSERT_TRUE( & x2( i, j ) == & xm( i, 2 + j ) );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x2_n1 =
Kokkos::subview( xm, std::pair< int, int >( 1, 1 ), Kokkos::ALL );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n1.dimension_0() == 0 );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n1.dimension_1() == xm.dimension_1() );
Kokkos::View< int**, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > x2_n2 =
Kokkos::subview( xm, Kokkos::ALL, std::pair< int, int >( 1, 1 ) );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n2.dimension_0() == xm.dimension_0() );
ASSERT_TRUE( x2_n2.dimension_1() == 0 );
namespace Impl {
constexpr int N0 = 113;
constexpr int N1 = 11;
constexpr int N2 = 17;
constexpr int N3 = 5;
constexpr int N4 = 7;
template< class SubView, class View >
void test_Check1D( SubView a, View b, std::pair< int, int > range ) {
int errors = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < range.second - range.first; i++ ) {
if ( a( i ) != b( i + range.first ) ) errors++;
if ( errors > 0 ) {
std::cout << "Error Suviews test_Check1D: " << errors << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE( errors == 0 );
template< class SubView, class View >
void test_Check1D2D( SubView a, View b, int i0, std::pair< int, int > range ) {
int errors = 0;
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < range.second - range.first; i1++ ) {
if ( a( i1 ) != b( i0, i1 + range.first ) ) errors++;
if ( errors > 0 ) {
std::cout << "Error Suviews test_Check1D2D: " << errors << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE( errors == 0 );
template< class SubView, class View >
void test_Check2D3D( SubView a, View b, int i0, std::pair< int, int > range1
, std::pair< int, int > range2 )
int errors = 0;
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < range1.second - range1.first; i1++ ) {
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < range2.second - range2.first; i2++ ) {
if ( a( i1, i2 ) != b( i0, i1 + range1.first, i2 + range2.first ) ) errors++;
if ( errors > 0 ) {
std::cout << "Error Suviews test_Check2D3D: " << errors << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE( errors == 0 );
template<class SubView, class View>
void test_Check3D5D( SubView a, View b, int i0, int i1, std::pair< int, int > range2
, std::pair< int, int > range3, std::pair< int, int > range4 )
int errors = 0;
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < range2.second - range2.first; i2++ ) {
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < range3.second - range3.first; i3++ ) {
for ( int i4 = 0; i4 < range4.second - range4.first; i4++ ) {
if ( a( i2, i3, i4 ) != b( i0, i1, i2 + range2.first, i3 + range3.first, i4 + range4.first ) ) {
if ( errors > 0 ) {
std::cout << "Error Suviews test_Check3D5D: " << errors << std::endl;
ASSERT_TRUE( errors == 0 );
template< class Space, class LayoutSub, class Layout, class LayoutOrg, class MemTraits >
void test_1d_assign_impl() {
{ // Breaks.
Kokkos::View< int*, LayoutOrg, Space > a_org( "A", N0 );
Kokkos::View< int*, LayoutOrg, Space, MemTraits > a( a_org );
for ( int i = 0; i < N0; i++ ) a_org( i ) = i;
Kokkos::View< int[N0], Layout, Space, MemTraits > a1( a );
test_Check1D( a1, a, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N0 ) );
Kokkos::View< int[N0], LayoutSub, Space, MemTraits > a2( a1 );
test_Check1D( a2, a, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N0 ) );
a1 = a;
test_Check1D( a1, a, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N0 ) );
// Runtime Fail expected.
//Kokkos::View< int[N1] > afail1( a );
// Compile Time Fail expected.
//Kokkos::View< int[N1] > afail2( a1 );
{ // Works.
Kokkos::View< int[N0], LayoutOrg, Space, MemTraits > a( "A" );
Kokkos::View< int*, Layout, Space, MemTraits > a1( a );
test_Check1D( a1, a, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N0 ) );
a1 = a;
test_Check1D( a1, a, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N0 ) );
template< class Space, class Type, class TypeSub, class LayoutSub, class Layout, class LayoutOrg, class MemTraits >
void test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type() {
Kokkos::View< int***, LayoutOrg, Space > a_org( "A", N0, N1, N2 );
Kokkos::View< Type, Layout, Space, MemTraits > a( a_org );
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < N0; i0++ )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < N1; i1++ )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < N2; i2++ )
a_org( i0, i1, i2 ) = i0 * 1000000 + i1 * 1000 + i2;
Kokkos::View< TypeSub, LayoutSub, Space, MemTraits > a1;
a1 = Kokkos::subview( a, 3, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
test_Check2D3D( a1, a, 3, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N1 ), std::pair< int, int >( 0, N2 ) );
Kokkos::View< TypeSub, LayoutSub, Space, MemTraits > a2( a, 3, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
test_Check2D3D( a2, a, 3, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N1 ), std::pair< int, int >( 0, N2 ) );
template< class Space, class LayoutSub, class Layout, class LayoutOrg, class MemTraits >
void test_2d_subview_3d_impl_layout() {
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2], int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2], int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2], int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2], int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2], int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2], int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2], int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2], int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2], int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int*** , int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int*** , int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, int*** , int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2], const int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2], const int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2], const int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2], const int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2], const int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2], const int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2], const int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2], const int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2], const int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int*** , const int[N1][N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int*** , const int* [N2], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_2d_subview_3d_impl_type< Space, const int*** , const int** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
template< class Space, class Type, class TypeSub, class LayoutSub, class Layout, class LayoutOrg, class MemTraits >
void test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type() {
Kokkos::View< int*****, LayoutOrg, Space > a_org( "A", N0, N1, N2, N3, N4 );
Kokkos::View< Type, Layout, Space, MemTraits > a( a_org );
for ( int i0 = 0; i0 < N0; i0++ )
for ( int i1 = 0; i1 < N1; i1++ )
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < N2; i2++ )
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < N3; i3++ )
for ( int i4 = 0; i4 < N4; i4++ )
a_org( i0, i1, i2, i3, i4 ) = i0 * 1000000 + i1 * 10000 + i2 * 100 + i3 * 10 + i4;
Kokkos::View< TypeSub, LayoutSub, Space, MemTraits > a1;
a1 = Kokkos::subview( a, 3, 5, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
test_Check3D5D( a1, a, 3, 5, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N2 ), std::pair< int, int >( 0, N3 ), std::pair< int, int >( 0, N4 ) );
Kokkos::View< TypeSub, LayoutSub, Space, MemTraits > a2( a, 3, 5, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
test_Check3D5D( a2, a, 3, 5, std::pair< int, int >( 0, N2 ), std::pair< int, int >( 0, N3 ), std::pair< int, int >( 0, N4 ) );
template< class Space, class LayoutSub, class Layout, class LayoutOrg, class MemTraits >
void test_3d_subview_5d_impl_layout() {
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2][N3][N4], int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2][N3][N4], int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2][N3][N4], int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int** [N2][N3][N4], int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int*** [N3][N4], int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int*** [N3][N4], int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int*** [N3][N4], int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int*** [N3][N4], int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int**** [N4], int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int**** [N4], int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int**** [N4], int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int**** [N4], int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int***** , int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int***** , int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int***** , int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, int***** , int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], const int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], const int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], const int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int[N0][N1][N2][N3][N4], const int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], const int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], const int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], const int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int* [N1][N2][N3][N4], const int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2][N3][N4], const int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2][N3][N4], const int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2][N3][N4], const int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int** [N2][N3][N4], const int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int*** [N3][N4], const int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int*** [N3][N4], const int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int*** [N3][N4], const int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int*** [N3][N4], const int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int**** [N4], const int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int**** [N4], const int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int**** [N4], const int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int**** [N4], const int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int***** , const int[N2][N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int***** , const int* [N3][N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int***** , const int** [N4], LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
test_3d_subview_5d_impl_type< Space, const int***** , const int*** , LayoutSub, Layout, LayoutOrg, MemTraits >();
void test_subview_legal_args_right() {
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
void test_subview_legal_args_left() {
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 5, 0, int, int, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 1, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::Impl::ALL_t >::value ) );
ASSERT_EQ( 0, ( Kokkos::Experimental::Impl::SubviewLegalArgsCompileTime< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, 3, 3, 0, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int>, Kokkos::pair<int, int> >::value ) );
} // namespace Impl
template< class Space, class MemTraits = void >
void test_1d_assign() {
Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
//Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >();
Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
//Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >();
Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
//Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >();
//Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >();
Impl::test_1d_assign_impl< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
template< class Space, class MemTraits = void >
void test_2d_subview_3d() {
Impl::test_2d_subview_3d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_2d_subview_3d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_2d_subview_3d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_2d_subview_3d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_2d_subview_3d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
template< class Space, class MemTraits = void >
void test_3d_subview_5d_right() {
Impl::test_3d_subview_5d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_3d_subview_5d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutRight, MemTraits >();
template< class Space, class MemTraits = void >
void test_3d_subview_5d_left() {
Impl::test_3d_subview_5d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
Impl::test_3d_subview_5d_impl_layout< Space, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutStride, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, MemTraits >();
namespace Impl {
template< class Layout, class Space >
struct FillView_3D {
Kokkos::View< int***, Layout, Space > a;
void operator()( const int & ii ) const
const int i = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ii % a.dimension_0()
: ii / ( a.dimension_1() * a.dimension_2() );
const int j = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ( ii / a.dimension_0() ) % a.dimension_1()
: ( ii / a.dimension_2() ) % a.dimension_1();
const int k = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value
? ii / ( a.dimension_0() * a.dimension_1() )
: ii % a.dimension_2();
a( i, j, k ) = 1000000 * i + 1000 * j + k;
template< class Layout, class Space >
struct FillView_4D {
Kokkos::View< int****, Layout, Space > a;
void operator()( const int & ii ) const {
const int i = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ii % a.dimension_0()
: ii / ( a.dimension_1() * a.dimension_2() * a.dimension_3() );
const int j = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ( ii / a.dimension_0() ) % a.dimension_1()
: ( ii / ( a.dimension_2() * a.dimension_3() ) % a.dimension_1() );
const int k = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value
? ( ii / ( a.dimension_0() * a.dimension_1() ) ) % a.dimension_2()
: ( ii / a.dimension_3() ) % a.dimension_2();
const int l = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value
? ii / ( a.dimension_0() * a.dimension_1() * a.dimension_2() )
: ii % a.dimension_3();
a( i, j, k, l ) = 1000000 * i + 10000 * j + 100 * k + l;
template< class Layout, class Space, class MemTraits >
struct CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_3D {
Kokkos::View< const int***, Layout, Space, MemTraits > a;
Kokkos::View< const int***, Layout, Space, MemTraits > b;
int offset_0, offset_2;
void operator()( const int & ii ) const
const int i = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ii % b.dimension_0()
: ii / ( b.dimension_1() * b.dimension_2() );
const int j = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ( ii / b.dimension_0() ) % b.dimension_1()
: ( ii / b.dimension_2() ) % b.dimension_1();
const int k = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value
? ii / ( b.dimension_0() * b.dimension_1() )
: ii % b.dimension_2();
if ( a( i + offset_0, j, k + offset_2 ) != b( i, j, k ) ) {
Kokkos::abort( "Error: check_subview_correctness 3D-3D (LayoutLeft -> LayoutLeft or LayoutRight -> LayoutRight)" );
template< class Layout, class Space, class MemTraits >
struct CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_4D {
Kokkos::View< const int****, Layout, Space, MemTraits > a;
Kokkos::View< const int***, Layout, Space, MemTraits > b;
int offset_0, offset_2, index;
void operator()( const int & ii ) const {
const int i = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ii % b.dimension_0()
: ii / ( b.dimension_1() * b.dimension_2() );
const int j = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value
? ( ii / b.dimension_0() ) % b.dimension_1()
: ( ii / b.dimension_2() ) % b.dimension_1();
const int k = std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutRight >::value
? ii / ( b.dimension_0() * b.dimension_1() )
: ii % b.dimension_2();
int i0, i1, i2, i3;
if ( std::is_same< Layout, Kokkos::LayoutLeft >::value ) {
i0 = i + offset_0;
i1 = j;
i2 = k + offset_2;
i3 = index;
else {
i0 = index;
i1 = i + offset_0;
i2 = j;
i3 = k + offset_2;
if ( a( i0, i1, i2, i3 ) != b( i, j, k ) ) {
Kokkos::abort( "Error: check_subview_correctness 3D-4D (LayoutLeft -> LayoutLeft or LayoutRight -> LayoutRight)" );
} // namespace Impl
template< class Space, class MemTraits = void >
void test_layoutleft_to_layoutleft() {
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > a( "A", 100, 4, 3 );
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > b( a, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 16, 32 ), Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
Impl::FillView_3D< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > fill;
fill.a = a;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, a.extent( 0 ) * a.extent( 1 ) * a.extent( 2 ) ), fill );
Impl::CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_3D< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space, MemTraits > check;
check.a = a;
check.b = b;
check.offset_0 = 16;
check.offset_2 = 0;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, b.extent( 0 ) * b.extent( 1 ) * b.extent( 2 ) ), check );
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > a( "A", 100, 4, 5 );
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > b( a, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 16, 32 ), Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ) );
Impl::FillView_3D<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space> fill;
fill.a = a;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, a.extent( 0 ) * a.extent( 1 ) * a.extent( 2 ) ), fill );
Impl::CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_3D< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space, MemTraits > check;
check.a = a;
check.b = b;
check.offset_0 = 16;
check.offset_2 = 1;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, b.extent( 0 ) * b.extent( 1 ) * b.extent( 2 ) ), check );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > a( "A", 100, 4, 5, 3 );
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > b( a, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 16, 32 ), Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ), 1 );
Impl::FillView_4D< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space > fill;
fill.a = a;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, a.extent( 0 ) * a.extent( 1 ) * a.extent( 2 ) * a.extent( 3 ) ), fill );
Impl::CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_4D< Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Space, MemTraits > check;
check.a = a;
check.b = b;
check.offset_0 = 16;
check.offset_2 = 1;
check.index = 1;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, b.extent( 0 ) * b.extent( 1 ) * b.extent( 2 ) ), check );
template< class Space, class MemTraits = void >
void test_layoutright_to_layoutright() {
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > a( "A", 100, 4, 3 );
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > b( a, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 16, 32 ), Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
Impl::FillView_3D<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space> fill;
fill.a = a;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, a.extent( 0 ) * a.extent( 1 ) * a.extent( 2 ) ), fill );
Impl::CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_3D< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space, MemTraits > check;
check.a = a;
check.b = b;
check.offset_0 = 16;
check.offset_2 = 0;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, b.extent( 0 ) * b.extent( 1 ) * b.extent( 2 ) ), check );
Kokkos::View< int****, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > a( "A", 3, 4, 5, 100 );
Kokkos::View< int***, Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > b( a, 1, Kokkos::pair< int, int >( 1, 3 ), Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL );
Impl::FillView_4D< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space > fill;
fill.a = a;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, a.extent( 0 ) * a.extent( 1 ) * a.extent( 2 ) * a.extent( 3 ) ), fill );
Impl::CheckSubviewCorrectness_3D_4D< Kokkos::LayoutRight, Space, MemTraits > check;
check.a = a;
check.b = b;
check.offset_0 = 1;
check.offset_2 = 0;
check.index = 1;
Kokkos::parallel_for( Kokkos::RangePolicy< typename Space::execution_space >( 0, b.extent( 0 ) * b.extent( 1 ) * b.extent( 2 ) ), check );
} // namespace TestViewSubview

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