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#pragma once
/// \file graph_helper_scotch.hpp
/// \brief Interface to scotch reordering
/// \author Kyungjoo Kim (
#include "scotch.h"
#include "util.hpp"
namespace Tacho {
using namespace std;
template<class CrsMatBaseType>
class GraphHelper_Scotch : public Disp {
typedef typename CrsMatBaseType::ordinal_type ordinal_type;
typedef typename CrsMatBaseType::size_type size_type;
typedef typename CrsMatBaseType::ordinal_type_array ordinal_type_array;
typedef typename CrsMatBaseType::size_type_array size_type_array;
string _label;
// scotch main data structure
SCOTCH_Graph _graph;
SCOTCH_Num _strat;
int _level;
// scotch input has no diagonal contribution
ordinal_type _base,_m;
ordinal_type_array _cidx;
size_type _nnz;
size_type_array _rptr;
// scotch output
ordinal_type _cblk;
ordinal_type_array _perm,_peri,_range,_tree;
// status flag
bool _is_ordered;
void setLabel(string label) { _label = label; }
string Label() const { return _label; }
size_type NumNonZeros() const { return _nnz; }
ordinal_type NumRows() const { return _m; }
size_type_array RowPtrVector() const { return _rptr; }
ordinal_type_array ColIndexVector() const { return _cidx; }
ordinal_type_array PermVector() const { return _perm; }
ordinal_type_array InvPermVector() const { return _peri; }
ordinal_type_array RangeVector() const { return _range; }
ordinal_type_array TreeVector() const { return _tree; }
ordinal_type NumBlocks() const { return _cblk; }
GraphHelper_Scotch() = default;
// convert graph first
GraphHelper_Scotch(const string label,
const ordinal_type m,
const size_type_array rptr,
const ordinal_type_array cidx,
const int seed = GraphHelper::DefaultRandomSeed) {
_label = "GraphHelper_Scotch::" + label;
_is_ordered = false;
_cblk = 0;
// scotch does not allow self-contribution (diagonal term in sparse matrix)
_base = 0; //A.BaseVal();
_m = m; // A.NumRows();
_nnz = rptr[m]; //A.NumNonZeros();
_rptr = rptr; //size_type_array(_label+"::RowPtrArray", _m+1);
_cidx = cidx; //ordinal_type_array(_label+"::ColIndexArray", _nnz);
_perm = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::PermutationArray", _m);
_peri = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::InvPermutationArray", _m);
_range = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::RangeArray", _m);
_tree = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::TreeArray", _m);
// create a graph structure without diagonals
_strat = 0;
_level = 0;
//A.convertGraph(_nnz, _rptr, _cidx);
int ierr = 0;
ordinal_type *rptr_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
ordinal_type *cidx_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());
if (seed != GraphHelper::DefaultRandomSeed) {
ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&_graph);CHKERR(ierr);
ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild(&_graph, // scotch graph
_base, // base value
_m, // # of vertices
rptr_ptr, // column index array pointer begin
rptr_ptr+1, // column index array pointer end
NULL, // weights on vertices (optional)
NULL, // label array on vertices (optional)
_nnz, // # of nonzeros
cidx_ptr, // column index array
NULL);CHKERR(ierr); // edge load array (optional)
ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&_graph);CHKERR(ierr);
GraphHelper_Scotch(const GraphHelper_Scotch &b) = default;
virtual~GraphHelper_Scotch() {
void setStratGraph(const SCOTCH_Num strat = 0) {
_strat = strat;
void setTreeLevel(const int level = 0) {
_level = level;
int computeOrdering(const ordinal_type treecut = 0,
const ordinal_type minblksize = 0) {
int ierr = 0;
// pointers for global graph ordering
ordinal_type *perm = _perm.ptr_on_device();
ordinal_type *peri = _peri.ptr_on_device();
ordinal_type *range = _range.ptr_on_device();
ordinal_type *tree = _tree.ptr_on_device();
const int level = (_level ? _level : max(1, int(log2(_m)-treecut))); // level = log2(_nnz)+10;
SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
SCOTCH_Num straval = _strat;
ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat);CHKERR(ierr);
// if both are zero, do not run strategy
if (_strat || _level) {
cout << "GraphHelper_Scotch:: User provide a strategy and/or level" << endl
<< " strategy = " << _strat << ", level = " << _level << endl;
ierr = SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild (&stradat, straval, level, 0.2);CHKERR(ierr);
ierr = SCOTCH_graphOrder(&_graph,
#if 0
// assume there are multiple roots
range[_cblk+1] = range[_cblk]; // dummy range
tree[_cblk] = -1; // dummy root
for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_cblk;++i)
if (tree[i] == -1) // multiple roots becomes children of the hummy root
tree[i] = (_cblk+1);
++_cblk; // include the dummy root
// provided blksize is greater than 0, reorder internally
// if (treecut > 0 && minblksize > 0) {
// // graph array
// ordinal_type *rptr_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_rptr.ptr_on_device());
// ordinal_type *cidx_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(_cidx.ptr_on_device());
// // create workspace in
// size_type_array rptr_work = size_type_array(_label+"::Block::RowPtrArray", _m+1);
// ordinal_type_array cidx_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::ColIndexArray", _nnz);
// // create workspace output
// ordinal_type_array perm_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::PermutationArray", _m);
// ordinal_type_array peri_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::InvPermutationArray", _m);
// ordinal_type_array range_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::RangeArray", _m);
// ordinal_type_array tree_work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::Block::TreeArray", _m);
// // scotch input
// ordinal_type *rptr_blk = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(rptr_work.ptr_on_device());
// ordinal_type *cidx_blk = reinterpret_cast<ordinal_type*>(cidx_work.ptr_on_device());
// size_type nnz = 0;
// rptr_blk[0] = nnz;
// for (ordinal_type iblk=0;iblk<_cblk;++iblk) {
// // allocate graph
// SCOTCH_Graph graph;
// ierr = SCOTCH_graphInit(&graph);CHKERR(ierr);
// SCOTCH_Strat stradat;
// ierr = SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat);CHKERR(ierr);
// ierr = SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild(&stradat, straval, 0, 0.2);CHKERR(ierr);
// const ordinal_type ibegin = range[iblk], iend = range[iblk+1], m = iend - ibegin;
// // scotch output
// ordinal_type cblk_blk = 0;
// ordinal_type *perm_blk = perm_work.ptr_on_device() + ibegin;
// ordinal_type *peri_blk = peri_work.ptr_on_device() + ibegin;
// ordinal_type *range_blk = range_work.ptr_on_device() + ibegin;
// ordinal_type *tree_blk = tree_work.ptr_on_device() + ibegin;
// // if each blk is greater than the given minblksize, reorder internally
// if (m > minblksize) {
// for (int i=ibegin;i<iend;++i) {
// const ordinal_type ii = peri[i];
// const ordinal_type jbegin = rptr_ptr[ii];
// const ordinal_type jend = rptr_ptr[ii+1];
// for (int j=jbegin;j<jend;++j) {
// const ordinal_type jj = perm[cidx_ptr[j]];
// if (ibegin <= jj && jj < iend)
// cidx_blk[nnz++] = (jj - ibegin);
// }
// rptr_blk[i+1] = nnz;
// }
// const size_type nnz_blk = nnz - rptr_blk[ibegin];
// ierr = SCOTCH_graphBuild(&graph, // scotch graph
// 0, // base value
// m, // # of vertices
// &rptr_blk[ibegin], // column index array pointer begin
// &rptr_blk[ibegin]+1,// column index array pointer end
// NULL, // weights on vertices (optional)
// NULL, // label array on vertices (optional)
// nnz_blk, // # of nonzeros
// cidx_blk, // column index array
// NULL);CHKERR(ierr); // edge load array (optional)
// ierr = SCOTCH_graphCheck(&graph);CHKERR(ierr);
// ierr = SCOTCH_graphOrder(&graph,
// &stradat,
// perm_blk,
// peri_blk,
// &cblk_blk,
// range_blk,
// tree_blk);CHKERR(ierr);
// } else {
// for (ordinal_type i=0;i<m;++i) {
// perm_blk[i] = i;
// peri_blk[i] = i;
// }
// range_blk[1] = m;
// tree_blk[0] = -1;
// }
// SCOTCH_stratExit(&stradat);
// SCOTCH_graphFree(&graph);
// for (ordinal_type i=0;i<m;++i) {
// const ordinal_type ii = peri_blk[i] + ibegin;
// peri_blk[i] = peri[ii];
// }
// for (ordinal_type i=0;i<m;++i) {
// const ordinal_type ii = i + ibegin;
// peri[ii] = peri_blk[i];
// }
// }
// for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_m;++i)
// perm[peri[i]] = i;
// }
_is_ordered = true;
//cout << "SCOTCH level = " << level << endl;
//cout << "Range Tree " << endl;
//for (int i=0;i<_cblk;++i)
// cout << _range[i] << " :: " << i << " " << _tree[i] << endl;
return 0;
int pruneTree(const ordinal_type cut) {
if (cut <=0 ) return 0;
ordinal_type_array work = ordinal_type_array(_label+"::WorkArray", _cblk+1);
for (ordinal_type iter=0;iter<cut && _cblk > 1;++iter) {
// horizontal merging
ordinal_type cnt = 0;
ordinal_type parent = _tree[0];
work[0] = cnt;
for (ordinal_type i=1;i<_cblk;++i) {
const ordinal_type myparent = _tree[i];
if (myparent == parent) {
work[i] = cnt;
} else {
parent = _tree[i];
work[i] = ++cnt;
work[_cblk] = ++cnt;
ordinal_type prev = -2;
const ordinal_type root = _cblk - 1;
for (ordinal_type i=0;i<root;++i) {
const ordinal_type myparent = _tree[i];
const ordinal_type me = work[i];
_tree[me] = work[myparent];
if (prev != me) {
_range[me] = _range[i];
prev = me;
const ordinal_type me = work[root];
_tree[me] = -1;
_range[me] = _range[root];
_range[work[root+1]] = _range[root+1];
_cblk = cnt;
// vertical merging
if (_cblk == 2) {
_tree[0] = -1;
_range[0] = 0;
_range[1] = _range[2];
_cblk = 1;
} else {
ordinal_type cnt = 0;
for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_cblk;++i) {
const ordinal_type diff = _tree[i+1] - _tree[i];
work[i] = (diff == 1 ? cnt : cnt++);
work[_cblk] = cnt;
ordinal_type prev = -2;
const ordinal_type root = _cblk - 1;
for (ordinal_type i=0;i<root;++i) {
const ordinal_type myparent = _tree[i];
const ordinal_type me = work[i];
_tree[me] = work[myparent];
if (prev != me) {
_range[me] = _range[i];
prev = me;
const ordinal_type me = work[root];
_tree[me] = -1;
_range[me] = _range[root];
_range[work[root+1]] = _range[root+1];
_cblk = cnt;
// cleaning
for (ordinal_type i=(_cblk+1);i<_m;++i) {
_tree[i] = 0;
_range[i] = 0;
_tree[_cblk] = 0;
return 0;
ostream& showMe(ostream &os) const {
streamsize prec = os.precision();
os << scientific;
os << " -- Scotch input -- " << endl
<< " Base Value = " << _base << endl
<< " # of Rows = " << _m << endl
<< " # of NonZeros = " << _nnz << endl;
if (_is_ordered)
os << " -- Ordering -- " << endl
<< " CBLK = " << _cblk << endl
<< " PERM PERI RANG TREE" << endl;
const int w = 6;
for (ordinal_type i=0;i<_m;++i)
os << setw(w) << _perm[i] << " "
<< setw(w) << _peri[i] << " "
<< setw(w) << _range[i] << " "
<< setw(w) << _tree[i] << endl;
return os;

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