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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Ray Shan (Materials Design)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bond_class2_kokkos.h"
#include "atom_kokkos.h"
#include "neighbor_kokkos.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "atom_masks.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::BondClass2Kokkos(LAMMPS *lmp) : BondClass2(lmp)
atomKK = (AtomKokkos *) atom;
neighborKK = (NeighborKokkos *) neighbor;
execution_space = ExecutionSpaceFromDevice<DeviceType>::space;
datamask_read = X_MASK | F_MASK | ENERGY_MASK | VIRIAL_MASK;
datamask_modify = F_MASK | ENERGY_MASK | VIRIAL_MASK;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
if (!copymode) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
void BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::compute(int eflag_in, int vflag_in)
eflag = eflag_in;
vflag = vflag_in;
if (eflag || vflag) ev_setup(eflag,vflag,0);
else evflag = 0;
// reallocate per-atom arrays if necessary
if (eflag_atom) {
//if(k_eatom.dimension_0()<maxeatom) { // won't work without adding zero functor
d_eatom = k_eatom.template view<DeviceType>();
if (vflag_atom) {
//if(k_vatom.dimension_0()<maxvatom) { // won't work without adding zero functor
d_vatom = k_vatom.template view<DeviceType>();
// if (eflag || vflag) atomKK->modified(execution_space,datamask_modify);
// else atomKK->modified(execution_space,F_MASK);
x = atomKK->k_x.template view<DeviceType>();
f = atomKK->k_f.template view<DeviceType>();
neighborKK->k_bondlist.template sync<DeviceType>();
bondlist = neighborKK->k_bondlist.template view<DeviceType>();
int nbondlist = neighborKK->nbondlist;
nlocal = atom->nlocal;
newton_bond = force->newton_bond;
copymode = 1;
// loop over neighbors of my atoms
if (evflag) {
if (newton_bond) {
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::RangePolicy<DeviceType, TagBondClass2Compute<1,1> >(0,nbondlist),*this,ev);
} else {
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::RangePolicy<DeviceType, TagBondClass2Compute<0,1> >(0,nbondlist),*this,ev);
} else {
if (newton_bond) {
Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::RangePolicy<DeviceType, TagBondClass2Compute<1,0> >(0,nbondlist),*this);
} else {
Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::RangePolicy<DeviceType, TagBondClass2Compute<0,0> >(0,nbondlist),*this);
if (eflag_global) energy += ev.evdwl;
if (vflag_global) {
virial[0] += ev.v[0];
virial[1] += ev.v[1];
virial[2] += ev.v[2];
virial[3] += ev.v[3];
virial[4] += ev.v[4];
virial[5] += ev.v[5];
if (eflag_atom) {
k_eatom.template modify<DeviceType>();
k_eatom.template sync<LMPHostType>();
if (vflag_atom) {
k_vatom.template modify<DeviceType>();
k_vatom.template sync<LMPHostType>();
copymode = 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
template<int NEWTON_BOND, int EVFLAG>
void BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::operator()(TagBondClass2Compute<NEWTON_BOND,EVFLAG>, const int &n, EV_FLOAT& ev) const {
const int i1 = bondlist(n,0);
const int i2 = bondlist(n,1);
const int type = bondlist(n,2);
const F_FLOAT delx = x(i1,0) - x(i2,0);
const F_FLOAT dely = x(i1,1) - x(i2,1);
const F_FLOAT delz = x(i1,2) - x(i2,2);
const F_FLOAT rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
const F_FLOAT r = sqrt(rsq);
const F_FLOAT dr = r - d_r0[type];
const F_FLOAT dr2 = dr*dr;
const F_FLOAT dr3 = dr2*dr;
const F_FLOAT dr4 = dr3*dr;
// force & energy
F_FLOAT ebond, fbond, de_bond;
de_bond = 2.0*d_k2[type]*dr + 3.0*d_k3[type]*dr2 + 4.0*d_k4[type]*dr3;
if (r > 0.0) fbond = -de_bond/r;
else fbond = 0.0;
if (eflag) ebond = d_k2[type]*dr2 + d_k3[type]*dr3 + d_k4[type]*dr4;
// apply force to each of 2 atoms
if (NEWTON_BOND || i1 < nlocal) {
f(i1,0) += delx*fbond;
f(i1,1) += dely*fbond;
f(i1,2) += delz*fbond;
if (NEWTON_BOND || i2 < nlocal) {
f(i2,0) -= delx*fbond;
f(i2,1) -= dely*fbond;
f(i2,2) -= delz*fbond;
if (EVFLAG) ev_tally(ev,i1,i2,ebond,fbond,delx,dely,delz);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
template<int NEWTON_BOND, int EVFLAG>
void BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::operator()(TagBondClass2Compute<NEWTON_BOND,EVFLAG>, const int &n) const {
this->template operator()<NEWTON_BOND,EVFLAG>(TagBondClass2Compute<NEWTON_BOND,EVFLAG>(), n, ev);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
void BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::allocate()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set coeffs for one type
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
void BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
BondClass2::coeff(narg, arg);
int n = atom->nbondtypes;
Kokkos::DualView<F_FLOAT*,DeviceType> k_k2("BondClass2::k2",n+1);
Kokkos::DualView<F_FLOAT*,DeviceType> k_k3("BondClass2::k3",n+1);
Kokkos::DualView<F_FLOAT*,DeviceType> k_k4("BondClass2::k4",n+1);
Kokkos::DualView<F_FLOAT*,DeviceType> k_r0("BondClass2::r0",n+1);
d_k2 = k_k2.template view<DeviceType>();
d_k3 = k_k3.template view<DeviceType>();
d_k4 = k_k4.template view<DeviceType>();
d_r0 = k_r0.template view<DeviceType>();
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
k_k2.h_view[i] = k2[i];
k_k3.h_view[i] = k3[i];
k_k4.h_view[i] = k4[i];
k_r0.h_view[i] = r0[i];
k_k2.template modify<LMPHostType>();
k_k2.template sync<DeviceType>();
k_k3.template modify<LMPHostType>();
k_k3.template sync<DeviceType>();
k_k4.template modify<LMPHostType>();
k_k4.template sync<DeviceType>();
k_r0.template modify<LMPHostType>();
k_r0.template sync<DeviceType>();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
tally energy and virial into global and per-atom accumulators
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class DeviceType>
//template<int NEWTON_BOND>
void BondClass2Kokkos<DeviceType>::ev_tally(EV_FLOAT &ev, const int &i, const int &j,
const F_FLOAT &ebond, const F_FLOAT &fbond, const F_FLOAT &delx,
const F_FLOAT &dely, const F_FLOAT &delz) const
E_FLOAT ebondhalf;
F_FLOAT v[6];
if (eflag_either) {
if (eflag_global) {
if (newton_bond) ev.evdwl += ebond;
else {
ebondhalf = 0.5*ebond;
if (i < nlocal) ev.evdwl += ebondhalf;
if (j < nlocal) ev.evdwl += ebondhalf;
if (eflag_atom) {
ebondhalf = 0.5*ebond;
if (newton_bond || i < nlocal) d_eatom[i] += ebondhalf;
if (newton_bond || j < nlocal) d_eatom[j] += ebondhalf;
if (vflag_either) {
v[0] = delx*delx*fbond;
v[1] = dely*dely*fbond;
v[2] = delz*delz*fbond;
v[3] = delx*dely*fbond;
v[4] = delx*delz*fbond;
v[5] = dely*delz*fbond;
if (vflag_global) {
if (newton_bond) {
ev.v[0] += v[0];
ev.v[1] += v[1];
ev.v[2] += v[2];
ev.v[3] += v[3];
ev.v[4] += v[4];
ev.v[5] += v[5];
} else {
if (i < nlocal) {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v[0];
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v[1];
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v[2];
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v[3];
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v[4];
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v[5];
if (j < nlocal) {
ev.v[0] += 0.5*v[0];
ev.v[1] += 0.5*v[1];
ev.v[2] += 0.5*v[2];
ev.v[3] += 0.5*v[3];
ev.v[4] += 0.5*v[4];
ev.v[5] += 0.5*v[5];
if (vflag_atom) {
if (newton_bond || i < nlocal) {
d_vatom(i,0) += 0.5*v[0];
d_vatom(i,1) += 0.5*v[1];
d_vatom(i,2) += 0.5*v[2];
d_vatom(i,3) += 0.5*v[3];
d_vatom(i,4) += 0.5*v[4];
d_vatom(i,5) += 0.5*v[5];
if (newton_bond || j < nlocal) {
d_vatom(j,0) += 0.5*v[0];
d_vatom(j,1) += 0.5*v[1];
d_vatom(j,2) += 0.5*v[2];
d_vatom(j,3) += 0.5*v[3];
d_vatom(j,4) += 0.5*v[4];
d_vatom(j,5) += 0.5*v[5];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
template class BondClass2Kokkos<LMPDeviceType>;
template class BondClass2Kokkos<LMPHostType>;

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