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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing authors:
Xiaohu Hu, CMB/ORNL (
David Hyde-Volpe, Tigran Abramyan, and Robert A. Latour (Clemson University)
Chris Lorenz (Kings College-London)
Implementation of the CHARMM CMAP; adds an extra energy term for the
peptide backbone dihedrals. The tools/ch2lmp/
conversion script, which generates an extra section in the LAMMPS data
file, is needed in order to generate the info used by this fix style.
- MacKerell et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126(2004):698-699.
- MacKerell et al., J. Comput. Chem. 25(2004):1400-1415.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <mpi.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "fix_cmap.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "atom_vec.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "respa.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "math_const.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using namespace FixConst;
using namespace MathConst;
#define MAXLINE 256
#define LISTDELTA 10000
#define LB_FACTOR 1.5
#define CMAPMAX 6 // max # of CMAP terms stored by one atom
#define CMAPDIM 24 // grid map dimension is 24 x 24
#define CMAPXMIN -360.0
#define CMAPXMIN2 -180.0
#define CMAPDX 15.0 // 360/CMAPDIM
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
FixCMAP::FixCMAP(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
Fix(lmp, narg, arg),
crosstermlist(NULL), num_crossterm(NULL), crossterm_type(NULL),
crossterm_atom1(NULL), crossterm_atom2(NULL), crossterm_atom3(NULL),
crossterm_atom4(NULL), crossterm_atom5(NULL),
g_axis(NULL), cmapgrid(NULL), d1cmapgrid(NULL), d2cmapgrid(NULL),
if (narg != 4) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal fix cmap command");
restart_global = 1;
restart_peratom = 1;
peatom_flag = 1;
virial_flag = 1;
peratom_freq = 1;
scalar_flag = 1;
global_freq = 1;
extscalar = 1;
extvector = 1;
wd_header = 1;
wd_section = 1;
// allocate memory for CMAP data
// read and setup CMAP data
// perform initial allocation of atom-based arrays
// register with Atom class
num_crossterm = NULL;
crossterm_type = NULL;
crossterm_atom1 = NULL;
crossterm_atom2 = NULL;
crossterm_atom3 = NULL;
crossterm_atom4 = NULL;
crossterm_atom5 = NULL;
nmax_previous = 0;
// local list of crossterms
ncmap = 0;
maxcrossterm = 0;
crosstermlist = NULL;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// unregister callbacks to this fix from Atom class
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixCMAP::setmask()
int mask = 0;
mask |= PRE_REVERSE;
mask |= POST_FORCE;
return mask;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::init()
int i;
double angle;
i = 0;
angle = -180.0;
while (angle < 180.0) {
g_axis[i] = angle;
angle += CMAPDX;
// pre-compute the derivatives of the maps
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
// define newton_bond here in case restart file was read (not data file)
newton_bond = force->newton_bond;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::setup(int vflag)
if (strstr(update->integrate_style,"verlet"))
else {
((Respa *) update->integrate)->copy_flevel_f(nlevels_respa-1);
((Respa *) update->integrate)->copy_f_flevel(nlevels_respa-1);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::setup_pre_neighbor()
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::setup_pre_reverse(int eflag, int vflag)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::min_setup(int vflag)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
store local neighbor list as if newton_bond = OFF, even if actually ON
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::pre_neighbor()
int i,m,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4,atom5;
// guesstimate initial length of local crossterm list
// if ncmap was not set (due to read_restart, no read_data),
// then list will grow by LISTDELTA chunks
if (maxcrossterm == 0) {
if (nprocs == 1) maxcrossterm = ncmap;
else maxcrossterm = static_cast<int> (LB_FACTOR*ncmap/nprocs);
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
ncrosstermlist = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
for (m = 0; m < num_crossterm[i]; m++) {
atom1 = atom->map(crossterm_atom1[i][m]);
atom2 = atom->map(crossterm_atom2[i][m]);
atom3 = atom->map(crossterm_atom3[i][m]);
atom4 = atom->map(crossterm_atom4[i][m]);
atom5 = atom->map(crossterm_atom5[i][m]);
if (atom1 == -1 || atom2 == -1 || atom3 == -1 ||
atom4 == -1 || atom5 == -1) {
char str[128];
sprintf(str,"CMAP atoms "
" missing on proc %d at step " BIGINT_FORMAT,
atom1 = domain->closest_image(i,atom1);
atom2 = domain->closest_image(i,atom2);
atom3 = domain->closest_image(i,atom3);
atom4 = domain->closest_image(i,atom4);
atom5 = domain->closest_image(i,atom5);
if (i <= atom1 && i <= atom2 && i <= atom3 &&
i <= atom4 && i <= atom5) {
if (ncrosstermlist == maxcrossterm) {
maxcrossterm += LISTDELTA;
crosstermlist[ncrosstermlist][0] = atom1;
crosstermlist[ncrosstermlist][1] = atom2;
crosstermlist[ncrosstermlist][2] = atom3;
crosstermlist[ncrosstermlist][3] = atom4;
crosstermlist[ncrosstermlist][4] = atom5;
crosstermlist[ncrosstermlist][5] = crossterm_type[i][m];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
store eflag, so can use it in post_force to tally per-atom energies
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::pre_reverse(int eflag, int vflag)
eflag_caller = eflag;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute CMAP terms as if newton_bond = OFF, even if actually ON
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::post_force(int vflag)
int n,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,type,nlist;
int li1, li2, mli1,mli2,mli11,mli21,t1,li3,li4,mli3,mli4,mli31,mli41;
int list[5];
// vectors needed to calculate the cross-term dihedral angles
double vb21x,vb21y,vb21z,vb32x,vb32y,vb32z,vb34x,vb34y,vb34z;
double vb23x,vb23y,vb23z;
double vb43x,vb43y,vb43z,vb45x,vb45y,vb45z,a1x,a1y,a1z,b1x,b1y,b1z;
double a2x,a2y,a2z,b2x,b2y,b2z,r32,a1sq,b1sq,a2sq,b2sq,dpr21r32,dpr34r32;
double dpr32r43,dpr45r43,r43,vb12x,vb12y,vb12z,vb54x,vb54y,vb54z;
// cross-term dihedral angles
double phi,psi,phi1,psi1;
double f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[3],f5[3],vcmap[6];
double gs[4],d1gs[4],d2gs[4],d12gs[4];
double engfraction;
// vectors needed for the gradient/force calculation
double dphidr1x,dphidr1y,dphidr1z,dphidr2x,dphidr2y,dphidr2z;
double dphidr3x,dphidr3y,dphidr3z,dphidr4x,dphidr4y,dphidr4z;
double dpsidr1x,dpsidr1y,dpsidr1z,dpsidr2x,dpsidr2y,dpsidr2z;
double dpsidr3x,dpsidr3y,dpsidr3z,dpsidr4x,dpsidr4y,dpsidr4z;
// Definition of cross-term dihedrals
// phi dihedral
// |--------------------|
// a1-----a2-----a3-----a4-----a5 cross-term atoms
// C N CA C N cross-term atom types
// |--------------------|
// psi dihedral
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
ecmap = 0.0;
int eflag = eflag_caller;
if (eflag || vflag) ev_setup(eflag,vflag);
else evflag = 0;
for (n = 0; n < ncrosstermlist; n++) {
i1 = crosstermlist[n][0];
i2 = crosstermlist[n][1];
i3 = crosstermlist[n][2];
i4 = crosstermlist[n][3];
i5 = crosstermlist[n][4];
type = crosstermlist[n][5];
if (type == 0) continue;
// calculate bond vectors for both dihedrals
// phi
// vb21 = r2 - r1
vb21x = x[i2][0] - x[i1][0];
vb21y = x[i2][1] - x[i1][1];
vb21z = x[i2][2] - x[i1][2];
vb12x = -1.0*vb21x;
vb12y = -1.0*vb21y;
vb12z = -1.0*vb21z;
vb32x = x[i3][0] - x[i2][0];
vb32y = x[i3][1] - x[i2][1];
vb32z = x[i3][2] - x[i2][2];
vb23x = -1.0*vb32x;
vb23y = -1.0*vb32y;
vb23z = -1.0*vb32z;
vb34x = x[i3][0] - x[i4][0];
vb34y = x[i3][1] - x[i4][1];
vb34z = x[i3][2] - x[i4][2];
// psi
// bond vectors same as for phi: vb32
vb43x = -1.0*vb34x;
vb43y = -1.0*vb34y;
vb43z = -1.0*vb34z;
vb45x = x[i4][0] - x[i5][0];
vb45y = x[i4][1] - x[i5][1];
vb45z = x[i4][2] - x[i5][2];
vb54x = -1.0*vb45x;
vb54y = -1.0*vb45y;
vb54z = -1.0*vb45z;
// calculate normal vectors for planes that define the dihedral angles
a1x = vb12y*vb23z - vb12z*vb23y;
a1y = vb12z*vb23x - vb12x*vb23z;
a1z = vb12x*vb23y - vb12y*vb23x;
b1x = vb43y*vb23z - vb43z*vb23y;
b1y = vb43z*vb23x - vb43x*vb23z;
b1z = vb43x*vb23y - vb43y*vb23x;
a2x = vb23y*vb34z - vb23z*vb34y;
a2y = vb23z*vb34x - vb23x*vb34z;
a2z = vb23x*vb34y - vb23y*vb34x;
b2x = vb45y*vb43z - vb45z*vb43y;
b2y = vb45z*vb43x - vb45x*vb43z;
b2z = vb45x*vb43y - vb45y*vb43x;
// calculate terms used later in calculations
r32 = sqrt(vb32x*vb32x + vb32y*vb32y + vb32z*vb32z);
a1sq = a1x*a1x + a1y*a1y + a1z*a1z;
b1sq = b1x*b1x + b1y*b1y + b1z*b1z;
r43 = sqrt(vb43x*vb43x + vb43y*vb43y + vb43z*vb43z);
a2sq = a2x*a2x + a2y*a2y + a2z*a2z;
b2sq = b2x*b2x + b2y*b2y + b2z*b2z;
//if (a1sq<0.0001 || b1sq<0.0001 || a2sq<0.0001 || b2sq<0.0001)
// printf("a1sq b1sq a2sq b2sq: %f %f %f %f \n",a1sq,b1sq,a2sq,b2sq);
if (a1sq<0.0001 || b1sq<0.0001 || a2sq<0.0001 || b2sq<0.0001) continue;
dpr21r32 = vb21x*vb32x + vb21y*vb32y + vb21z*vb32z;
dpr34r32 = vb34x*vb32x + vb34y*vb32y + vb34z*vb32z;
dpr32r43 = vb32x*vb43x + vb32y*vb43y + vb32z*vb43z;
dpr45r43 = vb45x*vb43x + vb45y*vb43y + vb45z*vb43z;
// calculate the backbone dihedral angles as VMD and GROMACS
phi = dihedral_angle_atan2(vb21x,vb21y,vb21z,a1x,a1y,a1z,b1x,b1y,b1z,r32);
psi = dihedral_angle_atan2(vb32x,vb32y,vb32z,a2x,a2y,a2z,b2x,b2y,b2z,r43);
if (phi == 180.0) phi= -180.0;
if (psi == 180.0) psi= -180.0;
phi1 = phi;
if (phi1 < 0.0) phi1 += 360.0;
psi1 = psi;
if (psi1 < 0.0) psi1 += 360.0;
// find the neighbor grid point index
li1 = int(((phi1+CMAPXMIN2)/CMAPDX)+((CMAPDIM*1.0)/2.0));
li2 = int(((psi1+CMAPXMIN2)/CMAPDX)+((CMAPDIM*1.0)/2.0));
li3 = int((phi-CMAPXMIN2)/CMAPDX);
li4 = int((psi-CMAPXMIN2)/CMAPDX);
mli3 = li3 % CMAPDIM;
mli4 = li4 % CMAPDIM;
mli31 = (li3+1) % CMAPDIM;
mli41 = (li4+1) %CMAPDIM;
mli1 = li1 % CMAPDIM;
mli2 = li2 % CMAPDIM;
mli11 = (li1+1) % CMAPDIM;
mli21 = (li2+1) %CMAPDIM;
t1 = type-1;
if (t1 < 0 || t1 > 5) error->all(FLERR,"Invalid CMAP crossterm_type");
// determine the values and derivatives for the grid square points
gs[0] = cmapgrid[t1][mli3][mli4];
gs[1] = cmapgrid[t1][mli31][mli4];
gs[2] = cmapgrid[t1][mli31][mli41];
gs[3] = cmapgrid[t1][mli3][mli41];
d1gs[0] = d1cmapgrid[t1][mli1][mli2];
d1gs[1] = d1cmapgrid[t1][mli11][mli2];
d1gs[2] = d1cmapgrid[t1][mli11][mli21];
d1gs[3] = d1cmapgrid[t1][mli1][mli21];
d2gs[0] = d2cmapgrid[t1][mli1][mli2];
d2gs[1] = d2cmapgrid[t1][mli11][mli2];
d2gs[2] = d2cmapgrid[t1][mli11][mli21];
d2gs[3] = d2cmapgrid[t1][mli1][mli21];
d12gs[0] = d12cmapgrid[t1][mli1][mli2];
d12gs[1] = d12cmapgrid[t1][mli11][mli2];
d12gs[2] = d12cmapgrid[t1][mli11][mli21];
d12gs[3] = d12cmapgrid[t1][mli1][mli21];
// calculate the cmap energy and the gradient (dE/dphi,dE/dpsi)
// sum up cmap energy contributions
engfraction = 0.2 * E;
if (i1 < nlocal) ecmap += engfraction;
if (i2 < nlocal) ecmap += engfraction;
if (i3 < nlocal) ecmap += engfraction;
if (i4 < nlocal) ecmap += engfraction;
if (i5 < nlocal) ecmap += engfraction;
// calculate the derivatives dphi/dr_i
dphidr1x = 1.0*r32/a1sq*a1x;
dphidr1y = 1.0*r32/a1sq*a1y;
dphidr1z = 1.0*r32/a1sq*a1z;
dphidr2x = -1.0*r32/a1sq*a1x - dpr21r32/a1sq/r32*a1x +
dphidr2y = -1.0*r32/a1sq*a1y - dpr21r32/a1sq/r32*a1y +
dphidr2z = -1.0*r32/a1sq*a1z - dpr21r32/a1sq/r32*a1z +
dphidr3x = dpr34r32/b1sq/r32*b1x - dpr21r32/a1sq/r32*a1x - r32/b1sq*b1x;
dphidr3y = dpr34r32/b1sq/r32*b1y - dpr21r32/a1sq/r32*a1y - r32/b1sq*b1y;
dphidr3z = dpr34r32/b1sq/r32*b1z - dpr21r32/a1sq/r32*a1z - r32/b1sq*b1z;
dphidr4x = r32/b1sq*b1x;
dphidr4y = r32/b1sq*b1y;
dphidr4z = r32/b1sq*b1z;
// calculate the derivatives dpsi/dr_i
dpsidr1x = 1.0*r43/a2sq*a2x;
dpsidr1y = 1.0*r43/a2sq*a2y;
dpsidr1z = 1.0*r43/a2sq*a2z;
dpsidr2x = r43/a2sq*a2x + dpr32r43/a2sq/r43*a2x - dpr45r43/b2sq/r43*b2x;
dpsidr2y = r43/a2sq*a2y + dpr32r43/a2sq/r43*a2y - dpr45r43/b2sq/r43*b2y;
dpsidr2z = r43/a2sq*a2z + dpr32r43/a2sq/r43*a2z - dpr45r43/b2sq/r43*b2z;
dpsidr3x = dpr45r43/b2sq/r43*b2x - dpr32r43/a2sq/r43*a2x - r43/b2sq*b2x;
dpsidr3y = dpr45r43/b2sq/r43*b2y - dpr32r43/a2sq/r43*a2y - r43/b2sq*b2y;
dpsidr3z = dpr45r43/b2sq/r43*b2z - dpr32r43/a2sq/r43*a2z - r43/b2sq*b2z;
dpsidr4x = r43/b2sq*b2x;
dpsidr4y = r43/b2sq*b2y;
dpsidr4z = r43/b2sq*b2z;
// calculate forces on cross-term atoms: F = -(dE/dPhi)*(dPhi/dr)
f1[0] = dEdPhi*dphidr1x;
f1[1] = dEdPhi*dphidr1y;
f1[2] = dEdPhi*dphidr1z;
f2[0] = dEdPhi*dphidr2x + dEdPsi*dpsidr1x;
f2[1] = dEdPhi*dphidr2y + dEdPsi*dpsidr1y;
f2[2] = dEdPhi*dphidr2z + dEdPsi*dpsidr1z;
f3[0] = -dEdPhi*dphidr3x - dEdPsi*dpsidr2x;
f3[1] = -dEdPhi*dphidr3y - dEdPsi*dpsidr2y;
f3[2] = -dEdPhi*dphidr3z - dEdPsi*dpsidr2z;
f4[0] = -dEdPhi*dphidr4x - dEdPsi*dpsidr3x;
f4[1] = -dEdPhi*dphidr4y - dEdPsi*dpsidr3y;
f4[2] = -dEdPhi*dphidr4z - dEdPsi*dpsidr3z;
f5[0] = -dEdPsi*dpsidr4x;
f5[1] = -dEdPsi*dpsidr4y;
f5[2] = -dEdPsi*dpsidr4z;
// apply force to each of the 5 atoms
if (i1 < nlocal) {
f[i1][0] += f1[0];
f[i1][1] += f1[1];
f[i1][2] += f1[2];
if (i2 < nlocal) {
f[i2][0] += f2[0];
f[i2][1] += f2[1];
f[i2][2] += f2[2];
if (i3 < nlocal) {
f[i3][0] += f3[0];
f[i3][1] += f3[1];
f[i3][2] += f3[2];
if (i4 < nlocal) {
f[i4][0] += f4[0];
f[i4][1] += f4[1];
f[i4][2] += f4[2];
if (i5 < nlocal) {
f[i5][0] += f5[0];
f[i5][1] += f5[1];
f[i5][2] += f5[2];
// tally energy and/or virial
if (evflag) {
nlist = 0;
if (i1 < nlocal) list[nlist++] = i1;
if (i2 < nlocal) list[nlist++] = i2;
if (i3 < nlocal) list[nlist++] = i3;
if (i4 < nlocal) list[nlist++] = i4;
if (i5 < nlocal) list[nlist++] = i5;
vcmap[0] = (vb12x*f1[0])+(vb32x*f3[0])+((vb43x+vb32x)*f4[0])+
vcmap[1] = (vb12y*f1[1])+(vb32y*f3[1])+((vb43y+vb32y)*f4[1])+
vcmap[2] = (vb12z*f1[2])+(vb32z*f3[2])+((vb43z+vb32z)*f4[2])+
vcmap[3] = (vb12x*f1[1])+(vb32x*f3[1])+((vb43x+vb32x)*f4[1])+
vcmap[4] = (vb12x*f1[2])+(vb32x*f3[2])+((vb43x+vb32x)*f4[2])+
vcmap[5] = (vb12y*f1[2])+(vb32y*f3[2])+((vb43y+vb32y)*f4[2])+
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::post_force_respa(int vflag, int ilevel, int iloop)
if (ilevel == nlevels_respa-1) post_force(vflag);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::min_post_force(int vflag)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
energy of CMAP term
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double FixCMAP::compute_scalar()
double all;
return all;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods to read CMAP potential file, perform interpolation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void FixCMAP::read_grid_map(char *cmapfile)
char linebuf[MAXLINE];
char *chunk,*line;
int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, counter;
FILE *fp = NULL;
if (comm->me == 0) {
fp = force->open_potential(cmapfile);
if (fp == NULL) {
char str[128];
sprintf(str,"Cannot open fix cmap file %s",cmapfile);
for (int ix1 = 0; ix1 < 6; ix1++)
for (int ix2 = 0; ix2 < CMAPDIM; ix2++)
for (int ix3 = 0; ix3 < CMAPDIM; ix3++)
cmapgrid[ix1][ix2][ix3] = 0.0;
counter = 0;
i1 = i2 = i3 = i4 = i5 = i6 = 0;
j1 = j2 = j3 = j4 = j5 = j6 = 0;
int done = 0;
while (!done) {
// only read on rank 0 and broadcast to all other ranks
if (comm->me == 0)
done = (fgets(linebuf,MAXLINE,fp) == NULL);
if (done) continue;
// remove leading whitespace
line = linebuf;
while (line && (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t' || *line == '\r')) ++line;
// skip if empty line or comment
if (!line || *line =='\n' || *line == '\0' || *line == '#') continue;
// read in the cmap grid point values
// NOTE: The order to read the 6 grid maps is HARD-CODED, thus errors
// will occur if content of the file "" is altered
// Reading order of the maps:
// 1. Alanine map
// 2. Alanine before proline map
// 3. Proline map
// 4. Two adjacent prolines map
// 5. Glycine map
// 6. Glycine before proline map
chunk = strtok(line, " \r\n");
while (chunk != NULL) {
// alanine map
if (counter < CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM) {
cmapgrid[0][i1][j1] = atof(chunk);
chunk = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");
if (j1 == CMAPDIM) {
j1 = 0;
// alanine-proline map
else if (counter >= CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM &&
counter < 2*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM) {
cmapgrid[1][i2][j2]= atof(chunk);
chunk = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");
if (j2 == CMAPDIM) {
j2 = 0;
// proline map
else if (counter >= 2*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM &&
counter < 3*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM) {
cmapgrid[2][i3][j3] = atof(chunk);
chunk = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");
if (j3 == CMAPDIM) {
j3 = 0;
// 2 adjacent prolines map
else if (counter >= 3*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM &&
counter < 4*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM) {
cmapgrid[3][i4][j4] = atof(chunk);
chunk = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");
if (j4 == CMAPDIM) {
j4 = 0;
// glycine map
else if (counter >= 4*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM &&
counter < 5*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM) {
cmapgrid[4][i5][j5] = atof(chunk);
chunk = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");
if (j5 == CMAPDIM) {
j5 = 0;
// glycine-proline map
else if (counter >= 5*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM &&
counter < 6*CMAPDIM*CMAPDIM) {
cmapgrid[5][i6][j6] = atof(chunk);
chunk = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");
if (j6 == CMAPDIM) {
j6 = 0;
else break;
if (comm->me == 0) fclose(fp);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::spline(double *y, double *ddy, int n)
// create the 2nd dervatives of a taublated function y_i(x_i)
// at the tabulated points
int i, j;
double p, *u;
ddy[0] = u[0] = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i <= n-2; i++) {
p = 1.0/(ddy[i-1]+4.0);
ddy[i] = -p;
u[i] = ((((6.0*y[i+1])-(12.0*y[i])+(6.0*y[i-1]))/(CMAPDX*CMAPDX))-u[i-1])*p;
ddy[n-1] = 0.0;
for (j = n-2; j >= 0; j--)
ddy[j] = ddy[j]*ddy[j+1] + u[j];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::spl_interpolate(double x, double *y, double *ddy, double &yo,
double &dyo)
// perform a 1D cubic spline interpolation
int ix;
double a,b,a1,b1,a2,b2;
ix = int((x-CMAPXMIN)/CMAPDX-(1./2.));
a = (CMAPXMIN+(ix*1.0)*CMAPDX-x)/CMAPDX;
b = (x-CMAPXMIN-(((ix-1)*1.0)*CMAPDX))/CMAPDX;
a1 = a*a*a-a;
b1 = b*b*b-b;
a2 = 3.0*a*a-1.0;
b2 = 3.0*b*b-1.0;
yo = a*y[ix]+b*y[ix+1]+(a1*ddy[ix]+b1*ddy[ix+1])*(CMAPDX*CMAPDX)/6.0;
dyo = (y[ix+1]-y[ix])/CMAPDX-a2/6.0*CMAPDX*ddy[ix]+b2/6.0*CMAPDX*ddy[ix+1];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::set_map_derivatives(double **map, double **d1yo, double **d2yo,
double **d12yo)
// precompute the gradient and cross-derivatives of the map grid points.
// use the bicubic spline to calculate the derivatives
int i, j, k, ii, jj, xm, p;
double phi, psi, d1y, d2y, d12y, tyyk,tdyk;
double *tmp_y, *tmp_dy, *tmp_ddy, **tmap, **tddmap;
int ix;
double a,b,a1,b1,a2,b2;
xm = CMAPDIM/2;
d1y = 0.;
d2y = 0.;
d12y = 0.;
// periodically expand the original map
// use the expanded map for bicubic spline interpolation,
// which is used to obtain the derivatives
// actual interpolation is done with bicubic interpolation
for (i = 0; i < CMAPDIM*2; i++) {
ii = ((i+CMAPDIM-xm)%CMAPDIM);
for (j = 0; j < CMAPDIM*2; j++) {
jj = ((j+CMAPDIM-xm)%CMAPDIM);
tmap[i][j] = map[ii][jj];
for (i = 0; i < CMAPDIM*2; i++)
spline(tmap[i], tddmap[i], CMAPDIM*2);
for (i = xm; i < CMAPDIM+xm; i++) {
phi = (i-xm)*CMAPDX-180.0;
for (j = xm; j < CMAPDIM+xm; j++) {
psi = (j-xm)*CMAPDX-180.0;
ix = int((psi-CMAPXMIN)/CMAPDX);
a = (CMAPXMIN+((ix+1)*1.0)*CMAPDX-psi)/CMAPDX;
b = (psi-CMAPXMIN-((ix)*1.0)*CMAPDX)/CMAPDX;
a1 = a*a*a-a;
b1 = b*b*b-b;
a2 = 3.0*a*a-1.0;
b2 = 3.0*b*b-1.0;
for (k = 0; k < CMAPDIM*2; k++) {
tyyk = tmp_y[k];
tdyk = tmp_dy[k];
tyyk = a*tmap[k][ix]+b*tmap[k][ix+1]+
tdyk = (tmap[k][ix+1]-tmap[k][ix])/CMAPDX-
tmp_y[k] = tyyk;
tmp_dy[k] = tdyk;
ix = int((phi-CMAPXMIN)/CMAPDX);
a = (CMAPXMIN+((ix+1)*1.0)*CMAPDX-phi)/CMAPDX;
b = (phi-CMAPXMIN-(ix*1.0)*CMAPDX)/CMAPDX;
a1 = a*a*a-a;
b1 = b*b*b-b;
a2 = 3.0*a*a-1.0;
b2 = 3.0*b*b-1.0;
d1y = (tmp_y[ix+1]-tmp_y[ix])/CMAPDX-
ix = int((phi-CMAPXMIN)/CMAPDX);
a = (CMAPXMIN+((ix+1)*1.0)*CMAPDX-phi)/CMAPDX;
b = (phi-CMAPXMIN-(ix*1.0)*CMAPDX)/CMAPDX;
a1 = a*a*a-a;
b1 = b*b*b-b;
a2 = 3.0*a*a-1.0;
b2 = 3.0*b*b-1.0;
d2y = a*tmp_dy[ix]+b*tmp_dy[ix+1]+
d12y = (tmp_dy[ix+1]-tmp_dy[ix])/CMAPDX-
d1yo[i%p][j%p] = d1y;
d2yo[i%p][j%p] = d2y;
d12yo[i%p][j%p] = d12y;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double FixCMAP::dihedral_angle_atan2(double fx, double fy, double fz,
double ax, double ay, double az,
double bx, double by, double bz,
double absg)
// calculate the dihedral angle
double angle, arg1, arg2;
arg1 = absg*(fx*bx+fy*by+fz*bz);
arg2 = ax*bx+ay*by+az*bz;
if (arg1 == 0 && arg2 == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"CMAP: atan2 function cannot take 2 zero arguments");
else {
angle = atan2(arg1,arg2);
angle = angle*180.0/MY_PI;
return angle;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::bc_coeff(double *gs, double *d1gs, double *d2gs, double *d12gs)
// calculate the bicubic interpolation coefficients c_ij
static int wt[16][16] =
{ {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{-3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0,-2, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{2, 0, 0,-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0,-3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0,-2, 0, 0,-1},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0,-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{-3, 3, 0, 0,-2,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-3, 3, 0, 0,-2,-1, 0, 0},
{9,-9, 9,-9, 6, 3,-3,-6, 6,-6,-3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2},
{-6, 6,-6, 6,-4,-2, 2, 4,-3, 3, 3,-3,-2,-1,-1,-2},
{2,-2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,-2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
{-6, 6,-6, 6,-3,-3, 3, 3,-4, 4, 2,-2,-2,-2,-1,-1},
{4,-4, 4,-4, 2, 2,-2,-2, 2,-2,-2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1}
int i, j, k, in;
double xx, x[16];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
x[i] = gs[i];
x[i+4] = d1gs[i]*CMAPDX;
x[i+8] = d2gs[i]*CMAPDX;
x[i+12] = d12gs[i]*CMAPDX*CMAPDX;
in = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
xx = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) xx += wt[in][k]*x[k];
cij[i][j] = xx;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::bc_interpol(double x1, double x2, int low1, int low2, double *gs,
double *d1gs, double *d2gs, double *d12gs)
// for a given point of interest and its corresponding grid square values,
// gradients and cross-derivatives
// calculate the interpolated value of the point of interest (POI)
int i;
double t, u, gs1l, gs2l;
// set the interpolation coefficients
gs1l = g_axis[low1];
gs2l = g_axis[low2];
t = (x1-gs1l)/CMAPDX;
u = (x2-gs2l)/CMAPDX;
E = dEdPhi = dEdPsi = 0.0;
for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
E = t*E + ((cij[i][3]*u+cij[i][2])*u+cij[i][1])*u+cij[i][0];
dEdPhi = u*dEdPhi + (3.0*cij[3][i]*t+2.0*cij[2][i])*t+cij[1][i];
dEdPsi = t*dEdPsi + (3.0*cij[i][3]*u+2.0*cij[i][2])*u+cij[i][1];
dEdPhi *= (180.0/MY_PI/CMAPDX);
dEdPsi *= (180.0/MY_PI/CMAPDX);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods to read and write data file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void FixCMAP::read_data_header(char *line)
if (strstr(line,"crossterms")) {
} else error->all(FLERR,"Invalid read data header line for fix cmap");
// didn't set in constructor b/c this fix could be defined
// before newton command
newton_bond = force->newton_bond;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
unpack N lines in buf from section of data file labeled by keyword
id_offset is applied to atomID fields if multiple data files are read
store CMAP interactions as if newton_bond = OFF, even if actually ON
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::read_data_section(char *keyword, int n, char *buf,
tagint id_offset)
int m,tmp,itype;
tagint atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4,atom5;
char *next;
next = strchr(buf,'\n');
*next = '\0';
int nwords = atom->count_words(buf);
*next = '\n';
if (nwords != 7) {
char str[128];
sprintf(str,"Incorrect %s format in data file",keyword);
// loop over lines of CMAP crossterms
// tokenize the line into values
// add crossterm to one of my atoms, depending on newton_bond
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
next = strchr(buf,'\n');
*next = '\0';
atom1 += id_offset;
atom2 += id_offset;
atom3 += id_offset;
atom4 += id_offset;
atom5 += id_offset;
if ((m = atom->map(atom1)) >= 0) {
if (num_crossterm[m] == CMAPMAX)
error->one(FLERR,"Too many CMAP crossterms for one atom");
crossterm_type[m][num_crossterm[m]] = itype;
crossterm_atom1[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom1;
crossterm_atom2[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom2;
crossterm_atom3[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom3;
crossterm_atom4[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom4;
crossterm_atom5[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom5;
if ((m = atom->map(atom2)) >= 0) {
if (num_crossterm[m] == CMAPMAX)
error->one(FLERR,"Too many CMAP crossterms for one atom");
crossterm_type[m][num_crossterm[m]] = itype;
crossterm_atom1[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom1;
crossterm_atom2[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom2;
crossterm_atom3[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom3;
crossterm_atom4[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom4;
crossterm_atom5[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom5;
if ((m = atom->map(atom3)) >= 0) {
if (num_crossterm[m] == CMAPMAX)
error->one(FLERR,"Too many CMAP crossterms for one atom");
crossterm_type[m][num_crossterm[m]] = itype;
crossterm_atom1[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom1;
crossterm_atom2[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom2;
crossterm_atom3[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom3;
crossterm_atom4[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom4;
crossterm_atom5[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom5;
if ((m = atom->map(atom4)) >= 0) {
if (num_crossterm[m] == CMAPMAX)
error->one(FLERR,"Too many CMAP crossterms for one atom");
crossterm_type[m][num_crossterm[m]] = itype;
crossterm_atom1[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom1;
crossterm_atom2[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom2;
crossterm_atom3[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom3;
crossterm_atom4[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom4;
crossterm_atom5[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom5;
if ((m = atom->map(atom5)) >= 0) {
if (num_crossterm[m] == CMAPMAX)
error->one(FLERR,"Too many CMAP crossterms for one atom");
crossterm_type[m][num_crossterm[m]] = itype;
crossterm_atom1[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom1;
crossterm_atom2[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom2;
crossterm_atom3[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom3;
crossterm_atom4[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom4;
crossterm_atom5[m][num_crossterm[m]] = atom5;
buf = next + 1;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bigint FixCMAP::read_data_skip_lines(char *keyword)
return ncmap;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
write Mth header line to file
only called by proc 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::write_data_header(FILE *fp, int mth)
fprintf(fp,BIGINT_FORMAT " cmap crossterms\n",ncmap);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
return size I own for Mth data section
# of data sections = 1 for this fix
nx = # of crossterms owned by my local atoms
if newton_bond off, atom only owns crossterm if it is atom3
ny = columns = type + 5 atom IDs
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::write_data_section_size(int mth, int &nx, int &ny)
int i,m;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
nx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
for (m = 0; m < num_crossterm[i]; m++)
if (crossterm_atom3[i][m] == tag[i]) nx++;
ny = 6;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pack values for Mth data section into 2d buf
buf allocated by caller as owned crossterms by 6
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::write_data_section_pack(int mth, double **buf)
int i,m;
// 1st column = CMAP type
// 2nd-6th columns = 5 atom IDs
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int n = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
for (m = 0; m < num_crossterm[i]; m++) {
if (crossterm_atom3[i][m] != tag[i]) continue;
buf[n][0] = ubuf(crossterm_type[i][m]).d;
buf[n][1] = ubuf(crossterm_atom1[i][m]).d;
buf[n][2] = ubuf(crossterm_atom2[i][m]).d;
buf[n][3] = ubuf(crossterm_atom3[i][m]).d;
buf[n][4] = ubuf(crossterm_atom4[i][m]).d;
buf[n][5] = ubuf(crossterm_atom5[i][m]).d;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
write section keyword for Mth data section to file
use Molecules or Charges if that is only field, else use fix ID
only called by proc 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::write_data_section_keyword(int mth, FILE *fp)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
write N lines from buf to file
convert buf fields to int or double depending on styles
index can be used to prepend global numbering
only called by proc 0
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::write_data_section(int mth, FILE *fp,
int n, double **buf, int index)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
fprintf(fp,"%d %d " TAGINT_FORMAT " " TAGINT_FORMAT
index+i,(int) ubuf(buf[i][0]).i,(tagint) ubuf(buf[i][1]).i,
(tagint) ubuf(buf[i][2]).i,(tagint) ubuf(buf[i][3]).i,
(tagint) ubuf(buf[i][4]).i,(tagint) ubuf(buf[i][5]).i);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for restart and communication
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pack entire state of Fix into one write
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::write_restart(FILE *fp)
if (comm->me == 0) {
int size = sizeof(bigint);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
use state info from restart file to restart the Fix
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::restart(char *buf)
ncmap = *((bigint *) buf);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pack values in local atom-based arrays for restart file
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixCMAP::pack_restart(int i, double *buf)
int n = 1;
for (int m = 0; m < num_crossterm[i]; m++) {
buf[n++] = ubuf(MAX(crossterm_type[i][m],-crossterm_type[i][m])).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom1[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom2[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom3[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom4[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom5[i][m]).d;
buf[0] = n;
return n;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
unpack values from atom->extra array to restart the fix
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::unpack_restart(int nlocal, int nth)
double **extra = atom->extra;
// skip to Nth set of extra values
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nth; i++) n += static_cast<int> (extra[nlocal][n]);
int count = static_cast<int> (extra[nlocal][n++]);
num_crossterm[nlocal] = (count-1)/6;
for (int m = 0; m < num_crossterm[nlocal]; m++) {
crossterm_type[nlocal][m] = (int) ubuf(extra[nlocal][n++]).i;
crossterm_atom1[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(extra[nlocal][n++]).i;
crossterm_atom2[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(extra[nlocal][n++]).i;
crossterm_atom3[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(extra[nlocal][n++]).i;
crossterm_atom4[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(extra[nlocal][n++]).i;
crossterm_atom5[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(extra[nlocal][n++]).i;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
maxsize of any atom's restart data
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixCMAP::maxsize_restart()
return 1 + CMAPMAX*6;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
size of atom nlocal's restart data
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixCMAP::size_restart(int nlocal)
return 1 + num_crossterm[nlocal]*6;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
allocate atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::grow_arrays(int nmax)
num_crossterm = memory->grow(num_crossterm,nmax,"cmap:num_crossterm");
crossterm_type = memory->grow(crossterm_type,nmax,CMAPMAX,
crossterm_atom1 = memory->grow(crossterm_atom1,nmax,CMAPMAX,
crossterm_atom2 = memory->grow(crossterm_atom2,nmax,CMAPMAX,
crossterm_atom3 = memory->grow(crossterm_atom3,nmax,CMAPMAX,
crossterm_atom4 = memory->grow(crossterm_atom4,nmax,CMAPMAX,
crossterm_atom5 = memory->grow(crossterm_atom5,nmax,CMAPMAX,
// must initialize num_crossterm to 0 for added atoms
// may never be set for some atoms when data file is read
for (int i = nmax_previous; i < nmax; i++) num_crossterm[i] = 0;
nmax_previous = nmax;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
copy values within local atom-based array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::copy_arrays(int i, int j, int delflag)
num_crossterm[j] = num_crossterm[i];
for (int k = 0; k < num_crossterm[j]; k++){
crossterm_type[j][k] = crossterm_type[i][k];
crossterm_atom1[j][k] = crossterm_atom1[i][k];
crossterm_atom2[j][k] = crossterm_atom2[i][k];
crossterm_atom3[j][k] = crossterm_atom3[i][k];
crossterm_atom4[j][k] = crossterm_atom4[i][k];
crossterm_atom5[j][k] = crossterm_atom5[i][k];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
initialize one atom's array values, called when atom is created
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixCMAP::set_arrays(int i)
num_crossterm[i] = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pack values in local atom-based array for exchange with another proc
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixCMAP::pack_exchange(int i, double *buf)
int n = 0;
buf[n++] = ubuf(num_crossterm[i]).d;
for (int m = 0; m < num_crossterm[i]; m++) {
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_type[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom1[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom2[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom3[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom4[i][m]).d;
buf[n++] = ubuf(crossterm_atom5[i][m]).d;
return n;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
unpack values in local atom-based array from exchange with another proc
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixCMAP::unpack_exchange(int nlocal, double *buf)
int n = 0;
num_crossterm[nlocal] = (int) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
for (int m = 0; m < num_crossterm[nlocal]; m++) {
crossterm_type[nlocal][m] = (int) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
crossterm_atom1[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
crossterm_atom2[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
crossterm_atom3[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
crossterm_atom4[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
crossterm_atom5[nlocal][m] = (tagint) ubuf(buf[n++]).i;
return n;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage of local atom-based arrays
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double FixCMAP::memory_usage()
int nmax = atom->nmax;
double bytes = nmax * sizeof(int); // num_crossterm
bytes += nmax*CMAPMAX * sizeof(int); // crossterm_type
bytes += 5*nmax*CMAPMAX * sizeof(int); // crossterm_atom 12345
bytes += maxcrossterm*6 * sizeof(int); // crosstermlist
return bytes;

Event Timeline