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Mon, Sep 23, 06:42
#ifndef LMP_MEAM_H
#define LMP_MEAM_H
#include "memory.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define maxelt 5
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
typedef enum { FCC, BCC, HCP, DIM, DIA, B1, C11, L12, B2 } lattice_t;
class MEAM
MEAM(Memory* mem);
Memory* memory;
// cutforce = force cutoff
// cutforcesq = force cutoff squared
double cutforce, cutforcesq;
// Ec_meam = cohesive energy
// re_meam = nearest-neighbor distance
// Omega_meam = atomic volume
// B_meam = bulk modulus
// Z_meam = number of first neighbors for reference structure
// ielt_meam = atomic number of element
// A_meam = adjustable parameter
// alpha_meam = sqrt(9*Omega*B/Ec)
// rho0_meam = density scaling parameter
// delta_meam = heat of formation for alloys
// beta[0-3]_meam = electron density constants
// t[0-3]_meam = coefficients on densities in Gamma computation
// rho_ref_meam = background density for reference structure
// ibar_meam(i) = selection parameter for Gamma function for elt i,
// lattce_meam(i,j) = lattce configuration for elt i or alloy (i,j)
// neltypes = maximum number of element type defined
// eltind = index number of pair (similar to Voigt notation; ij = ji)
// phir = pair potential function array
// phirar[1-6] = spline coeffs
// attrac_meam = attraction parameter in Rose energy
// repuls_meam = repulsion parameter in Rose energy
// nn2_meam = 1 if second nearest neighbors are to be computed, else 0
// zbl_meam = 1 if zbl potential for small r to be use, else 0
// emb_lin_neg = 1 if linear embedding function for rhob to be used, else 0
// bkgd_dyn = 1 if reference densities follows Dynamo, else 0
// Cmin_meam, Cmax_meam = min and max values in screening cutoff
// rc_meam = cutoff distance for meam
// delr_meam = cutoff region for meam
// ebound_meam = factor giving maximum boundary of sceen fcn ellipse
// augt1 = flag for whether t1 coefficient should be augmented
// ialloy = flag for newer alloy formulation (as in dynamo code)
// mix_ref_t = flag to recover "old" way of computing t in reference config
// erose_form = selection parameter for form of E_rose function
// gsmooth_factor = factor determining length of G smoothing region
// vind[23]D = Voight notation index maps for 2 and 3D
// v2D,v3D = array of factors to apply for Voight notation
// nr,dr = pair function discretization parameters
// nrar,rdrar = spline coeff array parameters
double Ec_meam[maxelt][maxelt], re_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
double Omega_meam[maxelt], Z_meam[maxelt];
double A_meam[maxelt], alpha_meam[maxelt][maxelt], rho0_meam[maxelt];
double delta_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
double beta0_meam[maxelt], beta1_meam[maxelt];
double beta2_meam[maxelt], beta3_meam[maxelt];
double t0_meam[maxelt], t1_meam[maxelt];
double t2_meam[maxelt], t3_meam[maxelt];
double rho_ref_meam[maxelt];
int ibar_meam[maxelt], ielt_meam[maxelt];
lattice_t lattce_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
int nn2_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
int zbl_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
int eltind[maxelt][maxelt];
int neltypes;
double** phir;
double **phirar, **phirar1, **phirar2, **phirar3, **phirar4, **phirar5, **phirar6;
double attrac_meam[maxelt][maxelt], repuls_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
double Cmin_meam[maxelt][maxelt][maxelt];
double Cmax_meam[maxelt][maxelt][maxelt];
double rc_meam, delr_meam, ebound_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
int augt1, ialloy, mix_ref_t, erose_form;
int emb_lin_neg, bkgd_dyn;
double gsmooth_factor;
int vind2D[3][3], vind3D[3][3][3];
int v2D[6], v3D[10];
int nr, nrar;
double dr, rdrar;
int nmax;
double *rho, *rho0, *rho1, *rho2, *rho3, *frhop;
double *gamma, *dgamma1, *dgamma2, *dgamma3, *arho2b;
double **arho1, **arho2, **arho3, **arho3b, **t_ave, **tsq_ave;
int maxneigh;
double *scrfcn, *dscrfcn, *fcpair;
// meam_funcs.cpp
// Cutoff function
static double fcut(const double xi) {
double a;
if (xi >= 1.0)
return 1.0;
else if (xi <= 0.0)
return 0.0;
else {
a = 1.0 - xi;
a *= a; a *= a;
a = 1.0 - a;
return a * a;
// Cutoff function and derivative
static double dfcut(const double xi, double& dfc) {
double a, a3, a4, a1m4;
if (xi >= 1.0) {
dfc = 0.0;
return 1.0;
} else if (xi <= 0.0) {
dfc = 0.0;
return 0.0;
} else {
a = 1.0 - xi;
a3 = a * a * a;
a4 = a * a3;
a1m4 = 1.0-a4;
dfc = 8 * a1m4 * a3;
return a1m4*a1m4;
// Derivative of Cikj w.r.t. rij
// Inputs: rij,rij2,rik2,rjk2
static double dCfunc(const double rij2, const double rik2, const double rjk2) {
double rij4, a, asq, b,denom;
rij4 = rij2 * rij2;
a = rik2 - rjk2;
b = rik2 + rjk2;
asq = a*a;
denom = rij4 - asq;
denom = denom * denom;
return -4 * (-2 * rij2 * asq + rij4 * b + asq * b) / denom;
// Derivative of Cikj w.r.t. rik and rjk
// Inputs: rij,rij2,rik2,rjk2
static void dCfunc2(const double rij2, const double rik2, const double rjk2,
double& dCikj1, double& dCikj2) {
double rij4, rik4, rjk4, a, denom;
rij4 = rij2 * rij2;
rik4 = rik2 * rik2;
rjk4 = rjk2 * rjk2;
a = rik2 - rjk2;
denom = rij4 - a * a;
denom = denom * denom;
dCikj1 = 4 * rij2 * (rij4 + rik4 + 2 * rik2 * rjk2 - 3 * rjk4 - 2 * rij2 * a) / denom;
dCikj2 = 4 * rij2 * (rij4 - 3 * rik4 + 2 * rik2 * rjk2 + rjk4 + 2 * rij2 * a) / denom;
double G_gam(const double gamma, const int ibar, int &errorflag) const;
double dG_gam(const double gamma, const int ibar, double &dG) const;
static double zbl(const double r, const int z1, const int z2);
static double erose(const double r, const double re, const double alpha, const double Ec, const double repuls, const double attrac, const int form);
static void get_shpfcn(const lattice_t latt, double (&s)[3]);
static int get_Zij(const lattice_t latt);
static int get_Zij2(const lattice_t latt, const double cmin, const double cmax, double &a, double &S);
void meam_checkindex(int, int, int, int*, int*);
void getscreen(int i, double* scrfcn, double* dscrfcn, double* fcpair, double** x, int numneigh,
int* firstneigh, int numneigh_full, int* firstneigh_full, int ntype, int* type, int* fmap);
void calc_rho1(int i, int ntype, int* type, int* fmap, double** x, int numneigh, int* firstneigh,
double* scrfcn, double* fcpair);
void alloyparams();
void compute_pair_meam();
double phi_meam(double, int, int);
void compute_reference_density();
void get_tavref(double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double, double, double, double,
double, double, double, int, int, lattice_t);
void get_sijk(double, int, int, int, double*);
void get_densref(double, int, int, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*);
void interpolate_meam(int);
double compute_phi(double, int, int);
void meam_setup_global(int nelt, lattice_t* lat, double* z, int* ielement, double* atwt, double* alpha,
double* b0, double* b1, double* b2, double* b3, double* alat, double* esub,
double* asub, double* t0, double* t1, double* t2, double* t3, double* rozero,
int* ibar);
void meam_setup_param(int which, double value, int nindex, int* index /*index(3)*/, int* errorflag);
void meam_setup_done(double* cutmax);
void meam_dens_setup(int atom_nmax, int nall, int n_neigh);
void meam_dens_init(int i, int ntype, int* type, int* fmap, double** x, int numneigh, int* firstneigh,
int numneigh_full, int* firstneigh_full, int fnoffset);
void meam_dens_final(int nlocal, int eflag_either, int eflag_global, int eflag_atom, double* eng_vdwl,
double* eatom, int ntype, int* type, int* fmap, int& errorflag);
void meam_force(int i, int eflag_either, int eflag_global, int eflag_atom, int vflag_atom, double* eng_vdwl,
double* eatom, int ntype, int* type, int* fmap, double** x, int numneigh, int* firstneigh,
int numneigh_full, int* firstneigh_full, int fnoffset, double** f, double** vatom);
// Functions we need for compat
static inline bool iszero(const double f) {
return fabs(f) < 1e-20;
template <typename TYPE, size_t maxi, size_t maxj>
static inline void setall2d(TYPE (&arr)[maxi][maxj], const TYPE v) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxi; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < maxj; j++)
arr[i][j] = v;
template <typename TYPE, size_t maxi, size_t maxj, size_t maxk>
static inline void setall3d(TYPE (&arr)[maxi][maxj][maxk], const TYPE v) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxi; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < maxj; j++)
for (size_t k = 0; k < maxk; k++)
arr[i][j][k] = v;

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