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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of the MGPT implementation. See further comments
in pair_mgpt.cpp and pair_mgpt.h.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "mgpt_linalg.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#define restrict __restrict__
#ifdef IBM_BG_SIMD
#include <builtins.h>
/* Double precision 440d (double hummer) matrix multiplication */
#define const
#include "mgpt_mmul_bg_552.c.h"
#include "mgpt_mmul_bg_722.c.h"
#include "mgpt_bgmul_7.c.h"
/* Double precision 440d (double hummer) product trace */
#define real double
#include "mgpt_ttr_5123.c.h"
#include "mgpt_ttr_7123.c.h"
#undef real
#undef const
/* Double precision QPX matrix multiplication */
#include "mgpt_mmul_bgq_n5_lda8_2x8.c.h"
#include "mgpt_mmul_bgq_n7_lda8_4x8.c.h"
/* Double precision QPX product trace */
#include "mgpt_ttr_5141.c.h"
#include "mgpt_ttr_7141.c.h"
#ifdef x86_SIMD
/* Double precision SSE2 matrix multiplication */
#include "mgpt_mmul3d_526.c.h"
#include "mgpt_mmul3d_744.c.h"
/* Single precision SSE2 matrix multiplication */
#include "mgpt_mmul3_538.c.h"
#include "mgpt_mmul3_748.c.h"
/* Double precision SSE3 product trace */
#define real double
#include "mgpt_ttr_5022.c.h"
#include "mgpt_ttr_7022.c.h"
#undef real
/* Single precision SSE3 product trace */
#define real float
#include "mgpt_ttr_5042.c.h"
#include "mgpt_ttr_7042.c.h"
#undef real
#if defined(IBM_BG_SIMD) || defined(IBM_BGQ_SIMD)
#define const
static void transprod_generic(const double * restrict A,
const double * restrict B,
double * restrict C) {
const int lda = 8,n = mgpt_linalg::matrix_size;
int i,j,k;
double s;
for(i = 0; i<n; i++)
for(j = 0; j<n; j++) {
s = 0.0;
for(k = 1; k<=n; k++)
s = s + A[i*lda+k]*B[j*lda+k];
C[i*lda+(j+1)] = s;
static void transtrace3_generic(const double * restrict A,
const double * restrict B0,double * restrict tout0,
const double * restrict B1,double * restrict tout1,
const double * restrict B2,double * restrict tout2) {
const int lda = 8,n = mgpt_linalg::matrix_size;
double t0 = 0.0,t1 = 0.0,t2 = 0.0;
int i,j;
for(i = 0; i<n; i++)
for(j = 1; j<=n; j++) {
int idx = i*lda + j;
double atmp = A[idx];
t0 = t0 + atmp*B0[idx];
t1 = t1 + atmp*B1[idx];
t2 = t2 + atmp*B2[idx];
*tout0 = t0;
*tout1 = t1;
*tout2 = t2;
static void transprod_error(const double * restrict A,
const double * restrict B,
double * restrict C) {
printf("Linear algebra subroutines not initialized (transprod).\n");
static void transtrace3_error(const double * restrict A,
const double * restrict B0,double * restrict tout0,
const double * restrict B1,double * restrict tout1,
const double * restrict B2,double * restrict tout2) {
printf("Linear algebra subroutines not initialized (transtrace3).\n");
#if defined(IBM_BG_SIMD) || defined(IBM_BGQ_SIMD)
#undef const
#undef restrict
int mgpt_linalg::matrix_size;
mgpt_linalg::mgpt_linalg() {
mgpt_linalg::matrix_size = 0;
tr_mul = transprod_error;
tr_trace = transtrace3_error;
single = 0;
mgpt_linalg::mgpt_linalg(int n,int single_precision) {
mgpt_linalg::matrix_size = n;
tr_mul = transprod_generic;
tr_trace = transtrace3_generic;
single = 0;
msg = "@@@ Choosing generic (unoptimized) linear algebra routines.\n";
#ifdef IBM_BG_SIMD
msg = "@@@ Choosing BG/L optimized linear algebra routines.\n";
if(n == 5) {
tr_mul = mmul_bg_5_8_5x2v2;
tr_trace = ttr_bg_5_8_3_v2r3;
} else if(n == 7) {
//tr_mul = mmul_bg_7_8_2x2v2;
tr_mul = (trmul_fun) bgmul_7;
tr_trace = ttr_bg_7_8_3_v2r3;
#elif defined(IBM_BGQ_SIMD)
msg = "@@@ Choosing BG/Q optimized linear algebra routines.\n";
if(1) {
if(n == 5) {
tr_mul = mmul_bgq_n5_lda8_2x8;
tr_trace = ttr_bg_5_8_3_v4r1;
} else if(n == 7) {
tr_mul = mmul_bgq_n7_lda8_4x8;
tr_trace = ttr_bg_7_8_3_v4r1;
#elif defined(x86_SIMD)
if(single_precision) {
msg = "@@@ Choosing Intel/AMD single precision linear algebra routines.\n";
if(n == 5) {
tr_mul = (trmul_fun) mmul3_5_8_3x8v4;
tr_trace = (trtrace3_fun) ttr_5_8_3_v4r2;
single = 1;
} else if(n == 7) {
tr_mul = (trmul_fun) mmul3_7_8_4x8v4;
tr_trace = (trtrace3_fun) ttr_7_8_3_v4r2;
single = 1;
} else {
msg = "@@@ Choosing Intel/AMD double precision linear algebra routines.\n";
if(n == 5) {
tr_mul = mmul3_5_8_2x6v2;
tr_trace = ttr_5_8_3_v2r2;
} else if(n == 7) {
tr_mul = mmul3_7_8_4x4v2;
tr_trace = ttr_7_8_3_v2r2;

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