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PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Contributing authors:
H. M. Aktulga, J. Fogarty, S. Pandit, A. Grama
Corresponding author:
Hasan Metin Aktulga, Michigan State University,
Please cite the related publication:
H. M. Aktulga, J. C. Fogarty, S. A. Pandit, A. Y. Grama,
"Parallel Reactive Molecular Dynamics: Numerical Methods and
Algorithmic Techniques", Parallel Computing, 38 (4-5), 245-259
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#include "pair_reaxc_omp.h"
#include "thr_data.h"
#include "reaxc_types.h"
#include "reaxc_torsion_angles_omp.h"
#include "reaxc_bond_orders_omp.h"
#include "reaxc_list.h"
#include "reaxc_tool_box.h"
#include "reaxc_vector.h"
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#include <omp.h>
#define MIN_SINE 1e-10
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
// Functions defined in reaxc_torsion_angles.cpp
extern double Calculate_Omega(rvec, double, rvec, double, rvec, double, rvec, double,
three_body_interaction_data*, three_body_interaction_data*,
rvec, rvec, rvec, rvec, output_controls*);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Torsion_AnglesOMP( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, storage *workspace,
reax_list **lists, output_controls *out_control )
double endTimeBase, startTimeBase;
startTimeBase = MPI_Wtime();
int natoms = system->n;
reax_list *bonds = (*lists) + BONDS;
reax_list *thb_intrs = (*lists) + THREE_BODIES;
double p_tor2 = system->[23];
double p_tor3 = system->[24];
double p_tor4 = system->[25];
double p_cot2 = system->[27];
double total_Etor = 0;
double total_Econ = 0;
int nthreads = control->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) reduction(+: total_Etor, total_Econ)
int i, j, k, l, pi, pj, pk, pl, pij, plk;
int type_i, type_j, type_k, type_l;
int start_j, end_j;
int start_pj, end_pj, start_pk, end_pk;
int num_frb_intrs = 0;
double Delta_j, Delta_k;
double r_ij, r_jk, r_kl, r_li;
double BOA_ij, BOA_jk, BOA_kl;
double exp_tor2_ij, exp_tor2_jk, exp_tor2_kl;
double exp_tor1, exp_tor3_DjDk, exp_tor4_DjDk, exp_tor34_inv;
double exp_cot2_jk, exp_cot2_ij, exp_cot2_kl;
double fn10, f11_DjDk, dfn11, fn12;
double theta_ijk, theta_jkl;
double sin_ijk, sin_jkl;
double cos_ijk, cos_jkl;
double tan_ijk_i, tan_jkl_i;
double omega, cos_omega, cos2omega, cos3omega;
rvec dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj, dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl;
double CV, cmn, CEtors1, CEtors2, CEtors3, CEtors4;
double CEtors5, CEtors6, CEtors7, CEtors8, CEtors9;
double Cconj, CEconj1, CEconj2, CEconj3;
double CEconj4, CEconj5, CEconj6;
double e_tor, e_con;
rvec dvec_li;
rvec force, ext_press;
ivec rel_box_jl;
// rtensor total_rtensor, temp_rtensor;
four_body_header *fbh;
four_body_parameters *fbp;
bond_data *pbond_ij, *pbond_jk, *pbond_kl;
bond_order_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk, *bo_kl;
three_body_interaction_data *p_ijk, *p_jkl;
// Virial tallying variables
double delil[3], deljl[3], delkl[3];
double eng_tmp, fi_tmp[3], fj_tmp[3], fk_tmp[3];
#if defined(_OPENMP)
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
int tid = 0;
long reductionOffset = (system->N * tid);
class PairReaxCOMP *pair_reax_ptr;
pair_reax_ptr = static_cast<class PairReaxCOMP*>(system->pair_ptr);
class ThrData *thr = pair_reax_ptr->getFixOMP()->get_thr(tid);
system->N, system->pair_ptr->eatom,
system->pair_ptr->vatom, thr);
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (j = 0; j < system->N; ++j) {
start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
for (pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk) {
bo_jk = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pk].bo_data );
for (k = 0; k < nthreads; ++k)
bo_jk->CdboReduction[k] = 0.;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,50)
for (j = 0; j < natoms; ++j) {
type_j = system->my_atoms[j].type;
Delta_j = workspace->Delta_boc[j];
start_j = Start_Index(j, bonds);
end_j = End_Index(j, bonds);
for (pk = start_j; pk < end_j; ++pk) {
pbond_jk = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pk] );
k = pbond_jk->nbr;
bo_jk = &( pbond_jk->bo_data );
BOA_jk = bo_jk->BO - control->thb_cut;
/* see if there are any 3-body interactions involving j&k
where j is the central atom. Otherwise there is no point in
trying to form a 4-body interaction out of this neighborhood */
if (system->my_atoms[j].orig_id < system->my_atoms[k].orig_id &&
bo_jk->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ && Num_Entries(pk, thb_intrs)) {
pj = pbond_jk->sym_index; // pj points to j on k's list
/* do the same check as above:
are there any 3-body interactions involving k&j
where k is the central atom */
if (Num_Entries(pj, thb_intrs)) {
type_k = system->my_atoms[k].type;
Delta_k = workspace->Delta_boc[k];
r_jk = pbond_jk->d;
start_pk = Start_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
end_pk = End_Index(pk, thb_intrs );
start_pj = Start_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
end_pj = End_Index(pj, thb_intrs );
exp_tor2_jk = exp( -p_tor2 * BOA_jk );
exp_cot2_jk = exp( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_jk - 1.5) );
exp_tor3_DjDk = exp( -p_tor3 * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
exp_tor4_DjDk = exp( p_tor4 * (Delta_j + Delta_k) );
exp_tor34_inv = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk + exp_tor4_DjDk);
f11_DjDk = (2.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv;
/* pick i up from j-k interaction where j is the central atom */
for (pi = start_pk; pi < end_pk; ++pi) {
p_ijk = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pi] );
pij = p_ijk->pthb; // pij is pointer to i on j's bond_list
pbond_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pij] );
bo_ij = &( pbond_ij->bo_data );
if (bo_ij->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/) {
i = p_ijk->thb;
type_i = system->my_atoms[i].type;
r_ij = pbond_ij->d;
BOA_ij = bo_ij->BO - control->thb_cut;
theta_ijk = p_ijk->theta;
sin_ijk = sin( theta_ijk );
cos_ijk = cos( theta_ijk );
//tan_ijk_i = 1. / tan( theta_ijk );
if( sin_ijk >= 0 && sin_ijk <= MIN_SINE )
tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / MIN_SINE;
else if( sin_ijk <= 0 && sin_ijk >= -MIN_SINE )
tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / -MIN_SINE;
else tan_ijk_i = cos_ijk / sin_ijk;
exp_tor2_ij = exp( -p_tor2 * BOA_ij );
exp_cot2_ij = exp( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_ij -1.5) );
/* pick l up from j-k interaction where k is the central atom */
for (pl = start_pj; pl < end_pj; ++pl) {
p_jkl = &( thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pl] );
l = p_jkl->thb;
plk = p_jkl->pthb; //pointer to l on k's bond_list!
pbond_kl = &( bonds->select.bond_list[plk] );
bo_kl = &( pbond_kl->bo_data );
type_l = system->my_atoms[l].type;
fbh = &(system->reax_param.fbp[type_i][type_j]
fbp = &(system->reax_param.fbp[type_i][type_j]
if (i != l && fbh->cnt &&
bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/ &&
bo_ij->BO * bo_jk->BO * bo_kl->BO > control->thb_cut/*0*/) {
// "%5d: %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", num_frb_intrs,
// system->my_atoms[i].orig_id,system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
// system->my_atoms[k].orig_id,system->my_atoms[l].orig_id);
r_kl = pbond_kl->d;
BOA_kl = bo_kl->BO - control->thb_cut;
theta_jkl = p_jkl->theta;
sin_jkl = sin( theta_jkl );
cos_jkl = cos( theta_jkl );
//tan_jkl_i = 1. / tan( theta_jkl );
if( sin_jkl >= 0 && sin_jkl <= MIN_SINE )
tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / MIN_SINE;
else if( sin_jkl <= 0 && sin_jkl >= -MIN_SINE )
tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl / -MIN_SINE;
else tan_jkl_i = cos_jkl /sin_jkl;
rvec_ScaledSum( dvec_li, 1., system->my_atoms[i].x,
-1., system->my_atoms[l].x );
r_li = rvec_Norm( dvec_li );
/* omega and its derivative */
omega = Calculate_Omega( pbond_ij->dvec, r_ij,
pbond_jk->dvec, r_jk,
pbond_kl->dvec, r_kl,
dvec_li, r_li,
p_ijk, p_jkl,
dcos_omega_di, dcos_omega_dj,
dcos_omega_dk, dcos_omega_dl,
out_control );
cos_omega = cos( omega );
cos2omega = cos( 2. * omega );
cos3omega = cos( 3. * omega );
/* end omega calculations */
/* torsion energy */
exp_tor1 = exp( fbp->p_tor1 *
SQR(2.0 - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk) );
exp_tor2_kl = exp( -p_tor2 * BOA_kl );
exp_cot2_kl = exp( -p_cot2 * SQR(BOA_kl - 1.5) );
fn10 = (1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) *
(1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
CV = 0.5 * ( fbp->V1 * (1.0 + cos_omega) +
fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * (1.0 - cos2omega) +
fbp->V3 * (1.0 + cos3omega) );
total_Etor += e_tor = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
dfn11 = (-p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk +
(p_tor3 * exp_tor3_DjDk - p_tor4 * exp_tor4_DjDk) *
(2.0 + exp_tor3_DjDk) * exp_tor34_inv) *
CEtors1 = sin_ijk * sin_jkl * CV;
CEtors2 = -fn10 * 2.0 * fbp->p_tor1 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 *
(2.0 - bo_jk->BO_pi - f11_DjDk) * (1.0 - SQR(cos_omega)) *
sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
CEtors3 = CEtors2 * dfn11;
CEtors4 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 * exp_tor2_ij *
(1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
CEtors5 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 *
(1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * exp_tor2_jk * (1.0 - exp_tor2_kl);
CEtors6 = CEtors1 * p_tor2 *
(1.0 - exp_tor2_ij) * (1.0 - exp_tor2_jk) * exp_tor2_kl;
cmn = -fn10 * CV;
CEtors7 = cmn * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
CEtors8 = cmn * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
CEtors9 = fn10 * sin_ijk * sin_jkl *
(0.5 * fbp->V1 - 2.0 * fbp->V2 * exp_tor1 * cos_omega +
1.5 * fbp->V3 * (cos2omega + 2.0 * SQR(cos_omega)));
/* end of torsion energy */
/* 4-body conjugation energy */
fn12 = exp_cot2_ij * exp_cot2_jk * exp_cot2_kl;
//data->my_en.e_con += e_con =
total_Econ += e_con =
fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
(1.0 + (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * sin_jkl);
Cconj = -2.0 * fn12 * fbp->p_cot1 * p_cot2 *
(1.0 + (SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * sin_jkl);
CEconj1 = Cconj * (BOA_ij - 1.5e0);
CEconj2 = Cconj * (BOA_jk - 1.5e0);
CEconj3 = Cconj * (BOA_kl - 1.5e0);
CEconj4 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
(SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_jkl * tan_ijk_i;
CEconj5 = -fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
(SQR(cos_omega) - 1.0) * sin_ijk * tan_jkl_i;
CEconj6 = 2.0 * fbp->p_cot1 * fn12 *
cos_omega * sin_ijk * sin_jkl;
/* end 4-body conjugation energy */
/* FORCES */
bo_jk->Cdbopi += CEtors2;
workspace->CdDelta[j] += CEtors3;
//workspace->CdDelta[k] += CEtors3;
workspace->CdDeltaReduction[reductionOffset+k] += CEtors3;
bo_ij->Cdbo += (CEtors4 + CEconj1);
bo_jk->Cdbo += (CEtors5 + CEconj2);
//bo_kl->Cdbo += (CEtors6 + CEconj3);
bo_kl->CdboReduction[tid] += (CEtors6 + CEconj3);
if( control->virial == 0 ) {
/* dcos_theta_ijk */
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+i],
CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+k],
CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
/* dcos_theta_jkl */
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+k],
CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+l],
CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
/* dcos_omega */
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+i],
CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+k],
CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+l],
CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
else {
ivec_Sum(rel_box_jl, pbond_jk->rel_box, pbond_kl->rel_box);
/* dcos_theta_ijk */
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+i], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+k], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
/* dcos_theta_jkl */
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+k], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dk );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+l], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
/* dcos_omega */
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+i], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_ij->rel_box, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
rvec_ScaledAdd( workspace->f[j],
CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+k], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, pbond_jk->rel_box, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
rvec_Scale( force, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dl );
rvec_Add( workspace->forceReduction[reductionOffset+i], force );
rvec_iMultiply( ext_press, rel_box_jl, force );
rvec_Add( workspace->my_ext_pressReduction[tid], ext_press );
/* tally into per-atom virials */
if( system->pair_ptr->vflag_atom || system->pair_ptr->evflag) {
// acquire vectors
rvec_ScaledSum( delil, 1., system->my_atoms[l].x,
-1., system->my_atoms[i].x );
rvec_ScaledSum( deljl, 1., system->my_atoms[l].x,
-1., system->my_atoms[j].x );
rvec_ScaledSum( delkl, 1., system->my_atoms[l].x,
-1., system->my_atoms[k].x );
// dcos_theta_ijk
rvec_Scale( fi_tmp, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dk );
rvec_Scale( fj_tmp, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_dj );
rvec_Scale( fk_tmp, CEtors7 + CEconj4, p_ijk->dcos_di );
// dcos_theta_jkl
rvec_ScaledAdd( fj_tmp, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_di );
rvec_ScaledAdd( fk_tmp, CEtors8 + CEconj5, p_jkl->dcos_dj );
// dcos_omega
rvec_ScaledAdd( fi_tmp, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_di );
rvec_ScaledAdd( fj_tmp, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dj );
rvec_ScaledAdd( fk_tmp, CEtors9 + CEconj6, dcos_omega_dk );
// tally
eng_tmp = e_tor + e_con;
if (system->pair_ptr->evflag)
pair_reax_ptr->ev_tally_thr_proxy(system->pair_ptr, j, k, system->n, 1,
eng_tmp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, thr);
if (system->pair_ptr->vflag_atom)
system->pair_ptr->v_tally4(i, j, k, l, fi_tmp, fj_tmp, fk_tmp,
delil, deljl, delkl );
} // pl check ends
} // pl loop ends
} // pi check ends
} // pi loop ends
} // k-j neighbor check ends
} // j<k && j-k neighbor check ends
} // pk loop ends
} // j loop
} // end omp parallel
data->my_en.e_tor = total_Etor;
data->my_en.e_con = total_Econ;
endTimeBase = MPI_Wtime();
ompTimingData[COMPUTETORSIONANGLESBOINDEX] += (endTimeBase-startTimeBase);

Event Timeline