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PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga,
Joseph Fogarty,
Sagar Pandit,
Ananth Y Grama,
Please cite the related publication:
H. M. Aktulga, J. C. Fogarty, S. A. Pandit, A. Y. Grama,
"Parallel Reactive Molecular Dynamics: Numerical Methods and
Algorithmic Techniques", Parallel Computing, in press.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#ifndef __REAX_TYPES_H_
#define __REAX_TYPES_H_
#include "ctype.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "sys/time.h"
#include "time.h"
/************* SOME DEFS - crucial for reax_types.h *********/
//#define PURE_REAX
//#define DEBUG
//#define DEBUG_FOCUS
//#define TEST_ENERGY
//#define TEST_FORCES
#define REAX_MAX_STR 1024
#define REAX_MAX_NBRS 6
#define MAX_BOND 20 // same as reaxc_defs.h
/********************** TYPE DEFINITIONS ********************/
typedef int ivec[3];
typedef double real;
typedef real rvec[3];
typedef real rtensor[3][3];
typedef real rvec2[2];
typedef real rvec4[4];
typedef struct {
int step, bigN;
real T, xi, v_xi, v_xi_old, G_xi;
rtensor box;
} restart_header;
typedef struct {
int orig_id, type;
char name[8];
rvec x, v;
} restart_atom;
typedef struct
int orig_id;
int imprt_id;
int type;
int num_bonds;
int num_hbonds;
//int pad; // pad to 8-byte address boundary
char name[8];
rvec x; // position
rvec v; // velocity
rvec f_old; // old force
rvec4 s, t; // for calculating q
} mpi_atom;
typedef struct
int orig_id;
int imprt_id;
int type;
int num_bonds;
int num_hbonds;
//int pad;
rvec x; // position
} boundary_atom;
typedef struct
//int ncells;
//int *cnt_by_gcell;
int cnt;
//int *block;
int *index;
//MPI_Datatype out_dtype;
void *out_atoms;
} mpi_out_data;
typedef struct
MPI_Comm world;
MPI_Comm comm_mesh3D;
MPI_Datatype sys_info;
MPI_Datatype mpi_atom_type;
MPI_Datatype boundary_atom_type;
MPI_Datatype mpi_rvec, mpi_rvec2;
MPI_Datatype restart_atom_type;
MPI_Datatype header_line;
MPI_Datatype header_view;
MPI_Datatype init_desc_line;
MPI_Datatype init_desc_view;
MPI_Datatype atom_line;
MPI_Datatype atom_view;
MPI_Datatype bond_line;
MPI_Datatype bond_view;
MPI_Datatype angle_line;
MPI_Datatype angle_view;
//MPI_Request send_req1[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
//MPI_Request send_req2[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
//MPI_Status send_stat1[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
//MPI_Status send_stat2[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
//MPI_Status recv_stat1[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
//MPI_Status recv_stat2[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
mpi_out_data out_buffers[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
void *in1_buffer;
void *in2_buffer;
} mpi_datatypes;
/* Global params mapping */
l[0] = p_boc1
l[1] = p_boc2
l[2] = p_coa2
l[3] = N/A
l[4] = N/A
l[5] = N/A
l[6] = p_ovun6
l[7] = N/A
l[8] = p_ovun7
l[9] = p_ovun8
l[10] = N/A
l[11] = swa
l[12] = swb
l[13] = N/A
l[14] = p_val6
l[15] = p_lp1
l[16] = p_val9
l[17] = p_val10
l[18] = N/A
l[19] = p_pen2
l[20] = p_pen3
l[21] = p_pen4
l[22] = N/A
l[23] = p_tor2
l[24] = p_tor3
l[25] = p_tor4
l[26] = N/A
l[27] = p_cot2
l[28] = p_vdW1
l[29] = v_par30
l[30] = p_coa4
l[31] = p_ovun4
l[32] = p_ovun3
l[33] = p_val8
l[34] = N/A
l[35] = N/A
l[36] = N/A
l[37] = version number
l[38] = p_coa3
typedef struct
int n_global;
real* l;
int vdw_type;
} global_parameters;
typedef struct
/* Line one in field file */
char name[15]; // Two character atom name
real r_s;
real valency; // Valency of the atom
real mass; // Mass of atom
real r_vdw;
real epsilon;
real gamma;
real r_pi;
real valency_e;
real nlp_opt;
/* Line two in field file */
real alpha;
real gamma_w;
real valency_boc;
real p_ovun5;
real chi;
real eta;
int p_hbond; // 1 for H, 2 for hbonding atoms (O,S,P,N), 0 for others
/* Line three in field file */
real r_pi_pi;
real p_lp2;
real b_o_131;
real b_o_132;
real b_o_133;
/* Line four in the field file */
real p_ovun2;
real p_val3;
real valency_val;
real p_val5;
real rcore2;
real ecore2;
real acore2;
/* Line five in the ffield file, only for lgvdw yes */
real lgcij;
real lgre;
} single_body_parameters;
/* Two Body Parameters */
typedef struct {
/* Bond Order parameters */
real p_bo1,p_bo2,p_bo3,p_bo4,p_bo5,p_bo6;
real r_s, r_p, r_pp; // r_o distances in BO formula
real p_boc3, p_boc4, p_boc5;
/* Bond Energy parameters */
real p_be1, p_be2;
real De_s, De_p, De_pp;
/* Over/Under coordination parameters */
real p_ovun1;
/* Van der Waal interaction parameters */
real D;
real alpha;
real r_vdW;
real gamma_w;
real rcore, ecore, acore;
real lgcij, lgre;
/* electrostatic parameters */
real gamma; // note: this parameter is gamma^-3 and not gamma.
real v13cor, ovc;
} two_body_parameters;
/* 3-body parameters */
typedef struct {
/* valence angle */
real theta_00;
real p_val1, p_val2, p_val4, p_val7;
/* penalty */
real p_pen1;
/* 3-body conjugation */
real p_coa1;
} three_body_parameters;
typedef struct{
int cnt;
three_body_parameters prm[REAX_MAX_3BODY_PARAM];
} three_body_header;
/* hydrogen-bond parameters */
typedef struct{
real r0_hb, p_hb1, p_hb2, p_hb3;
} hbond_parameters;
/* 4-body parameters */
typedef struct {
real V1, V2, V3;
/* torsion angle */
real p_tor1;
/* 4-body conjugation */
real p_cot1;
} four_body_parameters;
typedef struct
int cnt;
four_body_parameters prm[REAX_MAX_4BODY_PARAM];
} four_body_header;
typedef struct
int num_atom_types;
global_parameters gp;
single_body_parameters *sbp;
two_body_parameters **tbp;
three_body_header ***thbp;
hbond_parameters ***hbp;
four_body_header ****fbp;
} reax_interaction;
typedef struct
int orig_id;
int imprt_id;
int type;
char name[8];
rvec x; // position
rvec v; // velocity
rvec f; // force
rvec f_old;
real q; // charge
rvec4 s; // they take part in
rvec4 t; // computing q
int Hindex;
int num_bonds;
int num_hbonds;
int renumber;
int numbonds; // true number of bonds around atoms
int nbr_id[MAX_BOND]; // ids of neighbors around atoms
double nbr_bo[MAX_BOND]; // BO values of bond between i and nbr
double sum_bo, no_lp; // sum of BO values and no. of lone pairs
} reax_atom;
typedef struct
real V;
rvec min, max, box_norms;
rtensor box, box_inv;
rtensor trans, trans_inv;
rtensor g;
} simulation_box;
struct grid_cell
real cutoff;
rvec min, max;
ivec rel_box;
int mark;
int type;
int str;
int end;
int top;
int* atoms;
struct grid_cell** nbrs;
ivec* nbrs_x;
rvec* nbrs_cp;
typedef struct grid_cell grid_cell;
typedef struct
int total, max_atoms, max_nbrs;
ivec ncells;
rvec cell_len;
rvec inv_len;
ivec bond_span;
ivec nonb_span;
ivec vlist_span;
ivec native_cells;
ivec native_str;
ivec native_end;
real ghost_cut;
ivec ghost_span;
ivec ghost_nonb_span;
ivec ghost_hbond_span;
ivec ghost_bond_span;
grid_cell*** cells;
ivec *order;
} grid;
typedef struct
int rank;
int est_send, est_recv;
int atoms_str, atoms_cnt;
ivec rltv, prdc;
rvec bndry_min, bndry_max;
int send_type;
int recv_type;
ivec str_send;
ivec end_send;
ivec str_recv;
ivec end_recv;
} neighbor_proc;
typedef struct
int N;
int exc_gcells;
int exc_atoms;
} bound_estimate;
typedef struct
real ghost_nonb;
real ghost_hbond;
real ghost_bond;
real ghost_cutoff;
} boundary_cutoff;
using LAMMPS_NS::Pair;
typedef struct
reax_interaction reax_param;
int n, N, bigN, numH;
int local_cap, total_cap, gcell_cap, Hcap;
int est_recv, est_trans, max_recved;
int wsize, my_rank, num_nbrs;
ivec my_coords;
neighbor_proc my_nbrs[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
int *global_offset;
simulation_box big_box, my_box, my_ext_box;
grid my_grid;
boundary_cutoff bndry_cuts;
reax_atom *my_atoms;
class Pair *pair_ptr;
int my_bonds;
} reax_system;
/* system control parameters */
typedef struct
char sim_name[REAX_MAX_STR];
int nprocs;
ivec procs_by_dim;
/* ensemble values:
0 : NVE
1 : bNVT (Berendsen)
2 : nhNVT (Nose-Hoover)
3 : sNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) semiisotropic
4 : iNPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) isotropic
5 : NPT (Parrinello-Rehman-Nose-Hoover) Anisotropic*/
int ensemble;
int nsteps;
real dt;
int geo_format;
int restart;
int restrict_bonds;
int remove_CoM_vel;
int random_vel;
int reposition_atoms;
int reneighbor;
real vlist_cut;
real bond_cut;
real nonb_cut, nonb_low;
real hbond_cut;
real user_ghost_cut;
real bg_cut;
real bo_cut;
real thb_cut;
int tabulate;
int qeq_freq;
real q_err;
int refactor;
real droptol;
real T_init, T_final, T;
real Tau_T;
int T_mode;
real T_rate, T_freq;
int virial;
rvec P, Tau_P, Tau_PT;
int press_mode;
real compressibility;
int molecular_analysis;
int num_ignored;
int ignore[REAX_MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
int dipole_anal;
int freq_dipole_anal;
int diffusion_coef;
int freq_diffusion_coef;
int restrict_type;
int lgflag;
} control_params;
typedef struct
real T;
real xi;
real v_xi;
real v_xi_old;
real G_xi;
} thermostat;
typedef struct
real P;
real eps;
real v_eps;
real v_eps_old;
real a_eps;
} isotropic_barostat;
typedef struct
rtensor P;
real P_scalar;
real eps;
real v_eps;
real v_eps_old;
real a_eps;
rtensor h0;
rtensor v_g0;
rtensor v_g0_old;
rtensor a_g0;
} flexible_barostat;
typedef struct
real start;
real end;
real elapsed;
real total;
real comm;
real nbrs;
real init_forces;
real bonded;
real nonb;
real qEq;
int s_matvecs;
int t_matvecs;
} reax_timing;
typedef struct
real e_tot;
real e_kin; // Total kinetic energy
real e_pot;
real e_bond; // Total bond energy
real e_ov; // Total over coordination
real e_un; // Total under coordination energy
real e_lp; // Total under coordination energy
real e_ang; // Total valance angle energy
real e_pen; // Total penalty energy
real e_coa; // Total three body conjgation energy
real e_hb; // Total Hydrogen bond energy
real e_tor; // Total torsional energy
real e_con; // Total four body conjugation energy
real e_vdW; // Total van der Waals energy
real e_ele; // Total electrostatics energy
real e_pol; // Polarization energy
} energy_data;
typedef struct
int step;
int prev_steps;
real time;
real M; // Total Mass
real inv_M; // 1 / Total Mass
rvec xcm; // Center of mass
rvec vcm; // Center of mass velocity
rvec fcm; // Center of mass force
rvec amcm; // Angular momentum of CoM
rvec avcm; // Angular velocity of CoM
real etran_cm; // Translational kinetic energy of CoM
real erot_cm; // Rotational kinetic energy of CoM
rtensor kinetic; // Kinetic energy tensor
rtensor virial; // Hydrodynamic virial
energy_data my_en;
energy_data sys_en;
real N_f; //Number of degrees of freedom
rvec t_scale;
rtensor p_scale;
thermostat therm; // Used in Nose_Hoover method
isotropic_barostat iso_bar;
flexible_barostat flex_bar;
real inv_W;
real kin_press;
rvec int_press;
rvec my_ext_press;
rvec ext_press;
rvec tot_press;
reax_timing timing;
} simulation_data;
typedef struct{
int thb;
int pthb; // pointer to the third body on the central atom's nbrlist
real theta, cos_theta;
rvec dcos_di, dcos_dj, dcos_dk;
} three_body_interaction_data;
typedef struct {
int nbr;
ivec rel_box;
real d;
rvec dvec;
} far_neighbor_data;
typedef struct {
int nbr;
int scl;
far_neighbor_data *ptr;
} hbond_data;
typedef struct{
int wrt;
rvec dVal;
} dDelta_data;
typedef struct{
int wrt;
rvec dBO, dBOpi, dBOpi2;
} dbond_data;
typedef struct{
real BO, BO_s, BO_pi, BO_pi2;
real Cdbo, Cdbopi, Cdbopi2;
real C1dbo, C2dbo, C3dbo;
real C1dbopi, C2dbopi, C3dbopi, C4dbopi;
real C1dbopi2, C2dbopi2, C3dbopi2, C4dbopi2;
rvec dBOp, dln_BOp_s, dln_BOp_pi, dln_BOp_pi2;
} bond_order_data;
typedef struct {
int nbr;
int sym_index;
int dbond_index;
ivec rel_box;
// rvec ext_factor;
real d;
rvec dvec;
bond_order_data bo_data;
} bond_data;
typedef struct {
int j;
real val;
} sparse_matrix_entry;
typedef struct {
int cap, n, m;
int *start, *end;
sparse_matrix_entry *entries;
} sparse_matrix;
typedef struct {
int num_far;
int H, Htop;
int hbonds, num_hbonds;
int bonds, num_bonds;
int num_3body;
int gcell_atoms;
} reallocate_data;
typedef struct
int allocated;
/* communication storage */
real *tmp_dbl[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
rvec *tmp_rvec[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
rvec2 *tmp_rvec2[REAX_MAX_NBRS];
int *within_bond_box;
/* bond order related storage */
real *total_bond_order;
real *Deltap, *Deltap_boc;
real *Delta, *Delta_lp, *Delta_lp_temp, *Delta_e, *Delta_boc, *Delta_val;
real *dDelta_lp, *dDelta_lp_temp;
real *nlp, *nlp_temp, *Clp, *vlpex;
rvec *dDeltap_self;
int *bond_mark, *done_after;
/* QEq storage */
sparse_matrix *H, *L, *U;
real *Hdia_inv, *b_s, *b_t, *b_prc, *b_prm, *s, *t;
real *droptol;
rvec2 *b, *x;
/* GMRES storage */
real *y, *z, *g;
real *hc, *hs;
real **h, **v;
/* CG storage */
real *r, *d, *q, *p;
rvec2 *r2, *d2, *q2, *p2;
/* Taper */
real Tap[8]; //Tap7, Tap6, Tap5, Tap4, Tap3, Tap2, Tap1, Tap0;
/* storage for analysis */
int *mark, *old_mark;
rvec *x_old;
/* storage space for bond restrictions */
int *restricted;
int **restricted_list;
/* integrator */
rvec *v_const;
/* force calculations */
real *CdDelta; // coefficient of dDelta
rvec *f;
rvec *f_ele;
rvec *f_vdw;
rvec *f_bo;
rvec *f_be;
rvec *f_lp;
rvec *f_ov;
rvec *f_un;
rvec *f_ang;
rvec *f_coa;
rvec *f_pen;
rvec *f_hb;
rvec *f_tor;
rvec *f_con;
rvec *f_tot;
rvec *dDelta; // calculated on the fly in bond_orders.c together with bo'
int *rcounts;
int *displs;
int *id_all;
rvec *f_all;
reallocate_data realloc;
//int *num_bonds;
/* hydrogen bonds */
//int num_H, Hcap;
//int *Hindex;
//int *num_hbonds;
//int *hash;
//int *rev_hash;
} storage;
typedef union
void *v;
three_body_interaction_data *three_body_list;
bond_data *bond_list;
dbond_data *dbo_list;
dDelta_data *dDelta_list;
far_neighbor_data *far_nbr_list;
hbond_data *hbond_list;
} list_type;
typedef struct
int allocated;
int n;
int num_intrs;
int *index;
int *end_index;
int type;
list_type select;
} reax_list;
typedef struct
#if defined(PURE_REAX)
MPI_File trj;
FILE *strj;
int trj_offset;
int atom_line_len;
int bond_line_len;
int angle_line_len;
int write_atoms;
int write_bonds;
int write_angles;
char *line;
int buffer_len;
char *buffer;
FILE *out;
FILE *pot;
FILE *log;
FILE *mol, *ign;
FILE *dpl;
FILE *drft;
FILE *pdb;
FILE *prs;
int write_steps;
int traj_compress;
int traj_method;
char traj_title[81];
int atom_info;
int bond_info;
int angle_info;
int restart_format;
int restart_freq;
int debug_level;
int energy_update_freq;
FILE *ebond;
FILE *elp, *eov, *eun;
FILE *eval, *epen, *ecoa;
FILE *ehb;
FILE *etor, *econ;
FILE *evdw, *ecou;
FILE *fbo, *fdbo;
FILE *fbond;
FILE *flp, *fov, *fun;
FILE *fang, *fcoa, *fpen;
FILE *fhb;
FILE *ftor, *fcon;
FILE *fvdw, *fele;
FILE *ftot, *fcomp;
#if defined(TEST_ENERGY) || defined(TEST_FORCES)
FILE *flist; // far neighbor list
FILE *blist; // bond list
FILE *nlist; // near neighbor list
} output_controls;
typedef struct
int atom_count;
int atom_list[REAX_MAX_MOLECULE_SIZE];
int mtypes[REAX_MAX_ATOM_TYPES];
} molecule;
typedef struct
real H;
real e_vdW, CEvd;
real e_ele, CEclmb;
} LR_data;
typedef struct
real a, b, c, d;
} cubic_spline_coef;
typedef struct
real xmin, xmax;
int n;
real dx, inv_dx;
real a;
real m;
real c;
LR_data *y;
cubic_spline_coef *H;
cubic_spline_coef *vdW, *CEvd;
cubic_spline_coef *ele, *CEclmb;
} LR_lookup_table;
extern LR_lookup_table **LR;
/* function pointer defs */
typedef void (*evolve_function)(reax_system*, control_params*,
simulation_data*, storage*, reax_list**,
output_controls*, mpi_datatypes* );
#if defined(PURE_REAX)
evolve_function Evolve;
typedef void (*interaction_function) (reax_system*, control_params*,
simulation_data*, storage*,
reax_list**, output_controls*);
typedef void (*print_interaction)(reax_system*, control_params*,
simulation_data*, storage*,
reax_list**, output_controls*);
typedef real (*lookup_function)(real);
typedef void (*message_sorter) (reax_system*, int, int, int, mpi_out_data*);
typedef void (*unpacker) ( reax_system*, int, void*, int, neighbor_proc*, int );
typedef void (*dist_packer) (void*, mpi_out_data*);
typedef void (*coll_unpacker) (void*, void*, mpi_out_data*);

Event Timeline