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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lmptype.h"
#include "comm_tiled.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
enum{SINGLE,MULTI}; // same as in Comm
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CommTiled::CommTiled(LAMMPS *lmp) : Comm(lmp)
style = 1;
layout = 0;
error->all(FLERR,"Comm_style tiled is not yet supported");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::init()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
setup spatial-decomposition communication patterns
function of neighbor cutoff(s) & cutghostuser & current box size
single mode sets slab boundaries (slablo,slabhi) based on max cutoff
multi mode sets type-dependent slab boundaries (multilo,multihi)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::setup()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication of atom coords every timestep
other per-atom attributes may also be sent via pack/unpack routines
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm(int dummy)
int n;
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Status status;
AtomVec *avec = atom->avec;
double **x = atom->x;
double *buf;
// exchange data with another proc
// if other proc is self, just copy
// if comm_x_only set, exchange or copy directly to x, don't unpack
for (int iswap = 0; iswap < nswap; iswap++) {
if (sendproc[iswap] != me) {
if (comm_x_only) {
// loop over recvs
if (size_forward_recv[iswap]) buf = x[firstrecv[iswap]];
else buf = NULL;
if (size_forward_recv[iswap])
// loop over sends
n = avec->pack_comm(sendnum[iswap],sendlist[iswap],
if (n) MPI_Send(buf_send,n,MPI_DOUBLE,sendproc[iswap],0,world);
// wait any or all?
if (size_forward_recv[iswap]) MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
} else if (ghost_velocity) {
// loop over recvs
if (size_forward_recv[iswap])
// loop over sends
n = avec->pack_comm_vel(sendnum[iswap],sendlist[iswap],
if (n) MPI_Send(buf_send,n,MPI_DOUBLE,sendproc[iswap],0,world);
// wait any or all?
if (size_forward_recv[iswap]) MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
// loop over recvs and unpack each
} else {
// loop over recvs
if (size_forward_recv[iswap])
// loop over sends
n = avec->pack_comm(sendnum[iswap],sendlist[iswap],
if (n) MPI_Send(buf_send,n,MPI_DOUBLE,sendproc[iswap],0,world);
// wait any or all?
if (size_forward_recv[iswap]) MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
// loop over recvs and unpack each
} else {
if (comm_x_only) {
// single copy
if (sendnum[iswap])
n = avec->pack_comm(sendnum[iswap],sendlist[iswap],
} else if (ghost_velocity) {
// single copy
n = avec->pack_comm_vel(sendnum[iswap],sendlist[iswap],
} else {
// single copy
n = avec->pack_comm(sendnum[iswap],sendlist[iswap],
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication of forces on atoms every timestep
other per-atom attributes may also be sent via pack/unpack routines
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::reverse_comm()
int n;
MPI_Request request;
MPI_Status status;
AtomVec *avec = atom->avec;
double **f = atom->f;
double *buf;
// exchange data with other procs in each swap
// if other proc is self, just copy
// if comm_f_only set, exchange or copy directly from f, don't pack
for (int iswap = nswap-1; iswap >= 0; iswap--) {
if (!selfflag[iswap]) {
if (comm_f_only) {
// loop over recvs
if (size_reverse_recv[iswap])
// loop over sends
if (size_reverse_send[iswap]) buf = f[firstrecv[iswap]];
else buf = NULL;
if (size_reverse_send[iswap])
// wait any or all?
if (size_reverse_recv[iswap]) MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
// loop over recvs and unpack each
} else {
// loop over recvs
if (size_reverse_recv[iswap])
// loop over sends
n = avec->pack_reverse(recvnum[iswap],firstrecv[iswap],buf_send);
if (n) MPI_Send(buf_send,n,MPI_DOUBLE,recvproc[iswap],0,world);
// wait any or all?
if (size_reverse_recv[iswap]) MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
// loop over recvs and unpack each
} else {
if (comm_f_only) {
// single copy
if (sendnum[iswap])
} else {
// single copy
n = avec->pack_reverse(recvnum[iswap],firstrecv[iswap],buf_send);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
exchange: move atoms to correct processors
atoms exchanged with all 6 stencil neighbors
send out atoms that have left my box, receive ones entering my box
atoms will be lost if not inside some proc's box
can happen if atom moves outside of non-periodic bounary
or if atom moves more than one proc away
this routine called before every reneighboring
for triclinic, atoms must be in lamda coords (0-1) before exchange is called
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::exchange()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
borders: list nearby atoms to send to neighboring procs at every timestep
one list is created for every swap that will be made
as list is made, actually do swaps
this does equivalent of a communicate, so don't need to explicitly
call communicate routine on reneighboring timestep
this routine is called before every reneighboring
for triclinic, atoms must be in lamda coords (0-1) before borders is called
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::borders()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Pair
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm_pair(Pair *pair)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Pair
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::reverse_comm_pair(Pair *pair)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Fix
n = constant number of datums per atom
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm_fix(Fix *fix)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Fix
n = constant number of datums per atom
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::reverse_comm_fix(Fix *fix)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Fix
n = total datums for all atoms, allows for variable number/atom
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm_variable_fix(Fix *fix)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Fix
n = total datums for all atoms, allows for variable number/atom
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::reverse_comm_variable_fix(Fix *fix)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Compute
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm_compute(Compute *compute)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Compute
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::reverse_comm_compute(Compute *compute)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication invoked by a Dump
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm_dump(Dump *dump)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
reverse communication invoked by a Dump
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::reverse_comm_dump(Dump *dump)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
forward communication of N values in array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void CommTiled::forward_comm_array(int n, double **array)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
exchange info provided with all 6 stencil neighbors
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int CommTiled::exchange_variable(int n, double *inbuf, double *&outbuf)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
return # of bytes of allocated memory
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bigint CommTiled::memory_usage()
bigint bytes = 0;
return bytes;

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