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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef FIX_CLASS
#include "stdio.h"
#include "fix.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class FixAveSpatial : public Fix {
FixAveSpatial(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
int setmask();
void init();
void setup(int);
void end_of_step();
double compute_array(int,int);
double memory_usage();
void reset_timestep(bigint);
int me,nvalues;
int nrepeat,nfreq,irepeat;
bigint nvalid;
int ndim,normflag,regionflag,iregion,overwrite;
char *tstring,*sstring,*idregion;
int *which,*argindex,*value2index;
char **ids;
FILE *fp;
class Region *region;
int ave,nwindow,scaleflag;
int norm,iwindow,window_limit;
double xscale,yscale,zscale;
double bin_volume;
long filepos;
int dim[3],originflag[3],nlayers[3];
double origin[3],delta[3];
double offset[3],invdelta[3];
int maxvar;
double *varatom;
int maxatom;
int *bin;
int nbins,maxbin;
double **coord;
double *count_one,*count_many,*count_sum;
double **values_one,**values_many,**values_sum;
double *count_total,**count_list;
double **values_total,***values_list;
void setup_bins();
void atom2bin1d();
void atom2bin2d();
void atom2bin3d();
bigint nextvalid();
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
E: Illegal ... command
Self-explanatory. Check the input script syntax and compare to the
documentation for the command. You can use -echo screen as a
command-line option when running LAMMPS to see the offending line.
E: Cannot use fix ave/spatial z for 2 dimensional model
E: Same dimension twice in fix ave/spatial
E: Region ID for fix ave/spatial does not exist
E: Cannot open fix ave/spatial file %s
The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the path and name are
E: Compute ID for fix ave/spatial does not exist
E: Fix ave/spatial compute does not calculate per-atom values
A compute used by fix ave/spatial must generate per-atom values.
E: Fix ave/spatial compute does not calculate a per-atom vector
A compute used by fix ave/spatial must generate per-atom values.
E: Fix ave/spatial compute does not calculate a per-atom array
E: Fix ave/spatial compute vector is accessed out-of-range
The index for the vector is out of bounds.
E: Fix ID for fix ave/spatial does not exist
E: Fix ave/spatial fix does not calculate per-atom values
A fix used by fix ave/spatial must generate per-atom values.
E: Fix ave/spatial fix does not calculate a per-atom vector
A fix used by fix ave/spatial must generate per-atom values.
E: Fix ave/spatial fix does not calculate a per-atom array
E: Fix ave/spatial fix vector is accessed out-of-range
The index for the vector is out of bounds.
E: Variable name for fix ave/spatial does not exist
E: Fix ave/spatial variable is not atom-style variable
A variable used by fix ave/spatial must generate per-atom values.
E: Fix ave/spatial for triclinic boxes requires units reduced
E: Fix ave/spatial settings invalid with changing box
If the ave setting is "running" or "window" and the box size/shape
changes during the simulation, then the units setting must be
"reduced", else the number of bins may change.
E: Fix for fix ave/spatial not computed at compatible time
Fixes generate their values on specific timesteps. Fix ave/spatial is
requesting a value on a non-allowed timestep.
E: Fix ave/spatial missed timestep
You cannot reset the timestep to a value beyond where the fix
expects to next perform averaging.
U: Use of fix ave/spatial with undefined lattice
A lattice must be defined to use fix ave/spatial with units = lattice.

Event Timeline