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Thu, Oct 10, 03:23
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef LAMMPS_RCB_H
#define LAMMPS_RCB_H
#include "mpi.h"
#include "pointers.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class RCB : protected Pointers {
// set by compute()
int noriginal; // # of dots I own before balancing
int nfinal; // # of dots I own after balancing
int nkeep; // how many dots of noriginal I still own
// will be first nkept of nfinal list
int *recvproc; // proc IDs of nfinal dots
int *recvindex; // index of nfinal dots on owning procs
// based on input list for compute()
double *lo,*hi; // final bounding box of my RCB sub-domain
double cut; // single cut (in Tree) owned by this proc
int cutdim; // dimension (0,1,2) of the cut
// set by invert()
int *sendproc; // proc to send each of my noriginal dots to
int *sendindex; // index of dot in receiver's nfinal list
RCB(class LAMMPS *);
void compute(int, int, double **, double *, double *, double *);
void invert(int sortflag = 0);
bigint memory_usage();
// DEBUG methods
//void check();
//void stats(int);
// RCB cut info
struct Median {
double totallo,totalhi; // weight in each half of active partition
double valuelo,valuehi; // position of dot(s) nearest to cut
double wtlo,wthi; // total weight of dot(s) at that position
int countlo,counthi; // # of dots at that position
int proclo,prochi; // unique proc who owns a nearest dot
struct BBox {
double lo[3],hi[3]; // corner points of a bounding box
int me,nprocs;
// point to balance on
struct Dot {
double x[3]; // coord of point
double wt; // weight of point
int proc; // owning proc
int index; // index on owning proc
// tree of RCB cuts
struct Tree {
double cut; // position of cut
int dim; // dimension = 0/1/2 of cut
// inversion message
struct Invert {
int rindex; // index on receiving proc
int sproc; // sending proc
int sindex; // index on sending proc
Dot *dots; // dots on this proc
int ndot; // # of dots on this proc
int maxdot; // allocated size of dots
int ndotorig;
int nlist;
int maxlist;
int *dotlist;
int *dotmark;
int maxbuf;
Dot *buf;
int maxrecv,maxsend;
BBox bbox;
class Irregular *irregular;
MPI_Op box_op,med_op;
MPI_Datatype box_type,med_type;
int reuse; // 1/0 to use/not use previous cuts
int dottop; // dots >= this index are new
double bboxlo[3]; // bounding box of final RCB sub-domain
double bboxhi[3];
Tree *tree; // tree of RCB cuts, used by reuse()
int counters[7]; // diagnostic counts
// 0 = # of median iterations
// 1 = # of points sent
// 2 = # of points received
// 3 = most points this proc ever owns
// 4 = most point memory this proc ever allocs
// 5 = # of times a previous cut is re-used
// 6 = # of reallocs of point vector

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