function [varargout] = readlog(varargin) % Read LAMMPS log files % input is log file name with path % output is a structure --> out % out.Chead --> has heading of columns in each run % --> has the data during each run in the form of string % Type str2num({i}) to get the numeric array % % Example % logdata = readlog('log.LAMMPS'); % % Author : % % Arun K. Subramaniyan % School of Aeronautics and Astronautics % Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN - 47907, USA. logfile = varargin{1}; try fid = fopen(logfile,'r'); catch error('Log file not found!'); end loop = 1; while feof(fid) == 0 %----------- To get first line of thermo output -------- while feof(fid) == 0 a = fgetl(fid); if length(a) > 4 && strcmp(a(1:4),'Step') findstep = 1; break; end end %------------------------------------------------------- %---------Seperate column headings---------------------- j=1; k=1; Ch=''; i=1; while i < length(a) && findstep == 1 for i = k : 1 : length(a) if strcmp(a(i),' ') Chead{loop,j} = Ch; clear Ch; Ch = ''; k=i+1; j=j+1; break; else Ch = [Ch a(i)]; end end end if findstep == 1 Chead{loop,j} = Ch; % to get the last column heading end %------------------------------------------------------- %----------------------Get Data------------------------- id = 1; %row id... while feof(fid) == 0 a = fgetl(fid); if strcmp(a(1:4),'Loop') loop = loop + 1; break; else logdata(id,:) = str2num(a); id = id+1; end end %-------------------------------------------------------- if feof(fid) == 0 b = num2str(logdata); data{loop-1} = b; clear b; clear logdata; findstep = 0; end end fclose(fid); %--------OUTPUT------------------------------------------- out.Chead = Chead; = data; varargout{1} = out;