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(C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
#ifndef _MPE_LOG_H_
#define _MPE_LOG_H_
# define MPEU_DLL_SPEC
# define MPEU_DLL_SPEC __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define MPEU_DLL_SPEC __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define MPEU_DLL_SPEC
Constants, MPE_Log_XXX, are for backward compatibility reasons.
MPE is currently returning MPE_LOG_XXX status.
/* function return values */
#define MPE_LOG_OK 0
#define MPE_Log_OK MPE_LOG_OK
/* no problems */
/* logs are being worked on, cannot insert any new entries */
/* could not allocate memory for logging data */
/* cound not open file for writing out the logged info */
/* logging not initialized */
#if !defined( CLOG_NOMPI )
#include "mpi.h"
To avoid mpi_null.h from being exposed to the user's include_dir,
the definition of MPI_Comm has to match that in mpi_null.h.
The "#if !defined( _MPI_NULL_MPI_COMM )" is to avoid duplicated
definition of MPI_Comm when both mpi_null.h and this .h are used
in the same .c file.
#if !defined( _MPI_NULL_MPI_COMM )
typedef int MPI_Comm;
#endif /* Endof if !defined( CLOG_NOMPI ) */
#include "clog_commset.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* call before calling any other logging functions */
int MPE_Init_log( void );
int MPE_Initialized_logging( void );
/* create state with byte info data description lines in MPI_Comm */
int MPE_Describe_comm_state( MPI_Comm comm,
int state_startID, int state_finalID,
const char *name, const char *color,
const char *format );
/* create state with byte info data description lines in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Describe_info_state( int state_startID, int state_finalID,
const char *name, const char *color,
const char *format );
/* Internal MPE routine for MPI logging in MPI_Comm */
int MPE_Describe_known_state( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int stateID, int state_startID, int state_finalID,
const char *name, const char *color,
const char *format );
/* create state description lines in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Describe_state( int state_startID, int state_finalID,
const char *name, const char *color );
/* create event with byte info data description lines in MPI_comm */
int MPE_Describe_comm_event( MPI_Comm comm, int eventID,
const char *name, const char *color,
const char *format );
/* create event with byte info data description lines in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Describe_info_event( int eventID,
const char *name, const char *color,
const char *format );
/* Internal MPE routine for MPI logging in MPI_Eventm */
int MPE_Describe_known_event( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int eventID,
const char *name, const char *color,
const char *format );
/* create event description lines in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Describe_event( int eventID,
const char *name, const char *color );
/* fetch new user-space event number(s) */
int MPE_Log_get_event_number( void );
int MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs( int *statedef_startID,
int *statedef_finalID );
int MPE_Log_get_solo_eventID( int *eventdef_eventID );
/* Internal MPE routine for MPI logging */
/* fetch a new known event ID of state for MPE Logging system */
int MPE_Log_get_known_eventID( void );
/* fetch a new known state ID for MPE Logging system */
int MPE_Log_get_known_stateID( void );
/* fetch a new known solo event ID for MPE Logging system */
int MPE_Log_get_known_solo_eventID( void );
/* log a MPI_Comm creation/destruction event */
int MPE_Log_commIDs_intracomm( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int comm_etype,
const CLOG_CommIDs_t *intracommIDs );
int MPE_Log_commIDs_nullcomm( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int comm_etype );
int MPE_Log_commIDs_intercomm( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int comm_etype,
const CLOG_CommIDs_t *intercommIDs );
/* log the sending of a message in MPI_Comm */
int MPE_Log_commIDs_send( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int receiver, int tag, int size );
int MPE_Log_comm_send( MPI_Comm comm, int receiver, int tag, int size );
/* log the sending of a message in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Log_send( int receiver, int tag, int size );
/* log the receiving of a message in MPI_Comm */
int MPE_Log_commIDs_receive( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int sender, int tag, int size );
int MPE_Log_comm_receive( MPI_Comm comm, int sender, int tag, int size );
/* log the receiving of a message in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Log_receive( int sender, int tag, int size );
/* MPE_LOG_BYTESIZE is equal to sizeof(CLOG_BYTES) defined in clog.h */
#define MPE_LOG_BYTESIZE (4 * sizeof(double))
int MPE_Log_pack( MPE_LOG_BYTES bytebuf, int *position,
char tokentype, int count, const void *data );
int MPE_Log_commIDs_event( const CLOG_CommIDs_t *commIDs, int local_thread,
int event, const char *bytebuf );
/* log an event in MPI_Comm */
int MPE_Log_comm_event( MPI_Comm comm, int event, const char *bytebuf );
/* log an event in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Log_event( int event, int data, const char *bytebuf );
/* log a bare event in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Log_bare_event( int event );
/* log an infomational event in MPI_COMM_WORLD */
int MPE_Log_info_event( int event, const char *bytebuf );
int MPE_Log_sync_clocks( void );
/* start logging events */
int MPE_Start_log( void );
/* stop logging events */
int MPE_Stop_log( void );
/* Synchronize thread related data to all processes */
void MPE_Log_thread_sync( int local_thread_count );
/* write out data to a file */
int MPE_Finish_log( const char *filename );
/* get the immutable merged logfile name */
const char* MPE_Log_merged_logfilename( void );
#if defined(__cplusplus)
The following documentation has little resemblance to current CLOG-2
format. They are kept here for historical reference purpose.
2/17/2005 Anthony Chan
The format:
Each line:
type process task data cycle timestamp [comment]
type - nonnegative integer representing a user-defined event type
process - an integer representing the process in which the event occurred
task - an integer representing a different notion of task. Usually
data - an integer representing user data for the event
cycle - an integer representing a time cycle, used to distinguish
between time returned by a timer that "rolls over" during
the run
timestamp - an integer representing (when considered in conjuction
with the cycle number) a time for the event. Upshot treats
the units as microseconds
comment - an optional character string representing user data. Currently
12 character maximum, will soon hopefully be any length (really!)
All events from -100 to -1 are reserved header information events. When
a log is produced, all [-100,-1] events will be moved to the top of the
logfile and have their timestamps set to 0.
All event from -101 and below are reserved system events. This is to
provide some standardization for the logfiles, so various interpreting
programs can glean similar data from the same logfile. All [-101,...)
events will have valid timestamps and will be left in time-sorted
order in the logfile.
Formats for reserved types:
-1 Creation data *not used*
Comment: Creator and date
-2 Number of events in the logfile *not used*
Data: number of events
-3 Number of processors in the run
Data: number of processes
-4 Number of tasks used in the run *not used*
Task: number of tasks
-5 Number of event types used *not used*
Data: number event types
-6 Start time of the run
Timestamp: start time
-7 End time of the run
Timestamp: end time
-8 Number of times the timer cycled
For example, if the timer's units are in microseconds, and it has a
range of 0 - 2^32, and a run lasts 3 hours (range=4294 seconds, 3 hours=
10800 seconds), the timer would have cycled at least twice.
Data: number of timer cycles
-9 Decription of event types *not used*
Data: event type
Comment: Description
-10 printf string for event types *not used*
Data: event type
Comment: printf string
-11 Rollover point
The point at which the timer values 'rollover'
Timestamp: rollover point
-13 State definition
Define a state based on the events that signal the beginning and end
of the state. Also, define what to call the state and what color/
stipple pattern to give it in a graphical visualization tool.
Task: start event
Data: end event
Comment: color:bitmap state name
example: -13 0 3 4 0 0 Green:boxes Rhode Island
An event with type 3 will signify the entrance into a 'Rhode Island'
state. An event wil type 4 will signify the exit of the 'Rhode Island'
States may be overlapped (enter a 'Rhode Island' state while in a
'Wisconsin' state while in a 'Nevada' state), and the state name may
have whitspace in it.
-100 Synchronization event
Sync events are used internally to sychronize timers on the various
processes. They do not appear in the logfiles.
-101 Send message
Represents the sending of a message
Data: process ID of the receiving process
Comment: <message-type tag of message> <size of the message, in bytes>
-102 Receive message
Represents the receiving of a message
Data: process ID of the sending process
Comment: <message-type tag of message> <size of the message, in bytes>

Event Timeline