# This file stores LAMMPS data for the "mW" water model. # (Molinero, V. and Moore, E.B., J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 4008-4016) # # In this model, each water molecule is represented by a single "mW" particle. # These particles interact with their neighbors via 3-body Stillinger-Weber # forces whose parameters are tuned to mimic directional hydrogen-bonding # in liquid water (as well as hexagonal ice, type II ice, and # low-density super-cooled liquid/amorphous water phases). WatMW { write("Data Atoms") { $atom:mW $mol:. @atom:mW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 } write_once("Data Masses") { @atom:mW 18.02 } write_once("system.in.sw") { mW mW mW 6.189 2.3925 1.8 23.15 1.2 -0.333333333 7.049556277 0.602224558 4 0 0 } write_once("In Init") { # -- Default styles for "WatMW" -- units real pair_style sw } write_once("In Settings") { # --Now indicate which atom type(s) are simulated using the "sw" pair style # -- In this case only one of the atom types is used (the mW water "atom"). pair_coeff * * sw system.in.sw mW NULL NULL NULL # -- Unfortunately LAMMPS itself does not understand molemlate syntax, so # -- the atoms are identified by order in the list, not by name. (The "mW" # -- refers to to an identifier in the system.in.sw file, not watmw.lt.) # -- This command says that the first atom type corresponds to the "mW" # -- atom in system.in.sw, and to ignore the remaining three atom types # -- (correspond to the CH2, CH3, CH4 atom types defined in trappe1998.lt. # -- We don't want to use the "sw" force field for interactions involving # -- these atom types, so we put "NULL" there.) # -- Note: For this to work, you should probably run moltemplate this way: # -- moltemplate.sh -a "@atom:WatMW/mW 1" system.lt # -- This assigns the atom type named @atom:WatMW/mW to 1 (the first atom) } # -- optional -- write_once("In Settings") { group WatMW type @atom:mW #(Atoms of this type belong to the "WatMW" group) } } # WatMW