# PREREQUISITES: # # You must use moltemplate.sh to create 3 files: # system.data system.in.init system.in.settings # (Follow the instructions in README_setup.sh, or run it using ./README_sh.) # # -------- REQUIREMENTS: --------- # 1) This example requires the "USER-MISC" package. (Use "make yes-USER-MISC") # http://lammps.sandia.gov/doc/Section_start.html#start_3 # 2) It also may require additional features and bug fixes for LAMMPS. # So, after typing "make yes-user-misc" in to the shell, ... # be sure to download and copy the "additional_lammps_code" from # http://moltemplate.org (upper-left corner menu) # 3) Unpack it # 4) copy the .cpp and .h files to the src folding of your lammps installation. # 5) Compile LAMMPS. # # If LAMMPS complains about an "Invalid pair_style", or "Invalid dihedral_style" # then you made a mistake in the instructions above. # # -- Init Section -- include system.in.init # -- Atom Definition Section -- #read_data system.data read_data system_after_min.data # -- Settings Section -- include system.in.settings # -- Run Section -- #minimize 1.0e-5 1.0e-7 500 2000 timestep 10.0 # The time-step in Watson et. al 2011 was 0.002*3ps = 6fs dump 1 all custom 10000 traj_npt.lammpstrj id mol type x y z ix iy iz thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal vol epair ebond eangle thermo 1000 # time interval for printing out "thermo" data fix fxlan all langevin 300.0 300.0 120 48279 fix fxnph all nph x 0 0 1000 y 0 0 1000 couple xy # Note: The temperature 300.0 K corresponds to 0.907033536873*epsilon # (for the "epsilon" used by the coarse-grained lipid), and # to 0.33*epsilon (for the "epsilon" used in the coarse-grained protein) # Note: The langevin damping parameter "120" corresponds to # the 0.12ps damping time used in Watson et. al JCP 2011. # Note: We maintain the system system at constant (zero) tention # using a barostat damping parameter Pdamp=1000 ("0 0 1000") # optional (not sure if this helps): # balance x uniform y uniform run 100000 write_data system_after_npt.data