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* msi2lmp.exe V3.8
* v3.6 KLA - Changes to output to either lammps 2001 (F90 version) or to
* lammps 2005 (C++ version)
* v3.4 JEC - a number of minor changes due to way newline and EOF are generated
* on Materials Studio generated .car and .mdf files as well as odd
* behavior out of newer Linux IO libraries. ReadMdfFile was restructured
* in the process.
* v3.1 JEC - changed IO interface to standard in/out, forcefield file
* location can be indicated by environmental variable; added
* printing options, consistency checks and forcefield
* parameter versions sensitivity (highest one used)
* v3.0 JEC - program substantially rewritten to reduce execution time
* and be 98 % dynamic in memory use (still fixed limits on
* number of parameter types for different internal coordinate
* sets)
* v2.0 MDP - got internal coordinate information from mdf file and
* forcefield parameters from frc file thus eliminating
* need for Discover
* V1.0 SL - original version. Used .car file and internal coordinate
* information from Discover to produce LAMMPS data file.
* This program uses the .car and .mdf files from MSI/Biosyms's INSIGHT
* program to produce a LAMMPS data file.
* The program is started by supplying information at the command prompt
* according to the usage described below.
* USAGE: msi2lmp3 ROOTNAME {-print #} {-class #} {-frc FRC_FILE} {-ignore} {-nocenter}
* -- msi2lmp3 is the name of the executable
* -- ROOTNAME is the base name of the .car and .mdf files
* -- all opther flags are optional and can be abbreviated (e.g. -p instead of -print)
* -- -print
* # is the print level: 0 - silent except for errors
* 1 - minimal (default)
* 2 - more verbose
* 3 - even more verbose
* -- -class
* # is the class of forcefield to use (I or 1 = Class I e.g., CVFF, clayff)
* (II or 2 = Class II e.g., CFFx, COMPASS)
* (O or 0 = OPLS-AA)
* default is -class I
* -- -ignore - tells msi2lmp to ignore warnings and errors and keep going
* -- -nocenter - tells msi2lmp to not center the box around the (geometrical)
* center of the atoms, but around the origin
* -- -shift - tells msi2lmp to shift the entire system (box and coordinates)
* by a vector (default: 0.0 0.0 0.0)
* -- -frc - specifies name of the forcefield file (e.g., cff91)
* If the name includes a hard wired directory (i.e., if the name
* starts with . or /), then the name is used alone. Otherwise,
* the program looks for the forcefield file in $BIOSYM_LIBRARY.
* If $BIOSYM_LIBRARY is not set, then the current directory is
* used.
* If the file name does not include a dot after the first
* character, then .frc is appended to the name.
* For example, -frc cvff (assumes cvff.frc is in $BIOSYM_LIBRARY
* or .)
* -frc cff/cff91 (assumes cff91.frc is in
* $BIOSYM_LIBRARY/cff or ./cff)
* -frc /usr/local/biosym/forcefields/cff95 (absolute
* location)
* By default, the program uses $BIOSYM_LIBRARY/cvff.frc
* -- output is written to a file called
* Msi2lmp3
* This is the third version of a program that generates a LAMMPS
* data file based on the information in a MSI car file (atom
* coordinates) and mdf file (molecular topology). A key part of
* the program looks up forcefield parameters from an MSI frc file.
* The first version was written by Steve Lustig at Dupont, but
* required using Discover to derive internal coordinates and
* forcefield parameters
* The second version was written by Michael Peachey while an
* in intern in the Cray Chemistry Applications Group managed
* by John Carpenter. This version derived internal coordinates
* from the mdf file and looked up parameters in the frc file
* thus eliminating the need for Discover.
* The third version was written by John Carpenter to optimize
* the performance of the program for large molecular systems
* (the original code for deriving atom numbers was quadratic in time)
* and to make the program fully dynamic. The second version used
* fixed dimension arrays for the internal coordinates.
* John Carpenter can be contacted by sending email to
* November 2000
#include "msi2lmp.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* global variables */
char *rootname;
double pbc[6];
double box[3][3];
double shift[3];
int periodic = 1;
int TriclinicFlag = 0;
int forcefield = 0;
int centerflag = 1;
int pflag;
int iflag;
int *no_atoms;
int no_molecules;
int replicate[3];
int total_no_atoms;
int total_no_bonds;
int total_no_angles;
int total_no_dihedrals;
int total_no_angle_angles;
int total_no_oops;
int no_atom_types;
int no_bond_types;
int no_angle_types;
int no_dihedral_types;
int no_oop_types;
int no_angleangle_types;
char *FrcFileName;
struct Atom *atoms;
struct MoleculeList *molecule;
struct BondList *bonds;
struct AngleList *angles;
struct DihedralList *dihedrals;
struct OOPList *oops;
struct AngleAngleList *angleangles;
struct AtomTypeList *atomtypes;
struct BondTypeList *bondtypes;
struct AngleTypeList *angletypes;
struct DihedralTypeList *dihedraltypes;
struct OOPTypeList *ooptypes;
struct AngleAngleTypeList *angleangletypes;
void condexit(int val)
if (iflag == 0) exit(val);
static int check_arg(char **arg, const char *flag, int num, int argc)
if (num >= argc) {
printf("Missing argument to \"%s\" flag\n",flag);
return 1;
if (arg[num][0] == '-') {
printf("Incorrect argument to \"%s\" flag: %s\n",flag,arg[num]);
return 1;
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int n,i,found_sep;
const char *frc_dir_name = NULL;
const char *frc_file_name = NULL;
pflag = 1;
iflag = 0;
shift[0] = shift[1] = shift[2] = 0.0;
frc_dir_name = getenv("BIOSYM_LIBRARY");
if (argc < 2) {
printf("usage: %s <rootname> [-class <I|1|II|2>] [-frc <path to frc file>] [-print #] [-ignore] [-nocenter]\n",argv[0]);
return 1;
} else { /* rootname was supplied as first argument, copy to rootname */
int len = strlen(argv[1]) + 1;
rootname = (char *)malloc(len);
n = 2;
while (n < argc) {
if (strncmp(argv[n],"-c",2) == 0) {
if (check_arg(argv,"-class",n,argc))
return 2;
if ((strcmp(argv[n],"I") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[n],"1") == 0)) {
} else if ((strcmp(argv[n],"II") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[n],"2") == 0)) {
} else if ((strcmp(argv[n],"O") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[n],"0") == 0)) {
} else {
printf("Unrecognized Forcefield class: %s\n",argv[n]);
return 3;
} else if (strncmp(argv[n],"-f",2) == 0) {
if (check_arg(argv,"-frc",n,argc))
return 4;
frc_file_name = argv[n];
} else if (strncmp(argv[n],"-s",2) == 0) {
if (n+3 > argc) {
printf("Missing argument(s) to \"-shift\" flag\n");
return 1;
shift[0] = atof(argv[++n]);
shift[1] = atof(argv[++n]);
shift[2] = atof(argv[++n]);
} else if (strncmp(argv[n],"-i",2) == 0 ) {
iflag = 1;
} else if (strncmp(argv[n],"-n",2) == 0 ) {
centerflag = 0;
} else if (strncmp(argv[n],"-p",2) == 0) {
if (check_arg(argv,"-print",n,argc))
return 5;
pflag = atoi(argv[n]);
} else {
printf("Unrecognized option: %s\n",argv[n]);
return 6;
/* set defaults, if nothing else was given */
if (frc_dir_name == NULL)
#if (_WIN32)
frc_dir_name = "..\\biosym_frc_files";
frc_dir_name = "../biosym_frc_files";
if (frc_file_name == NULL)
frc_file_name = "cvff.frc";
#ifdef _WIN32
if (isalpha(frc_file_name[0]) && (frc_file_name[1] == ':'))
found_sep=1; /* windows drive letter => full path. */
n = strlen(frc_file_name);
for (i=0; i < n; ++i) {
#ifdef _WIN32
if ((frc_file_name[i] == '/') || (frc_file_name[i] == '\\'))
if (frc_file_name[i] == '/')
/* full pathname given */
if (found_sep) {
i = 0;
/* need to append extension? */
if ((n < 5) || (strcmp(frc_file_name+n-4,".frc") !=0))
FrcFileName = (char *)malloc(n+1+i*4);
if (i) strcat(FrcFileName,".frc");
} else {
i = 0;
/* need to append extension? */
if ((n < 5) || (strcmp(frc_file_name+n-4,".frc") !=0))
FrcFileName = (char *)malloc(n+2+i*4+strlen(frc_dir_name));
#ifdef _WIN32
if (i) strcat(FrcFileName,".frc");
if (pflag > 0) {
puts("\nRunning msi2lmp.....\n");
if (forcefield & FF_TYPE_CLASS1) puts(" Forcefield: Class I");
if (forcefield & FF_TYPE_CLASS2) puts(" Forcefield: Class II");
if (forcefield & FF_TYPE_OPLSAA) puts(" Forcefield: OPLS-AA");
printf(" Forcefield file name: %s\n",FrcFileName);
if (((forcefield & FF_TYPE_CLASS1) && (strstr(FrcFileName,"cff") != NULL)) ||
((forcefield & FF_TYPE_CLASS2) &&
! ((strstr(FrcFileName,"cvff") == NULL)
|| (strstr(FrcFileName,"clayff") == NULL)
|| (strstr(FrcFileName,"compass") == NULL))) ||
((forcefield & FF_TYPE_OPLSAA) &&
! (strstr(FrcFileName,"opls") == NULL))) {
fprintf(stderr," WARNING - forcefield name and class appear to\n");
fprintf(stderr," be inconsistent - Errors may result\n\n");
if (iflag == 0) return 7;
/* Read in .car file */
/*Read in .mdf file */
/* Define bonds, angles, etc...*/
if (pflag > 0)
printf("\n Building internal coordinate lists \n");
/* Read .frc file into memory */
if (pflag > 0)
printf("\n Reading forcefield file \n");
/* Get forcefield parameters */
if (pflag > 0)
printf("\n Get force field parameters for this system\n");
/* Do internal check of internal coordinate lists */
if (pflag > 0)
printf("\n Check parameters for internal consistency\n");
/* Write out the final data */
if (pflag > 0)
printf("\nNormal program termination\n");
return 0;

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