die "Too many entries in MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs section"
if ($i > $data->{ndihedraltypes});
die "Too few entries in MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs section"
if ($i < $data->{ndihedraltypes});
die "Multiple dihedral coefficient assignments to the same dihedral type"
if (scalar @{$data->{middlebondtorsioncoeff}} != $data->{ndihedraltypes});
} elsif ($1 eq "BondBond13 Coeffs") {
$data->{bondbond13coeff} = [];
$i = 0;
section_check($fh,$data,"BondBond13 Coeffs");
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9 ]+)\s*$/) {
$j = $1 - 1;
die "BondBond13 type $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{ndihedraltypes}));
$data->{bondbond13coeff}[$j] = $2;
die "Too many entries in BondBond13 Coeffs section"
if ($i > $data->{ndihedraltypes});
die "Too few entries in BondBond13 Coeffs section"
if ($i < $data->{ndihedraltypes});
die "Multiple dihedral coefficient assignments to the same dihedral type"
if (scalar @{$data->{bondbond13coeff}} != $data->{ndihedraltypes});
} elsif ($1 eq "AngleTorsion Coeffs") {
$data->{angletorsioncoeff} = [];
$i = 0;
section_check($fh,$data,"AngleTorsion Coeffs");
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9 ]+)\s*$/) {
$j = $1 - 1;
die "AngleTorsion type $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{ndihedraltypes}));
$data->{angletorsioncoeff}[$j] = $2;
die "Too many entries in AngleTorsion Coeffs section"
if ($i > $data->{ndihedraltypes});
die "Too few entries in AngleTorsion Coeffs section"
if ($i < $data->{ndihedraltypes});
die "Multiple dihedral coefficient assignments to the same dihedral type"
if (scalar @{$data->{angletorsioncoeff}} != $data->{ndihedraltypes});
} elsif ($1 eq "Improper Coeffs") {
$data->{impropercoeff} = [];
$i = 0;
section_check($fh,$data,"Improper Coeffs");
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9 ]+)\s*$/) {
$j = $1 - 1;
die "Improper type $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{nimpropertypes}));
$data->{impropercoeff}[$j] = $2;
die "Too many entries in Improper Coeffs section"
if ($i > $data->{nimpropertypes});
die "Too few entries in Improper Coeffs section"
if ($i < $data->{nimpropertypes});
die "Multiple improper coefficient assignments to the same improper type"
if (scalar @{$data->{impropercoeff}} != $data->{nimpropertypes});
} elsif ($1 eq "AngleAngle Coeffs") {
$data->{angleanglecoeff} = [];
$i = 0;
section_check($fh,$data,"AngleAngle Coeffs");
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9 ]+)\s*$/) {
$j = $1 - 1;
die "AngleAngle type $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{nimpropertypes}));
$data->{angleanglecoeff}[$j] = $2;
die "Too many entries in AngleAngle Coeffs section"
if ($i > $data->{nimpropertypes});
die "Too few entries in AngleAngle Coeffs section"
if ($i < $data->{nimpropertypes});
die "Multiple angleangle coefficient assignments to the same angle type"
if (scalar @{$data->{angleanglecoeff}} != $data->{nimpropertypes});
} elsif ($1 eq "Atoms") {
$data->{tag} = [];
$data->{type} = [];
$data->{molid} = [];
$data->{charge} = [];
$data->{posx} = [];
$data->{posy} = [];
$data->{posz} = [];
$data->{imgx} = [];
$data->{imgy} = [];
$data->{imgz} = [];
$i = 0;
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)(|\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s+(-?[0-9]+))\s*$/) {
$k = $1 - 1;
die "Atom id $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{natoms}));
$j = $3 - 1;
die "Atom type $2 is out of range"
if (($3 < 1) || ($3 > $data->{natomtypes}));
$data->{tag}[$k] = $1;
$data->{molid}[$k] = $2;
$data->{type}[$k] = $3;
$data->{charge}[$k] = $4;
$data->{posx}[$k] = $5;
$data->{posy}[$k] = $6;
$data->{posz}[$k] = $7;
$data->{imgx}[$k] = 0;
$data->{imgy}[$k] = 0;
$data->{imgz}[$k] = 0;
if (! $8 eq "") {
$data->{imgx}[$k] = $9;
$data->{imgy}[$k] = $10;
$data->{imgz}[$k] = $11;
# } else {
# print "Atoms: $_\n";
die "Too many entries in Atoms section: $i vs. $data->{natoms}"
if ($i > $data->{natoms});
die "Too few entries in Atoms section: $i vs. $data->{natoms}"
if ($i < $data->{natoms});
die "Multiple atoms assigned to the same atom ID"
if (scalar @{$data->{tag}} != $data->{natoms});
} elsif ($1 eq "Velocities") {
$data->{velx} = [];
$data->{vely} = [];
$data->{velz} = [];
$i = 0;
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)\s+([-+.eE0-9]+)\s*$/) {
$k = $1 - 1;
die "Atom id $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{natoms}));
$data->{velx}[$k] = $2;
$data->{vely}[$k] = $3;
$data->{velz}[$k] = $4;
die "Too many entries in Velocities section"
if ($i > $data->{natoms});
die "Too few entries in Velocities section"
if ($i < $data->{natoms});
die "Multiple velocities assigned to the same atom ID"
if (scalar @{$data->{velx}} != $data->{natoms});
} elsif ($1 eq "Bonds") {
$data->{bondt} = [];
$data->{bond1} = [];
$data->{bond2} = [];
$i = 0;
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$/) {
$k = $1 - 1;
die "Bond id $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{nbonds}));
die "Bond type $2 is out of range"
if (($2 == 0) || ($2 > $data->{nbondtypes}));
die "Bond atom 1 ID $3 is out of range"
if (($3 < 1) || ($3 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Bond atom 2 ID $4 is out of range"
if (($4 < 1) || ($4 > $data->{natoms}));
$data->{bondt}[$k] = $2;
$data->{bond1}[$k] = $3;
$data->{bond2}[$k] = $4;
die "Too many entries in Bonds section"
if ($i > $data->{nbonds});
die "Too few entries in Bonds section"
if ($i < $data->{nbonds});
die "Multiple bonds assigned to the same bond ID"
if (scalar @{$data->{bondt}} != $data->{nbonds});
} elsif ($1 eq "Angles") {
$data->{anglet} = [];
$data->{angle1} = [];
$data->{angle2} = [];
$data->{angle3} = [];
$i = 0;
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$/) {
$k = $1 - 1;
die "Angle id $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{nangles}));
die "Angle type $2 is out of range"
if (($2 == 0) || ($2 > $data->{nangletypes}));
die "Angle atom 1 ID $3 is out of range"
if (($3 < 1) || ($3 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Angle atom 2 ID $4 is out of range"
if (($4 < 1) || ($4 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Angle atom 3 ID $5 is out of range"
if (($5 < 1) || ($5 > $data->{natoms}));
$data->{anglet}[$k] = $2;
$data->{angle1}[$k] = $3;
$data->{angle2}[$k] = $4;
$data->{angle3}[$k] = $5;
die "Too many entries in Angles section"
if ($i > $data->{nangles});
die "Too few entries in Angles section"
if ($i < $data->{nangles});
die "Multiple angles assigned to the same angle ID"
if (scalar @{$data->{anglet}} != $data->{nangles});
} elsif ($1 eq "Dihedrals") {
$data->{dihedralt} = [];
$data->{dihedral1} = [];
$data->{dihedral2} = [];
$data->{dihedral3} = [];
$data->{dihedral4} = [];
$i = 0;
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$/) {
$k = $1 - 1;
die "Dihedral id $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{ndihedrals}));
die "Dihedral type $2 is out of range"
if (($2 == 0) || ($2 > $data->{ndihedraltypes}));
die "Dihedral atom 1 ID $3 is out of range"
if (($3 < 1) || ($3 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Dihedral atom 2 ID $4 is out of range"
if (($4 < 1) || ($4 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Dihedral atom 3 ID $5 is out of range"
if (($5 < 1) || ($5 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Dihedral atom 4 ID $6 is out of range"
if (($6 < 1) || ($6 > $data->{natoms}));
$data->{dihedralt}[$k] = $2;
$data->{dihedral1}[$k] = $3;
$data->{dihedral2}[$k] = $4;
$data->{dihedral3}[$k] = $5;
$data->{dihedral4}[$k] = $6;
die "Too many entries in Dihedrals section"
if ($i > $data->{ndihedrals});
die "Too few entries in Dihedrals section"
if ($i < $data->{ndihedrals});
die "Multiple dihedrals assigned to the same dihedral ID"
if (scalar @{$data->{dihedralt}} != $data->{ndihedrals});
} elsif ($1 eq "Impropers") {
$data->{impropert} = [];
$data->{improper1} = [];
$data->{improper2} = [];
$data->{improper3} = [];
$data->{improper4} = [];
$i = 0;
while (get_next($fh)) {
if (/^\s*([0-9]+)\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$/) {
$k = $1 - 1;
die "Improper id $1 is out of range"
if (($1 < 1) || ($1 > $data->{nimpropers}));
die "Improper type $2 is out of range"
if (($2 == 0) || ($2 > $data->{nimpropertypes}));
die "Improper atom 1 ID $3 is out of range"
if (($3 < 1) || ($3 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Improper atom 2 ID $4 is out of range"
if (($4 < 1) || ($4 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Improper atom 3 ID $5 is out of range"
if (($5 < 1) || ($5 > $data->{natoms}));
die "Improper atom 4 ID $6 is out of range"
if (($6 < 1) || ($6 > $data->{natoms}));
$data->{impropert}[$k] = $2;
$data->{improper1}[$k] = $3;
$data->{improper2}[$k] = $4;
$data->{improper3}[$k] = $5;
$data->{improper4}[$k] = $6;
die "Too many entries in Impropers section"
if ($i > $data->{nimpropers});
die "Too few entries in Impropers section"
if ($i < $data->{nimpropers});
die "Multiple impropers assigned to the same improper ID"
if (scalar @{$data->{impropert}} != $data->{nimpropers});
} else {
die "Bad data: $_";
last unless ($_);
} else {
die "Bad data: $_";
sub floatdiff {
my ($n1,$n2,$rel) = @_;
my $diff = abs($n1-$n2);
my $avg = (abs($n1)+abs($n2))*0.5;
return 0 if ($avg == 0.0);
if ($rel) {
# print "relative difference: ",$diff/$avg," vs. $small\n";
return 0 if ($diff/$avg < $small);
} else {
# print "absolute difference: ",$diff," vs. $small\n";