<LI>If you find a bug, <AHREF ="Section_errors.html#err_2">Section_errors 2</A>
describes how to report it.
<LI>If you publish a paper using LAMMPS results, send the citation (and
any cool pictures or movies if you like) to add to the Publications,
Pictures, and Movies pages of the <AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov">LAMMPS WWW Site</A>, with links
and attributions back to you.
<LI>Create a new Makefile.machine that can be added to the src/MAKE
<LI>The tools sub-directory of the LAMMPS distribution has various
stand-alone codes for pre- and post-processing of LAMMPS data. More
details are given in <AHREF ="Section_tools.html">Section_tools</A>. If you write
a new tool that users will find useful, it can be added to the LAMMPS
<LI>LAMMPS is designed to be easy to extend with new code for features
like potentials, boundary conditions, diagnostic computations, etc.
<AHREF ="Section_modify.html">This section</A> gives details. If you add a
feature of general interest, it can be added to the LAMMPS
<LI>The Benchmark page of the <AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov">LAMMPS WWW Site</A> lists LAMMPS
performance on various platforms. The files needed to run the
benchmarks are part of the LAMMPS distribution. If your machine is
sufficiently different from those listed, your timing data can be
added to the page.
<LI>You can send feedback for the User Comments page of the <AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov">LAMMPS WWW
Site</A>. It might be added to the page. No promises.
<LI>Cash. Small denominations, unmarked bills preferred. Paper sack OK.
Leave on desk. VISA also accepted. Chocolate chip cookies
<H4><ANAME ="intro_5"></A>1.5 Acknowledgments and citations
<P>LAMMPS development has been funded by the <AHREF ="http://www.doe.gov">US Department of
Energy</A> (DOE), through its CRADA, LDRD, ASCI, and Genomes-to-Life
programs and its <AHREF ="http://www.sc.doe.gov/ascr/home.html">OASCR</A> and <AHREF ="http://www.er.doe.gov/production/ober/ober_top.html">OBER</A> offices.
<P>Specifically, work on the latest version was funded in part by the US
Department of Energy's Genomics:GTL program
(<AHREF ="http://www.doegenomestolife.org">www.doegenomestolife.org</A>) under the <AHREF ="http://www.genomes2life.org">project</A>, "Carbon
Sequestration in Synechococcus Sp.: From Molecular Machines to
Hierarchical Modeling".
<P>The following paper describe the basic parallel algorithms used in
LAMMPS. If you use LAMMPS results in your published work, please cite
this paper and include a pointer to the <AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov">LAMMPS WWW Site</A>
<P>S. J. Plimpton, <B>Fast Parallel Algorithms for Short-Range Molecular
Dynamics</B>, J Comp Phys, 117, 1-19 (1995).
<P>Other papers describing specific algorithms used in LAMMPS are listed
under the <AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov/cite.html">Citing LAMMPS link</A> of
the LAMMPS WWW page.
<P>The <AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov/papers.html">Publications link</A> on the
LAMMPS WWW page lists papers that have cited LAMMPS. If your paper is
not listed there for some reason, feel free to send us the info. If
the simulations in your paper produced cool pictures or animations,
we'll be pleased to add them to the
<AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov/pictures.html">Pictures</A> or
<AHREF ="http://lammps.sandia.gov/movies.html">Movies</A> pages of the LAMMPS WWW
<P>The core group of LAMMPS developers is at Sandia National Labs:
<UL><LI>Steve Plimpton, sjplimp at sandia.gov
<LI>Aidan Thompson, athomps at sandia.gov
<LI>Paul Crozier, pscrozi at sandia.gov
<P>The following folks are responsible for significant contributions to
the code, or other aspects of the LAMMPS development effort. Many of
the packages they have written are somewhat unique to LAMMPS and the
code would not be as general-purpose as it is without their expertise
and efforts.
<UL><LI>Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U), akohlmey at gmail.com, SVN and Git repositories, indefatigable mail list responder, USER-CG-CMM and USER-OMP packages
<LI>Roy Pollock (LLNL), Ewald and PPPM solvers
<LI>Mike Brown (ORNL), brownw at ornl.gov, GPU package
<LI>Greg Wagner (Sandia), gjwagne at sandia.gov, MEAM package for MEAM potential
<LI>Mike Parks (Sandia), mlparks at sandia.gov, PERI package for Peridynamics
<LI>Rudra Mukherjee (JPL), Rudranarayan.M.Mukherjee at jpl.nasa.gov, POEMS package for articulated rigid body motion
<LI>Reese Jones (Sandia) and collaborators, rjones at sandia.gov, USER-ATC package for atom/continuum coupling
<LI>Ilya Valuev (JIHT), valuev at physik.hu-berlin.de, USER-AWPMD package for wave-packet MD
<LI>Christian Trott (U Tech Ilmenau), christian.trott at tu-ilmenau.de, USER-CUDA package
<LI>Andres Jaramillo-Botero (Caltech), ajaramil at wag.caltech.edu, USER-EFF package for electron force field
<LI>Christoph Kloss (JKU), Christoph.Kloss at jku.at, USER-LIGGGHTS package for granular models and granular/fluid coupling
<LI>Metin Aktulga (LBL), hmaktulga at lbl.gov, USER-REAXC package for C version of ReaxFF
<LI>Georg Gunzenmuller (EMI), georg.ganzenmueller at emi.fhg.de, USER-SPH package
<P>As discussed in <AHREF ="Section_history.html">Section_history</A>, LAMMPS
originated as a cooperative project between DOE labs and industrial
partners. Folks involved in the design and testing of the original
version of LAMMPS were the following:
<UL><LI>John Carpenter (Mayo Clinic, formerly at Cray Research)
<LI>Terry Stouch (Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, formerly at Bristol Myers Squibb)