<PRE> vx,vy,vz,fx,fy,fz = atom attribute (velocity, force component)
density/number, density/mass = number or mass density
temp = temperature
c_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID[I] = Ith column of per-atom array calculated by a compute with ID
f_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID[I] = Ith column of per-atom array calculated by a fix with ID
v_name = per-atom vector calculated by an atom-style variable with name
<LI>zero or more keyword/arg pairs may be appended
<LI>keyword = <I>norm</I> or <I>ave</I> or <I>bias</I> or <I>adof</I> or <I>cdof</I> or <I>file</I> or <I>overwrite</I> or <I>title1</I> or <I>title2</I> or <I>title3</I>
<PRE><I>norm</I> arg = <I>all</I> or <I>sample</I> or <I>none</I> = how output on <I>Nfreq</I> steps is normalized
all = output is sum of atoms across all <I>Nrepeat</I> samples, divided by atom count
sample = output is sum of <I>Nrepeat</I> sample averages, divided by <I>Nrepeat</I>
none = output is sum of <I>Nrepeat</I> sums, divided by <I>Nrepeat</I>
<I>ave</I> args = <I>one</I> or <I>running</I> or <I>window M</I>
one = output new average value every Nfreq steps
running = output cumulative average of all previous Nfreq steps
window M = output average of M most recent Nfreq steps
<I>bias</I> arg = bias-ID
bias-ID = ID of a temperature compute that removes a velocity bias for temperature calculation
<I>adof</I> value = dof_per_atom
dof_per_atom = define this many degrees-of-freedom per atom for temperature calculation
<I>cdof</I> value = dof_per_chunk
dof_per_chunk = define this many degrees-of-freedom per chunk for temperature calculation
<I>file</I> arg = filename
filename = file to write results to
<I>overwrite</I> arg = none = overwrite output file with only latest output
<I>title1</I> arg = string
string = text to print as 1st line of output file
<I>title2</I> arg = string
string = text to print as 2nd line of output file
<I>title3</I> arg = string
string = text to print as 3rd line of output file
<PRE>fix 1 all ave/chunk 10000 1 10000 binchunk c_myCentro title1 "My output values"