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* @class PhysicsModel
* @brief An adaptor for the FE_Engine of the specific weak form of
* the continuum PDE for the FE_Engine.
* It is assumed that the PDE fits this template:
// included headers
#include <map>
#include "Array2D.h"
#include "MatrixLibrary.h"
#include "ATC_Error.h"
#include "Material.h"
#include "ATC_TypeDefs.h"
#include "StringManip.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ATC_STRING;
namespace ATC
// Forward declarations
class ATC_Transfer;
class PhysicsModel
// constructor
PhysicsModel(string fileName,
ATC_Transfer * atcTransfer)
: atcTransfer_(atcTransfer)
// destructor
virtual ~PhysicsModel()
vector< Material* >::iterator iter;
for (iter = materials_.begin(); iter != materials_.end(); iter++) {
Material * mat = *iter;
if (mat) delete mat;
/** parse material file */
void parse_material_file(string fileName)
vector< Material* >::iterator iter;
for (iter = materials_.begin(); iter != materials_.end(); iter++) {
Material * mat = *iter;
if (mat) delete mat;
fstream fileId(fileName.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if (!fileId.is_open()) throw ATC_Error(0,"cannot open material file");
vector<string> line;
int index = 0;
while(fileId.good()) {
get_command_line(fileId, line);
if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == "#") continue;
if (line[0] == "material") {
string tag = line[1];
Material * mat = new Material(tag,fileId);
materialNameToIndexMap_[tag] = index++;
if (int(materials_.size()) == 0) {
throw ATC_Error(0,"No materials were defined"); }
cout << " ATC:: " << int(materials_.size()) << " materials defined\n";
/** initialize */
virtual void initialize(void) = 0;
// set timescale parameters based on a given lengthscale
virtual void set_timescales(const double lengthscale) {};
/** access number of materials */
int get_nMaterials(void) const
return materials_.size();
/** access material index from name */
int material_index(const string & name) const
string tag = name;
to_lower(tag); // this is an artifact of StringManip parsing
map<string,int>::const_iterator iter;
iter = materialNameToIndexMap_.find(tag);
if (iter == materialNameToIndexMap_.end()) {
throw ATC_Error(0,"No material named "+name+" found");
int index = iter->second;
return index;
/** access to parameter values */
bool parameter_value(const string& name, double& value,
const int imat = 0) const
// search owned parameters
value = 0.0;
map<string,double>::const_iterator it = parameterValues_.find(name);
if (it != parameterValues_.end()) {
value = it->second;
return true;
// interogate material models
bool found = materials_[imat]->get_parameter(name,value);
return found;
/** return fields ids and length */
virtual void get_num_fields(map<FieldName,int> & fieldSizes,
Array2D<bool> & fieldMask) const = 0;
/** is the material model linear */
virtual bool is_linear(FieldName name) {
vector< Material* >::iterator iter;
for (iter = materials_.begin(); iter != materials_.end(); iter++) {
Material * mat = *iter;
bool linear = mat->linear_flux(name)
&& mat->linear_source(name)
&& mat->constant_density(name);
if (! linear) return linear;
return true;
/** is rhs linear */
virtual bool has_linear_rhs(FieldName name) {
vector< Material* >::iterator iter;
for (iter = materials_.begin(); iter != materials_.end(); iter++) {
Material * mat = *iter;
bool constant = mat->linear_flux(name) && mat->linear_source(name);
if (! constant) return constant;
return true;
/** is mass matrix constant */
virtual bool has_constant_mass(FieldName name) {
vector< Material* >::iterator iter;
for (iter = materials_.begin(); iter != materials_.end(); iter++) {
Material * mat = *iter;
bool constant = mat->constant_density(name);
if (! constant) return constant;
return true;
/** energy or other preserved quantity */
virtual void E_integrand(const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const GRAD_FIELDS &grad_fields,
FIELDS &capacity,
const int matIndex = 0) const
throw ATC_Error(0,"E_integrand not implemented for this PhysicsModel");
/** heat/momentum/energy/mass capacity used in the LHS mass matrix */
virtual void M_integrand(const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
FIELDS &capacity,
const int matIndex = 0) const
throw ATC_Error(0,"M_integrand not implemented for this PhysicsModel");
// flux that is integrated with N as its weight
virtual void N_integrand(const Array2D<bool> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const GRAD_FIELDS &grad_fields,
FIELDS &flux,
const int matIndex = 0) const
throw ATC_Error(0,"N_integrand not implemented for this PhysicsModel");
/** flux that is integrated with Grad N as its weight */
virtual void B_integrand(const Array2D<bool> & mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const GRAD_FIELDS &grad_fields,
const int matIndex = 0) const
throw ATC_Error(0,"B_integrand not implemented for this PhysicsModel");
/** has a integrand for the N weighted integral */
virtual bool has_N_integrand() const { return false; }
/** has a integrand for the B=grad_x N weighted integral */
virtual bool has_B_integrand() const { return false; }
/** associated ATC Transfer object */
ATC_Transfer * atcTransfer_;
// parameter values
map<string, double> parameterValues_;
// material models
vector<Material *> materials_;
map<string,int> materialNameToIndexMap_;

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