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# endif
# include <cmath>
# include <complex>
# include <functional>
# include "cvector_3.h"
using namespace std;
/** @file wpmd.h
@brief Classes to handle Gaussian Wave Packets. */
// Constants
const double MIN_EXP_ARG = -15.; // Minimum noticeable argument for exp function
class WavePacket;
///\en Template for v=der operation in \ref Wavepacket::int2phys_der()
template<class Type>
struct eq_second : public binary_function <Type, Type, Type> {
Type operator()(const Type& _Left, const Type& _Right) const{
return _Right;
///\en Template for v=-der operation in \ref Wavepacket::int2phys_der()
template<class Type>
struct eq_minus_second : public binary_function <Type, Type, Type> {
Type operator()(const Type& _Left, const Type& _Right) const{
return -_Right;
///\en Compares complex numbers on a per component basis.
/// \return \retval 0 if all component differences are 0 within tolerance \a tol (EQUAL),
/// \retval -1 for LESS
/// \retval 2 for GREATER
template< class CT >
int compare_compl(const CT &a, const CT& b, double tol=0.){
double dd=real(a)-real(b);
return -1;
return 1;
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
///\en Compares vectors on a per component basis.
/// \return \retval 0 if all component differences are 0 within tolerance \a tol (EQUAL),
/// \retval -1 for LESS
/// \retval 2 for GREATER
inline int compare_vec(const Vector_3 &a, const Vector_3& b, double tol=0.){
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
double dd=a[i]-b[i];
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
/// wavepacket is w(x)=exp(-a*x^2+b*x+lz)
class WavePacket{
/// constructs a conjugate packet
friend WavePacket conj(const WavePacket &wp);
cdouble a;
cVector_3 b;
cdouble lz;
WavePacket(const cdouble &sa=cdouble(1.,0.),const cVector_3 &sb=cVector_3(0.,0.), const cdouble &slz=0.): a(sa), b(sb), lz(slz){
WavePacket operator*(const WavePacket& other) const {
return WavePacket(a+other.a,b+other.b,lz+other.lz);
/// returns the integral of w(x) over 3D space
cdouble integral() const {
cdouble z = lz + b.norm2()/(4.*a);
if(real(z) < MIN_EXP_ARG) return 0.;
return pow(M_PI/a,3./2.)*exp(z);
/// init normalized packet with physical parameters: r0, p0, width, pw
/// w(x)=(3/2pi width^(3/4)exp[-(3/(4 width^2)-i pw/(2*width) )(x-r)^2+i p (x-r)]
void init(const double width=1., const Vector_3 &r=0., const Vector_3 &p=0., const double pw=0.){
a = (3./(2.*width) - cdouble(0.,1.)*pw)/(2.*width);
b = (2.*a)*r + cdouble(0.,1.)*p;
lz = log(3./(2.*M_PI*width*width))*(3./4.) + (-a*r.norm2() - cdouble(0.,1.)*(p*r));
/// init normalized packet with complex parameters a and b
/// w(x)=(3/2pi width^(3/4)exp[-(3/(4 width^2)-i pw/(2*width) )(x-r)^2+i p (x-r)]
void init(const cdouble &a_, const cVector_3 &b_){
a = a_;
b = b_;
Vector_3 r = get_r();
double r2 = r.norm2();
lz = cdouble( log( real(a)*(2./M_PI) )*(3./4.) - r2*real(a), r2*imag(a) - r*imag(b) );
cdouble operator()(const Vector_3 &x) const {
return exp(lz - a*x.norm2() + b*x);
/// ajusts lz so that Integral[w*(conj(w))] is 1 after this operation
WavePacket& normalize(){
Vector_3 r = get_r();
double r2 = r.norm2();
lz = cdouble( log( real(a)*(2./M_PI) )*(3./4.) - r2*real(a), r2*imag(a) - r*imag(b) );
return *this;
/// computes 3D overlap of wavepackets Inegral[w*other]
cdouble overlap(const WavePacket &other) const{
WavePacket wp=(*this)*other;
return wp.integral();
/// returns translated packet to the position of r'=r+dr
WavePacket translate(const Vector_3 &dr) const {
WavePacket wp(a,b,lz);
Vector_3 r=get_r();
double dr2=(r+dr).norm2()-r.norm2();
return wp;
/// width
double get_width() const{
return sqrt(3./4./real(a));
/// width momentum
double get_pwidth() const{
return -imag(a)*sqrt(3./real(a));
/// both width and width momentum
pair<double,double> get_width_pars() const{
double c=sqrt(3./2./real(a));
return make_pair(c/2,-imag(a)*c);
/// position
Vector_3 get_r() const {
return real(b)/(2*real(a));
/// momentum
Vector_3 get_p() const {
return imag(b) - real(b)*(imag(a)/real(a));
///\en Transforms derivatives of a function whith respect to WP parameters
/// from internal into physical representation, i. e.:\n
/// from df/d{are,aim,b0re,b0im,b1re,b1im,b2re,b2im} (8 values accessed by input iterator d_it in the given order)\n
/// to df/d{x0,x1,x2}, df/d{p0,p1,p2}, df/dw, df/dpw
/// The supplied inputs (val) are modified by op: val=op(val,phys_der).
/// Use operation=eq_second for the supplied inputs to be replaced by new physical derivative values.
/// The inpput and output locations may coinside, an internal buffer is used for transformation.
template<template<class A> class operation, class d_it, class dfdx_it, class dfdp_it, class dfdw_it, class dfdpw_it>
void int2phys_der(d_it dfdi_,dfdx_it dfdx, dfdp_it dfdp, dfdw_it dfdw, dfdpw_it dfdpw, double h_p=h_plank) const {
operation<double> op;
double dfdi[8], dfn[8];// internal buffer
for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
double w=get_width();
Vector_3 r=get_r();
double t=3/(2*w*w*w);
dfn[6]= -t*dfdi[0]-imag(a)*dfdi[1]/w; //dw
dfn[7]=-dfdi[1]/(2*w*h_p); // dpw
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
dfn[i]= 2*real(a)*dfdi[2+2*i]+2*imag(a)*dfdi[2+2*i+1];
dfn[3+i]= dfdi[2+2*i+1]*(/*m_electron*/1./h_p) ; //*(h_plank/m_electron);
int i=0;
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
///\en Compares the wave packet to another on a per component basis.
/// \return \retval 0 if all component differences are 0 within tolerance \a tol (EQUAL),
/// \retval -1 for LESS
/// \retval 2 for GREATER
int compare(const WavePacket &other, double tol=0.) const {
int res=compare_compl(a,other.a, tol);
return res;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
return res;
return 0;
#if 0
double w=wk.get_width();
Vector_3 r=wk.get_r();
double t=3/(2*w*w*w);
fe_w[ic1+k1]+= t*E_der[s1][indw1+8*k1]+imag(wk.a)*E_der[s1][indw1+8*k1+1]/w;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
fe_x[ic1+k1][i]+= -2*real(wk.a)*E_der[s1][indw1+8*k1+2+2*i]-2*imag(wk.a)*E_der[s1][indw1+8*k1+2+2*i+1];
fe_p[ic1+k1][i]+= (-E_der[s1][indw1+8*k1+2+2*i+1])*(m_electron/h_plank); //*(h_plank/m_electron);
/// constructs a conjugate packet
inline WavePacket conj(const WavePacket &wp){
return WavePacket(conj(wp.a),conj(wp.b),conj(wp.lz));
# endif // WAVEPACKET_H

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