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File Metadata

Mon, Oct 14, 08:15


#include "common.h"
#include "BackEnd.h"
#include "InfoStream.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include "Molecule.h"
#include "PDB.h"
#include "PDBData.h"
#include "ReductionMgr.h"
#include "colvarmodule.h"
#include "colvaratoms.h"
#include "colvarproxy.h"
#include "colvarproxy_namd.h"
first_timestep = true;
system_force_requested = false;
// initialize pointers to NAMD configuration data
simparams = Node::Object()->simParameters;
lattice = &(simparams->lattice);
if (cvm::debug())
iout << "Info: initializing the colvars proxy object.\n" << endi;
// find the configuration file
StringList *config = Node::Object()->configList->find ("colvarsConfig");
if (!config)
NAMD_die ("No configuration file for collective variables: exiting.\n");
// find the input state file
StringList *input_restart = Node::Object()->configList->find ("colvarsInput");
input_prefix_str = std::string (input_restart ? input_restart->data : "");
if (input_prefix_str.rfind (".colvars.state") != std::string::npos) {
// strip the extension, if present
input_prefix_str.erase (input_prefix_str.rfind (".colvars.state"),
std::string (".colvars.state").size());
// get the thermostat temperature
if (simparams->rescaleFreq > 0)
thermostat_temperature = simparams->rescaleTemp;
else if (simparams->reassignFreq > 0)
thermostat_temperature = simparams->reassignTemp;
else if (simparams->langevinOn)
thermostat_temperature = simparams->langevinTemp;
else if (simparams->tCoupleOn)
thermostat_temperature = simparams->tCoupleTemp;
//else if (simparams->loweAndersenOn)
// thermostat_temperature = simparams->loweAndersenTemp;
thermostat_temperature = 0.0;
random = Random (simparams->randomSeed);
// take the output prefixes from the namd input
output_prefix_str = std::string (simparams->outputFilename);
restart_output_prefix_str = std::string (simparams->restartFilename);
restart_frequency_s = simparams->restartFrequency;
// initiate the colvarmodule, this object will be the communication
// proxy
colvars = new colvarmodule (config->data, this);
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log ("colvars_atoms = "+cvm::to_str (colvars_atoms)+"\n");
cvm::log ("colvars_atoms_ncopies = "+cvm::to_str (colvars_atoms_ncopies)+"\n");
cvm::log ("positions = "+cvm::to_str (positions)+"\n");
cvm::log ("total_forces = "+cvm::to_str (total_forces)+"\n");
cvm::log ("applied_forces = "+cvm::to_str (applied_forces)+"\n");
cvm::log (cvm::line_marker);
// Initialize reduction object to submit restraint energy as MISC
reduction = ReductionMgr::Object()->willSubmit(REDUCTIONS_BASIC);
if (cvm::debug())
iout << "Info: done initializing the colvars proxy object.\n" << endi;
delete reduction;
if (colvars != NULL) {
delete colvars;
colvars = NULL;
// Reimplemented function from GlobalMaster
void colvarproxy_namd::calculate()
if (first_timestep) {
first_timestep = false;
} else {
// Use the time step number inherited from GlobalMaster
if ( step - previous_NAMD_step == 1 ) {
// Other cases could mean:
// - run 0
// - beginning of a new run statement
// then the internal counter should not be incremented
previous_NAMD_step = step;
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log (cvm::line_marker+
"colvarproxy_namd, step no. "+cvm::to_str (colvars->it)+"\n"+
"Updating internal data.\n");
// must delete the forces applied at the previous step: they have
// already been used and copied to other memory locations
modifyForcedAtoms().resize (0);
modifyAppliedForces().resize (0);
// prepare the local arrays to contain the sorted copies of the NAMD
// arrays
for (size_t i = 0; i < colvars_atoms.size(); i++) {
positions[i] = cvm::rvector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
total_forces[i] = cvm::rvector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
applied_forces[i] = cvm::rvector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// sort the positions array
for (size_t i = 0; i < colvars_atoms.size(); i++) {
bool found_position = false;
AtomIDList::const_iterator a_i = this->getAtomIdBegin();
AtomIDList::const_iterator a_e = this->getAtomIdEnd();
PositionList::const_iterator p_i = this->getAtomPositionBegin();
for ( ; a_i != a_e; ++a_i, ++p_i ) {
if ( *a_i == colvars_atoms[i] ) {
found_position = true;
Position const &namd_pos = *p_i;
positions[i] = cvm::rvector (namd_pos.x, namd_pos.y, namd_pos.z);
if (!found_position)
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: cannot find the position of atom "+
cvm::to_str (colvars_atoms[i]+1)+"\n");
if (system_force_requested && cvm::step_relative() > 0) {
// sort the array of total forces from the previous step (but only
// do it if there *is* a previous step!)
for (size_t i = 0; i < colvars_atoms.size(); i++) {
bool found_total_force = false;
//found_total_force = false;
AtomIDList::const_iterator a_i = this->getForceIdBegin();
AtomIDList::const_iterator a_e = this->getForceIdEnd();
PositionList::const_iterator f_i = this->getTotalForce();
for ( ; a_i != a_e; ++a_i, ++f_i ) {
if ( *a_i == colvars_atoms[i] ) {
found_total_force = true;
Vector const &namd_force = *f_i;
total_forces[i] = cvm::rvector (namd_force.x, namd_force.y, namd_force.z);
// if (cvm::debug())
// cvm::log ("Found the total force of atom "+
// cvm::to_str (colvars_atoms[i]+1)+", which is "+
// cvm::to_str (total_forces[i])+".\n");
if (!found_total_force)
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: system forces were requested, but total force on atom "+
cvm::to_str (colvars_atoms[i]+1) + " was not\n"
"found. The most probable cause is combination of energy minimization with a\n"
"biasing method that requires MD (e.g. ABF). Always run minimization\n"
"and ABF separately.");
// do the same for applied forces
for (size_t i = 0; i < colvars_atoms.size(); i++) {
AtomIDList::const_iterator a_i = this->getLastAtomsForcedBegin();
AtomIDList::const_iterator a_e = this->getLastAtomsForcedEnd();
PositionList::const_iterator f_i = this->getLastForcesBegin();
for ( ; a_i != a_e; ++a_i, ++f_i ) {
if ( *a_i == colvars_atoms[i] ) {
Vector const &namd_force = *f_i;
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log ("Found a force applied to atom "+
cvm::to_str (colvars_atoms[i]+1)+": "+
cvm::to_str (cvm::rvector (namd_force.x, namd_force.y, namd_force.z))+
"; current total is "+
cvm::to_str (applied_forces[i])+".\n");
applied_forces[i] += cvm::rvector (namd_force.x, namd_force.y, namd_force.z);
// call the collective variable module
// send MISC energy
// NAMD does not destruct GlobalMaster objects, so we must remember
// to write all output files at the end of the run
if (step == simparams->N) {
void colvarproxy_namd::add_energy (cvm::real energy)
reduction->item(REDUCTION_MISC_ENERGY) += energy;
void colvarproxy_namd::request_system_force (bool yesno)
system_force_requested = yesno;
void colvarproxy_namd::log (std::string const &message)
std::istringstream is (message);
std::string line;
while (std::getline (is, line))
iout << "colvars: " << line << "\n";
iout << endi;
void colvarproxy_namd::fatal_error (std::string const &message)
cvm::log (message);
if (!cvm::debug())
cvm::log ("If this error message is unclear, "
"try recompiling with -DCOLVARS_DEBUG.\n");
NAMD_die ("Error in the collective variables module: exiting.\n");
void colvarproxy_namd::exit (std::string const &message)
cvm::log (message);
enum e_pdb_field {
e_pdb_field pdb_field_str2enum (std::string const &pdb_field_str)
e_pdb_field pdb_field = e_pdb_none;
if (colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr (pdb_field_str) ==
colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr ("O")) {
pdb_field = e_pdb_occ;
if (colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr (pdb_field_str) ==
colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr ("B")) {
pdb_field = e_pdb_beta;
if (colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr (pdb_field_str) ==
colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr ("X")) {
pdb_field = e_pdb_x;
if (colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr (pdb_field_str) ==
colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr ("Y")) {
pdb_field = e_pdb_y;
if (colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr (pdb_field_str) ==
colvarparse::to_lower_cppstr ("Z")) {
pdb_field = e_pdb_z;
if (pdb_field == e_pdb_none) {
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: unsupported PDB field, \""+
return pdb_field;
void colvarproxy_namd::load_coords (char const *pdb_filename,
std::vector<cvm::atom_pos> &pos,
const std::vector<int> &indices,
std::string const pdb_field_str,
double const pdb_field_value)
if (pdb_field_str.size() == 0 && indices.size() == 0) {
cvm::fatal_error ("Bug alert: either PDB field should be defined or list of "
"atom IDs should be available when loading atom coordinates!\n");
e_pdb_field pdb_field_index;
bool const use_pdb_field = (pdb_field_str.size() > 0);
if (use_pdb_field) {
pdb_field_index = pdb_field_str2enum (pdb_field_str);
// next index to be looked up in PDB file (if list is supplied)
std::vector<int>::const_iterator current_index = indices.begin();
PDB *pdb = new PDB (pdb_filename);
size_t const pdb_natoms = pdb->num_atoms();
if (pos.size() != pdb_natoms) {
bool const pos_allocated = (pos.size() > 0);
size_t ipos = 0, ipdb = 0;
for ( ; ipdb < pdb_natoms; ipdb++) {
if (use_pdb_field) {
// PDB field mode: skip atoms with wrong value in PDB field
double atom_pdb_field_value = 0.0;
switch (pdb_field_index) {
case e_pdb_occ:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->occupancy();
case e_pdb_beta:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->temperaturefactor();
case e_pdb_x:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->xcoor();
case e_pdb_y:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->ycoor();
case e_pdb_z:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->zcoor();
if ( (pdb_field_value) &&
(atom_pdb_field_value != pdb_field_value) ) {
} else if (atom_pdb_field_value == 0.0) {
} else {
// Atom ID mode: use predefined atom IDs from the atom group
if (ipdb != *current_index) {
// Skip atoms not in the list
} else {
if (!pos_allocated) {
pos.push_back (cvm::atom_pos (0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
} else if (ipos >= pos.size()) {
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: the PDB file \""+
std::string (pdb_filename)+
"\" contains coordinates for "
"more atoms than needed.\n");
pos[ipos] = cvm::atom_pos ((pdb->atom (ipdb))->xcoor(),
(pdb->atom (ipdb))->ycoor(),
(pdb->atom (ipdb))->zcoor());
if (!use_pdb_field && current_index == indices.end())
if (ipos < pos.size())
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: the PDB file \""+
std::string (pdb_filename)+
"\" contains coordinates for only "+
cvm::to_str (ipos)+
" atoms, but "+cvm::to_str (pos.size())+
" are needed.\n");
if (current_index != indices.end())
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: not all atoms found in PDB file.\n");
} else {
// when the PDB contains exactly the number of atoms of the array,
// ignore the fields and just read coordinates
for (size_t ia = 0; ia < pos.size(); ia++) {
pos[ia] = cvm::atom_pos ((pdb->atom (ia))->xcoor(),
(pdb->atom (ia))->ycoor(),
(pdb->atom (ia))->zcoor());
delete pdb;
void colvarproxy_namd::load_atoms (char const *pdb_filename,
std::vector<cvm::atom> &atoms,
std::string const pdb_field_str,
double const pdb_field_value)
if (pdb_field_str.size() == 0)
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: must define which PDB field to use "
"in order to define atoms from a PDB file.\n");
PDB *pdb = new PDB (pdb_filename);
size_t const pdb_natoms = pdb->num_atoms();
e_pdb_field pdb_field_index = pdb_field_str2enum (pdb_field_str);
for (size_t ipdb = 0; ipdb < pdb_natoms; ipdb++) {
double atom_pdb_field_value = 0.0;
switch (pdb_field_index) {
case e_pdb_occ:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->occupancy();
case e_pdb_beta:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->temperaturefactor();
case e_pdb_x:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->xcoor();
case e_pdb_y:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->ycoor();
case e_pdb_z:
atom_pdb_field_value = (pdb->atom (ipdb))->zcoor();
if ( (pdb_field_value) &&
(atom_pdb_field_value != pdb_field_value) ) {
} else if (atom_pdb_field_value == 0.0) {
atoms.push_back (cvm::atom (ipdb+1));
delete pdb;
void colvarproxy_namd::backup_file (char const *filename)
if (std::string (filename).rfind (std::string (".colvars.state")) != std::string::npos) {
NAMD_backup_file (filename, ".old");
} else {
NAMD_backup_file (filename, ".BAK");
size_t colvarproxy_namd::init_namd_atom (AtomID const &aid)
modifyRequestedAtoms().add (aid);
for (size_t i = 0; i < colvars_atoms.size(); i++) {
if (colvars_atoms[i] == aid) {
// this atom id was already recorded
colvars_atoms_ncopies[i] += 1;
return i;
// allocate a new slot for this atom
colvars_atoms_ncopies.push_back (1);
colvars_atoms.push_back (aid);
positions.push_back (cvm::rvector());
total_forces.push_back (cvm::rvector());
applied_forces.push_back (cvm::rvector());
return (colvars_atoms.size()-1);
// atom member functions, NAMD specific implementations
cvm::atom::atom (int const &atom_number)
// NAMD internal numbering starts from zero
AtomID const aid (atom_number-1);
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log ("Adding atom "+cvm::to_str (aid+1)+
" for collective variables calculation.\n");
if ( (aid < 0) || (aid >= Node::Object()->molecule->numAtoms) )
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: invalid atom number specified, "+
cvm::to_str (atom_number)+"\n");
this->index = ((colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy)->init_namd_atom (aid);
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log ("The index of this atom in the colvarproxy_namd arrays is "+
cvm::to_str (this->index)+".\n");
this->id = aid;
this->mass = Node::Object()->molecule->atommass (aid);
/// For AMBER topologies, the segment id is automatically set to
/// "MAIN" (the segment id assigned by NAMD's AMBER topology parser),
/// and is therefore optional when an AMBER topology is used
cvm::atom::atom (cvm::residue_id const &residue,
std::string const &atom_name,
std::string const &segment_id)
AtomID const aid =
(segment_id.size() ?
Node::Object()->molecule->get_atom_from_name (segment_id.c_str(),
atom_name.c_str()) :
Node::Object()->molecule->get_atom_from_name ("MAIN",
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log ("Adding atom \""+
atom_name+"\" in residue "+
cvm::to_str (residue)+
" (index "+cvm::to_str (aid)+
") for collective variables calculation.\n");
if (aid < 0) {
// get_atom_from_name() has returned an error value
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: could not find atom \""+
atom_name+"\" in residue "+
cvm::to_str (residue)+
( (segment_id != "MAIN") ?
(", segment \""+segment_id+"\"") :
("") )+
this->index = ((colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy)->init_namd_atom (aid);
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log ("The index of this atom in the colvarproxy_namd arrays is "+
cvm::to_str (this->index)+".\n");
this->id = aid;
this->mass = Node::Object()->molecule->atommass (aid);
// copy constructor
cvm::atom::atom (cvm::atom const &a)
: index (a.index), id (, mass (a.mass)
// init_namd_atom() has already been called by a's constructor, no
// need to call it again
// need to increment the counter anyway
colvarproxy_namd *gm = (colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy;
gm->colvars_atoms_ncopies[this->index] += 1;
colvarproxy_namd *gm = (colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy;
if (gm->colvars_atoms_ncopies[this->index] > 0)
gm->colvars_atoms_ncopies[this->index] -= 1;
void cvm::atom::read_position()
colvarproxy_namd const * const gm = (colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy;
this->pos = gm->positions[this->index];
void cvm::atom::read_velocity()
cvm::fatal_error ("Error: NAMD does not have yet a way to communicate "
"atom velocities to the colvars.\n");
void cvm::atom::read_system_force()
colvarproxy_namd const * const gm = (colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy;
this->system_force = gm->total_forces[this->index] - gm->applied_forces[this->index];
void cvm::atom::apply_force (cvm::rvector const &new_force)
colvarproxy_namd *gm = (colvarproxy_namd *) cvm::proxy;
gm->modifyForcedAtoms().add (this->id);
gm->modifyAppliedForces().add (Vector (new_force.x, new_force.y, new_force.z));

Event Timeline