Voro++ example directory
These directories contain example programs that make use of the Voro++ code, and they are divided into six sections:
basic - this contains several simple scripts that introduce this basic classes and carry out simple operations, such as constructing a single cell, or making a Voronoi tessellation for a small number of a random particles in a box.
walls - these programs demonstrate the use of wall objects, to calculate the Voronoi cells in non-standard geometries.
custom - these programs demonstrate how to customize the output of the library to contain a variety of different statistics about the computed Voronoi cells. The radical tessellation for a polydisperse packing of particles is also demonstrated.
interface - these programs demonstrate features of the library's C++ interface.
extra - this contains miscellaneous additional applications of the library for non-standard usage. It also includes an example of using a wall object to approximately deal with a case of an irregular boundary.
degenerate - these codes demonstrate cases when "degenerate" vertices of order bigger than 3 are created, when the cutting planes are aligned to existing vertices within the numerical tolerance.
timing - these programs and scripts can be used to test the performance of the code under different configurations.