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PuReMD - Purdue ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Program
Copyright (2010) Purdue University
Hasan Metin Aktulga,
Joseph Fogarty,
Sagar Pandit,
Ananth Y Grama,
Please cite the related publication:
H. M. Aktulga, J. C. Fogarty, S. A. Pandit, A. Y. Grama,
"Parallel Reactive Molecular Dynamics: Numerical Methods and
Algorithmic Techniques", Parallel Computing, in press.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details:
#include "pair_reax_c.h"
#include "reaxc_traj.h"
#include "reaxc_list.h"
#include "reaxc_tool_box.h"
int Reallocate_Output_Buffer( output_controls *out_control, int req_space,
MPI_Comm comm )
if( out_control->buffer_len > 0 )
free( out_control->buffer );
out_control->buffer_len = (int)(req_space*SAFE_ZONE);
out_control->buffer = (char*) malloc(out_control->buffer_len*sizeof(char));
if( out_control->buffer == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"insufficient memory for required buffer size %d. terminating!\n",
(int) (req_space*SAFE_ZONE) );
return SUCCESS;
void Write_Skip_Line( output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data,
int my_rank, int skip, int num_section )
if( my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
fprintf( out_control->strj, INT2_LINE,
"chars_to_skip_section:", skip, num_section );
int Write_Header( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int num_hdr_lines, my_hdr_lines, buffer_req;
char ensembles[ens_N][25] = { "NVE", "NVT", "fully flexible NPT",
"semi isotropic NPT", "isotropic NPT" };
char reposition[3][25] = { "fit to periodic box", "CoM to center of box",
"CoM to origin" };
char t_regime[3][25] = { "T-coupling only", "step-wise", "constant slope" };
char traj_methods[TF_N][10] = { "custom", "xyz" };
char atom_formats[8][40] = { "none", "invalid", "invalid", "invalid",
"detailed_atom_info" };
char bond_formats[3][30] = { "none",
"detailed_bond_info" };
char angle_formats[2][30] = { "none", "basic_angle_info" };
/* set header lengths */
num_hdr_lines = NUM_HEADER_LINES;
my_hdr_lines = num_hdr_lines * ( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE );
buffer_req = my_hdr_lines * HEADER_LINE_LEN;
if( buffer_req > out_control->buffer_len * DANGER_ZONE )
Reallocate_Output_Buffer( out_control, buffer_req, mpi_data->world );
/* only the master node writes into trajectory header */
if( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE ) {
/* clear the contents of line & buffer */
out_control->line[0] = 0;
out_control->buffer[0] = 0;
/* to skip the header */
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "chars_to_skip_header:",
(num_hdr_lines-1) * HEADER_LINE_LEN );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* general simulation info */
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "simulation_name:",
out_control->traj_title );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, BIGINT_LINE, "number_of_atoms:", system->bigN );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "ensemble_type:",
ensembles[ control->ensemble ] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "number_of_steps:",
control->nsteps );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "timestep_length_(in_fs):",
control->dt * 1000 );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* restart info */
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "is_this_a_restart?:",
(control->restart ? "yes" : "no") );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "write_restart_files?:",
((out_control->restart_freq > 0) ? "yes" : "no") );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "frequency_to_write_restarts:",
out_control->restart_freq );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* preferences */
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "tabulate_long_range_intrs?:",
(control->tabulate ? "yes" : "no") );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "table_size:", control->tabulate );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "restrict_bonds?:",
(control->restrict_bonds ? "yes" : "no") );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "bond_restriction_length:",
control->restrict_bonds );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "reposition_atoms?:",
reposition[control->reposition_atoms] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "remove_CoM_velocity?:",
(control->ensemble==NVE) ? 0 : control->remove_CoM_vel);
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* cut-off values */
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "bonded_intr_dist_cutoff:",
control->bond_cut );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "nonbonded_intr_dist_cutoff:",
control->nonb_cut );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "hbond_dist_cutoff:",
control->hbond_cut );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "reax_bond_threshold:",
control->bo_cut );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "physical_bond_threshold:",
control->bg_cut );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "valence_angle_threshold:",
control->thb_cut );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, SCI_LINE, "QEq_tolerance:", control->q_err );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* temperature controls */
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "initial_temperature:",
control->T_init );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "target_temperature:",
control->T_final );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "thermal_inertia:",
control->Tau_T );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "temperature_regime:",
t_regime[ control->T_mode ] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "temperature_change_rate_(K/ps):",
control->T_rate / control->T_freq );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* pressure controls */
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL3_LINE, "target_pressure_(GPa):",
control->P[0], control->P[1], control->P[2] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL3_LINE, "virial_inertia:",
control->Tau_P[0], control->Tau_P[1], control->Tau_P[2] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* trajectory */
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "energy_dumping_freq:",
out_control->energy_update_freq );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "trajectory_dumping_freq:",
out_control->write_steps );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "compress_trajectory_output?:",
(out_control->traj_compress ? "yes" : "no") );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "trajectory_format:",
traj_methods[ out_control->traj_method ] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "atom_info:",
atom_formats[ out_control->atom_info ] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "bond_info:",
bond_formats[ out_control->bond_info ] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "angle_info:",
angle_formats[ out_control->angle_info ] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* analysis */
//sprintf( out_control->line, STR_LINE, "molecular_analysis:",
// (control->molec_anal ? "yes" : "no") );
//strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "molecular_analysis_frequency:",
control->molecular_analysis );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* dump out the buffer */
if( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
fprintf( out_control->strj, "%s", out_control->buffer );
return SUCCESS;
int Write_Init_Desc( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, me, np, cnt, buffer_len, buffer_req;
reax_atom *p_atom;
MPI_Status status;
me = system->my_rank;
np = system->wsize;
/* skip info */
Write_Skip_Line( out_control, mpi_data, me,
system->bigN * INIT_DESC_LEN, system->bigN );
if( out_control->traj_method == REG_TRAJ && me == MASTER_NODE )
buffer_req = system->bigN * INIT_DESC_LEN + 1;
else buffer_req = system->n * INIT_DESC_LEN + 1;
if( buffer_req > out_control->buffer_len * DANGER_ZONE )
Reallocate_Output_Buffer( out_control, buffer_req, mpi_data->world );
out_control->line[0] = 0;
out_control->buffer[0] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i ) {
p_atom = &( system->my_atoms[i] );
sprintf( out_control->line, INIT_DESC,
p_atom->orig_id, p_atom->type, p_atom->name,
system->reax_param.sbp[ p_atom->type ].mass );
strncpy( out_control->buffer + i*INIT_DESC_LEN,
out_control->line, INIT_DESC_LEN+1 );
if( me != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Send( out_control->buffer, buffer_req-1, MPI_CHAR, MASTER_NODE,
np * INIT_DESCS + me, mpi_data->world );
buffer_len = system->n * INIT_DESC_LEN;
for( i = 0; i < np; ++i )
if( i != MASTER_NODE ) {
MPI_Recv( out_control->buffer + buffer_len, buffer_req - buffer_len,
MPI_CHAR, i, np*INIT_DESCS+i, mpi_data->world, &status );
MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &cnt );
buffer_len += cnt;
out_control->buffer[buffer_len] = 0;
fprintf( out_control->strj, "%s", out_control->buffer );
return SUCCESS;
int Init_Traj( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data,
char *msg )
char fname[MAX_STR];
int atom_line_len[ NR_OPT_ATOM ] = { 0, 0, 0, 0,
int bond_line_len[ NR_OPT_BOND ] = { 0, BOND_BASIC_LEN, BOND_FULL_LEN };
int angle_line_len[ NR_OPT_ANGLE ] = { 0, ANGLE_BASIC_LEN };
/* generate trajectory name */
sprintf( fname, "%s.trj", control->sim_name );
/* how should I write atoms? */
out_control->atom_line_len = atom_line_len[ out_control->atom_info ];
out_control->write_atoms = ( out_control->atom_line_len ? 1 : 0 );
/* bonds? */
out_control->bond_line_len = bond_line_len[ out_control->bond_info ];
out_control->write_bonds = ( out_control->bond_line_len ? 1 : 0 );
/* angles? */
out_control->angle_line_len = angle_line_len[ out_control->angle_info ];
out_control->write_angles = ( out_control->angle_line_len ? 1 : 0 );
/* allocate line & buffer space */
out_control->line = (char*) calloc( MAX_TRJ_LINE_LEN + 1, sizeof(char) );
out_control->buffer_len = 0;
out_control->buffer = NULL;
/* write trajectory header and atom info, if applicable */
if( out_control->traj_method == REG_TRAJ) {
if( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
out_control->strj = fopen( fname, "w" );
else {
strcpy( msg, "init_traj: unknown trajectory option" );
return FAILURE;
Write_Header( system, control, out_control, mpi_data );
Write_Init_Desc( system, control, out_control, mpi_data );
return SUCCESS;
int Write_Frame_Header( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, output_controls *out_control,
mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int me, num_frm_hdr_lines, my_frm_hdr_lines, buffer_req;
me = system->my_rank;
/* frame header lengths */
num_frm_hdr_lines = 22;
my_frm_hdr_lines = num_frm_hdr_lines * ( me == MASTER_NODE );
buffer_req = my_frm_hdr_lines * HEADER_LINE_LEN;
if( buffer_req > out_control->buffer_len * DANGER_ZONE )
Reallocate_Output_Buffer( out_control, buffer_req, mpi_data->world );
/* only the master node writes into trajectory header */
if( me == MASTER_NODE ) {
/* clear the contents of line & buffer */
out_control->line[0] = 0;
out_control->buffer[0] = 0;
/* skip info */
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "chars_to_skip_frame_header:",
(num_frm_hdr_lines - 1) * HEADER_LINE_LEN );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* step & time */
sprintf( out_control->line, INT_LINE, "step:", data->step );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "time_in_ps:",
data->step * control->dt );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* box info */
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "volume:", system->big_box.V );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL3_LINE, "box_dimensions:",
system->big_box.box_norms[2] );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL3_LINE,
"coordinate_angles:", 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* system T and P */
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "temperature:", data->therm.T );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "pressure:",
(control->ensemble==iNPT) ?
data->iso_bar.P : data->flex_bar.P_scalar );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* energies */
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "total_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_tot );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "total_kinetic:",
data->sys_en.e_kin );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "total_potential:",
data->sys_en.e_pot );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "bond_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_bond );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "atom_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_ov + data->sys_en.e_un );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "lone_pair_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_lp );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "valence_angle_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_ang + data->sys_en.e_pen );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "3-body_conjugation:",
data->sys_en.e_coa );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "hydrogen_bond_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_hb );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "torsion_angle_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_tor );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "4-body_conjugation:",
data->sys_en.e_con );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "vdWaals_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_vdW );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "electrostatics_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_ele );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
sprintf( out_control->line, REAL_LINE, "polarization_energy:",
data->sys_en.e_pol );
strncat( out_control->buffer, out_control->line, HEADER_LINE_LEN+1 );
/* dump out the buffer */
if( system->my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
fprintf( out_control->strj, "%s", out_control->buffer );
return SUCCESS;
int Write_Atoms( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, me, np, line_len, buffer_len, buffer_req, cnt;
MPI_Status status;
reax_atom *p_atom;
me = system->my_rank;
np = system->wsize;
line_len = out_control->atom_line_len;
Write_Skip_Line( out_control, mpi_data, me,
system->bigN*line_len, system->bigN );
if( out_control->traj_method == REG_TRAJ && me == MASTER_NODE )
buffer_req = system->bigN * line_len + 1;
else buffer_req = system->n * line_len + 1;
if( buffer_req > out_control->buffer_len * DANGER_ZONE )
Reallocate_Output_Buffer( out_control, buffer_req, mpi_data->world );
/* fill in buffer */
out_control->line[0] = 0;
out_control->buffer[0] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < system->n; ++i ) {
p_atom = &( system->my_atoms[i] );
switch( out_control->atom_info ) {
sprintf( out_control->line, ATOM_BASIC,
p_atom->orig_id, p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2],
p_atom->q );
case OPT_ATOM_wF:
sprintf( out_control->line, ATOM_wF,
p_atom->orig_id, p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2],
p_atom->f[0], p_atom->f[1], p_atom->f[2], p_atom->q );
case OPT_ATOM_wV:
sprintf( out_control->line, ATOM_wV,
p_atom->orig_id, p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2],
p_atom->v[0], p_atom->v[1], p_atom->v[2], p_atom->q );
sprintf( out_control->line, ATOM_FULL,
p_atom->orig_id, p_atom->x[0], p_atom->x[1], p_atom->x[2],
p_atom->v[0], p_atom->v[1], p_atom->v[2],
p_atom->f[0], p_atom->f[1], p_atom->f[2], p_atom->q );
fprintf( stderr,
"write_traj_atoms: unknown atom trajectroy format!\n");
MPI_Abort( mpi_data->world, UNKNOWN_OPTION );
strncpy( out_control->buffer + i*line_len, out_control->line, line_len+1 );
if( me != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Send( out_control->buffer, buffer_req-1, MPI_CHAR, MASTER_NODE,
np*ATOM_LINES+me, mpi_data->world );
buffer_len = system->n * line_len;
for( i = 0; i < np; ++i )
if( i != MASTER_NODE ) {
MPI_Recv( out_control->buffer + buffer_len, buffer_req - buffer_len,
MPI_CHAR, i, np*ATOM_LINES+i, mpi_data->world, &status );
MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &cnt );
buffer_len += cnt;
out_control->buffer[buffer_len] = 0;
fprintf( out_control->strj, "%s", out_control->buffer );
return SUCCESS;
int Write_Bonds(reax_system *system, control_params *control, reax_list *bonds,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data)
int i, j, pj, me, np;
int my_bonds, num_bonds;
int line_len, buffer_len, buffer_req, cnt;
MPI_Status status;
bond_data *bo_ij;
me = system->my_rank;
np = system->wsize;
line_len = out_control->bond_line_len;
/* count the number of bonds I will write */
my_bonds = 0;
for( i=0; i < system->n; ++i )
for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
j = bonds->select.bond_list[pj].nbr;
if( system->my_atoms[i].orig_id <= system->my_atoms[j].orig_id &&
bonds->select.bond_list[pj].bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut )
/* allreduce - total number of bonds */
MPI_Allreduce( &my_bonds, &num_bonds, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpi_data->world );
Write_Skip_Line( out_control, mpi_data, me, num_bonds*line_len, num_bonds );
if( out_control->traj_method == REG_TRAJ && me == MASTER_NODE )
buffer_req = num_bonds * line_len + 1;
else buffer_req = my_bonds * line_len + 1;
if( buffer_req > out_control->buffer_len * DANGER_ZONE )
Reallocate_Output_Buffer( out_control, buffer_req, mpi_data->world );
/* fill in the buffer */
out_control->line[0] = 0;
out_control->buffer[0] = 0;
my_bonds = 0;
for( i=0; i < system->n; ++i ) {
for( pj = Start_Index(i, bonds); pj < End_Index(i, bonds); ++pj ) {
bo_ij = &( bonds->select.bond_list[pj] );
j = bo_ij->nbr;
if( system->my_atoms[i].orig_id <= system->my_atoms[j].orig_id &&
bo_ij->bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) {
switch( out_control->bond_info ) {
sprintf( out_control->line, BOND_BASIC,
system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
bo_ij->d, bo_ij->bo_data.BO );
sprintf( out_control->line, BOND_FULL,
system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
bo_ij->d, bo_ij->bo_data.BO, bo_ij->bo_data.BO_s,
bo_ij->bo_data.BO_pi, bo_ij->bo_data.BO_pi2 );
fprintf(stderr, "write_traj_bonds: FATAL! invalid bond_info option");
MPI_Abort( mpi_data->world, UNKNOWN_OPTION );
strncpy( out_control->buffer + my_bonds*line_len,
out_control->line, line_len+1 );
if( me != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Send( out_control->buffer, buffer_req-1, MPI_CHAR, MASTER_NODE,
np*BOND_LINES+me, mpi_data->world );
buffer_len = my_bonds * line_len;
for( i = 0; i < np; ++i )
if( i != MASTER_NODE ) {
MPI_Recv( out_control->buffer + buffer_len, buffer_req - buffer_len,
MPI_CHAR, i, np*BOND_LINES+i, mpi_data->world, &status );
MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &cnt );
buffer_len += cnt;
out_control->buffer[buffer_len] = 0;
fprintf( out_control->strj, "%s", out_control->buffer );
return SUCCESS;
int Write_Angles( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
reax_list *bonds, reax_list *thb_intrs,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
int i, j, k, pi, pk, me, np;
int my_angles, num_angles;
int line_len, buffer_len, buffer_req, cnt;
bond_data *bo_ij, *bo_jk;
three_body_interaction_data *angle_ijk;
MPI_Status status;
me = system->my_rank;
np = system->wsize;
line_len = out_control->angle_line_len;
/* count the number of valence angles I will output */
my_angles = 0;
for( j = 0; j < system->n; ++j )
for( pi = Start_Index(j, bonds); pi < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pi ) {
bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pi]);
i = bo_ij->nbr;
if( bo_ij->bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) // physical j&i bond
for( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs );
pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk ) {
angle_ijk = &(thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk]);
k = angle_ijk->thb;
bo_jk = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ angle_ijk->pthb ]);
if( system->my_atoms[i].orig_id < system->my_atoms[k].orig_id &&
bo_jk->bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) // physical j&k bond
/* total number of valences */
MPI_Allreduce(&my_angles, &num_angles, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, mpi_data->world);
Write_Skip_Line( out_control, mpi_data, me, num_angles*line_len, num_angles );
if( out_control->traj_method == REG_TRAJ && me == MASTER_NODE )
buffer_req = num_angles * line_len + 1;
else buffer_req = my_angles * line_len + 1;
if( buffer_req > out_control->buffer_len * DANGER_ZONE )
Reallocate_Output_Buffer( out_control, buffer_req, mpi_data->world );
/* fill in the buffer */
my_angles = 0;
out_control->line[0] = 0;
out_control->buffer[0] = 0;
for( j = 0; j < system->n; ++j )
for( pi = Start_Index(j, bonds); pi < End_Index(j, bonds); ++pi ) {
bo_ij = &(bonds->select.bond_list[pi]);
i = bo_ij->nbr;
if( bo_ij->bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) // physical j&i bond
for( pk = Start_Index( pi, thb_intrs );
pk < End_Index( pi, thb_intrs ); ++pk ) {
angle_ijk = &(thb_intrs->select.three_body_list[pk]);
k = angle_ijk->thb;
bo_jk = &(bonds->select.bond_list[ angle_ijk->pthb ]);
if( system->my_atoms[i].orig_id < system->my_atoms[k].orig_id &&
bo_jk->bo_data.BO >= control->bg_cut ) { // physical j&k bond
sprintf( out_control->line, ANGLE_BASIC,
system->my_atoms[i].orig_id, system->my_atoms[j].orig_id,
system->my_atoms[k].orig_id, RAD2DEG( angle_ijk->theta ) );
strncpy( out_control->buffer + my_angles*line_len,
out_control->line, line_len+1 );
if( me != MASTER_NODE )
MPI_Send( out_control->buffer, buffer_req-1, MPI_CHAR, MASTER_NODE,
np*ANGLE_LINES+me, mpi_data->world );
buffer_len = my_angles * line_len;
for( i = 0; i < np; ++i )
if( i != MASTER_NODE ) {
MPI_Recv( out_control->buffer + buffer_len, buffer_req - buffer_len,
MPI_CHAR, i, np*ANGLE_LINES+i, mpi_data->world, &status );
MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &cnt );
buffer_len += cnt;
out_control->buffer[buffer_len] = 0;
fprintf( out_control->strj, "%s", out_control->buffer );
return SUCCESS;
int Append_Frame( reax_system *system, control_params *control,
simulation_data *data, reax_list **lists,
output_controls *out_control, mpi_datatypes *mpi_data )
Write_Frame_Header( system, control, data, out_control, mpi_data );
if( out_control->write_atoms )
Write_Atoms( system, control, out_control, mpi_data );
if( out_control->write_bonds )
Write_Bonds( system, control, (*lists + BONDS), out_control, mpi_data );
if( out_control->write_angles )
Write_Angles( system, control, (*lists + BONDS), (*lists + THREE_BODIES),
out_control, mpi_data );
return SUCCESS;
int End_Traj( int my_rank, output_controls *out_control )
if( my_rank == MASTER_NODE )
fclose( out_control->strj );
free( out_control->buffer );
free( out_control->line );
return SUCCESS;

Event Timeline