Steps to set up a virtual machine for building RPMs
Configure a new virtual machine instance for each platform and distribution Tested KVM/QEMU settings: 1 CPU, 2048 MB RAM, 20 GB qcow2 disk image, VMVGA graphics, Core2duo CPU 32-bit/64-bit
Install distribution via CD/DVD ISO image (netinstall version)
- standard (non-LVM) partition layout, 2GB Swap only, 500MB /boot, rest /
- choose "Minimal" installation
Make sure the following additional packages (and dependencies) are installed
+ on RedHat/Fedora/CentOS: vim-enhanced openssh-clients python-devel tar screen yum-utils rpmdevtools rpm-build redhat-rpm-config createrepo git make gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran mpich-devel openmpi-devel fftw-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libpng-devel + on OpenSuSE yast2-online-update-frontend vim-enhanced screen build rpm-build git-core python-devel createrepo openmpi-devel libjpeg8-devel fftw3-devel gcc-fortran gcc-c++ libpng-devel
Create user 'rpmbuild' and set password. Use 'visudo' to allow 'rpmbuild' to shutdown the virtual machine without a password by adding the line:
rpmbuild ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
Log in and create ssh key pair and append the public key the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the repository account for automatic file transfer Setup a suitable $HOME/.rpmmacros file Run rpmdev-setuptree
Edit $HOME/.bash_profile to set environment variables for depositing files MYRPM_REPO_HOST MYRPM_REPO_USER MYRPM_REPO_DIR
Clone LAMMPS-ICMS tree via: git clone git:// lammps-icms
Build and sync the RPMs to the repository with: cd lammps-icms; git pull ./tools/rpm/ ./tools/rpm/