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Fri, Jul 5, 20:27


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lm_common.hh"
#include "lm_object.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <memory>
#include <mpi.h>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct MPIProc {
MPIProc() : sequence_number(0) {}
UInt getAbsoluteRank() { return absolute_mpi_rank; };
UInt id;
UInt mpi_rank;
UInt sequence_number;
UInt absolute_mpi_rank;
struct CommGroup : public LMObject {
inline CommGroup(const LMID &id, int color, UInt nb_procs);
bool operator==(CommGroup &grp) { return (grp.getID() == this->getID()); }
bool operator!=(CommGroup &grp) { return !(grp == *this); }
auto getMPIComm() { return mpi_comm; };
UInt getMyRank() const {
if (mpi_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
LM_FATAL("No member of the group: this call should be secured");
int rank_in_group;
MPI_Comm_rank(mpi_comm, &rank_in_group);
return rank_in_group;
// UInt real2GroupRank(UInt real_rank);
const LMID &getID() const override {
auto &id = LMObject::getID();
if (id == "invalid")
LM_FATAL("Communication group is invalid");
return id;
template <typename BufType>
void allReduce(BufType &&contrib, const std::string &comment, Operator op);
template <typename T>
void allReduce(T *contrib, UInt nb, const std::string &comment, Operator op);
template <typename BufType>
void reduce(BufType &&contrib, const std::string &comment, Operator op,
UInt root_rank = 0);
template <typename T>
void reduce(T *contrib, UInt nb, const std::string &comment, Operator op,
UInt root_rank = 0);
template <typename T>
void send(T *d, UInt nb, UInt to, const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline void receive(T *d, UInt nb, UInt from, const std::string &comment);
template <typename BufType>
inline void broadcast(BufType &&buf, UInt root, const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline void broadcast(T *buf, UInt nb, UInt root, const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline void gather(T *sendbuf, UInt nb, T *recvbuf, UInt to,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename BufType>
inline void gather(BufType &&sendbuf, BufType &&recvbuf, UInt to,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline void scatter(T *sendbuf, T *recvbuf, UInt nb_recv, UInt root,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename BufType>
inline void scatter(BufType &&sendbuf, BufType &&recvbuf, UInt root,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline void allGatherv(T *send_buffer, UInt send_nb, T *recv_buffer,
std::vector<UInt> &recv_counts,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename BufType>
inline void allGatherv(BufType &&send_buffer, BufType &&recv_buffer,
std::vector<UInt> &recv_counts,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline void allGather(T *send_buffer, UInt nb, T *recv_buffer,
const std::string &comment);
template <typename BufType>
inline void allGather(BufType &&send_buffer, BufType &&recv_buffer,
const std::string &comment);
auto size() const { return processors.size(); };
auto begin() { return processors.begin(); };
auto end() { return processors.end(); };
auto &operator[](UInt i) { return processors[i]; }
inline bool isInGroup(UInt mpi_rank) const;
bool amIinGroup() { return is_current_proc_in_group; };
void synchronize() { MPI_Barrier(mpi_comm); };
void printself(std::ostream &os) const;
template <typename Vec>
inline void send(Vec &&d, UInt to, const std::string &comment);
template <typename Vec>
inline void receive(Vec &&d, UInt from, const std::string &comment);
template <typename T>
inline auto probe(UInt from, const std::string &comment);
//! the intra communicator of the group
MPI_Comm mpi_comm;
//! the mpi group
MPI_Group mpi_group;
//! vector of processors
std::vector<MPIProc> processors;
//! stores the color used at creation of the communicator
bool is_current_proc_in_group;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CommGroup &group) {
return os;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct SelfGroup : public CommGroup {
inline SelfGroup();

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