LM_FATAL(this->getID()<<": Static Newton-Raphson of akantu did not converge with a tolerance of "<<this->tolerance<<" per unit mass. It failed with an error norm of "<<error<<" per unit mass (initially "<<initial_error<<") after "<<niter<<" iterations.");
DUMP(this->getID()<<": Static Newton-Raphson converged after "<<niter<<" iterations with an error norm of "<<error<<" per unit mass (initially "<<initial_error<<"). (Tolerance = "<<this->tolerance<<" per unit mass).",DBG_MESSAGE);//INFO_STARTUP);
DUMP(this->getID()<<": Static Newton-Raphson converged after "<<niter<<" iterations with an error norm of "<<error<<" per unit mass (initially "<<initial_error<<"). (Tolerance = "<<this->tolerance<<" per unit mass).",DBG_DETAIL);