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* @file
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @date Fri Jul 11 15:47:44 2014
* @brief Bridging object between atomistic and finite elements
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright INRIA and CEA
* The LibMultiScale is a C++ parallel framework for the multiscale
* coupling methods dedicated to material simulations. This framework
* provides an API which makes it possible to program coupled simulations
* and integration of already existing codes.
* This Project was initiated in a collaboration between INRIA Futurs Bordeaux
* within ScAlApplix team and CEA/DPTA Ile de France.
* The project is now continued at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
* within the LSMS/ENAC laboratory.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
//#define TIMER
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "bridging.hh"
#include "compute_extract.hh"
#include "factory_multiscale.hh"
#include "filter_geometry.hh"
#include "geometry_manager.hh"
#include "lib_bridging.hh"
#include "lm_common.hh"
#include "trace_atom.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
BridgingInterface::BridgingInterface(const std::string &name)
: // unmatchedPointList("unmatched-point-" + name),
// pointList("matched-point-" + name),
// unmatchedMeshList("unmatched-fe-" + name), meshList("matched-fe-" +
// name),
node_shape("node_shape-" + name) {
assoc_found = 0;
// smatrix = NULL;
// unmatchedPointList.setCommGroup(this->comm_group_A);
// pointList.setCommGroup(this->comm_group_A);
// unmatchedMeshList.setCommGroup(this->comm_group_B);
// meshList.setCommGroup(this->comm_group_B);
/* registering computes for outer world */
// FilterManager::getManager().addObject(unmatchedMeshList);
// FilterManager::getManager().addObject(unmatchedPointList);
// FilterManager::getManager().addObject(pointList);
// FilterManager::getManager().addObject(meshList);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
BridgingInterface::~BridgingInterface() {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::init() {
// DUMPBYPROC("selecting DOFs in bridging zone", DBG_INFO_STARTUP, 0);
// if (this->in_group_A) {
// this->buildPointList();
// this->buildPositions(unmatchedPointList);
// }
// if (this->in_group_B)
// this->buildContinuumDOFsList();
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : Generating Communication Scheme",
// DBG_INFO_STARTUP); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); DUMP(this->getID() << " :
// exchange coarse geometries", DBG_MESSAGE);
// this->exchangeGeometries(this->unmatchedPointList,
// this->unmatchedMeshList); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : exchange points positions", DBG_MESSAGE);
// this->exchangePositions(ContainerPoints::Dim);
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : build shape matrix", DBG_MESSAGE);
// if (this->in_group_B) {
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : build shape matrix (parsing "
// << this->local_points << " points by position)",
// this->buildShapeMatrix(this->local_points);
// this->local_points = this->assoc_found;
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : I will manage " << this->local_points << "
// atoms",
// }
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : ExchangeAssociation", DBG_MESSAGE);
// ContainerArray<UInt> managed;
// this->exchangeAssociationInformation(managed);
// if (this->in_group_A)
// for (UInt i = 0; i < this->nb_zone_B; ++i)
// DUMP("second test Do I communicate with " << i << " : "
// << this->com_with[i],
// if (this->in_group_B)
// for (UInt i = 0; i < this->nb_zone_A; ++i)
// DUMP("second test Do I communicate with " << i << " : "
// << this->com_with[i],
// DUMP(this->getID()
// << " : generate duo vector and detect double atom assignement",
// std::vector<std::vector<UInt>> unassociated;
// if (this->in_group_A)
// this->createDuoVectorA("Atom", managed, unassociated);
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : doing exchange rejected", DBG_MESSAGE);
// this->exchangeRejectedContinuumOwners(unassociated);
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : doing filter rejected", DBG_MESSAGE);
// this->filterRejectedContinuumOwners(unassociated);
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : filtering position & association vector",
// if (this->in_group_A) {
// this->filterPointListForUnmatched();
// }
// if (this->in_group_B) {
// this->filterArray(this->positions);
// this->filterAssoc();
// this->buildNodeShape();
// }
// this->grid.reset();
// DUMP(this->getID() << " : all done for scheme generation", DBG_MESSAGE);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::buildContinuumDOFsList() {
// unmatchedMeshList.setParam("GEOMETRY", this->geomID);
// unmatchedMeshList.buildManual(contMesh);
// DUMP("we have found " << unmatchedMeshList->getContainerElems().size()
// << " concerned elements",
// STARTTIMER("Filling spatial-grid");
// auto contElems = unmatchedMeshList->getContainerElems();
// auto contNodes = unmatchedMeshList->getContainerNodes();
// std::vector<UInt> nodes;
// Geometry &geom = *GeometryManager::getManager().getGeometry(this->geomID);
// Cube cube = geom.getBoundingBox();
// DUMP("geometry of the grid => \n" << cube, DBG_INFO_STARTUP);
// this->grid.reset();
// // this->grid = new SpatialGridElem<UInt, ContainerPoints::Dim>(
// // cube, this->grid_division);
// UInt nb_elem = 0;
// for (auto &&el : contElems) {
// std::vector<Real> node_coords;
// auto &&nodes = el.globalIndexes();
// UInt nb = nodes.size();
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
// auto nd = el.getNode(i);
// #ifndef LM_OPTIMIZED
// Real mass_node = nd.mass();
// #endif
// LM_ASSERT(mass_node > 0, "invalid mass" << nodes[i] << " " <<
// mass_node);
// auto X = nd.position0();
// for (UInt i = 0; i < ContainerPoints::Dim; ++i)
// node_coords.push_back(X[i]);
// }
// this->grid->addFiniteElement(nb_elem, node_coords);
// ++nb_elem;
// }
// STOPTIMER("Filling spatial-grid");
// DUMP("we have found " << nb_elem << " concerned elements",
// DBG_INFO_STARTUP); DUMP("in average " << this->grid->getAverageEltByBlock()
// << " elements par block",
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::buildNodeList() {
// meshList.computeAlteredConnectivity(contMesh.getContainerNodes());
// UInt nb = meshList.size();
// if (!nb) {
// DUMP("We found no nodes in bridging zone", DBG_INFO_STARTUP);
// return;
// }
// DUMP("We found " << nb << " nodes concerned into "
// << meshList.getContainerElems().size() << " elements",
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::buildPointList() {
// unmatchedPointList.setParam("GEOMETRY", this->geomID);
// unmatchedPointList.buildManual(contPoints);
// this->local_points = unmatchedPointList->size();
// if (!this->local_points)
// DUMP("We found no atom in the bridging zone", DBG_INFO);
// DUMP("We found " << this->local_points << " atom in the bridging zone",
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// // // void BridgingInterface::buildShapeMatrix(UInt nb_atoms) {
// // // this->pointToElement.assign(nb_atoms, UINT_MAX);
// // // if (unmatchedMeshList->getContainerElems().size() == 0) {
// // // DUMP("elem_rec is empty!", DBG_WARNING);
// // // // delete grid;
// // // return;
// // // }
// // // std::vector<UInt> nb_atoms_per_element;
// // //
// nb_atoms_per_element.resize(unmatchedMeshList->getContainerElems().size());
// // // /* construction du array d'assoc atoms elem */
// // // STARTTIMER("Construction association");
// // // for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_atoms; ++i) {
// // // #ifndef TIMER
// // // if (i % 100000 == 0)
// // // DUMP("construction de l'association - atome " << i << "/" <<
// nb_atoms,
// // // DBG_INFO);
// // // #endif
// // // Vector<ContainerPoints::Dim> x;
// // // for (UInt k = 0; k < ContainerPoints::Dim; ++k)
// // // x[k] = this->positions(i, k);
// // // std::vector<UInt> &subset_elts = this->grid->findSet(x);
// // // std::vector<UInt>::iterator it = subset_elts.begin();
// // // for (it = subset_elts.begin(); it != subset_elts.end(); ++it) {
// // // auto el = unmatchedMeshList->getContainerElems().get(*it);
// // // UInt j = *it;
// // // DUMP("is atom " << i << " within element " << j << "?", DBG_ALL);
// // // if (el.contains(x)) {
// // // LM_ASSERT(this->pointToElement[i] == UINT_MAX,
// // // "this should not happen. "
// // // << "I found twice the same atom while
// filtering");
// // // DUMP("associating atom " << i << " and element " << j,
// DBG_ALL);
// // // this->pointToElement[i] = j;
// // // ++assoc_found;
// // // break;
// // // }
// // // }
// // // if (it == subset_elts.end()) {
// // // this->pointToElement[i] = UINT_MAX;
// // // }
// // // }
// // // STOPTIMER("Construction association");
// // // /* build number of atoms per element */
// // // for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_atoms; ++i) {
// // // if (this->pointToElement[i] != UINT_MAX)
// // // ++nb_atoms_per_element[this->pointToElement[i]];
// // // }
// // // /* filter element list and node list for the unassociated node and
// elements */
// // // filterContainerElems(nb_atoms_per_element);
// // // buildNodeList();
// // // smatrix = new ShapeMatrix<ContainerPoints::Dim>(
// // // meshList.getContainerElems().size());
// // // UInt i = 0;
// // // for (auto &&el : meshList.getContainerElems()) {
// // // DUMP("declare sub matrix number " << i << " which will be of size "
// // // << nb_atoms_per_element[i] << "x"
// // // << el.nNodes(),
// // // DBG_ALL);
// // // LM_ASSERT(nb_atoms_per_element[i] > 0, "this should not happen any
// more");
// // // smatrix->setSub(i, nb_atoms_per_element[i], el.nNodes());
// // // ++i;
// // // }
// // // // Allocate the shapematrix structure (contiguous)
// // // smatrix->allocate();
// // // /* set the indirection (alloc tab) plus the shapes */
// // // std::vector<Real> shapes;
// // // UInt atom_index = 0;
// // // for (i = 0; i < nb_atoms; ++i) {
// // // if (this->pointToElement[i] == UINT_MAX)
// // // continue;
// // // Vector<ContainerPoints::Dim> X;
// // // for (UInt k = 0; k < ContainerPoints::Dim; ++k)
// // // X[k] = this->positions(i, k);
// // // auto el =
// meshList.getContainerElems().get(this->pointToElement[i]);
// // // el.computeShapes(shapes, X);
// // // auto &&nodes = el.globalIndexes();
// // IF_TRACED(X, "checking for atom in trouble");
// // std::vector<UInt> local_nodes(shapes.size());
// for (UInt nd = 0; nd < shapes.size(); ++nd)
// local_nodes[nd] = meshList.subIndex2Index(nodes[nd]);
// smatrix->fill(atom_index, this->pointToElement[i], nodes, local_nodes,
// shapes);
// ++atom_index;
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::buildLocalPBCPairs() {
// UInt npairs = pbc_pairs.size();
// for (UInt pair = 0; pair < npairs; ++pair) {
// UInt ind1 = pbc_pairs[pair].first;
// UInt ind2 = pbc_pairs[pair].second;
// UInt i1 = meshList.subIndex2Index(ind1);
// UInt i2 = meshList.subIndex2Index(ind2);
// if (i1 == UINT_MAX || i2 == UINT_MAX)
// continue;
// std::pair<UInt, UInt> p((UInt)(i1), (UInt)(i2));
// local_pbc_pairs.push_back(p);
// }
// DUMP("Detected " << local_pbc_pairs.size() << " local pairs", DBG_MESSAGE);
// smatrix->alterMatrixIndexesForPBC(local_pbc_pairs);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::buildNodeShape() {
// if (this->local_points == 0)
// return;
// UInt nb_coupled_nodes = meshList.size();
// node_shape.assign(nb_coupled_nodes, 0);
// LM_ASSERT(smatrix, "shapematrix object was not allocated "
// << " eventhough local atoms were detected");
// smatrix->buildNodeShape(node_shape);
// buildLocalPBCPairs();
// cumulPBC(node_shape);
// #ifndef LM_OPTIMIZED
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_coupled_nodes; ++i) {
// if (node_shape[i] <= 1e-1) {
// DUMP(i << " " << node_shape[i], DBG_MESSAGE);
// LM_FATAL("Please check your geometry:"
// << " one or more nodes has zero nodal shape values."
// << " Changing the FE element size may resolve this issue!"
// << std::endl);
// }
// }
// #endif // LM_OPTIMIZED
// FilterManager::getManager().addObject(node_shape);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::filterContainerElems(
// std::vector<UInt> &nb_atome_par_element) {
// typename ContainerMeshSubset::ContainerElems new_t(this->getID() +
// ":elems"); std::vector<int> new_index;
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_atome_par_element.size(); ++i) {
// DUMP("filtering old index element " << i, DBG_ALL);
// if (nb_atome_par_element[i] > 0) {
// DUMP("for container, elem " << i << " becomes " << new_t.size(),
// DBG_ALL); new_index.push_back(new_t.size());
// DUMP("maintenant nb_atome_par_element["
// << new_t.size() << "]= " << nb_atome_par_element[i]
// << " (i=" << i << ")",
// DBG_ALL);
// nb_atome_par_element[new_t.size()] = nb_atome_par_element[i];
// new_t.push_back(unmatchedMeshList->getContainerElems().get(i));
// } else
// new_index.push_back(new_t.size());
// }
// nb_atome_par_element.resize(new_t.size());
// meshList.clear();
// // rebuild the element container
// for (UInt i = 0; i < new_t.size(); ++i)
// meshList.getContainerElems().push_back(new_t.get(i));
// // rebuild the association list
// for (UInt i = 0; i < this->pointToElement.size(); ++i) {
// if (this->pointToElement[i] != UINT_MAX) {
// this->pointToElement[i] = new_index[this->pointToElement[i]];
// }
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::filterPointListForUnmatched() {
// pointList.clear();
// for (UInt i = 0; i < this->pointToElement.size(); ++i)
// if (this->pointToElement[i] != UINT_MAX) {
// DUMP("for container, atom " << i << " becomes " << pointList.size(),
// DBG_ALL);
// pointList.push_back(unmatchedPointList->get(i));
// } else {
// DUMP("atom filtered " << i << " " << unmatchedPointList->get(i),
// }
// pointList.copyContainerInfo(unmatchedPointList);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::filterArray(ContainerArray<Real> &array) {
UInt index = 0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < this->pointToElement.size(); ++i)
if (this->pointToElement[i] != UINT_MAX) {
DUMP("for container, atom " << i << " becomes " << index, DBG_ALL);
LM_ASSERT(i < array.size() && index < array.size(),
"overflow detected: nmax = " << array.size() << " , index = "
<< index << " and i = " << i);
array(index) = array(i);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <typename ContainerPoints, typename ContainerMesh, UInt Dim>
// void BridgingInterface<ContainerPoints, ContainerMesh,
// Dim>::allocateBuffer(UInt nrows,
// UInt
// ncols) {
// buffer.resize(nrows, ncols);
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// void BridgingInterface::interpolatePointData(ContainerArray<Real> &data_atom,
// ContainerArray<Real> &data_node)
// {
// if (this->local_points == 0) {
// DUMP("Warning : atomic container is empty:"
// << " cannot interpolate mesh fields on control points (check "
// "geometries ?!)",
// return;
// }
// smatrix->interpolate(data_atom, data_node);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::cumulPBC(ContainerArray<Real> &data) {
UInt npairs [[gnu::unused]] = local_pbc_pairs.size();
DUMP("Detected " << npairs << " local pairs", DBG_INFO);
for (auto &&pair : local_pbc_pairs) {
UInt i1 = pair.first;
UInt i2 = pair.second;
data(i2) += data(i1);
for (auto &&pair : local_pbc_pairs) {
UInt i1 = pair.first;
UInt i2 = pair.second;
data(i1) = data(i2);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::leastSquarePointData(ContainerArray<Real> &,
ContainerArray<Real> &, UInt) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::solveLeastSquare(ContainerArray<Real> &mesh_data,
// ContainerArray<Real> &atomic_data) {
// // build right hand side of leastsquare system
// mesh_data.resize(meshList.size(), atomic_data.cols());
// smatrix->buildLeastSquareRHS(mesh_data, atomic_data);
// cumulPBC(mesh_data);
// LM_ASSERT(node_shape.size() != 0,
// "node_shape is empty this should not happen, check geometry");
// // solve least square system
// for (UInt i = 0; i < meshList.size(); ++i) {
// mesh_data(i) /= node_shape[i];
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::averageOnElements(ContainerArray<Real> &data_atomic,
// ContainerArray<Real> &data_mesh) {
// data_mesh.assign(meshList.getContainerElems().rows(),
// meshList.getContainerElems().cols());
// smatrix->averageOnElements(data_atomic, data_mesh);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::clearAll() {
// if (smatrix)
// delete smatrix;
// smatrix = NULL;
// meshList.getContainerElems().clear();
// // nodeList.clear();
// assoc_found = 0;
// this->pointToElement.clear();
// pointList.clear();
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::buildLeastSquareMatrix(math::Matrix &mat) {
// smatrix->buildLeastSquareMatrix(&mat);
// cumulPBC(mat);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::cumulPBC(math::Matrix &mat) {
UInt npairs = local_pbc_pairs.size();
for (UInt pair = 0; pair < npairs; ++pair) {
UInt i1 = local_pbc_pairs[pair].first;
UInt i2 = local_pbc_pairs[pair].second;
for (UInt j = 0; j < mat.n(); ++j) {
mat(i2, j) += mat(i1, j);
for (UInt pair = 0; pair < npairs; ++pair) {
UInt i1 = local_pbc_pairs[pair].first;
for (UInt j = 0; j < mat.n(); ++j) {
if (i1 == j)
mat(i1, j) = 1.;
mat(i1, j) = 0.;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::copySlaveValues(ContainerArray<Real> &v) {
for (auto &&pair : local_pbc_pairs) {
UInt i1 = pair.first;
UInt i2 = pair.second;
v(i1) = v(i2);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::extractShapeMatrix(math::Matrix &mat) {
// smatrix->extractShapeMatrix(&mat);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Parallel Methods */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::communicateBufferAtom2Continuum(
ContainerArray<Real> &buf) {
if (this->local_points != 0) {
this->distributeVectorA2B("communicate buffer", buf);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::communicateBufferContinuum2Atom(
ContainerArray<Real> &buf) {
if (this->local_points != 0) {
this->distributeVectorB2A("communicate buffer", buf);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::synchSumBuffer(ContainerArray<Real> &buf) {
if (this->local_points != 0) {
this->synchronizeVectorBySum("synchsumvector", buf);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::interpolateAtomicDOFs(FieldType field_code) {
interpolateAtomicDOFs(field_code, this->buffer);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::interpolateAtomicDOFs(FieldType field_code,
ContainerArray<Real> &buffer) {
if (this->local_points == 0) {
DUMP("Warning : atomic container is empty: "
<< "cannot proceed atomic projection (check geometries ?!)",
// decltype(auto) field = domC.getField(field_code);
const UInt Dim = spatial_dimension;
for (UInt i = 0; i < this->local_points; ++i) {
LM_ASSERT(i * Dim < buffer.size(), "overflow detected");
// VectorView<Dim> res(&buffer[i * Dim], Dim);
// res = this->getShapeMatrix().interpolate(i, field,
// this->pointToElement[i]);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void BridgingInterface::projectAtomicDOFsOnMesh(FieldType field,
ContainerArray<Real> &buffer) {
if (is_in_continuum && !this->total_points)
DUMP("Warning : atomic container is empty: "
<< "cannot proceed atomic projection (check geometries ?!)",
if (is_in_continuum)
this->interpolateAtomicDOFs(field, buffer);
this->distributeVectorB2A("correction_fictifs", buffer);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::projectAtomicDOFsOnMesh(FieldType field) {
// if (is_in_continuum && !this->total_points)
// DUMP("Warning : atomic container is empty: "
// << "cannot proceed atomic projection (check geometries ?!) "
// << this->getID(),
// if (!this->local_points)
// return;
// this->buffer.resize(this->local_points, spatial_dimension);
// if (is_in_continuum)
// this->interpolateAtomicDOFs(field);
// this->distributeVectorB2A("correction_fictifs", this->buffer);
// if (is_in_atomic)
// this->setAtomicDOFs(field);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::attachVector(ContainerArray<Real> &tab) {
// if (domA.getContainer().hasRefManager())
// domA.getContainer().getRefManager()->attachVector(tab, this->pointList);
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// void BridgingInterface::filterRejectedContinuumOwners(
// std::vector<std::vector<UInt>> &unassociated_atoms) {
// if (this->comm_group_A == this->comm_group_B)
// return;
// if (this->in_group_B) {
// DUMP("local points", DBG_MESSAGE);
// if (this->local_points == 0)
// return;
// UInt offset = 0;
// // recompute indexes of continuum atoms
// std::vector<int> current_indexes(this->pointToElement.size());
// {
// UInt indirection = 0;
// for (UInt at = 0; at < this->pointToElement.size(); ++at) {
// current_indexes[at] = -1;
// if (this->pointToElement[at] == UINT_MAX)
// continue;
// current_indexes[at] = indirection;
// ++indirection;
// }
// LM_ASSERT(indirection == this->local_points, "this should not happend "
// << indirection << " "
// <<
// this->local_points);
// }
// // remove unassociated atoms
// {
// offset = 0;
// UInt cpt = 0;
// for (UInt i = 0; i < this->nb_zone_A; ++i) {
// if (this->com_with[i]) {
// DUMP("atomic processor " << i << " unassociated "
// << unassociated_atoms[i].size() << " atoms
// ",
// UInt size = unassociated_atoms[i].size();
// for (UInt j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
// // get element that owned the atom
// UInt at_index = offset + unassociated_atoms[i][j];
// LM_ASSERT(this->pointToElement[at_index] != UINT_MAX,
// "this should not happend !! " << at_index);
// LM_ASSERT(current_indexes[at_index] != -1,
// "this should not happend !! " << at_index);
// UInt el = this->pointToElement[at_index];
// this->smatrix->removeAtom(current_indexes[at_index], el);
// this->pointToElement[at_index] = UINT_MAX;
// ++cpt;
// DUMP("unassociated atom at position "
// << at_index << " whereas offset = " << offset
// << " next offset is "
// << offset + this->nb_points_per_proc[i],
// }
// offset += this->nb_points_per_proc[i];
// }
// }
// if (cpt) {
// DUMP("removed " << cpt
// << " atoms from unassociation. Now local atoms is "
// << this->local_points,
// this->local_points -= cpt;
// DUMP("and becomes " << this->local_points, DBG_MESSAGE);
// }
// }
// // little check
// {
// UInt cpt_tmp = 0;
// for (UInt i = 0; i < this->pointToElement.size(); ++i)
// if (this->pointToElement[i] != UINT_MAX)
// cpt_tmp++;
// if (cpt_tmp != this->local_points)
// LM_FATAL("biip this should not happend " << cpt_tmp << " "
// << this->local_points);
// }
// // now renumber indirection in shapematrix
// {
// UInt indirection = 0;
// for (UInt at = 0; at < this->pointToElement.size(); ++at) {
// if (this->pointToElement[at] == UINT_MAX)
// continue;
// LM_ASSERT(current_indexes[at] != -1, "This should not happend");
// this->smatrix->changeAtomIndirection(this->pointToElement[at],
// current_indexes[at],
// indirection);
// ++indirection;
// }
// this->smatrix->swapAtomIndirections();
// }
// // //now i set the duo vector
// this->createDuoVectorB("FE");
// // std::stringstream sstr;
// // sstr << "duoFE-" << this->getID();
// // DuoDistributedVector & duo =
// // this->createDuoVector(this->local_points,this->total_points);
// // UInt counter = 0;
// // offset = 0;
// // for (UInt i = 0 ; i < this->nb_zone_A ; ++i)
// // if (this->com_with[i]){
// // for (UInt j = 0 ; j < this->nb_points_per_proc[i] ; ++j)
// // if (this->pointToElement[j+offset] != UINT_MAX){
// // duo.setDuoProc(counter,i);
// // ++counter;
// // }
// // DUMP("compteur is " << counter << " after treating atoms from "
// <<
// i
// // << " offset is " << offset,DBG_INFO_STARTUP);
// // offset += this->nb_points_per_proc[i];
// // }
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void BridgingInterface::updateForMigration() {
// DUMPBYPROC("update migration for " << this->getID(), DBG_INFO, 0);
// STARTTIMER("syncMigration resize");
// // update local number of atoms in atomic part
// if (this->in_group_A) {
// this->local_points = this->pointList.size();
// this->positions.resize(DomainA::Dim * this->local_points);
// }
// STOPTIMER("syncMigration resize");
// STARTTIMER("syncMigration duo");
// this->synchronizeMigration(this->comm_group_A, this->comm_group_B);
// STOPTIMER("syncMigration duo");
// // pointList.setRelease(this->contA.getRelease());
// // meshList.setRelease(this->contB.getRelease());
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* LMDESC BridgingInterface
This class implements a bridging zone where
point and elements are associated. \\ \\
For debugging pruposes, several set of DOf are registered to the central
\item unmatched-fe-\${couplerID} : the set of nodes and elements
that are contained in the geometry provided by GEOMETRY keyword.
\item unmatched-point-\${couplerID} : the set of points
that are contained in the geometry provided by GEOMETRY keyword.
\item matched-fe-\${couplerID} : the set of nodes and elements
that are containing at least one point of unmatched-point-\${couplerID}.
\item matched-point-\${couplerID} : the set of points
that are contained in at least one element of unmatched-fe-\${couplerID}.
/* LMHERITANCE filter_geometry dof_association */
// void BridgingInterface::declareParams() {
// this->addSubParsableObject(unmatchedMeshList);
// DofAssociationInterface::declareParams();
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename ContA, typename ContB>
Bridging<ContA, ContB> &BridgingInterface::cast() {
return static_cast<Bridging<ContA, ContB> &>(*this);

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