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* @file
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @author Till Junge <>
* @author Jaehyun Cho <>
* @date Wed Jul 09 21:59:47 2014
* @brief This stmulation command imposes the Volterra displacement fields of
* strainght screw edge or mixed dislocations
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* LibMultiScale is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* LibMultiScale is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with LibMultiScale. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "stimulation_dislo.hh"
#include "lib_continuum.hh"
#include "lib_dd.hh"
#include "lib_md.hh"
#include "lm_common.hh"
#include "ref_point_data.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline Real magnitude(int *vec, UInt nb) {
Real mag = 0.0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
mag += Real(vec[i]) * Real(vec[i]);
return sqrt(mag);
inline Real round(Real value) {
Real int_value = (Real)floor(value);
if (value - int_value >= 0.5) {
return (Real)ceil(value);
} else {
return (Real)floor(value);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
StimulationDislo::StimulationDislo(const std::string &name) : LMObject(name) {
nb_replica = 0;
this->dir_replica_char = 'X';
this->burg_edge = this->rotation_matrix;
this->normal = this->burg_edge + 3;
this->line_dir = this->burg_edge + 6;
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
this->pos[i] = 0.0;
this->burg_edge_quant[i] = 0;
this->normal_quant[i] = 0;
this->line_dir_quant[i] = 0;
this->dipole[i] = 0;
this->normal_quant[1] = 1;
this->line_dir_quant[2] = 1;
this->theta = 90;
this->fix_border_tol = 0;
this->linear = false;
this->aniso = false;
this->iso = false;
for (UInt i = 0; i < 13; ++i)
this->elastic_coefs[i] = 0.0;
this->c11bar = 0.0;
this->lambda = 0.0;
this->phi = 0.0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
StimulationDislo::~StimulationDislo() {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void StimulationDislo::init() {
// first step: normalize all the vectors to build a coordinate system
Real mag_n = magnitude(this->normal_quant, 3);
Real mag_l = magnitude(this->line_dir_quant, 3);
this->burg_edge_quant[0] = this->normal_quant[1] * this->line_dir_quant[2] -
this->normal_quant[2] * this->line_dir_quant[1];
this->burg_edge_quant[1] = this->normal_quant[2] * this->line_dir_quant[0] -
this->normal_quant[0] * this->line_dir_quant[2];
this->burg_edge_quant[2] = this->normal_quant[0] * this->line_dir_quant[1] -
this->normal_quant[1] * this->line_dir_quant[0];
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
this->normal[i] = Real(this->normal_quant[i]) / mag_n;
this->line_dir[i] = Real(this->line_dir_quant[i]) / mag_l;
this->burg_edge[0] =
this->normal[1] * this->line_dir[2] - this->normal[2] * this->line_dir[1];
this->burg_edge[1] =
this->normal[2] * this->line_dir[0] - this->normal[0] * this->line_dir[2];
this->burg_edge[2] =
this->normal[0] * this->line_dir[1] - this->normal[1] * this->line_dir[0];
if (this->dir_replica_char == 'X' || this->dir_replica_char == 'x') {
dir_replica = 0;
} else if (this->dir_replica_char == 'Y' || this->dir_replica_char == 'y') {
dir_replica = 1;
} else if (this->dir_replica_char == 'Z' || this->dir_replica_char == 'z') {
dir_replica = 2;
} else {
LM_FATAL("replica direction can only be X, Y or Z");
// security check regarding anisotropy
if ((!this->aniso) && (!this->iso)) {
for (UInt i = 0; i < 13; ++i) {
if (this->elastic_coefs[i] != 0.0) {
LM_FATAL("In case of (an)isotropy, elastic coeffcients shouldn't be "
} else if ((this->aniso) && (this->iso)) {
LM_FATAL("Both anisotropy and isotropy cannot be defined");
} else {
Real sum_elastic_coefs = 0.0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < 13; ++i) {
sum_elastic_coefs += this->elastic_coefs[i];
if (sum_elastic_coefs == 0.0) {
"In case of (an)isotropy, elastic coeffcients should be defined.");
if (this->linear)
LM_FATAL("In case of (an)isotropy, linear field cannot be applied");
Real c11 = this->elastic_coefs[0];
Real c12 = this->elastic_coefs[1];
Real c22 = this->elastic_coefs[4];
Real c66 = this->elastic_coefs[12];
this->c11bar = sqrt(c11 * c22);
if (this->aniso) {
Real lambda2 = sqrt(c11 / c22);
this->lambda = sqrt(lambda2);
this->phi = 0.5 * acos((c12 * c12 + 2.0 * c12 * c66 - c11bar * c11bar) /
(2.0 * c11bar * c66));
} else {
this->lambda = 1.0;
this->phi = M_PI / 2.0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::eval_q_coef(Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real inside = X[0] * X[0] +
2.0 * X[0] * X[1] * this->lambda * cos(this->phi) +
X[1] * X[1] * this->lambda * this->lambda;
return sqrt(inside);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::eval_t_coef(Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real inside = X[0] * X[0] -
2.0 * X[0] * X[1] * this->lambda * cos(this->phi) +
X[1] * X[1] * this->lambda * this->lambda;
return sqrt(inside);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline Real StimulationDislo::evalArctan(Real X, Real Y) {
if ((X >= 0.0) && (Y > 0.0)) {
return atan(Y / X);
} else if ((X < 0.0) && (Y >= 0.0)) {
return atan(-Y / -X) + M_PI;
} else if ((X < 0.0) && (Y < 0.0)) {
return atan(-Y / -X) - M_PI;
} else if ((X >= 0.0) && (Y < 0.0)) {
return atan(Y / X);
} else {
DUMP("X:" << X << ", Y: " << Y, DBG_MESSAGE);
DUMP("c11bar:" << this->c11bar << ", lambda: " << lambda
<< ", phi: " << phi,
LM_FATAL("unexpected case");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::computeBeDisplacement(Real b_edge,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real x_2 = X[0] * X[0];
Real y_2 = X[1] * X[1];
Real epsilon = 1e-15;
Real res = b_edge / (2.0 * M_PI) *
(atan2(X[1], X[0]) +
X[0] * X[1] / (2.0 * (1 - nu) * (x_2 + y_2 + epsilon)));
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real
StimulationDislo::computeBeDisplacementAniso(Real b_edge,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real first = 0.0;
first += evalArctan((X[0] + X[1] * this->lambda * cos(this->phi)),
(X[1] * this->lambda * sin(this->phi)));
first += evalArctan((X[0] - X[1] * this->lambda * cos(this->phi)),
(X[1] * this->lambda * sin(this->phi)));
Real q = eval_q_coef(X);
Real t = eval_t_coef(X);
Real c12 = this->elastic_coefs[1];
Real c66 = this->elastic_coefs[12];
Real logvalue = log(q / t);
Real second = (this->c11bar * this->c11bar - c12 * c12) /
(2.0 * this->c11bar * c66 * sin(2.0 * this->phi)) * logvalue;
// Real second = 0.0;
Real res = -1.0 * b_edge / (4.0 * M_PI) * (-1.0 * first + second);
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::computeBeDisplacementIso(Real b_edge,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real first = 0.0;
Real second = 0.0;
Real res = 0.0;
Real c12 = this->elastic_coefs[1];
Real c66 = this->elastic_coefs[12];
first += evalArctan(X[0], X[1]);
first += evalArctan(X[0], X[1]);
second = (this->c11bar * this->c11bar - c12 * c12) /
(4.0 * this->c11bar * c66) *
((2.0 * X[0] * X[1]) / (X[0] * X[0] + X[1] * X[1]));
res = b_edge / (4.0 * M_PI) * (first - second);
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::computeNDisplacement(Real b_edge,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real x_2 = X[0] * X[0];
Real y_2 = X[1] * X[1];
// Real b_edge2 = b_edge*b_edge;
Real epsilon = 1e-15;
// return -b_edge/(2.0*M_PI)*((1-2.0*nu)/(4.0*(1-nu))*(log((x_2 +
// y_2+epsilon)/b_edge2))
// + (x_2 - y_2)/
// (4.0*(1-nu)*(x_2 + y_2+epsilon))
// );
return -b_edge / (2.0 * M_PI) *
((1 - 2.0 * nu) / (4.0 * (1 - nu)) * log(x_2 + y_2 + epsilon) +
(x_2 - y_2) / (4.0 * (1 - nu) * (x_2 + y_2 + epsilon)));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real
StimulationDislo::computeNDisplacementAniso(Real b_edge,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real q = eval_q_coef(X);
Real t = eval_t_coef(X);
Real c12 = this->elastic_coefs[1];
Real first =
(this->c11bar - c12) * cos(this->phi) * log(q * t) / sin(2.0 * this->phi);
Real second =
(this->c11bar + c12) * sin(this->phi) *
(X[1] * X[1] * this->lambda * this->lambda * sin(2.0 * this->phi)),
(X[0] * X[0] -
this->lambda * this->lambda * X[1] * X[1] * cos(2.0 * this->phi))) /
sin(2.0 * this->phi);
Real res =
this->lambda * b_edge / 4.0 / M_PI / this->c11bar * (first + second);
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::computeNDisplacementIso(Real b_edge,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real first = 0.0;
Real second = 0.0;
Real res = 0.0;
Real c12 = this->elastic_coefs[1];
first = (this->c11bar - c12) / 2. * log(X[0] * X[0] + X[1] * X[1]);
second = (this->c11bar + c12) * ((X[1] * X[1]) / (X[0] * X[0] + X[1] * X[1]));
res = b_edge / 4.0 / M_PI * (first + second);
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real StimulationDislo::computeLDisplacement(Real b_screw,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real res = b_screw / (2.0 * M_PI) * (atan2(X[1], X[0]));
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
inline Real
StimulationDislo::computeLDisplacementAniso(Real b_screw,
Vector<_Input::Dim> &X) {
Real c44 = this->elastic_coefs[9];
Real c45 = this->elastic_coefs[10];
Real c55 = this->elastic_coefs[11];
Real res = b_screw / 2.0 / M_PI *
atan2(sqrt(c44 * c55 - c45 * c45) * X[1], c44 * X[0] - c45 * X[1]);
return res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline Real StimulationDislo::computeLinearDisplacement(Real burg, Real *X,
Real xlo, Real xhi) {
Real res = burg / 2. / (xhi - xlo) * (X[0] - xhi);
if (X[1] > 0)
return -1.0 * res;
return 1.0 * res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename _Input>
void StimulationDislo::fix_boundary(typename _Input::Ref &atom,
const Vector<_Input::Dim> &xmin,
const Vector<_Input::Dim> &xmax) {
Real upper_diff =
atom.position()[this->dir_replica] - xmax[this->dir_replica];
Real lower_diff =
atom.position()[this->dir_replica] - xmin[this->dir_replica];
if (fabs(upper_diff) < this->fix_border_tol) {
Vector<_Input::Dim> pos = atom.position();
pos[this->dir_replica] = xmax[this->dir_replica];
atom.position() = pos;
} else if (fabs(lower_diff) < this->fix_border_tol) {
Vector<_Input::Dim> pos = atom.position();
pos[this->dir_replica] = xmin[this->dir_replica];
atom.position() = pos;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename Cont> void StimulationDislo::stimulate(Cont &cont) {
this->stimulate_to_clean(cont, current_stage);
// if (this->fix_border_tol != 0.) {
// for (auto &&at : cont) {
// this->fix_boundary(at, xmin, xmax);
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename Cont>
void StimulationDislo::stimulate_to_clean(Cont &cont, UInt stage) {
constexpr UInt Dim = Cont::Dim;
Cube &cube = cont.getBoundingBox();
__attribute__((unused)) auto &&xmax = cube.getXmax<Cont::Dim>();
__attribute__((unused)) auto &&xmin = cube.getXmin<Cont::Dim>();
auto domainSize = cube.getSize();
Real b_edge;
Real b_screw;
b_edge = burgers * sin(theta * M_PI / 180.0);
b_screw = -burgers * cos(theta * M_PI / 180.0);
// identify the direction of propagation (Be)
Real BeDir0 =
normal_quant[1] * line_dir_quant[2] - normal_quant[2] * line_dir_quant[1];
Real BeDir1 = -(normal_quant[0] * line_dir_quant[2] -
normal_quant[2] * line_dir_quant[0]);
Real BeDir2 =
normal_quant[0] * line_dir_quant[1] - normal_quant[1] * line_dir_quant[0];
Real BeMag = sqrt(BeDir0 * BeDir0 + BeDir1 * BeDir1 + BeDir2 * BeDir2);
BeDir0 /= BeMag;
BeDir1 /= BeMag;
BeDir2 /= BeMag;
// UInt bedir = 4;
// if (fabs(abs(BeDir0) - 1.0) < 1e-4)
// bedir = 0;
// else if (fabs(abs(BeDir1) - 1.0) < 1e-4)
// bedir = 1;
// else if (fabs(abs(BeDir2) - 1.0) < 1e-4)
// bedir = 2;
// else
// LM_FATAL("cannot identify propagation direction");
// this was temporarily commented
// Real xloBe = xmin[bedir];
// Real xhiBe = xmax[bedir];
LM_ASSERT(Dim == 3, "this stimulator works only in 3D");
Cube c = cont.getBoundingBox();
double dipolelength = 0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (this->dipole[i] == 1) {
dipolelength = c.getSize(i);
for (auto &&at : cont) {
auto X0 = at.position0(); // position in physical space
auto X = at.position(); // position in physical space
Vector<Dim> x =
Vector<Dim>::Zero(); // position in the coordinates of the dislo
Vector<Dim> Disp = Vector<Dim>::Zero();
Real disp[3];
for (int rep = -1 * nb_replica; rep < nb_replica + 1; ++rep) {
X = X0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (this->dipole[i] == 1) {
if (X[i] < 0) {
X[i] = -1.0 * (X[i] + (dipolelength / 2.0) * 0.5);
} else {
X[i] = 1.0 * (X[i] - (dipolelength / 2.0) * 0.5);
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
X[i] -= pos[i];
disp[i] = 0.0;
// calculate coordinates of images
if (this->linear == false)
X[dir_replica] += domainSize[dir_replica] * Real(rep);
// rotate point
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
x[i] = 0.0;
for (UInt j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
x[i] += this->rotation_matrix[3 * i + j] * X[j];
if (this->linear == false) {
if (this->aniso) {
// compute anisotropy volterra displacement
// disp[0] = computeBeDisplacementAniso(b_edge, x);
if (rep == 0) {
// disp[1] = computeNDisplacementAniso(b_edge, x);
// disp[2] = computeLDisplacementAniso(b_screw, x);
} else if (this->iso) {
// compute isotropy volterra displacement
// disp[0] = computeBeDisplacementIso(b_edge, x);
if (rep == 0) {
// disp[1] = computeNDisplacementIso(b_edge, x);
// disp[2] = computeLDisplacementAniso(b_screw, x);
} else {
// compute isotropy volterra displacement
// disp[0] = computeBeDisplacement(b_edge, x);
if (rep == 0) {
// disp[1] = computeNDisplacement(b_edge, x);
// disp[2] = computeLDisplacement(b_screw, x);
} else {
// compute linear displacements
// disp[0] = computeLinearDisplacement(b_edge, x, xloBe, xhiBe);
// disp[2] = computeLinearDisplacement(b_screw, x, xloBe, xhiBe);
// compensate accumulated images in x-axis
if ((rep == 0) and (this->linear == false)) {
if (x[1] > 0) {
disp[0] -= Real(nb_replica) * b_edge / 2;
disp[2] -= Real(nb_replica) * b_screw / 2;
} else {
disp[0] += Real(nb_replica) * b_edge / 2;
disp[2] += Real(nb_replica) * b_screw / 2;
// rotate back
for (UInt i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (UInt j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
Disp[i] += this->rotation_matrix[3 * j + i] * disp[j];
if (this->linear)
break; // exit replica for loops
at.position() += Disp;
if ((fabs(at.position0()[0] + 26.3245) < 1e-1) &&
(fabs(at.position0()[1] - 102.843) < 1e-1) &&
(fabs(at.position0()[2] + 22.8263) < 1e-1)) {
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
This stmulation command imposes the Volterra displacement\\
fields of straight screw, edge, or combination of two dislocations\\\\
Displacement field of Screw dislocation:
u_{z}(x, y) = \frac{b}{2\pi} \cdot atan2(y,x)
Displacement fields of Edge dislocation:
u_{x}(x, y) = \frac{b}{2\pi} \cdot
atan2(y,x) + \frac{xy}{2 (1-\nu) (x^2 + y^2)} \right)
u_{y}(x, y) = -\frac{b}{2\pi} \cdot
\frac{1-2\nu}{4(1 - \nu)}\ln(x^2 + y^2)
+ \frac{x^2 - y^2}{4(1-\nu)(x^2 + y^2)}
are introduced.
* POS 0 0 0 REPLICA 10 0 POISSON 0.3468 THETA 180 ONESHOT 0 */
/* LMHERITANCE action_interface */
void StimulationDislo::declareParams() {
Specify the magnitude of Burger's vector
this->parseKeyword("BURGERS", this->burgers);
Specify the coordinates of a point on the dislocation line
this->parseVectorKeyword("POS", 3, this->pos);
Specifies the normal vector to the slip plane
this->parseVectorKeyword("SLIP_PLANE", 3, this->normal_quant);
Specifies the normal vector to the slip plane
this->parseVectorKeyword("LINE_DIR", 3, this->line_dir_quant);
Specify Poisson's ratio of the material
this->parseKeyword("POISSON", this->nu);
// Resolution and width are temporarily taken out, because they don't do
// anything,
// plus, it's not clear how to spread a screw dislo, since it doesn't have a
// slip plane
// Specify the number of increments in the spread of dislocation density
// in
// Z direction
// parseKey word("RESOLUTION",resolution);
// Specify the width of the core dislocation in Z direction
// parseKe yword("WIDTH",width);
Specify the number of replicas in burgers edge components
this->parseKeyword("NB_REPLICA", this->nb_replica);
Specify the direction of replication (X, Y or Z)
this->parseKeyword("DIR_REPLICA", this->dir_replica_char, 'X');
Specify the angle of burgers vector with dislocation line in unit of
For example, 90 and 270 impose pure edge burgers vector,\\
0 and 180 impose pure screw burgers vector, and\\
other angles impose combination of two kinds of burgers vector
this->parseKeyword("THETA", this->theta);
specify a tolerance whithin which border points are forces to be exacly
on the border:
------------- -------------
| | | |
| | | |
/ | => | |
\ | => | |
| | | |
| | | |
------------- -------------
this->parseKeyword("FIX_BORDER_TOL", this->fix_border_tol, 0.);
Specify the direction where the dislocation dipole creation in X, Y or Z.
As results, two dislocation are inserted with full periodicity in all
%% For example, DIPOLE 0 1 0 creates:
%% ------------- -------------
%% | | | |
%% | | | T |
%% | _|_ | => | |
%% | | | _|_ |
%% | | | |
%% ------------- -------------
%% where T and _|_ are same burger vectors with opposite signs.
this->parseVectorKeyword("DIPOLE", 3, this->dipole, VEC_DEFAULTS(0, 0, 0));
Specify the keyword to employ the linear displacement fields instead of
volterra solution
this->parseTag("LINEAR", this->linear, false);
Boolean to set anisotropicity:
[1] Elastic Strain Fields and Dislocation Mobility, Volume 31, J.Lothe
Dislocations in anisotropic media
[2] Plane-strain discrete dislocation plasticity incorporating
elasticity IJSS 48(2), January 2011
this->parseTag("ANISO", this->aniso, false);
Specify the thirteen elastic coefficients
of the constitutive matrix of anisotropic media in the following order:
C11, C12, C13, C21, C22, C23, C31, C32, C33, C44, C45, C55, C66
// this->parseVectorKeyword("ELASTIC_COEFS", 13, this->elastic_coefs);
Boolean to set isotropicity :
[1] Elastic Strain Fields and Dislocation Mobility, Volume 31, J.Lothe
Dislocations in anisotropic media
[2] Plane-strain discrete dislocation plasticity incorporating
elasticity IJSS 48(2), January 2011
this->parseTag("ISO", this->iso, false);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Event Timeline