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No OneTemporary

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Wed, Feb 5, 21:23

`rm -f *.png`;
#use Curses;
$index{"displacement"} = 2;
$index{"velocity"} = 3;
$index{"force"} = 4;
$index{"energydensity"} = 5;
$index{"linecolor"} = 6;
$index{"pointtype"} = 7;
if ((@ARGV[0] ne "")&&(@ARGV[1] ne "")&&(@ARGV[2] ne "")&&(@ARGV[3] ne "")){
$file_list = @ARGV[0];
$ymin = @ARGV[1];
$ymax = @ARGV[2];
$xmin = @ARGV[3];
$xmax = @ARGV[4];
print "Usage : ./ file_list ymin ymax xmin xmax OPTION";
print "\t where OPTION = displacement/velocity/force/energydensity\n";
$option = @ARGV[5];
# read the file_list
$n_models = @models;
for ($k = 0 ; $k < $n_models ; $k = $k+1)
@line = split / / , @models[$k];
$tab_name = "file" . @line[0];
push @modelkey,$line[0];
$hash_model{@line[0]} = $tab_name;
$gmode_model{@line[0]} = @line[1];
if (@line[6] ne ""){
$line_color{@line[0]} = trim(@line[6]);
if (@line[7] ne ""){
$point_type{@line[0]} = trim(@line[7]);
open(FOUT,@line[$index{$option}]) or die "Cannot open file @line[$index{$option}]";
@$tab_name = <FOUT>;
if ($k > 0 && $n_lines != @$tab_name)
print "Files do not correspond to the same simulation\n";
$n_lines = @$tab_name;
#getmaxyx($row, $col);
$j = 0;
for ($k = 0 ; $k < $n_lines ; $k = $k+1,$j = $j + 1)
$fig_handle = sprintf "$option%.4d.png", $j+1;
Dump(3,"Generating $fig_handle [$j/$n_lines]");
$commande = "";
#foreach $key (keys (%hash_model))
foreach (@modelkey)
$key= $_;
$temp= $hash_model{$key};
@val = split /\t/, @$temp[$k];
$nbr_champs = @val;
if ($nbr_champs >= 2) {
@tab = @val;
$file = "temp_$temp";
if ($commande ne ""){
$commande = $commande . ",";
if (($line_color{$key} && $point_type{$key}) ne ""){
$lcolor = $line_color{$key};
$ptype = $point_type{$key};
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key} lc $lcolor pt $ptype";
elsif ($line_color{$key} ne ""){
$lcolor = $line_color{$key};
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key} lc $lcolor";
elsif ($point_type{$key} ne ""){
$ptype = $point_type{$key};
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key} pt $ptype";
#$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with lp";
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key}";
#$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key}" . ",\"temp_$temp\" using 1:3 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key}" ;
if ($option eq "energydensity"){
#$commande = "set logscale x\n" . $commande;
$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"wave number (k)\"\n set logscale x\n set ylabel \"$option\" \nset yrange [$ymin:$ymax] \nset xrange[$xmin:$xmax] \nset terminal pngcairo enhanced size 800,600\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
#$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"wave number (k)\"\n set ylabel \"$option\" \nset yrange [$ymin:$ymax] \nset xrange[$xmin:$xmax] \nset terminal pngcairo\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
#$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"wavelength\"\n set ylabel \"$option\" \nset terminal pngcairo\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"position\"\nset ylabel \"$option\"\nset yrange [$ymin:$ymax]\nset xrange[$xmin:$xmax]\nset terminal pngcairo enhanced size 800,600\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
# $commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"position\"\nset ylabel \"$option\"\nset yrange [$ymin:$ymax]\nset xrange[$xmin:$xmax]
#\nset arrow 1 from -400,-1e-4 to 400,-1e-4\nset arrow 2 to -400,-1e-4 from 400,-1e-4\nset label 1 \"MD zone\" at 0,-2e-4 center
#\nset arrow 3 from 340,-5e-4 to 400,-5e-4\nset arrow 4 to 340,-5e-4 from 400,-5e-4\nset label 2 \"Thermal zone\" at 390,-8e-4 center
#\nset terminal png\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
open(FIN,">commande") or die "Unable to create temp file\n";
print FIN $commande;
`gnuplot commande`;
Dump(3,"figs phase over");
#$str_fig = `ls $option*.fig`;
#@list_fig = split(/\n/,$str_fig);
#foreach my $file_jpg (@list_fig)
# Dump(2,"Converting $file_jpg to $file_jpg.jpg");
# $log = `fig2dev -L jpeg $file_jpg $file_jpg.jpg`;
# print $log;
#Dump(2,"Convert to jpg phase over");
Dump(1,"Generating video (this may take a while...)");
print `mencoder mf://\$option*.png -mf w=800:h=600:type=png:fps=15 -o output$option.avi -ovc lavc`;
#`convert -loop 0 -size 225x150 *.jpg outputd.gif`;
#`rm -f temp* commande *.jpg *.fig`;
# This subroutine extracts displacement or other fields
# as requested by the user using the OPTION keyword.
# It creates the x,y data required for plotting.
sub Compute{
$val = @tab;
$output = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $val/2-1 ; $i = $i+1)
$str_tmp = sprintf "%.15e\t%.15e\n",
@tab[2*$i+1], @tab[2*$i];
$output = $output . $str_tmp;
# write the data to a temp file
open(FIN,">$file") or die "Unable to create temp file\n";
print FIN $output;
sub Dump{
($diff, $text) = @_;
print $text . "\n";
# Declare the subroutines for string manipulations
# Perl trim function to remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Left trim function to remove leading whitespace
sub ltrim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
return $string;
# Right trim function to remove trailing whitespace
sub rtrim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# subroutine to read the file_list
# returns an array with model information
sub read_file
my( $filename ) = shift;
my @lines;
open( FILE, "< $filename" ) or die "Can't open $filename : $!";
while( <FILE> ) {
s/#.*//; # ignore comments by erasing them
next if /^(\s)*$/; # skip blank lines
chomp; # remove trailing newline characters
push @lines, $_; # push the data line onto the array
close FILE;
return @lines; # return array

Event Timeline