if (($line_color{$key} && $point_type{$key}) ne ""){
$lcolor = $line_color{$key};
$ptype = $point_type{$key};
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key} lc $lcolor pt $ptype";
elsif ($line_color{$key} ne ""){
$lcolor = $line_color{$key};
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key} lc $lcolor";
elsif ($point_type{$key} ne ""){
$ptype = $point_type{$key};
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key} pt $ptype";
#$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with lp";
$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key}";
#$commande = $commande . "\"temp_$temp\" using 1:2 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key}" . ",\"temp_$temp\" using 1:3 title '$key' with $gmode_model{$key}" ;
if ($option eq "energydensity"){
#$commande = "set logscale x\n" . $commande;
$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"wave number (k)\"\n set logscale x\n set ylabel \"$option\" \nset yrange [$ymin:$ymax] \nset xrange[$xmin:$xmax] \nset terminal pngcairo enhanced size 800,600\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
#$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"wave number (k)\"\n set ylabel \"$option\" \nset yrange [$ymin:$ymax] \nset xrange[$xmin:$xmax] \nset terminal pngcairo\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;
#$commande = "set title \"frame $k\"\nset xlabel \"wavelength\"\n set ylabel \"$option\" \nset terminal pngcairo\nset output '$fig_handle'\nplot " . $commande;