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No OneTemporary

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Thu, Jul 11, 07:08


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "auto_arguments.hh"
#include "lm_common.hh"
#include "lm_globals.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct CommGroup;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
using dispatch = AutoDispatch::dispatch;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
using enable_if_type = AutoDispatch::enable_if_type<T, Ts...>;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt hash_vector(std::vector<UInt> const &vec) {
std::size_t seed = vec.size();
for (auto &i : vec) {
seed ^= i + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
return seed;
template <typename... Ts> inline UInt hash_releases(Ts... rel) {
return hash_vector(std::vector<UInt>{rel...});
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Class LMObject
* type for objects having a context: string ID, release hash and MPI group.
class LMObject : public AutoDispatch::Argument {
friend class Component;
LMObject(const LMID &id);
static int random_release();
virtual const LMID &getID() const;
virtual void setID(const LMID &id);
//! set the communication group
virtual void setCommGroup(CommGroup &group);
//! return the communication group
CommGroup &getCommGroup() const;
virtual void acquireContext(const LMObject &obj);
//! return actual release
UInt getRelease() const;
//! return actual release
void setRelease(UInt r);
// //! increment the release
// virtual void incRelease();
//! invalidate the object (if component->forces recompute)
virtual void changeRelease();
//! general id
LMID id;
//! general release number
UInt release;
CommGroup *comm_group;

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