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* @file bridging.hh
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @date Fri Jul 11 15:47:44 2014
* @brief Bridging object between atomistic and finite elements
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright INRIA and CEA
* The LibMultiScale is a C++ parallel framework for the multiscale
* coupling methods dedicated to material simulations. This framework
* provides an API which makes it possible to program coupled simulations
* and integration of already existing codes.
* This Project was initiated in a collaboration between INRIA Futurs Bordeaux
* within ScAlApplix team and CEA/DPTA Ile de France.
* The project is now continued at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
* within the LSMS/ENAC laboratory.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "compute_compatibility.hh"
#include "container_array.hh"
#include "dof_association.hh"
#include "filter_geometry.hh"
#include "lib_continuum.hh"
#include "lib_dd.hh"
#include "lib_md.hh"
#include "shape_matrix.hh"
#include "spatial_grid_libmultiscale.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** TODO : review doc */
class Bridging : public DofAssociation {
Bridging(const std::string &name);
virtual ~Bridging();
// return the number of points bridged with elements
UInt getNumberPoints();
// return the number of elements bridged with points
UInt getNumberElems();
// return the number of nodes belonging to elements bridged with points
UInt getNumberNodes();
//! build the full leastsquare matrix (works in sequential only)
// template <typename SparseMatrix>
// void buildLeastSquareMatrix(SparseMatrix &mat);
//! extract identical nodes from the pbc pair lists
void setPBCPairs(std::vector<std::pair<UInt, UInt>> &pairs);
//! attach a vector to bridging zone (sync with point migrations)
void attachVector(ContainerArray<Real> &tab);
//! fill an array with interpolated field on point positions
void mesh2Point(const ContainerArray<Real> &data_node,
ContainerArray<Real> &data_points);
//! fill an array with field interpolated(on points) from mesh
void mesh2Point(FieldType field_type, ContainerArray<Real> &data_node);
//! set a point field from an array
void setPointField(FieldType field, Real val, UInt dim);
//! set a point field from an array
void setPointField(FieldType field, ContainerArray<Real> &buffer);
//! add an array to a point field
void addPointField(FieldType field, ContainerArray<Real> &buffer);
//! set a point field uniformly from a value
void setPointField(FieldType field, Eigen::VectorXd val);
//! set a mesh field from an array
void setMeshField(FieldType field, ContainerArray<Real> &buffer);
//! add a mesh field from an array
void addMeshField(FieldType field, ContainerArray<Real> &buffer);
//! set a mesh field uniformly from a value
void setMeshField(FieldType field, Eigen::VectorXd val);
//! function to call to synch migrated data along with atoms
virtual void updateForMigration();
//! sends the buffer array of atomic DOFs: GROUP_FROM -> GROUP_DEST
void commPoint2Continuum(ContainerArray<Real> &buf);
//! internal function that synch the buffer array of atomic DOFs by sum
void synchSumBuffer(ContainerArray<Real> &buf);
//! sends the buffer array of atomic DOFs: GROUP_DEST -> GROUP_FROM
void commContinuum2Point(ContainerArray<Real> &buf);
void declareParams();
//! filter duplicate owners info from A processors
void filterRejectedContinuumOwners(
std::vector<std::vector<UInt>> &unassociated_points);
//! unfragmenting an attached vector
virtual void UnfragmentArray(std::vector<Real> &, UInt, const char *,
UInt = 1){};
//! cumulate values due to PBC conditions in the case of full scalar matrix
template <typename Matrix> void cumulPBC(Matrix &mat);
//! force slave values to be master values in pbc handling
virtual void copySlaveValues(ContainerArray<Real> &v);
//! Perform a leastsquare on a set of atoms returning and nodal array
virtual void leastSquarePointData(ContainerArray<Real> &v_out,
ContainerArray<Real> &data_atom, UInt nmax);
//! project atomic values on mesh interpolated solution
void projectPointDataOnMesh(ContainerArray<Real> &point_data,
ContainerArray<Real> &continuum_field,
const std::string &message);
//! project atomic values on mesh interpolated solution
void projectPointDataOnMesh(FieldType field, ContainerArray<Real> &buffer);
//! filter an atomic array associated with the detected atoms in the bridging
//! zone
void filterArray(ContainerArray<Real> &array);
//! Init this object : select DOFs, associate them and compute shapematrix
template <typename ContA, typename ContC>
void init(ContA &contA, ContC &contC);
DECORATE_FUNCTION_DISPATCH(solveLeastSquare, ContainerArray<Real>,
ContainerArray<Real>, CONTINUUM)
//! leastsquare optimization returning a nodal array
template <typename ContC>
void solveLeastSquare(ContainerArray<Real> &mesh_data,
ContainerArray<Real> &atomic_data, ContC &meshList);
//! extract identical nodes from the pbc pair lists
template <typename ContC> void buildLocalPBCPairs(ContC &meshList);
//! internal function that filter the interesting MD DOFs and compute weights
template <typename ContA> void buildPointList(ContA &contA);
//! compute the association vector and smatrix
template <typename ContMesh>
void buildShapeMatrix(UInt nb_points, ContMesh &unmatchedMeshList);
DECORATE_FUNCTION_DISPATCH(filterPointListForUnmatched, subMD)
//! filter an atomic container using unmatched points
template <typename ContA> void filterPointListForUnmatched(ContA &pointList);
//! internal function that filter the interesting FE DOFs and compute weights
template <typename ContC> void buildContinuumDOFsList(ContC &contC);
DECORATE_FUNCTION_DISPATCH(filterContainerElems, std::vector<UInt>, CONTINUUM)
//! filter a container (elems_rec or nodes_rec for instance) in order not to
//! take into account unmatched elements/nodes from BuildShapeMatrix
template <typename ContMesh>
void filterContainerElems(std::vector<UInt> &nb_atome_par_element,
ContMesh &contMesh);
//! contains the atoms filtered by geometry
FilterGeometry unmatchedPointList;
//! contains the nodes&elements filtered by geometry
FilterGeometry unmatchedMeshList;
//! contains the atoms to be coupled
OutputContainer &pointList;
//! contains the nodes&elements to be coupled
OutputContainer &meshList;
//! shape matrix (containing interpolation values of the initial atomic sites)
ShapeMatrix smatrix;
//! buffer array to store point quantities
ContainerArray<Real> buffer_for_points;
//! buffer array to store node quantities
ContainerArray<Real> buffer_for_nodes;
//! number of associations made by BuildShapeMatrix method
UInt assoc_found;
//! Container of all elements
OutputContainer &contMesh;
//! grid used to search point <-> association
OutputContainer &grid;
//! flag if in group continuum
bool is_in_continuum;
//! flag if in group atomic
bool is_in_atomic;
// node fusion info for PBC in mesh (temporary)
std::vector<std::pair<UInt, UInt>> local_pbc_pairs;
//! pbc pairs object
std::vector<std::pair<UInt, UInt>> pbc_pairs;
// DECORATE_FUNCTION_DISPATCH(averageOnElements, ContainerArray<Real>,
// ContainerArray<Real>, CONTINUUM)
// //! average point data per elements
// template <typename ContC>
// void averageOnElements(ContainerArray<Real> &data_point,
// ContainerArray<Real> &data_mesh, ContC &meshList);
//! cumulate values due to PBC conditions
// virtual void cumulPBC(ContainerArray<Real> &data);
//! attach a vector to the bridging zone (coherency will thus be maintained
//! through atomic migrations)
// void attachVector(ContainerArray<Real> &tab, const std::string &name);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "bridging_inline_impl.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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