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Mon, May 27, 08:56

* @file
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @author Till Junge <>
* @author Moseley Philip Arthur <>
* @author Jaehyun Cho <>
* @author Max Hodapp <>
* @date Fri Jul 11 15:47:44 2014
* @brief ParaDiS domain
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* LibMultiScale is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* LibMultiScale is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with LibMultiScale. If not, see <>.
/* TODO:
* - the function addHybSegments() is currently a rudimentary implementation
* for simulations containing only one dislocations
* ==> method has to be generalized and additional checks (e.g. if hybrid
* segments are actually self-consistent, etc...) have to be performed to
* improve robustness
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define TIMER
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lm_common.hh"
#define PARALLEL
#include "communicator.hh"
#include "domain_paradis.hh"
#include "field.hh"
#include "geometry_manager.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// ParaDiS includes
extern "C" {
// void TimerClearAll(Home_t *home);
#include "Decomp.h"
#include "Home.h"
#include "Param.h"
#include "Typedefs.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Home_t *InitHome();
void ParadisStep(Home_t *home);
void RemeshAfterCoupling(Home_t *home);
void PointDisplacements(Home_t *home);
void GetFieldPointStress(Home_t *home, real8 x, real8 y, real8 z,
real8 totStress[3][3]);
void RecycleGhostNodes(Home_t *home);
void CommSendGhosts(Home_t *home);
void CommSendVelocity(Home_t *home);
void TrapezoidTimestepIntegrator(Home_t *home);
void ApplyDeltaStress(Home_t *home, real8 deltaStress[3][3]);
void CommSendRemesh(Home_t *home);
#ifdef FPES_ON
#include <fpcontrol.h>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DomainParaDiS::DomainParaDiS(LMID ID, CommGroup &group)
: LMObject(ID), DomainDD<ContainerNodesParaDiS, ContainerElemsParaDiS, 3>(
ID, group) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DomainParaDiS::~DomainParaDiS() {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::remesh() {
// //ParadisStep.c from line 336 to 418
// InitTopologyExemptions(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// ClearOpList(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// SortNodesForCollision(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// SplitMultiNodes(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// CrossSlip(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// HandleCollisions(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// ProximityCollisions(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// #ifdef PARALLEL
// CommSendRemesh(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// #endif
// #endif
// FixRemesh(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// Remesh(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// Migrate(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// #ifdef PARALLEL
// RecycleGhostNodes(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// #endif
// #endif
// SortNativeNodes(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// #ifdef PARALLEL
// CommSendGhosts(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// #endif
// #endif
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::init() {
auto &group = this->getCommGroup();
if (!group.amIinGroup())
const UInt nbprocs = group.size();
// Mostly taken from ParaDiS source files Main.c and ParadisInit.c
std::string dlb_flag = "-r";
std::string datafile_flag = "-d";
std::string ctrlfile_flag = "-c";
std::string fake_argv0 = "IGNORED";
std::string dlb_num;
std::stringstream(dlb_num) << numDLBCycles;
std::vector<const char *> argv({fake_argv0.c_str(), datafile_flag.c_str(),
data_filename.c_str(), dlb_flag.c_str(),
dlb_num.c_str(), ctrlfile_flag.c_str(),
if (mobility_filename != "")
unsigned int argc = argv.size();
/* On some systems, the getrusage() call made by Meminfo() to get
* the memory resident set size does not work properly. In those
* cases, the function will try to return the current heap size
* instead. This initial call allows meminfo() to get a copy of
* the original heap pointer so subsequent calls can calculate the
* heap size by taking the difference of the original and current
* heap pointers.
/* On linux systems (e.g. MCR) if built to have floating point exceptions
* turned on, invoke macro to do so
#ifdef FPES_ON
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr = InitHome();
TimerStart(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, TOTAL_TIME);
TimerStart(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, INITIALIZE);
if (group.getMyRank() == 0)
std::cout << "BEGIN: Initialize ParaDiS on " << nbprocs << " processors."
<< std::endl;
Initialize(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, argc, const_cast<char **>(&argv[0]),
if (std::string(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->timestepIntegrator) !=
"trapezoidtimestep") {
LM_FATAL("The timestep integrator for ParaDiS needs to be "
<< "\"trapezoidtimestep\" in order for ParaDis to work with "
<< "LibMultiscale. You specified \"timestepIntegrator = "
<< ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->timestepIntegrator
<< "\" in the control file \"" << control_filename << "\".");
TimerStop(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, INITIALIZE);
if (nbprocs > 1)
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->timeMax = this->timestep;
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->cycle = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->cycleStart;
* Perform the needed number (if any) of load-balance-only
* steps before doing the main processing loop. These steps
* perform only the minimal amount of stuff needed to
* estimate per-process load, move boundaries and migrate
* nodes among processsors to get a good initial balance.
time_t tp;
int initialDLBCycles = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->numDLBCycles;
TimerStart(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, INITIALIZE);
if ((ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->myDomain == 0) && (initialDLBCycles != 0)) {
DUMP(" +++ Beginning " << initialDLBCycles << " load-balancing steps at "
<< asctime(localtime(&tp)),
while (ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->numDLBCycles > 0) {
if ((ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->myDomain == 0) && (initialDLBCycles != 0)) {
DUMP(" +++ Completed load-balancing steps at " << asctime(localtime(&tp)),
TimerStop(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, INITIALIZE);
* Any time spent doing the initial DLB-only steps should
* just be attributed to initialization time, so be sure to
* reset the other timers before going into the main
* computational loop
* The cycle number has been incremented during the initial
* load-balance steps, and previous steps so reset it to the
* proper startingvalue before entering the main processing loop.
* In paradis, cycle uses 1-based indexing.
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->cycle = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->cycleStart;
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->cycleLMS = 1;
// Debug tests.
unsigned int counter = 0;
DUMP("Printing all initial ParaDiS nodes...", DBG_INFO);
for (auto &&node : this->container_dd.getContainerNodes()) {
DUMP("Processor " << lm_my_proc_id << ", Node " << ++counter << "("
<< node.position() << ")",
if (ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->myDomain == 0)
DUMP("END: Initialize ParaDiS on " << nbprocs << " processors.",
if (ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->maxDT != this->timestep)
DUMP("Careful the timestep set by paradis is not the same "
"as the one described by libmultiscale: "
<< this->timestep
<< " != " << ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->maxDT,
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->maxDT = this->timestep;
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->deltaTT = this->timestep;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::updatePosition() {
// This is the time during the internal time steping loop
auto &timeLMSCycle = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->timeLMSCycle;
timeLMSCycle = 0.;
// This is the maximal time jump
auto &timeMax = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->timeMax;
Because of collisions, ParaDiS tends to decrease the timestep.
At the provided frequency, LibMultiScale will attempt to reset the
timestep to the desired value (specified by the keyword TIMESTEP)
if (current_step % timestep_reset_frequency == 0) {
ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->nextDT = this->timestep;
// Perform leap steps until timeMax is reached
while (timeLMSCycle < timeMax) {
// the global cycle counter is managed by LM: increment it
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::updateGradient() {
auto home = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr;
// Calculate the net charge tensor for each cell (includes global comm)
// compute the forces on all nodes
NodeForce(home, FULL);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::enforceCompatibility() {
// copy back the positions to the nodal representation
auto &nodes = this->getContainer().getContainerNodes();
for (auto &&[pos, nd] : zip(positions.rowwise(), nodes)) {
nd.position() = pos;
auto home = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr;
/* In some simulations, it is necessary to recalculate and distribute
* the glide plane infromation for segments after the nodes have been
* repositioned. Do so now if needed.
/* Increment the per-burgers vector density gain/loss with
* changes for this cycle. This must be done immediately
* after timestep integration!
* Note: This is currently only applicable to BCC simulations.
// Calculate the new plastic strain.
/* The call to GenerateOutput will update the time and cycle counters,
* determine if any output needs to be generated at this stage, and
* call the appropriate I/O functions if necessary.
GenerateOutput(home, STAGE_CYCLE);
/* Before doing topological changes, set flags indicating any
* nodes exempt from topological changes. These flags are used
* in both splitting multi-arm nodes and collisions, so this
* function should be invoked before either of those items are done.
/* Now do all the topological changes from segment interactions
* (collisions, multinode splitting)... Clear the list of local
* operations that will be sent to the remote domains for processsing,
* then split any multi-arm nodes that need splitting, cross slip
* nodes (as needed/allowed), handle all local collisions, then
* send remote nodes the list of ops needed to keep their data in sync.
/* Call a generic cross-slip dispatch function that will call
* (if necessary) the cross-slip function appropriate to the
* type of material in use.
/* Search for dislocation segments in close proximity to each other
* and if necessary handle any collision between them.
/* Under certain circumstances, parallel topological changes can
* create double links between nodes; links which can not be detected
* until after FixRemesh() is called... so, a quick check has to be
* done to clean up these potential double-links here, or they will
* cause problems later on. Should only have to check nodes local
* to this domain.
Node_t *node;
for (int i = 0; i < home->newNodeKeyPtr; i++) {
if ((node = home->nodeKeys[i]) == (Node_t *)NULL)
(void)RemoveDoubleLinks(home, node, 0);
node->flags &= ~NODE_CHK_DBL_LINK;
// Invoke mesh coarsen/refine
Real deltaStress[3][3];
// Define load curve and calculate change in applied stress this cycle
LoadCurve(home, deltaStress);
/* This is only needed when we do force calcs for only
* a subset of the nodes at the beginning of the timestep. It will
* adjust the nodal forces based on the current delta stress and
* recalculate the nodal velocities so we have more accurate values
* when we enter the timestep integrator at the beginning of the next
* cycle.
ApplyDeltaStress(home, deltaStress);
/* If necessary, use the current load data to generate a new
* domain decomposition to rebalance the workload among the
* processors.
Rebalance(home, DLB_USE_WALLCLK_TIME);
/* Send any nodes that have moved beyond the domain's
* boundaries to the domain the node now belongs to.
// Recycle all the ghost nodes: move them back to the free Queue
// Sort the native nodes into their proper subcells.
// Communicate ghost cells to/from neighbor domains
#ifdef NAN_CHECK
/* For debug only: Abort if any of the nodes have position or
* velocity values that are NaNs or infinites. Be sure to do this
* before we write the restart files so we don't get bad data
* in the restart.
/* If memory debugging is enabled, run a consistency check on all
* allocated memory blocks looking for corruption in any of the
* block headers or trailers.
#ifdef DEBUG_MEM
CheckMemUsage(home, "ParadisStep-complete");
/* Zero out the count of force calculations done this cycle
* so the load-balancing in the next step is based on accurate
* values.
home->cycleForceCalcCount = 0;
// For Debugging and testing only...
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::updateAcceleration() {
auto &nodes = this->getContainer().getContainerNodes();
if (nodes.size() == accelerations.rows())
accelerations.resize(nodes.size(), 3);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void DomainParaDiS::updateVelocity() {
// it is wrongly named, as it updates velocity
bool doAll = true;
auto home = ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr;
auto mobIterError = CalcNodeVelocities(home, 0, doAll);
if (mobIterError != 0) {
DUMP("velocity could not be computed: " << mobIterError, DBG_WARNING);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
ArrayView DomainParaDiS::primal() {
auto &nodes = this->getContainer().getContainerNodes();
positions.resize(nodes.size(), 3);
for (auto &&[pos, nd] : zip(positions.rowwise(), nodes)) {
pos = Vector<3>(nd.position());
return ArrayView(, positions.rows(), positions.cols());
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
ArrayView DomainParaDiS::primalTimeDerivative() {
auto &nodes = this->getContainer().getContainerNodes();
velocities.resize(nodes.size(), 3);
for (auto &&[vel, nd] : zip(velocities.rowwise(), nodes)) {
vel = Vector<3>(nd.velocity());
return ArrayView(, velocities.rows(), velocities.cols());
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
ArrayView DomainParaDiS::acceleration() {
return ArrayView(, accelerations.rows(),
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void DomainParaDiS::imageForce(const double *position, const double *normal,
double *force) {
/*computes the image forces on a interface given by it's normal vector and
position needed for basic CADD
unsigned int n_dim = 3;
double totStress[3][3];
GetFieldPointStress(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, position[0], position[1],
position[2], totStress);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_dim; ++i) {
force[i] = 0.;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_dim; ++j) {
force[i] += totStress[i][j] * normal[j];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Configure segment connecting two nodes */
void setNodeArm(Node_t *nh_src, Node_t *nh_dst, const UInt idxArmSrc,
const UInt idxArmDst, const Real *burgersVec,
const Real *gpNormVec) {
/* Source node */
nh_src->nbrTag[idxArmSrc].domainID = nh_dst->myTag.domainID;
nh_src->nbrTag[idxArmSrc].index = nh_dst->myTag.index;
nh_src->burgX[idxArmSrc] = burgersVec[0];
nh_src->burgY[idxArmSrc] = burgersVec[1];
nh_src->burgZ[idxArmSrc] = burgersVec[2];
nh_src->nx[idxArmSrc] = gpNormVec[0];
nh_src->ny[idxArmSrc] = gpNormVec[1];
nh_src->nz[idxArmSrc] = gpNormVec[2];
/* Distributive node */
nh_dst->nbrTag[idxArmDst].domainID = nh_src->myTag.domainID;
nh_dst->nbrTag[idxArmDst].index = nh_src->myTag.index;
nh_dst->burgX[idxArmDst] = -burgersVec[0];
nh_dst->burgY[idxArmDst] = -burgersVec[1];
nh_dst->burgZ[idxArmDst] = -burgersVec[2];
nh_dst->nx[idxArmDst] = gpNormVec[0];
nh_dst->ny[idxArmDst] = gpNormVec[1];
nh_dst->nz[idxArmDst] = gpNormVec[2];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Orthogonal projection of a node onto the glide plane */
inline void projectNodeOnGP(Node_t *nh_src, // source node
Node_t *nh_dst, // inheriting node
const UInt idxArmSrc) // arm index of source node
// connecting to the
// inheriting node
Real alpha = nh_src->nx[idxArmSrc] * (nh_src->x - nh_dst->x) +
nh_src->ny[idxArmSrc] * (nh_src->y - nh_dst->y) +
nh_src->nz[idxArmSrc] * (nh_src->z - nh_dst->z);
nh_dst->x += alpha * nh_src->nx[idxArmSrc];
nh_dst->y += alpha * nh_src->ny[idxArmSrc];
nh_dst->z += alpha * nh_src->nz[idxArmSrc];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Add hybrid segments to an existing DD line crossing an interface */
// NOTE: test version --> the method assumes that the mesh struct carries only
// 1 dislocation!! NOTE: it is further assumed that the node of hybrid DD line
// in the continuum
// connecting to a node in the atomistic domain remains the nearest node
// to the interface during a simulation!
// NOTE: there is no particular check performed if "continuum" DD nodes
// previously connected to a DD node in the atomistic domain retain the
// this connectivity!!!
// NOTE:
// void DomainParaDiS::addHybSegments(
// std::vector<RefPointData<3>> &positions, // DD nodes in an atomistic
// domain
// std::vector<RefGenericElem<3>>
// &conn, // connectivity between DD nodes in the atomistic
// domain
// Real threshold) // max. distance between two adjacent DD nodes possibly
// // generating a hybrid segment
// {
// UInt nb_points = positions.size();
// Real dist;
// Real pos_ato[3], pos_con[3];
// Real burgersVec[3], gpNormVec[3];
// // Containers/Lists
// std::vector<UInt> numNbrs;
// // ParaDis
// Node_t *nh, *nh_conInt1 = NULL, *nh_conInt2 = NULL;
// // ParaDis - Iterators
// std::vector<Node_t *>::iterator nh_it;
// /*
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// // Delete all existing DD segments in the atomistic domain
// // NOTE: the FreeNode() function doesn't remove the segments associated
// with
// // the node to delete
// // --> more precisely, they are not deallocated
// // --> this is of no particular issue since one can call
// // ReallocNodeArms() in step 3)
// for (nh_it = created_nodes.begin(); nh_it != created_nodes.end();
// ++nh_it)
// {
// FreeNode(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, (*nh_it)->myTag.index);
// }
// created_nodes.clear();
// /*
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* 1) Import new nodes in ParaDis */
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_points; ++i) {
// nh = GetNewNativeNode(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr);
// auto &&pos = positions[i].position();
// nh->x = pos[0];
// nh->y = pos[1];
// nh->z = pos[2];
// nh->native = 1;
// nh->constraint =
// PINNED_NODE; // nodes in an atomistic domain remain always fixed
// nh->oldvX = 0.0;
// nh->oldvY = 0.0;
// nh->oldvZ = 0.0;
// AssignNodeToCell(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr, nh);
// created_nodes.push_back(nh);
// }
// numNbrs.resize(created_nodes.size());
// /*
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* 2) Find nearest neighbor(s) in the continuum */
// // 2.1) First node
// nh = created_nodes[0];
// pos_ato[0] = nh->x;
// pos_ato[1] = nh->y;
// pos_ato[2] = nh->z;
// for (nh_it = this->nh_l_conInt.begin(); nh_it != this->nh_l_conInt.end();
// ++nh_it) {
// // Position of "continuum" node
// pos_con[0] = (*nh_it)->x;
// pos_con[1] = (*nh_it)->y;
// pos_con[2] = (*nh_it)->z;
// // Compute the distance between the continuum and the
// dist = sqrt((pos_ato[0] - pos_con[0]) * (pos_ato[0] - pos_con[0]) +
// (pos_ato[1] - pos_con[1]) * (pos_ato[1] - pos_con[1]) +
// (pos_ato[2] - pos_con[2]) * (pos_ato[2] - pos_con[2]));
// // If distance is smaller than a prescribed threshold
// // --> mark the node as a neighbor of the first "atomistic" DD node
// if (dist < threshold) {
// nh_conInt1 = *nh_it;
// numNbrs[0] = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// // 2.2) Last node
// nh = created_nodes[nb_points - 1];
// pos_ato[0] = nh->x;
// pos_ato[1] = nh->y;
// pos_ato[2] = nh->z;
// for (nh_it = this->nh_l_conInt.begin(); nh_it != this->nh_l_conInt.end();
// ++nh_it) {
// // Position of "continuum" node
// pos_con[0] = (*nh_it)->x;
// pos_con[1] = (*nh_it)->y;
// pos_con[2] = (*nh_it)->z;
// // Compute the distance between the continuum and the
// dist = sqrt((pos_ato[0] - pos_con[0]) * (pos_ato[0] - pos_con[0]) +
// (pos_ato[1] - pos_con[1]) * (pos_ato[1] - pos_con[1]) +
// (pos_ato[2] - pos_con[2]) * (pos_ato[2] - pos_con[2]));
// // If distance is smaller than a prescribed threshold// // -->
// mark the node as a neighbor of the last "atomistic" DD node if (dist <
// threshold) {
// nh_conInt2 = *nh_it;
// numNbrs[nb_points - 1] = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// /*
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// /* 3) Import connectivity and allocate memory for segment info */
// UInt nb_elem = conn.size();
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_elem; ++i) {
// RefGenericElem<3> &el = conn[i];
// LM_ASSERT(el.conn.size() == 2,
// "we cannot add other things than segments to DD model");
// for (UInt n = 0; n < 2; ++n) {
// UInt nd = el.conn[n];
// ++numNbrs[nd];
// }
// }
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_points; ++i) {
// ReallocNodeArms(created_nodes[i], numNbrs[i]);
// // AllocNodeArms(newNode, numNbrs[i]);
// numNbrs[i] = 0;
// }
// /*
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* 4) Connect atomistic and continuum DD line */
// // 4.1) First interface node in the continuum connects to the atomistic
// DD
// // line
// if ((nh_conInt1 != NULL) && (nh_conInt2 == NULL)) {
// // Get the Burgers vector of the dislocation
// burgersVec[0] = nh_conInt1->burgX[0];
// burgersVec[1] = nh_conInt1->burgY[0];
// burgersVec[2] = nh_conInt1->burgZ[0];
// // Get the normal vector of the glide plane
// gpNormVec[0] = nh_conInt1->nx[0];
// gpNormVec[1] = nh_conInt1->ny[0];
// gpNormVec[2] = nh_conInt1->nz[0];
// // Re-allocate memory for the hybrid segment if necessary (--> should
// only
// // be done once before the first iteration)
// if (nh_conInt1->numNbrs < 2) {
// ReallocNodeArms(nh_conInt1, 2);
// nh_conInt1->constraint = UNCONSTRAINED;
// }
// // Establish connectivity between nodes in the continuum and the
// atomistic
// // domain ...
// setNodeArm(nh_conInt1, created_nodes[0], 1, 0, burgersVec, gpNormVec);
// // // ... and set homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on the other
// node
// // (--> u=0 <=> pinned node)
// // created_nodes[nb_points-1]->constraint = PINNED_NODE;
// // Project atomistic DD node on the glide plane
// projectNodeOnGP(nh_conInt1, created_nodes[0], 1);
// ++numNbrs[0];
// }
// // 4.2) Last interface node in the continuum connects to the atomistic DD
// line
// else if ((nh_conInt1 == NULL) && (nh_conInt2 != NULL)) {
// // Get the Burgers vector of the dislocation
// burgersVec[0] = nh_conInt2->burgX[0];
// burgersVec[1] = nh_conInt2->burgY[0];
// burgersVec[2] = nh_conInt2->burgZ[0];
// // Get the normal vector of the glide plane
// gpNormVec[0] = nh_conInt2->nx[0];
// gpNormVec[1] = nh_conInt2->ny[0];
// gpNormVec[2] = nh_conInt2->nz[0];
// // Re-allocate memory for the hybrid segment if necessary (--> should
// only
// // be done once before the first iteration)
// if (nh_conInt2->numNbrs < 2) {
// ReallocNodeArms(nh_conInt2, 2);
// nh_conInt2->constraint = UNCONSTRAINED;
// }
// // Establish connectivity between nodes in the continuum and the
// atomistic
// // domain ...
// setNodeArm(nh_conInt2, created_nodes[nb_points - 1], 1, 0, burgersVec,
// gpNormVec);
// // // ... and set homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on the other
// node
// // (--> u=0 <=> pinned node)
// // created_nodes[0]->constraint = PINNED_NODE;
// // Project atomistic DD node on the glide plane
// projectNodeOnGP(nh_conInt2, created_nodes[nb_points - 1], 1);
// ++numNbrs[nb_points - 1];
// }
// // 4.3) Both interfaces nodes in the continuum connects to the atomistic
// DD
// // line
// else if ((nh_conInt1 != NULL) && (nh_conInt2 != NULL)) {
// // Get the Burgers vector of the dislocation
// burgersVec[0] = nh_conInt1->burgX[0];
// burgersVec[1] = nh_conInt1->burgY[0];
// burgersVec[2] = nh_conInt1->burgZ[0];
// // Get the normal vector of the glide plane
// gpNormVec[0] = nh_conInt1->nx[0];
// gpNormVec[1] = nh_conInt1->ny[0];
// gpNormVec[2] = nh_conInt1->nz[0];
// // Re-allocate memory for the hybrid segment if necessary (--> should
// only
// // be done once before the first iteration)
// if (nh_conInt1->numNbrs < 2) {
// ReallocNodeArms(nh_conInt1, 2);
// nh_conInt1->constraint = UNCONSTRAINED;
// }
// if (nh_conInt2->numNbrs < 2) {
// ReallocNodeArms(nh_conInt2, 2);
// nh_conInt2->constraint = UNCONSTRAINED;
// }
// // Establish connectivity between nodes in the continuum and the
// atomistic
// // domain
// setNodeArm(nh_conInt1, created_nodes[0], 1, 0, burgersVec, gpNormVec);
// setNodeArm(nh_conInt2, created_nodes[nb_points - 1], 1, 0, burgersVec,
// gpNormVec);
// // Project atomistic DD nodes on the glide plane
// projectNodeOnGP(nh_conInt1, created_nodes[0], 1);
// projectNodeOnGP(nh_conInt1, created_nodes[nb_points - 1], 1);
// ++numNbrs[0];
// ++numNbrs[nb_points - 1];
// } else {
// LM_FATAL(std::endl
// << "Hybrid dislocation failed to connect!!" << std::endl);
// }
// /*
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* 5) Now connect the remainder of the hybrid dislocation line in the
// * atomistic domain */
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_elem; ++i) {
// // Get connectivity
// RefGenericElem<3> &el = conn[i];
// UInt idxNhSrc = el.conn[0];
// UInt idxNhDst = el.conn[1];
// UInt &idxArmSrc = numNbrs[idxNhSrc];
// UInt &idxArmDst = numNbrs[idxNhDst];
// // Update arm information for each node of segment i
// setNodeArm(created_nodes[idxNhSrc], created_nodes[idxNhDst], idxArmSrc,
// idxArmDst, burgersVec, gpNormVec);
// // Project atomistic DD node on the glide plane
// projectNodeOnGP(created_nodes[idxNhSrc], created_nodes[idxNhDst],
// idxArmSrc);
// ++idxArmSrc;
// ++idxArmDst;
// }
// }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
UInt DomainParaDiS::getNBNodes() {
return this->container_dd.getContainerNodes().size();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Real DomainParaDiS::getShearModulus() {
return ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->shearModulus;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
VectorProxy<3u> DomainParaDiS::getXmin() {
return VectorProxy<3u>(
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
VectorProxy<3u> DomainParaDiS::getXmax() {
return VectorProxy<3u>(
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void DomainParaDiS::freenodearm(UInt index) {
Node_t node = *ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->nodeKeys[index];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void DomainParaDiS::freenode(UInt index) {
Node_t node = *ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->nodeKeys[index];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
bool DomainParaDiS::is_it_bound() {
// ContainerParaDiSNode::iterator dbgNodes =
// this->getContainerNodes().begin();
// UInt counter = 0;
// for(RefParaDiSNode node=dbgNodes.getFirst(); !dbgNodes.end();
// node=dbgNodes.getNext()){
// ++counter;
// }
return this->boundary;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Cube DomainParaDiS::getDomainBoundingBox() const {
Cube c;
c.getXmin() = VectorView<3>(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->minCoordinates);
c.getXmax() = VectorView<3>(ParaDiSHome::paradis_ptr->param->maxCoordinates);
return c;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Cube DomainParaDiS::getSubDomainBoundingBox() const { LM_TOIMPLEMENT; }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::setDomainBoundingBox(const Cube &) { LM_TOIMPLEMENT; }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DomainParaDiS::setSubDomainBoundingBox(const Cube &) { LM_TOIMPLEMENT; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
This section is used to configure the ParaDiS plugin
Section MultiScale AtomsUnits\\
GEOMETRY 1 CUBE BBOX -10 10 -10 10 -10 10
MODEL PARADIS dislomodel \\
endSection\\ \\
Section PARADIS:dislomodel RealUnits \\
CONTROLFILE frank_read_src.ctrl \\
TIMESTEP 1e-10 \\
/* LMHERITATE domain_dd */
void DomainParaDiS::declareParams() {
DomainDD<ContainerNodesParaDiS, ContainerElemsParaDiS, 3>::declareParams();
Set the maximum time step used for ParaDiS
this->parseKeyword("TIMESTEP", timestep);
Because of collisions, ParaDiS tends to decrease the timestep.
At the provided frequency, LibMultiScale will attempt to reset the
timestep to the desired value (specified by the keyword TIMESTEP)
this->parseKeyword("TIMESTEP_RESET_FREQ", this->timestep_reset_frequency,
Number of dynamic load balancing steps
this->parseKeyword("NUMDLBSTEPS", numDLBCycles);
Path to the ParaDiS control file
this->parseKeyword("CONTROLFILE", control_filename);
Path to the ParaDis data file
this->parseKeyword("DATAFILE", data_filename);
Mobility input acquired from MD
this->parseKeyword("MOBILITYFILE", mobility_filename, "");
Constraint boundary to mimic grain boundary
Deprecated option: use a stimulator instead.
this->parseTag("BOUNDARY", this->boundary, false);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

Event Timeline