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* @file lm_parser_inline_impl.hh
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @date Thu Jul 24 14:21:58 2014
* @brief This is the central parser for LM
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* LibMultiScale is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* LibMultiScale is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with LibMultiScale. If not, see <>.
#include "lm_parser.hh"
#include <memory>
// backward declaration
namespace pybind11 {
class object;
class dict;
} // namespace pybind11
namespace py = pybind11;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T> inline UInt parseNumber(T &d, std::stringstream &line) {
std::string buffer;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(buffer, line);
Real res;
bool alg_parsed = false;
try {
alg_parsed = Parser::math_parser.parse(buffer, res);
} catch (std::string mess) {
LM_FATAL(Parser::getParserState() << std::endl
<< "\"" << line.str() << "\"" << std::endl
<< mess);
if (!alg_parsed) {
std::stringstream sbuf(buffer);
sbuf >> res;
if (
<< std::endl
<< "\"" << line.str() << "\"" << std::endl
<< "could not parse " << line.str().substr(line.tellg())
<< " or " << buffer);
d = static_cast<T>(res);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <> inline UInt parseNumber<bool>(bool &d, std::stringstream &line) {
try {
std::string buffer;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(buffer, line);
std::transform(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), buffer.begin(), ::tolower);
if (buffer == "true")
d = true;
else if (buffer == "false")
d = false;
else if (buffer == "1")
d = true;
else if (buffer == "0")
d = false;
else {
d = !d;
return 0;
return nb;
} catch (...) {
d = !d;
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(std::string &val, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
return Parser::strNext(val, line);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<not std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, UInt>
_parse(T &val, std::stringstream &line, UInt n_entries = 0);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline std::enable_if_t<
std::is_arithmetic<T>::value and not std::is_same<T, char>::value, UInt>
_parse(T &val, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
return parseNumber<T>(val, line);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class Component;
UInt _parse(Component &comp, std::stringstream &line, UInt n_entries = 0);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
UInt _parse(std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<pybind11::object>> val,
std::stringstream &line, UInt n_entries = 0);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(char &val, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
std::string buffer;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(buffer, line);
std::stringstream sbuf(buffer);
sbuf >> val;
if (
<< std::endl
<< "\"" << line.str() << "\"" << std::endl
<< "could not parse " << line.str().substr(line.tellg()) << " or "
<< buffer);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline UInt _parse(std::vector<T> &vec, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
T tmp;
UInt nb_word = _parse(tmp, line);
return nb_word;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <UInt nb, typename T>
inline UInt _parse_vector(T &val, std::stringstream &line, UInt n_entries) {
UInt nb_word = 0;
using type = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(val[0])>::type;
type tmp = type();
if (n_entries > int(nb))
LM_FATAL("invalid vector size: " << n_entries << " > " << nb);
UInt size = nb;
if (n_entries > 0)
size = n_entries;
for (UInt i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
nb_word += _parse(tmp, line);
val[i] = tmp;
return nb_word;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T, UInt nb>
inline UInt _parse(Vector<nb, T> &val, std::stringstream &line,
UInt n_entries = 0) {
return _parse_vector<nb>(val, line, n_entries);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <PhysicalQuantity q, typename T, UInt nb>
inline UInt _parse(Quantity<q, nb, T> &val, std::stringstream &line,
UInt n_entries = 0) {
return _parse_vector<nb>(val, line, n_entries);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <PhysicalQuantity q, typename T>
inline UInt _parse(PhysicalScalar<q, T> &val, std::stringstream &line,
UInt = 0) {
Real tmp;
UInt nb = _parse(tmp, line);
val = tmp * Parser::units_converter.getConversion<q>();
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(IntegrationSchemeMask &mask, std::stringstream &line,
UInt = 0) {
IntegrationSchemeMask value;
std::string read_stage;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(read_stage, line);
if (read_stage == "PRE_DUMP")
value = PRE_DUMP;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP1")
value |= PRE_STEP1;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP2")
value |= PRE_STEP2;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP3")
value |= PRE_STEP3;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP4")
value |= PRE_STEP4;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP5")
value |= PRE_STEP5;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP6")
value |= PRE_STEP6;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_STEP7")
value |= PRE_STEP7;
else if (read_stage == "PRE_FATAL")
value |= PRE_FATAL;
else {
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << read_stage;
nb += parseNumber(value, sstr);
mask |= value;
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(UnitSystem &usys, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
std::string name;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(name, line);
if (name == "SIUnits")
usys = si_unit_system;
else if (name == "RealUnits")
usys = real_unit_system;
else if (name == "MetalUnits")
usys = metal_unit_system;
LM_FATAL("unknown Units system " << name);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T, UInt nb>
inline UInt _parse(T (&val)[nb], std::stringstream &line, UInt n_entries = 0) {
return _parse_vector<nb>(val, line, n_entries);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(FieldType &ftype, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
std::string name;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(name, line);
if (name == "position0")
ftype = _position0;
else if (name == "position")
ftype = _position;
else if (name == "displacement")
ftype = _displacement;
else if (name == "velocity")
ftype = _velocity;
else if (name == "force")
ftype = _force;
else if (name == "temperature")
ftype = _temperature;
else if (name == "grouprank")
ftype = _grouprank;
else if (name == "stress")
ftype = _stress;
else if (name == "strain")
ftype = _strain;
else if (name == "epot")
ftype = _epot;
else if (name == "burgers")
ftype = _burgers;
else if (name == "normal")
ftype = _normal;
else if (name == "torque")
ftype = _torque;
else if (name == "angular_velocity")
ftype = _angular_velocity;
else if (name == "angular_acceleration")
ftype = _angular_acceleration;
LM_FATAL("unknown field type " << name);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(Operator &op, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
std::string name;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(name, line);
if (name == "NONE")
op = OP_NONE;
else if (name == "AVERAGE")
else if (name == "DENSITY")
else if (name == "DEVIATION")
else if (name == "MAX")
op = OP_MAX;
else if (name == "MIN")
op = OP_MIN;
else if (name == "SUM")
op = OP_SUM;
LM_FATAL("unknown operator " << name);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(LatticeType &ltype, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
std::string name;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(name, line);
if (name == "mono_atom_1d")
ltype = mono_atom_1d;
else if (name == "hex_2d")
ltype = hex_2d;
else if (name == "hex_2d_radial")
ltype = hex_2d_radial;
else if (name == "fcc_3d")
ltype = fcc_3d;
LM_FATAL("unknown lattice type " << name);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline UInt _parse(DOFType &dt, std::stringstream &line, UInt = 0) {
std::string name;
UInt nb = Parser::strNext(name, line);
if (name == "dt_master")
dt = dt_master;
else if (name == "dt_slave")
dt = dt_slave;
else if (name == "dt_pbc_master")
dt = dt_pbc_master;
else if (name == "dt_pbc_slave")
dt = dt_pbc_slave;
else if (name == "dt_all")
dt = dt_all;
LM_FATAL("unknown DOFType " << name);
return nb;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// inline UInt _parse(char &val, std::stringstream &line) {
// std::string val_str;
// UInt nb = Parser::strNext(val_str, line);
// if (val_str.size() != 1) {
// LM_THROW("takes only one character");
// }
// val = val_str[0];
// return nb;
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline UInt Parser::parse(T &var, std::stringstream &line, UInt n_entries) {
return _parse(var, line, n_entries);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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