.. _l0: Oncilla L0 ========== The Oncilla L0 joint represents the adduction-abduction scapula joint. It can be controlled in position and sense forces along the legs. Joint space control and force sensing of L0: .. code-block:: cpp :emphasize-lines: 5,7, 9 Oncilla oncilla; // get robot instance L0::Ptr left_fore_hip = oncilla.getL0(LEFT_FORE); // get left fore l0 joint JointAnglesPtr command = JointAngles::fromRad(3.14); // in radians left_fore_hip->setJointPosition(command); // send new command std::cout << left_fore_hip->getJointPosition(); // get current position std::cout << left_fore_hip->getForces(); // get current force sensing Refer to the API documentation of `rci::oncilla::OncillaL0 `_ for the full technical interface of these joints.